Mobius_racetrack22 ago

Off with their heads

smokemirrors ago

West Coast or East? I know of similar happenings at another establishment but not private; state.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Wow, pedos are everywhere!!

MAGABoomer ago

yes, my friend found that easy to do. COC is really important when trying for solid convictions. As you can tell even with solid COC there's barely any punishment.

gurneyx ago

this is shit we need to post on our facebook and twitter. I posted this and i think it opened some eyes. It actually starts the dialogue we need to start posting all these non major player busts to our social media to show people whats going on. People will believe these!

MAGABoomer ago

Yes before the Internet the USPS used to be the front line defense.

People who deal in this shit are actually that stupid. Please see how these guys each got caught.

It is true they can and will arrest you if they find it on your computer. However in charges they have to assert COC because let's face it a angry wife could easily set up a husband. There's more to proof than just finding it. SOURCE me who has friend who was found NG of KP because he didn't DL it, and was actually set up.

There are indeed ways NOT to get caught. But as one can tell, there's way more ways to fuck up and get caught.

MAGABoomer ago you realize they can prove that you browsed and DL this shit yourself? I just had my computer forensically analyzed by one of the foremost computer forensic companies in the entire world. A complete and total cloak and dagger operation. Literally..sent a courier to get my computer. Since I know how this actually works rather than talking on the Internet and pretending I do, I alerted my case manager that there may be some images of KP on my computer, although I made sure only to screen cap as basic user stuff as possible during Twittergate one can never be sure. I then went on to explain to him the context. I also told him I had deleted the screen caps when it became clear Twitter was going to do nothing about it.

WHY did I do that? Because I know what they can find and how they find it. IF they find that they will look at my history, my DL and file transfers. I assured him he would only find Twitter, youtube and FB and no DW traces whatsoever despite the fact that I clearly know how to use Tor and BT is on my computer. NOTHING is tracefree on the Internet and rather than get caught up in something lengthy, I told them up front so they can look and clear me. The agent was actually horrified that I found what I did on open platforms. He was particularly horrified at my description of child rape and torture on youtube.

caveat, I needed computer forensics help for an entirely different reason, however I'm aware enough of the systems and procedures to alert them straight way.

every website you visit leaves traces on your computer, trading in KP takes place over the Internet. You cannot wipe the traces, someone can always find it. Thus one can quite easily prove that they did not browse for or DL KP and that in was in fact injected into their computer. You realize that can be done, right? Right on your HD right this minute there can be a "hidden file" called child torture and you wouldn't know it. Source? I know a guy had this done to him. He had his computer forensically analyzed and proved he didn't do it. Hijacking someone's wireless (people are stupid enough to use wireless) means the person whose wireless you USE gets the initial blame for the DL until they investigate deeper...and find zero traces of that wireless owner's computer having been on KP sites. Then they start looking around the neighborhood for likely suspects. Of course if you're doing a drive-by wireless hijack you're probably going to get away with it.

I know a guy who thought he was gonna get hit for KP and he literally took his computers and threw them in a very deep river. There's not much else one can do to completely destroy a hard drive.

wonderpig ago

Somebody said to themselves,"there aren't enough social media sites for complete idiots who want to get excited and pretend they stand for something." So they created voat.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Good god. Revolting sick vile human vermin garbage. Over ONE MILLION videos one guy had in his possession are u fucking kidding me. Just atrocious. Oh, and the high up ones must be Freemasons - the Canadian guy and the one who makes five figure paychecks for two days work. They just got off those charges, give me a break. Fucking sickos. Some of those bags of shit still have their personal blogs up online. And twitters. What world are we living in?

MAGABoomer ago

While it's true that a hacker can inject KP into any computer, what the hacker cannot do is inject a lengthy browsing history.

MAGABoomer ago

Useful perverts...exactly. Sandusky was winning, so let him annally rape a child but make alumni happy.

MAGABoomer ago

Tip the investigators...make it your business to accidentally find porn on the computers or flash drives. DO something about it. Silence kills.

I have a friend who noted something amiss and started wearing their own wire. Captured evidence, turned it to Uni, uni did nothing, turned it to cops! Prof got fired but no other charges. Fuck them.

NikitaVerite ago

I'm so sorry for what you have suffered. Like Azagthoth said - you do have an army behind you now, and it's growing every day. What a disgrace to have failed our children for so long. This can NOT continue.

Azagthoth ago

You have an army behind you now. At least the pendulum is budging. Good luck with things

123_456 ago

I wonder why liberals are trying to normalize pedophilia! Could it be that they are pedophiles?!?!?!

MAGABoomer ago

It's astounding how many convicted pedos then turn around and lobby for pedos. Marty Weiss of Open Secrets fame got a mere 6 months in prison and is out lobbying for reduced punishment for pedos. Well, he's lobbying to the right audience that's for sure. It's not just liberals don't fall into a partisan trap.

huntercel ago

What the fuck, there are a lot of them..

FriesischShipping ago

Modern day guilds. No degree, no job.

shakethetree ago

What does the author mean when saying the pedos were "trading in child sex rape?"

MAGABoomer ago

They are either trading in images of such, or trading in opportunities to participate in it. Craig's list is full of people trading in this..offering kids for such...The Tribe, as discussed on this forum was an entire community of THOUSANDS of people trading in child sex.

aquarian ago

This is JUST Professors! Factor in churches, day care centers, you name it and they are freaking everywhere. If 80 % of pedo's were removed from society, who would be left? Now factor in the abused who were groomed to repeat....fuck, just get me off of this rock!

