hafen ago

Op do remember what that video might have been?

VainFaxJax ago

They're so desperate that they lazily delete vids and give Colbert money to "debunk" elite pedophilia.

SecureYourSeats ago

Well then you're just as stupid as subchannel

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

I voted for Gary Johnson and I have no regrets about it but after November 08th when I started to dig into PizzaGate, I got redpilled and my whole worldview is different now. I sincerely think that the reason the Establishment was screeching about how dangerous Trump was going to be was because they knew that he knew and that Steve Bannon was out to avenge Andrew Breitbart's suspicious "heart failure at age 43" and come January 20, 2017, we're all gonna be in for one helluva ride.

Verite1 ago

Agreed. And for that one reason alone I can tolerate Trump. Because his supporters know more about the Hillary Clinton cabal and the corruption. He has engaged in his fair share of unethical behavior in business, I just don't think it's to the same degree. Not even close.

TheUltimateDebate ago

YES! I noticed this as well, I found a documentary about pedophilia but when I was about to search for it later on YouTube it wouldn't show up in the search results. Now, luckily, I still found my old link to it, and it was still there, but when I searched for the video it wouldn't display it! WTF is going on?!?!?!

stunknife ago

Wow dude, didn't know I was a shill until you told me. This subvoat is now filled with incompetent fucktards that call someone a shill because they don't like them. Stop fishing for upvoats with your shitty conclusions and actually contribute.

reasonedandinformed ago

Leave u CTR shill.

hopeforall ago

Huge red flag.

Im_with_her ago

It is a great thing! Down with fake news! Chelsea 2020!

nnfx ago

You can't find a video on youtube and this proves youtube is removing all videos of this content? And people give 215 upvotes for this? wtf!?

Without any more specific codewords then "pedophile" or "elite" it's pretty much impossible to find one certain video on youtube these days...

stunknife ago

alright lets wait for that verification

subchannel ago

Youtube and Google are owned by Jews. They will not uncover their own clan.

SecureYourSeats ago

Go somewhere else with your jew conspiracy stuff, no one hear is buying it

dickface8 ago

How long ago did you see it? Should still be in ur youtube history if not deleted.

Chistock ago

I know what he is saying. Always be careful with VC money and who it comes from.

Votescam ago

PG may be one of the ways. But what we saw with immediate understanding of coup on JFK -- including much later the 1992 JFK Classified Records Act headed by John Tunheim and Panel ... where they unanimously concluded that "Oswald was employed by the CIA working on high level assignments and probably also for the FBI." They would have seen his employment/IRS-W-2 records which had always been denied to reporters. At any rate, that information has never been able to be brought forward because the LEFT has no power to do it. The line also continues to be the BS that we will never know what actually happened 11/22/63, but in fact we knew immediately what had happened. In DC that night, the names were on the lips of those who very well knew. They say more than 100 lawyers were soon dead in DC. And the murders in order to ensure cover up went on and on. Right now, the power continues to be held by right wing. I'd also mention that we often see the Dem Party -- Obama, Hillary, etal suggested to be the left. They are not -- they are the right wing. The entire Dem Party was moved to the right. We haven't had a liberal in government in office since JFK. True, LBJ moved some liberal legislation, but he was also likely one of the Masterminds of the coup on JFK.

In order to break elites, you have to break capitalism. That means stop supporting it. STOP supporting organized patriarchal religion. STOP supporting cable TV which would do our brains a lot of good. We can all pull the plug right now. STOP supporting animal-eating/dairy eating which would also do our bodies and the planet a great deal of good and which would also begin to stop the chain of violence necessary to deliver these products. Even worse conditions in factory farming.

Cantilever ago

There are dozens of free browser add ons that allow you to download YouTube videos. I download every video that I think "they" wouldn't want us to see.

Then you can post about it here and torrent it to anyone who wants to see it

Votescam ago

Are ALL of the pizzagate video's gone? If so, YouTube will be putting itself out of business. Anyone have links to alternative to YouTube?

Toogi23 ago

I'm wondering if the voting down problem experienced here recently is happening on YouTube too? Making videos harder to find or being removed by the user themself because of activity/comments on it?

