GoldMoose16 ago

Thank you. Did not see the McCabe comment. Heavy work day today so about all I will have time for is to DL today's new video and watch. Again, TU.

tudda ago

Just Fyi: I went to check one of his old videos and it said it was removed by the user.

Jem777 ago

We need to follow this very careful. He knows very good information. They just started erasing his messages. This is the Benghazi link. For him to put DM switch information including his personal info we need to watch him. Also he filed a FOIA in the last year asking FBI to release any documents they have on him to the public.

SpikyAube ago

Who is he?

VictorDaniels777 ago

So much good CF information from G.Webb. Hope he keeps it coming.

hanknut42 ago

i wouldn't trust any twitter acititiy after the whole Twittergate sisuation the owner of twitter is in the pockets of the elites just look at the Wikileak twitters now that assange is missing

YingYangMom ago

Gary Webb is a genius. Thanks for the video, very very much appreciated.

SoManyQuestions ago

Day 60 where is George Webb?

juhos ago

That Eva Bartlett he mentions is amazing.

Yates ago

Why the countdown? It's pretty well understood the guy is in protective custody considering his previous job and the current investigation. That's the best possible place for this man to be atm. By continually calling attention to it in this manner you are playing peoples emotions which leads to fatigue. This is no better than the daily all caps multiple exclamation point posts declaring a SMOKING GUN yet again. Tell Webb to find another gimmick to get clicks. This is not furthering the investigation at all. Oh wait...

wh0care ago

"It's pretty well understood the guy is in protective custody " cant find any sure source for it but i could believe... iam not really aware of this case, thats why i posted on it...i dont post shit 3 times a day like some people do so excuse me...

edit: the content are on Clinton foundation so for me its directly related to the investigation, its not only on pizza restaurants we are investigating right ?..

AreWeSure ago

There is zero evidence that Eric Braverman is missing.

People were saying Podesta was missing or hiding or in protective custody this week. Then he writes an oped and shows up on Meet the Press.

juhos ago

lol what? Evidence of Eric being missing is that he is missing. Laying low, you know? In Twitter his last tweet was October 12th but about week ago he started following Amy Rao, Clinton's friend and donor.

Edit; George Webb himself noticed that Twitter following and mentioned it in his video. And I checked it myself. Amy Rao is also in one of the James O'Keefe videos

wh0care ago

well if he followed someone 1week ago, it could mean he is safe at least...ididnt see it on twitter (i have not twitter account) thanks for heads up...

AreWeSure ago

Laying low and missing are two completely separate things

Xbxn ago

Perhaps there needs to be more of a public demand to get confirmation that he's not missing/in hiding. If he is missing, that Podesta email is a big deal.

AreWeSure ago

Nobody close to him is saying is missing. He's a private citizen he doesn't need to prove anything to you.

This idea that he is "missing" is not coming from his friends or his family or his coworkers or his boss.

There's as much evidence for the claim that he is missing as there is for my claim that he is on an around the world tour for his honeymoon.

wh0care ago

resume of your comments/submissions here:

-posted subs only about the shooter of Comet pizza - try debunking claims that he was an actor

-try to argue on the Monica petersen so called "suicide" case that we should not post about it without their family consent.

-let comments implying the "pizzaGate" investigation is not censored

...seems to not much participate in other part of investigation...

enough said...

Freemasonsrus ago

This dude is an ass. Not worth addressing.

AreWeSure ago

oh no! oh no a skeptic!

What will you do if you are proven wrong about him? Not by me, but by the real world?

MolochHunter ago

OK AreWeSure, show your colours as to why you are on this site. Answer me this, is there ANY evidence in the pizzagate millieu that has you concerned, that got you interested in the topic, that makes you think law enforcement agencies should be formally investigating. Any?

wh0care ago

i updated my post... still the connections he make about the clinton's foundation on his videos are quite interesting, dont u think ?

i hope you take the same efforts/time for trying to investigate it than u put for debunking conspiracy shittery...if its the case then thanks :)

shooglenifty ago

Finding out EB's fate is a key to all of this. It seems like he had a crisis of conscience and was disappeared. Someone else who had what seemed to be the a similar situation is Scott Foval of Project Veritas fame. He went crazy on twitter about the HRC campaign and was banned. I haven't been able to find anything on line about him since. He definitely had inside information on the dirty side of Democrat politics. Not necessarily Pizza(pedo)gate related, but someone else that has disappeared after dishing dirt.

Freemasonsrus ago

That was a fake account. (Foval)

chickyrogue ago

my sister has been following this daily but i powerwatch at a time just got thru 50 -55 amazing fuckin dots this guy is connecting and thru time and yes them the reals not the franchise we have in play right now...... i hope he stays safe theire is quite a pile up of bodies this year already and disappearances etc etc and now troops going!!!

GoldMoose16 ago

Go to Webb's YT Home page. Yesterday he put out a very brief DMS statement.

I am going to throw some dead man switch info out there just in case. I'm George Webb Sweigert from Portland, Oregon. If the videos stop, check the news and carry on the torch.

Link to page. It's right below Day 55 video

FuckTheseSickos ago

No fucking idea who downvoted this comment but go fuck yourself. Upvote for good info. Thank you.

Mommyplayer571 ago

George Webb also said he put a comment up about stingers in Mexico. The comments are gone. Does anyone know if they start at 1 or start at 23?

Mommyplayer571 ago

George Webb said that this email re: Braverman dropped Oct 22 and Eric Braverman went missing on the 23rd. However John Podesta Suspected back in March 2015 that he was leak. I find these YT videos interesting esp the issue of 20,000 stinger missles. That maybe what pissed Israel and the insiders off. There does seem to be an apology in the vids for Harold Sanders who plays dominos on pasta and cheese or whoever else Pizzagate harms. But everyone has an angle.

chickyrogue ago

this guy has connected the whole circus!!!! wow when does 56 drop?

lawfag123 ago

Great job