AreWeSure ago

Everyone seems to forget that right after Podesta guessed Braverman, his colleague shot this suggestion down as not matching the description in the article and two other names are suggested as the possbile soource.

LostandFound ago

No missing persons report this guy is in custody. It's probably not that helpful to plaster his face around if he's hiding and he's willing to spill the beans on the CF. From what I understand of this guy he's pretty straight up, Chelsea the deluded little flower thought he could clean up the CF but he ran when he knew what was going on. Appreciate the sentiment but a manhunt is not what Eric needs right now.

eyecreate ago

What suggests he is missing?

Votescam ago

Allegedly, he's back at Yale University -- teaching.

wisdomtooth ago

“But in January, only weeks after the board’s show of support and just a year and a half after Braverman arrived, he abruptly resigned, and sources tell Politico his exit stemmed partly from a power struggle inside the foundation between and among the coterie of Clinton loyalists who have surrounded the former president for decades and who helped start and run the foundation. Some, including the president’s old Arkansas lawyer Bruce Lindsey, who preceded Braverman as CEO, raised concerns directly to Bill Clinton about the reforms implemented by Braverman, according to sources, and felt themselves marginalized by the growing influence of Chelsea Clinton and the new CEO she had helped recruit.”

“Eric Braverman Tried to Change the Clinton Foundation. Then He Quit.” | Politico

save_thechildren ago

Thought he was teaching at Harvard? He's still there.

Doa11 ago

PizzaGate Update: Clinton Whistleblower Missing? Where is Eric Braverman?

ShoaNanas ago

Great ! but without sources and with active shilling currently, it become hard to find the truth...

I do not see proof that he is missing, except twitter. Here a good summary:

This story could be true, but it could be hoax.

I think we should say "maybe missing?" to avoid helping the "fakenews" narrative

poly ago

Heavy = shit

GenghisSean ago

Great diligence. I'm downvoating this post until some solid facts are provided.

PieInTheEye ago

Quick ... someone stalk these two dudes down somewhere and get some proof of life ... I would advise gay bars in D.C., which might take a few lifetimes to cover.

oresd ago

Yeah, hold your breath on that one.

Hermesthriceborn ago

Once again, the list of Clinton associates who have disappeared and/or turned up dead is astonishing.

oresd ago

Can someone please substantiate "gone missing"? Has he been reported missing?

AreWeSure ago


Petri_Krohn ago

The Big Picture?

Watching videos by George Webb Sweigert:

The videos present a very complex "conspiracy" theory connecting Eric Braverman, ISIS, Clinton Foundation, pipelines, Syria, Wikileaks, Sarin, Libya, White Helmets, Benghazi. Some of this is already verified, some is new. Some details are not quite correct: Nusra is not ISIS, although they were in 2012.

AngelTantrum ago

This just means we are getting closer.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

He's defo not innocent, he is a high up in the Clinton Cabal, he planned many operations, if he is turning on em, its because they were going to kill him or throw him under the bus.

DarkMath ago

HashTagFU ago

I hope the guy is OK. That said, anyone else's gaydar going off?

Edit : Reading the comments, it would seem my gaydar is in fine working order.

elgindelta ago

Yea, he gone. Once this is all over. hitlary, pedodesta, myriad others hung, left out for the Carrion's. We should all try to remember to have a memorial for these guys who stepped up and got suicided. Seth rich, braverman. And the likes. These dudes were not warriors, you can tell by looking at them, reading their LinkedIns and fb's. Taken by the monster the cf is, thinking it could hid itself a bit longer. These dudes are hero's on par with Leonidas's 300. God Bless Them.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I highly doubt Braverman was a heroic whistleblower.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Much stronger case for a rat fleeing a sinking ship to save his own skin.

Freemasonsrus ago

If he was fleeing a sinking ship I'd seriously doubt he'd give a hat tip to NBC on the way out.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

The levee has got to break eventually, this might be the beginning of the end.

