V____Z ago

I believe i've heard this yes. But there will be 3 people showing up to Webbsplain this away. Just as Alex Jones has people do the same for him. It may be organic, arising from devotion or admiration, but still, straight shooters don't ever need others to come and and explain their incongruity.

Limited Hangout Disinfo agent ___________ <-- what's the word for operations meant to lead people AWAY from powers that be?

Antonius ago

Here Here!

e-traiu ago

Webb is legit. its a reason he has low viewcounts, and post regarding his vids disapears.


He gives 0 fucks. Thats why i like him.

Jem777 ago

Again hero. If any of you can not figure out the meaning behind certain words he uses you are not very savy.

Pipebomb ago

Did nobody pick up the sarcasm when he was saying he loved McCabe? Where did he say he was a zionist? I remember him saying he was Jewish.

User890020 ago

I'd be paranoid too

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct - his name is George Swaggert, and his professed love for McCabe was yet another red flag, as anyone who has been investigating this knows that McCabe cannot be trusted. We can hope he is legitimate, however his 'forgive everyone except the Awan family' is a bit suspicious, much like Robert Steele - forgive and forget, and promise "not to do it again". That among other red flags along the way give some cause for concern. It is a possible limited hangout. The real concern is the low number of views, and his faith in those he seems to know a little too well who have continued to fail us all since this all began, including McCabe, Comey, Kadzik and others. We all have to remember that much of this information is going to leak regardless, so posing as a leading citizen investigator, getting ahead of it and framing the narrative is a definite possibility. It is difficult to know if he can truly be trusted, but his videos are all worth watching regardless.

Fatsack ago

That's his zionism showing, which he doesn't hide, if you've been watching. I'd rather have jews than muslims tho.

V____Z ago

Plus, who the hell goes and gets a job with the CIA? And why would the CIA let him just run off and become a youtuber?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The fact that George Webb and Robert Steele are two of the voices leading the citizen investigation says a lot. Add the fact that neither are calling for real accountability, and both are justifying the actions of those involved, along with Trump patting himself on the back for already draining the swamp, and things start to make sense quickly. If anyone else were posting these videos, they would have disappeared by now, and it all does not add up. Combine that with their connections to Alex Jones, and you really don't need to know much more. If anyone believes Alex Jones is on the right side, they need to order more snake oil. If you did not know Alex Jones was controlled opposition before Pizzagate, just watch the video with the false flag shooting witness, and if you cannot make sense of that, you need to buy more snake oil.

George Webb is too good to be true. A lot of it is true, they know much of it will leak and they are getting ahead of it, and it's worth listening to all of them, but they are leading everyone purposely down false paths and hogging the stage so legitimate voices don't get heard.

V____Z ago

So, this is weird. The post was deleted. There are no comments indicating why. I wonder if your diatribe and others like it are the reasons why - too much awareness getting out.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Few sources can be trusted. The connections with Racine are very real and very scary. So much of it gets censored, downvoted, and removed from many sources. Voat was one of the few left that weren't completed controlled. They know that Racine is a weak link and they are desperate to cover it up at all costs including ruining and threatening people's lives. It cannot be stressed enough. Racine is an extremely important part of the bigger picture of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

V____Z ago


Can you think about posting this to v/pizzagatewhatever, and let me know if you do? This is so brilliant and no one sees it. They need to hear this.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Please go ahead. There are very few of us who understand what is really going on here. Will also post more as time allows, and anything else you can do to spread the real truth will help. There may be ways to combine and leverage what George Webb, Robert Steele, and others are doing, regardless if they are controlled opposition or not. The key is to not follow their path, but to take a different infallible approach - that is why the Racine, Wisconsin angle will work better on Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

rooting4redpillers ago

I'll go one better and say George is a God blessed American Hero.

yourtruthseeker ago

I believe he has a video telling people they can have a million dollars if they support his cause somewhere.