Dejure ago

Wow. We are all going to have to ruthlessly set up privacy structures

conspiracyprincess ago

Lovely (more like, FOR FUCK SAKES), they are infiltrating our colleges and students. I'm sure they have ways to influence students, unknowingly & knowingly.

micha_ ago

He also had a “grooming” document instructing pedophiles how to manipulate children from birth to age 11 “to participate in sexual acts.”


And pedos seem to breed pedos. Why is there a media blackout about that "reprogramming"?

Is THAT the reason behind gay marriage and adoptions for them (90% gay-couples adopt boys)?

Coincidence, that the gay-bible worships Moloch?

concernedaboutitall ago

Remember the beanie baby email? It was from Georgetown message board.

DustyRadio ago

The one email that no one can come up with any kind of explanation. The sneering assholes who trumpet fake news block me on twitter whenever I ask them to explain this email.

pbvrocks ago

Would guess these are JUST the gents that feel out of favor..but holy shit..WAY out of proportion to anything bordering on normal...great work finding this article!

NikitaVerite ago

Jesus effing christ. And yet - the majority of people are CLUELESS that this is going on. People will immediately scroll past such an article. They think if they ignore it, it'll go away. Reading stuff like this makes me feel SO fucking ragey and SO fucking homicidal. And there are SO MANY MORE perpetrators out there than we can even imagine. ARRRRGGGHHHHHH.

MAGABoomer ago

They either scroll past or become "unable to read it"..fuck that shit, read it know it, and we have GOT to do something about it.

ArthurEdens ago

It never stops

hang_em_high ago

What blows my mind is that many of these are only receiving probation or absolutely nothing. These sick fucks aren't going to change. I also noticed that many of the universities continued to pay or leave them on staff during these investigations. Unreal.

MAGABoomer ago

THIS is the most important thing. We must KNOW and bear witness to the fact these people mostly walk. We have to fight for sentence reform.

MolochHunter ago

its like the church situation all over again? Do uni's not have obligations to inform police?

hang_em_high ago

They should have to. The worst story I saw in this article is Antonio Lasaga. Yale kept him on the payroll and he still had tenure for 3 years after his arrest. He was arrested with 150k videos of CP including ones of him raping a child. You would think at the very least the university would want to distance themselves from something like this. I guess it really is hard to lose tenure, wtf.

smokemirrors ago

Why aren't the pussy grabbers marching and storming Yale re this???????

Azagthoth ago

Jesus H cocksucking tittyfucking facefucking Christ

DustyRadio ago

Shocked at the leniency across the board. FFS, one gets more time for leaving a dog chained outside in the winter.

8butternut ago

I have never been so disgusted in my entire life. It never stopped with face after face of these vile pieces of excrement. I tried to get thru it, but could not. Why has this not been all over the news, or anywhere?? I can not wrap my mind around this. Read the minimal sentences that were given. Am litterly in shock.

micha_ ago

Why has this not been all over the news, or anywhere??

As a PG-researcher I guess you know the answer in the meanwhile - but are too afraid to admit it to yourself...

usernameusername ago

I couldn't read past the first pedo professor when it included infants being raped. Just horrible. I thought this was a good action from the article and should be shared everywhere:

Are you comfortable knowing tuition fees help fund these crimes because too many universities and colleges refuse to install software that could report to law enforcement attempts to trade in child pornography by their professors and staff? Demand action. Request a meeting with the provost or president of the educational institution in your community, the university or college you attended, or the institution where your children are enrolled. Print out this article. Bring it to the meeting and ask if the educational institution has installed software, like NetClean, that reports to law enforcement attempts on their network to trafficked in children. If not, why not?

MAGABoomer ago

How can you accurately portray the depths of this shit unless you're willing to bear witness? How can you campaign for sentencing reform unless you're willing to look at each case and note the lack of punishment? These kids deserve our attention, they deserves to have their suffering born witness to those whose stomachs will be turned rather than aroused.

NonexistentNihilist ago

If anything was needed to convince me not to go back to school this is it.

emeraldeye ago

Absolutely horrific what I have just read. I couldn't finish reading it. This is the biggest atrocity the world has EVER SEEN

MAGABoomer ago

You MUST finish reading it. We are called to bear witness and to do something about this. We have to know each and every person's means of doing things. We need to know how little they're punished and how they're supported by many. We need to know. If you cannot know it, how can you speak out against it? MANY of the universities sheltered these pedos and that is very important to know. In order to push for sentencing reform for pedos we need to know how little they're actually punished.

MolochHunter ago

and its hard to avoid the conclusion that radical leftism results in complete moral degeneracy. Are these professors justifying their paedophile culture as moral relativity or cultural marxism? Enquiring minds want to know... -oh, wait - universities aren't built for enquiring minds these days

noworldorder ago

Wasn't there a rumor that Aaron Swartz was investigating a child porn/pedo ring at MIT before he was arrested (and likely murdered)?

Forgetmenot ago

I heard that rumor as well.

123_456 ago

Ah, yes, Aaron Swartz, the one who made reddit. It went down the toilet after he was booted.

EarlPoncho ago

i swear every day i wake up to a new story involving degeneracy in schools. how anyone does anything but home school at this point is beyond me

DustyRadio ago

Hofstra U did a study of sexual abuse in education and said 9.6% of educators were abusers. PDF warning

It is hard to find studies of this because it just isn't done (studies of abusers).

MAGABoomer ago

He “described going to sex slave auctions in Chicago and Detroit,”

THIS is of interest.

JustObserving ago

Politics, entertainment (Hollywood) & media, "arts" and education. Pedophiles wherever one looks.