GumbyTM ago

The levee is made from the dead bodies so, maybe not.

AreWeSure ago

wow. that is ridiculous.

Um, the timing makes no sense because he married his husband long after he quit the Clinton Foundation.

SavingGrace ago

Braverman's husband is also missing, as per George Webb's daily videos, Day... - Where is Eric Braverman?

DarkMath ago

AreWeSure, have you watched any of the "Where is Eric Braverman" videos yet?

AreWeSure ago

I don't need to because he is not missing

And he also favorably re-tweeted the Hillary twitter account twice this year.

DarkMath ago

"he is not missing".....Yes he is. :-)

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, No.

DarkMath ago

LOL. So Eric Braverman contacts journalist Ron Furnier and tells him "to 'follow the money' and find the real HRC scandal" then disappears. Anyone with an IQ above 80 could connect the dots but not you! Fascinating. To quote Neera Tanden: "Holy Smokes"......

AreWeSure ago

That's some LOOOOOOOONG ASS dots to connect.

So journalist is told in early 2015. Late 2016 fake news website says Braverman Defects! The Hunt Begins!

Confirmation Bias is a powerful drug.

DarkMath ago

And here come the Straw Men. "Defects"? You know what a Straw Man is right?

AreWeSure ago

I do. You do know that all this Braverman is missing nonsense really strarted moving after a fake news article says he turned himself into the Russian embassy.

So I'm not using Straw Man.

DarkMath ago

Ahhh no. Much to your chagrin this whole thing started with a John Podesta email to Neera Tanden not with "fake news". And that only came up because Eric Braverman RESIGNED from the Clinton Foundation. What's next, you telling me Eric Braverman never resigned and is really just on an extended coffee break? lol

AreWeSure ago

An email from 2015. And then...................................................what?

Eric Braverman resigns from the Clinton Foundation. Jan 2015. Politico writes about him leaving Ron Fournier writes an article with someone saying follow the money. He also says the source has no evidence of wrongdoing. Podesta speculates Braverman is the source.


It's now Dec 2016. There's no evidence Braverman is missing, but a bunch of clowns wrote up some stuff that he was handing himself over to Russian embassy. What happened during all of 2015 and most of 2016? Do you think the wikileaked email makes him go into hiding? It's ridiculous.

What he thought no one would suspect he was the source? And that bubble was popped by the wikileaked email? Yeah, he resigned and then he took another high profile gig teaching at Yale. If you want to claim he's laying low that is far different from saying he is missing.

DarkMath ago

"laying low is far different from saying he is missing."....First it was 2 Straw Men. Now you're "Moving the Goal Posts". You're either a shill or an idiot. Which is it?

AreWeSure ago

I'm not sure you know what moving the goalposts means.

Nobody's reported Braverman missing.
Podesta and his colleague guess at two other possible choices for source because they felt Braverman didn't fit the description in article.

Braverman being the Witness Protection program is one of the stupidest theories of this brouhaha.

DarkMath ago

I'm going with idiot. ;-)

DarkMath ago

"because he is not missing"....How do you know for sure?

Melitica ago

What is new here? He has been missing since end of October.

wecanhelp ago

Could we get some sources?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

idiot went for the 'arkancide" option.

a poor choice.

wh0care ago

according to one comment made here : his twitter account have followed someone not long could mean he is only like "laying low" ,maybe waiting Trump to be in office or i dont know...

juhos ago

Yes. He started following Amy Rao (friend and donor of Clinton). George Webb himself said this in one of his videos. So by "missing" George means the public doesn't know where he is. Eric have also had couple of scheduled lectures at Yale, but nobody seems to know did he show up. Oddly nobody from Yale doesn't answer any questions sent about Eric either.