Pipebomb ago

That was in reference to the Gaddafi money and the Whistleblower - Informant Award which grants up to 30% of recovered stolen funds. He was being generous offering to give out any reward money.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct - it was one of several red flags.

yourtruthseeker ago

Name the others if you don't mind

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Here are a few more red flags just from quick recollection -

The missing first 50+ days of videos and lack of real explanation about them, the quick dismissal about Eric Braverman's status after the first 50+ videos focused on him, the repeated claims of hacks, the narrow focus on DynCorp, the strange proof of life videos, the lack of attention on NGOs and foundations, the "I love you to death Andrew McCabe" statements, the dedication videos to compromised representatives, the new boogeymen Awan family, the strange background about his role in the Christmas tree bombing incident, the dismissal of secret societies and satanic ritual abuse, his Jewish background and his love of Muslims, the dismissal of connections to banking and media (and Jewish connections), his coughing and hacking in videos, his confusion and misstatements in videos, his drip drip approach, the curiously low number of views and subscribers, his lack of focus on Paul Ryan/McCain/Priebus/Graham and other republicans, the lack of attention to pay to play racketeering, the lack of attention on Clinton Global Initiative, the lack of attention on UN and Agenda 2030, the focus on global vs domestic cases, the seeming justification of blackmail and CIA pedo operations, his open acceptance of his own life disruption and target lists, and his faith in people who have already proven to be compromised, corrupt or unable to produce any results. It's a slow-roll citizen investigation, just like the Clinton Foundation and Anthony Weiner investigation is. He knows too much yet not enough. He dumbs things down in some areas, and skips over some very important parts of the puzzle. It seems too contrived to be legitimate. He seems to justify and condone life disruption programs on himself, and if he were truly a threat, he has given up way too much information to still be alive.

As much as we want to believe he is 'solving the case', after nearly 500 videos we are still at 'getting the meta data for the 650k emails and go after the Awan family'. The key to solving this is not George Webb. The key is.... yes - Racine, Wisconsin. It is a sure thing for criminal corruption, and ties to the other aspects of Pizzagate. If George would focus on Paul Ryan and Racine, Wisconsin, and connect those dots to DynCorp, Haiti, Denver, Ghana, Pennsylvania, Arizona and the other places in involved, it would be a pleasant surprise. They are still worth watching for sure with some degree of skepticism, and a lesser degree of optimism.

yourtruthseeker ago

Thanks for all the info!

ObamaFAG1 ago

I TOTALLY agree. George is putting his ass on the line to save our country. WE LOVE you George!!! God Bless you brother.

ArthurEdens ago

upvote for the title alone, this guy should be working with sessions

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What do you mean he's a little sketchy?


He cool i talk to him about some of my findings. Hes always 2 steps ahead of me tho...

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol does his vids have intro music yet? Or two average looking hos, the hottest David semens ever been around for sure, to say thanks for watching the George Webb phantasy hour, tune in tomorrow same time same place srsly how much could be real if he's making daily videos 10+ min

Throwthisaway33 ago


allconnected ago

Yeah. Amazing work. Concerned the perps will not be stopped. But great work by George

Pipebomb ago

He's my fav.

JustObserving ago

Why did someone downvote this?

unfuckitup ago

Yes, I hope we can stop this evil. I don't think to call them satanic is over-reacting. Damn, it's awful to know about this kind of stuff, but we keep lending our awareness to this, we can't look away. The good Samaritan didn't look away, I'm saying.

DarkMath ago


He could be our next George Washington.

Because I think everyone here has figured out this cluster fuck is so big the entire fucking government may go down with it.

I'm thinking the next breed of politician will be people with no experience being politicians.

Singleservename ago

Not just the government. Yes they own Congress, but also most of the the wealth, the legal and monetary system, and the media.

Unless literally dragged out of their fortified homes they will NEVER relinquish power. There will be blood.

DarkMath ago

How did you get from George Webb for President to "there will be blood"?

Don't include me in your racist "The Jews(tm)" bigotry. I find it highly offensive.