Stellarjay ago

Google, tube, twitter, HOLLYWOOD, Wikipedia, Amazon, tidal music, the entire world wide WEB, is starting to look like the club. People love to be blissfully ignorant because the truth is too painful. I spent almost my entire life in that dream. No longer, my inner strength and clarity is bcomng stronger by the day. I know how to go out in world and act now.

throwawayvoater ago

Money talks. Take away porn and how much money is made on the internet? Sex sells. Very sad and horrible when it comes to children being involved.

subchannel ago

Google is owned by Jews

Youtube is owned by Jews

Hollywood is owned by Jews

Wikipedia is founded by Jews ... and it goes on

they decide what you hear, read, think and do in global tendency. They create the matrix most people are living in.

That is the reason why Pizzagate is named FAKENEWS.

SecureYourSeats ago

knock off the stupid Jew stuff

roundhouse1776 ago

Sorry, but that's exactly what they want you to do, blame the Jews. The globalists/elites are Jews in name only, they don't give a shit about Judaism or Israel.

Yuke ago

Stop using their sites, they'll soon feel it when their ad revenue's start sliding. Boycott the sites in droves and don't look back.

RedGreenAlliance ago

You are both right; there is a Globalist Corporatocratic Elite who have co-opted the Establishment of both parties to ensure whoever is in charge follows the agenda. Within their own writings they refer to it as 'the network'. You might better understand it as the New World Order or the Uniparty. The same process has happened throughout the West.

They use dogmatic beliefs as operant control systems. The more dogmatic and 'zealous' the better. To that aim they have decided radical Islam and PC Progressivism (Cultural Marxism) are the best tools for social engineering and "divide and conquer" dynamics to play groups off against each other to distract from what is really going on above. This age old tactic was perfected by he largest empire in history, the British Empire, who called it the Great Game, and they made a science of it. They conquered mainly through playing enemies off against each other and making them dependent on the Empire via trade like a drug dealer gives free samples to a customer.

Dogmatic beliefs are encouraged ; free thinking and especially free association of free thinking (social media) is their greatest weakness, hence the rush to censorship.

The idea is to delegitimise critical thinking / natural skepticism of power, and replace it with "the government knows best", and hyper-emotionalism (the Politically correct imperative to feel morally superior, 'good', and cast 'unbelievers' as 'bad', which legitimises an end justifies the means mentality). In short dogmatic beliefs are inflexible and reactive, and people respond on emotional stimuli like Pavlovs Dog. This brings us to the main weapon they have, entertainment and the mainstream media - who 'trigger' these reflex reactions.

A good example is the use of children in false flag events / hoaxes, the media whips up a storm of outrage, and this gives the government power for otherwise unpopular actions (e.g. Wars)

Google Aylan Kurdi Omran Syrian Boy Kuwaiti incubator babies Ghouta chemical attack

In combination with Hoax or false flag. This is otherwise known as he Hegelian Dialectic where a person wants to get from A to C but knows C would be unpopular. So they secretly create event B and then get the public worried about this event. They then present themselves as the problem solvers / saviours and present C. The public, unaware of the end result being already planned before event B, go along with things.


What is the New World Order? https://redgreenalliance.com/2016/05/09/what-is-the-new-world-order/ Take the Red Pill: Tragedy and Hope 101 https://redgreenalliance.com/2016/05/12/take-the-red-pill-tragedy-hope-101/


The Refugee Crisis as a Hegelian Dialectic Conveyor Belt https://redgreenalliance.com/2016/04/13/the-refugee-crisis-a-hegelian-dialectic-conveyor-belt/


PC articles https://redgreenalliance.com/?s=Political&submit=Search

B3nd3r ago

You got everything right - just one little thing. The Globalist Corporatocratic Elite isn't human any longer. It's our machines that make the decisions. Humans just think they're still in charge. But who would even listen? I know how crazy that sounds.

fartyshorts ago

I really hope that PG leads to something big and in-your-face, just so that all the morons commenting mainstream articles about "fake news" can realize how fucking stupid they are. They are literally arguing against doing your own investigations in many of those threads. Like, "shut up and go back to sleep, big brother/daddy already told us it's all fake". Disgusting - even if we are wrong.

roundhouse1776 ago

I firmly believe there are going to trials, and it's going to be glorious. Like the OJ Simpson trial, but cranked into overdrive.

Trump said at his rally in Alabama the other day, that people who were paid with things "other than campaign contributions", that Jeff Sessions is going to take them all down.