PieInTheEye ago

Nobody wants to be guilted by association into a Pizzagate investigation probably ... I think the whole world is aware of how stenchy the whole D.C. liberal establishment around Obama and Clinton is by now, including all the pedo and homo stuff, so I guess even if I were friends for some unknown reason with one of these people, I might pretend I never knew them too.

He probably isn't missing.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Were Dennis Hastert and Larry King liberals? This problem is very bipartisan.

PieInTheEye ago

I guess if we consider raping children to be a 'liberal' concern -- ie, not exactly a legitimate adherence to Christian conservative morals -- then you would be correct, though in regards to a 'politcal' face, they sold themselves to the electorate as highly conservative individuals from the Republican Party ... just as pedo Priests hide behind the apparent morality embodied in their Holy orders.

AmishMechWarrior ago

I think these guys are coming from the same dark hole. They just adopt different rhetoric depending on what they need to do in order to get power.

nitro169 ago

I think we may be onto one of those things we just never may know the truth. There are things you would never tell your neighbors because they will never look at you the same. The USA is looked up to by the rest of the world, this isn't a local government, or Sweden, this is the top of the largest governing body in the world. I can only pray that these individuals if found to have committed to even half of what we have found are all taken quietly for a long walk and talk then gently pushed off the edge of a cliff for the betterment of all humanity. Although we want nothing more than to see these individuals pay for their atrocities, I don't think this would be the best thing for our nation, or the world, however the worst thing would be to do nothing, I will be alright with a happy medium of simply removing top government pedophiles from existence without a huge show for the rest of the world to scoff at us.

HashTagFU ago

I doubt they would scoff. I didn't scoff when Ceausescu was mowed down in the street. I thought, damn, that mother fucker had it coming. Fuck him.

crystalclearme ago


voteforfreedom ago

he living with hoffa in a gated community run by Elvis down in Florida, whose board members include Andy Kaufmann and D.B Cooper

naturehelps ago

Kissinger is part of KKR (which includes Patreus and Neil Brown, who is married to Braverman) and what Webb is describing about Hillary Clinton and CF. Here

And Kissinger is involved in satanic stuff himself. Start at 19:00 Here

Webb is describing a huge operation, with Hillary as the central cog (Assange's word) that makes it work smoothly. Is this operation also involved in child trafficking? They certainly have the cover and connections and transportation.

winegrapes ago


poly ago


KosherHiveKicker ago


DeckoGecko ago

I'm hoping the fact that none of his family have reported him missing means he's in witness protection helping build a RICO case or something. Fingers crossed

fetuspizza ago

I think he jumped ship after it was confirmed Clinton's laptop was found in Weiner's possession. He is probably going to testify for immunity.

doubletake ago

oh yeah, welcome to RICO, Int'l, LLC, Inc. this story doesn't have legs, it has tentacles. It must have really picked up speed when she became SoS. And her mindset then must have still been fuming about taking the back seat to Obama. Might explain her rashness with her own server, even though she was warned. It's a mindset that can make mistakes. The hijinx going on in the emails, and the number, and the essential admissions of crime caught in the act, illustrates she must have thought herself omnipotent in controlling the secrecy and the tech. The entire culture she was in was swimming in hubris. She shoulda read her bible because her sacrifices didn't work.

quantokitty ago

I think it's what we're all hoping.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

"New Sources Suggest Eric Braverman is in FBI Protective Custody"

standalone ago

According to insiders at the FBI, NSA, CIA and DHS, as well as a source who wished to remain anonymous from the KGB, pmnightlynews is sensationalist nonsense clickbait spam website.

oresd ago

Finally some truth. For fucks sake people, you cannot possibly be this naive.

GoodGodKirk ago

That quotation mark could probably end at "sources."

oresd ago

LOL, that looks like a VERY reputable article. "a new source within the intelligence community suggests that was misinformation intentionally spread through social media by several sources, and in fact, he is being held in protective custody by the FBI in exchange for his testimony against Hillary Clinton"

Suggests. How about author made up?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Sounds like Russian hacking news