Don-Keyhote ago

I supposedly have Jewish blood and I don't give a shit. If you notice jews dominate important sectors you're allowed to fucking notice and say so. To then conclude they're pursuing their own self interest at your expense is valid, as in group preferences vary among races. Nothing offensive about it you queen

educate_yourself ago

how can you possibly ask a question like that, which doesnt read as rhetorical BECAUSE of your second line..... and your second line basically censors this guy from answering the question? the jews as a people have been just as heavily persecuted as everyone else and they are living under horrible conditions they dont really know about but bottom line is the worst people in the world fly the flag of zionism and through this have infiltrated everywhere else. so, unfortunately, the vast majority of those who have to be removed will be jews or zionists whatever u like. not all of them but most identify this way and its not even beecause they are jewish or have jewish beliefs its just a cover but thats who theyll be so far as visual and name based identification. jews. fucking get over it. doesnt mean some aryans and some muslims and whoever else christians and such arent going to have to be gone either but the vast majority, will be zionist jews.

DarkMath ago

"zionist jews"..........The problem with that argument is people could call me a Fascist Christian for the sins of the CIA, Bush and Clinton Crime Families.

I don't want to be included in with the Fascists because I'm white and christian and live in America. So why include all jews?

You can say "zionists" but don't say "zionist jews".

The same thing goes for Islam. You shouldn't blame all Muslims for the insane acts of only a few terrorists.

educate_yourself ago

im simplifying the titles thats all im doing. i completely understand and appreciate the history you are right but i find it easier for classification

Singleservename ago

I give zero shits about your feelings on bigotry or anything else, snowflake.

All I pointed out was that the 'fucking government' (i.e. the pedocultist elites) won't go down without blood, and a lot of it.

Now go find a safe place for your offended feelings. Cuck.

DarkMath ago

"won't go down without blood".........Violently resisting is exactly what these Psychopaths want you to do.The pen is mightier than the sword.

That's not to say give up assault rifles, it's just recognizing basic facts.

(keep this on the down low but this guy Jesus Christ kind of did the same thing 2000 years ago. He brought down the Roman Empire without lifting a finger.)

Singleservename ago

Jesus is not a historical figure, his followers did not bring down the Roman Empire and non-violence has never brought down a deeply rooted, blatantly evil and oppressive political system. In fact Jesus' teachings have helped sustain such a system for over a millennium.

Btw I'm not promoting violence, merely stating what I believe will need to happen to bring this down.

DarkMath ago

"non-violence has never brought down a deeply rooted, blatantly evil and oppressive political system"

Sit down and prepare to have your mind blown:



Singleservename ago

You are only proving once again to be historically illiterate with these examples. It doesn't matter I suppose you mean well and I'm sick of this infighting.

As I pointed out in this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1692713 the Belgians have tried mass peaceful protest against elite pedocultists some 20 years ago. All they got was a pedophile PM.

DarkMath ago

"Belgians have tried mass peaceful protest".....There's a joke in there somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.

In the mean time think of the differences here. Belgium didn't kill 3000+ of its own citizens in a False Flag attack and then launch two wars and finish it up with a gang rape of Haiti.

But we did that here in America. All that needs to happen is for the Truth to come out. That's enough. No violence, no terrorism, just pure sunshine.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

Singleservename ago

Well call me cynical but these evil fucks think they can fool enough of the people all of the time. And so far they're right. 9/11 is more than 15 years ago. Even the Tonkin false flag didn't take that long to be exposed.

I do hope you're right. All alternatives are too horrible to contemplate.

DarkMath ago

"didn't take that long to be exposed.".......The Tonkin Gulf False Flag was half way around the world and technically we were in a Cold War with the Communists.

But if the truth gets out on this current cluster fuck it's game over for many people in power.

I personally believe in non-violence but many people don't. If you're some Texas red neck and your son was killed in a war brought on by a False Flag attack on 9/11 what do you think they'll do?

Jem777 ago

Have posted George Webb videos from day one on this forum only to be degraded then have posts removed. Have personal testimony as well and was hacked & social media taken down. Please do not keep deleting this info

redditsuckz ago

Have posted George Webb videos from day one on this forum

Is George Webb Jewish?...

You need to remember George Webb is Jewish and he's the one that broke this story wide open.


I guess you would know if you have been posting his stuff from day 1.

Jem777 ago

Well aware he is Jewish. Openly admits it. Also well aware of the difference between Zionism and Jewish. Very different things.

History has this very confused

jangles ago

Some people can't handle the truth. Then they get angry. Here is some good info on why https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11031-017-9601-2

drunk420 ago

Needed to get that off my chest.