Forgetmenot ago

The mods here are deleting submissions without sources. As usual just like the mainstream media and their fake news, I think this is a tactic you will see when ever pizzagate is discussed. First they called us crazy, 2nd it was hoax, the third stage: delete and destroy evidence.

Marthvedderette ago

Occupy was co-opted. My question about occupy was the organizational aspect. I'm currently mulling over the decision to have no organization/ no leader. I believe in not designating a spokesperson for a movement, but I believe the disorganization was the downfall.

New_years_day ago


Download anything of importance and keep it local.

Dsonophorus ago

We need to have a peer to peer version of Youtube. It would have a standard peer to peer base like pirate bay, but would have super-nodes that attach, cache and serve portions of the 'data universe' that are the most under-served. The more Super-Nodes, the more stable and fast the network would be. The super-nodes would have to be compensated, probably in a similar fashion to bitcoin miners. Once the 'internet OS' is online, it might as well index the web & serve searches. I haven't looked into Etherium that much, but I think it is a block-chain that runs programs called 'contracts'. It may be starting to approach parts of this already.

jw48335 ago

This is the stupidest shit on the face of the planet. Alphabet / Google / YouTube doesn't give a flying fuck about your stupid pizzagate conspiracy theory. They care about corporate profits and corporate profits only.

Forgetmenot ago

That is simply not true they make money either way. Pretending they do not have an agenda is burying your head in the sand. That kind of complacency is what lets the pedo ring operate with so much freedom. There is an agenda and if it was just money then they would be all over pizzagate because it is the scandal of all scandals ever.

NoBS ago

If you pretend Anti-Trust laws are evil to the peasants, then you have a point. Are you a Globalist in the real world?

postfascion ago

There are various levels to everything. Money is a mechanism, not the overall driving force.

herbsmoke ago

How is deleting videos that are trending but are about pizzagate good for their bottom line?

jw48335 ago

You're assuming a motive that does not exist. The overwhelming likelihood is that it was mis-flagged as inappropriate. To think Google is out there actively pruning videos about this idiotic conspiracy theory is stupid.

Verite1 ago

What about Vimeo? Surely someone has already looked in to this as an alternative. This CANNOT be allowed to continue!!

We_The_People ago

If they are deleting videos, I will assume they are pedophiles.

Baluga ago

It's possible you just forgot. It's possible it triggered "copyright" bots. It's possible lots of people clicked Report, triggering an automatic action. It's possible the uploader decided he didn't want this video on his channel any more. Meanwhile, here's a ready video:

Sargon of Akkad, The Reality of Child Trafficking Rings.

wecanhelp ago

Which is the best I've seen so far. Top redpilling material.

sixgorillion ago

You're not talking about the Spanish gaming channel right?

Edit: nvm, he had 10mil


belphegorsprime ago

There are far too many things going down the old memory hole. All this 1984 shit disgusts me. But I think one thing they haven't considered from their little 1984 "instruction manual" is that Orwell didn't have the internet. They are creating a bond among all those who have been deleted. Everyone across the globe that has been censored or deleted over this is having a shared experience that will galvanize a shit storm of retribution the likes of which this world has never seen.

Bernie bros joining hands with the MAGA crowd? Never in my life would I have imagined these things. "Liberals" cheerleading the CIA, and beating the drums of war with Russia? The entire world has been turned upside down. Their resources are wearing thin. They will take desperate measures. The truth will win.

it_was_foretold ago

The poles have shifted

search4truth ago

James Corbett's YouTube channel has done a great analysis of political pedophilia https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=92T6cVlXcyg

postfascion ago

He's the most objective source I've come across, intelligent anarchist... plus he offers SOLUTIONS. If you have any other suggestions let me know.

tjarco ago

what video OP?

Ciscogeek ago

Check your history OP.

AllDancingCrap ago

That is probably because they are the front face of these people at the moment.

snooooze ago

I'm so sick and tired of Silicon Valley. Guys seriously I would day at least 60% of the tech economy is SV is involved in this. This is coming from someone who has worked inside of it and quit as a result of PizzaGate.

I'm so sick and tired of the fake news slogan. Sick or Reddit, YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, all of them. This is a travesty.


Nice. Same here, left after 20 years. Rubbed elbows with some ugly people. The entire place is an ocean of intel grifts, psychopaths, horrible people. I'm working on an open source project now and calculating a way to profit outside the venture route. It can be done and I would encourage you to do the same. I could use some help.

movedmover ago

You're completely incoherent, how did this comment get so many upvotes?

RageGoddess ago

I agree. There are obvious typos, strange phrasing, not something you'd expect from someone courting VCs and angel investors in in Silicon Valley. Not to mention his "story" above lacks any kind of credibility, specificity, or relevant details. Also, if OP actually did find "disturbing things" on their "network", wouldn't that be actual evidence and the smoking gun everyone is looking for? Why not go to authorities? Instead, OP brought it to their attention and the result of that discussion was that they were going to "take care of" it.

snooooze ago

First, I found the CP before pizzagate. The CP was between users, and not with anyone I knew in particular. I reported it to my boss and had no reason to investigate further.

After PG was when I realized they could be tied. It was their network, photos, symbolism that really sealed the deal.

I would be more than willing to verify this with a mod. Believe me in terms of investigation me and a few others have been. As for typos, can't help but say I'm typing between breaks I take on a mobile device. If you want to call me a liar GL. Been here since PG moved, and will verify with a mod.

snooooze ago

Can you please explain how I'm incoherent? It's also not like in starving. I even bootstrap by own projects. So I'm not sleeping on the street. Better than working for pedophiles.

movedmover ago

Your grammar is incomprehensible, seriously, proofread your comment, then ask me again. The fact you have 30 upvotes, is dumbfounding.

snooooze ago

Sorry, typos happen and this isn't peer reviewed material.

The fact I check your account history and you're obviously playing for the other team is kinda funny. Like I said would be willing to verify through a mod. My story is 100% accurate.

stunknife ago

Why is your grammar atrocious? You're not even using a comma correctly

snooooze ago

Okay well instead of going after my grammar why don't you try to flag a mod for proof. If not take it or leave it. If your so Gung ho this should be no problem for you.

stunknife ago

So you're an A.I. researcher and Growth marketer? It's nothing personal, it's just that you don't come off as credible.

Headstart ago

Seriously, fuck off.

PizzaDestroyer ago

How credible does one need to be to express the feeling of being tired of Silicon Valley companies. It's really not a hard idea to grasp, so I don't know how you found it "incoherent".

stunknife ago

when the hell did I say incoherent? His story seems interesting because of the people he's worked with, not his opinion of SV. I just want to know if it's the truth

PizzaDestroyer ago

My bad - I mistakenly thought you and movedmover were the same person, although that may be a valid consideration seeing how you both were so fixated on snooooze's slight grammatical mistakes. This is not a forum about grammar or literature after all.

stunknife ago

correct, but this is a forum about finding answers, evidence, having sources and being credible. I can't take someone that has worked in SV seriously if they keep making silly mistakes. Call me a grammar nazi or whatever, but it's more about the person behind the grammatical mistakes. I'm skeptical until proven wrong.

Headstart ago

You are useless. Go somewhere else and nitpick, you dumb ape.

stunknife ago

Then stop fucking replying after the conversation is over. Why are you so triggered anyway?

PizzaDestroyer ago

You forgot to capitalize the first letter in your last two posts. Don't worry I won't report you.

stunknife ago

i'm well aware of that dude. Oh shit, I did it again. Nope, you really shouldn't worry about reporting me, since you forgot a comma after "worry".

PizzaDestroyer ago

Haha. So you're ok with being called a "grammar nazi", but you intentionally start sentences with a lower case letter? I think you still don't understand that no one cares about typo's or small grammatical errors in this context, and having made those mistakes on a forum like this does not disqualify you from working in Silicon Valley. Ok, I'm done. Honestly, I'm just tired of reading stuff like this when it's an obvious distraction from pizzagate.

stunknife ago

Lol dude, chill. I thought you were messing with me in that last reply, but damn. I start sentences with a lowercase letter because of my phone. It's only a distraction if you choose to keep replying

notArobott ago

You quit your tech job because of Pizzagate? How does that make sense?

snooooze ago

Make sense because I worked at a tech startup where the owners running it were involved in this. The same people who were going to fund my personal venture, were in on it as well and funded the company whom I worked for.

It's make sense because who would want to work with these people? Even from just a selfish perspective it's pretty obvious that they aren't in it for anyone else's interest. Not to mention how badly I stand against what they are doing.

zoltan907 ago

Have you reported them to the FBI? Alternatively, there's ProPublica, who will protect your identity if you leak to them.


snooooze ago

I didn't save the CP or take the file. I had no reason at the time to believe anyone I was working with would be allowing such photos. Hence the reason I just reported it to my Boss and he said he would take care of it.

It was only up until PizzaGate broke that I started to investigate their social media accounts + associates. Much of what I've tied in is just business associates plus the blantant symbol, weird photos, etc.

I do have one private photo that isn't good but it's not CP. However the person in it was my boss and the photos isn't good just no nudity.

The problem is so many of these guys are big cats. The investors are huge extremely well known. I just don't know if their is enough their till Trump is in office and this stuff is above ground.

Silicon is hardly talked about here for the sheer reason that we can't even get the most blantant evidence confirmed.

Headstart ago

I would write up a several page report along with what you do have, and submit it to your local FBI office. Even if you weren't able to save the incriminating evidence, there's a good change they will initiate their own clandestine investigation and get the goods on them.

Do it and you will feel a lot better. These types of sick people get away with it when good people do nothing.

roundhouse1776 ago

You could have destroyed them from the inside while still taking their paycheck. But I get it, I wouldn't want to associate with people that are complicit in the horrific crimes against humanity that are taking place.

fartyshorts ago

Aaron Swartz would be disgusted at the state of Reddit these days. For shame.

zzvoat ago

"Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?" (2012) http://www.rense.com/general95/swartz.html

Narcissism ago

Thks, makes sense now in the light of the pedo connections.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he is. trust me.

i am a sane goat, i swear.

Narcissism ago

Agree - makes me sick about how they strung that kid up.

zzvoat ago

"Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?" (2012) http://www.rense.com/general95/swartz.html

oneslyfox ago

Would love to hear more about your choice/what made you make that jump. I'm very close to gov in my work (but in private industry) and have been having similar conflicts since I took the dive. Be as vague as you like as to not ID yourself, but I'm v curious!

snooooze ago

Mine decision was very cut and dry.

Had found some disturbing things on our network and reported to the founder. All was supposed to be taken care of. Less than a month from there I decided to quit because I thought the guys were idiots. They didn't understand what the people wanted at all. I would go on to realize later they weren't stupid, they just had an agenda.

The same people who funded that startup were funding mine. Shortly after pizzagate came out I decided to look deep into my last employer and associates. I realized he was definitely a PizzaGater, and a big one.

More research would lead me to to conclude that the people who were going to fund us were also related. I put the breaks on my team, and stopped.

The angel, and VC rounds of funding in tech are so controlled by these people I wouldn't think of how to escape it. I'm currently researching trying to find those who aren't involved.

Headstart ago

Their deep pockets reach far and wide, into MANY industries.

Best of luck into finding 'unconnected' persons. They exist, but may be harder to find than the 'obvious choices.'

RageGoddess ago

I'll take "Things that didn't happen for 200, Alex"

snooooze ago

Flag a mod. If a mod from this forum could message me I would be willing to verify my proof with them or if there is someone on PizzaGate who has helped a lot with the investigation is trusted I would verify through them.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

@Phobos_Mothership @Millennial_Falcon @kingkongwaswrong

This could be very interesting, eye opening, and useful to the investigation if legit.

snooooze ago

Would be more than happy to verify for one of these guys.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I hope they contact you I would love to read the full story/details

snooooze ago

I can't attach a full story. That would give me away. I will at least get them to verify my position as an A.I. Researcher, and Experience in Silicon Valley along with a few examples of how my employers were involved.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Good enough for me I trust the mods

MrWaldeck ago

Maybe it was this video?

Red Pill Philosophy, a youtuber with 155k subscribers just made a video covering #PizzaGate (youtube.com)voat 1442952

SheSaidDestroy ago

This one is still there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dQVRLrCbZs

Must be a different one from what you mention as this one has roughly 500k subscribers, but it's still a good video with the same overall content, i.e. an overview of the history of pedophile rings, an example of what happens to the victims, and the uploader's stance is that they won't say that pizzagate is real until there is solid proof but that they don't deny it is possible.

redberries ago

Thanks, nope not that one but I guess that one is good too. I hope it doesn't get removed. I think we need to download the good videos as to not let this happen, I really should have...

postfascion ago

Exactly. Download. They are always pushing "the cloud" for a reason. All the cloud means is someone else's computer.

Headstart ago

"The cloud" allows them to have access to anybody's files at anytime.

I knew when I first heard the hype surrounding "the cloud" there was an ulterior motive...