Birdzeyeview ago

your emails are copyright, your facebook private messages are copyright, just as your letters are copyright. Nobody can publish your copyright material without your permission. Not rocket science.

AreWeSure ago Not all States recongnize libel per se, but Washington DC does.

Libel Per Se puts the burden on the speaker.

Defamation Per Se In the District of Columbia, any written or printed statement that falsely accuses someone of committing a crime constitutes defamation per se. If a statement is defamation per se, the court will assume harm to the plaintiff's reputation, without further need to prove that harm.

AreWeSure ago

Do you know what libel per se is? I didn't make that up, it's a legal term. Libel per se means your second and third sentences doesn't apply.

The reason I'm not directly accuse people is I have no idea what was in those videos. So I gave a neutral and accurate description of libel per se.

Hazilla ago

His Facebook profile is back up though?

thestormking ago

Maybe he could issue another death threat to remove the death threat.

blind_sypher ago

Shouldnt have fucked so many kids Alefantis. Now you are gonna die.

Jem777 ago

The (V) Ryan? That was threatened with death to himself and family not only made a detailed YouTube video of the threats, the written texts, he showed the URL of Alefantis, the phone number from the call that matched the property records of CPP from 2007. He showed that "Alefantis" had sent him pictures of Ryan's family members via text message as veiled threat. We could go on. The copyright issue is ridiculous. To even place it out there as such concludes it is in Fact Alefantis who made the threat. Ryan also stated Alefantis accidentally face timed him on the second day and it was clearly J.A.. He filed a police report was interviewed by the FBI. We know he is/was connected to CIA. He can't be that stupid but maybe so now days. These guys have been above the law for so long they are sloppy and citizens & journalists have learned to archive info. Place it on thumb drives. Place thumb drives in the hands or care of others in case something happens.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

This guy gets it

downwithpizzaelite ago

To answer the question for the lazy ones; no, not just anybody can submit a claim. You must submit paperwork to YT first proving you have the legal right to make the claim.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Does James A really have a copyright claim just because his image is shown? Wouldn't he only have a claim if it was his video? I'm not actually sure how that works but someone else may have more info.

Birdzeyeview ago

his private messages of which he is the AUTHOR were shown DUH

IPleadThe2nd ago

wow! You're just a peach aren't you!

AreWeSure ago

You can't use my image or my music or clips from my video in your video without my permission.

Even if a character in TV says the lyrics to song, they have to pay to use those copyrighted lyrics.

That's the general rule. Often the copyright holders don't bother to enforce this but some times they do. The guy who wrote the the "this is fine dog" cartoon sued a band who used that image for an album cover even though that image is all over the internet, he still holds the copyright.

There are fair use exceptions to copyright.

Phenomenonanon ago

If you are a public figure of course you can

AreWeSure ago

That is not true.

Public figure has nothing to do with copyright. To be clear, I was talking about an image I created and I meant it as an example of copyright like my music. You are talking about what is known as Personality Rights, but rereading my post, I could see the confusion.

And I still can't put you in my commercial even if you are a public figure.

A case that cut across a bunch of these lines was when the AP sued artist Shepard Fairley of his use of an AP photo of Obama that he used as the basis of Hope poster. AP held the copyright of the image of Obama and eventually the two sides settled the case.

Fateswebb ago

I actually took copyright law in college, so you're mostly right but we're not talking about a song, this is a publicly made picture of him, I'm pretty sure it's safe to use. Not sure what else was in there, but maybe there was something.. that was a valid claim.. or most likely YouTube just sides on the claimant to be safe. Seems the most likely outcome.

AreWeSure ago

I don't know what was in the video, so I'm speculating.

What do you mean it was a publicly made picture of him? Are you saying the copyright was given up? Where was the picture from?

It's quite possible the youtube kneejerks its response in cases like this.

Fateswebb ago

I'm just assuming it was the content that was shown of James FB profile like maybe a picture of the comet logo or something. I would have to watch the removed video to figure out what the deal was.

I think that YouTube probably sides with caution when claims are made.. as in removes the video..

That seems the most likely deal here is James put a copyright claim on it and they removed it.. not because they validated the claim just because that's what they do..

Pizzatemp420 ago

And images of public figures are allowed under fair use. Being one of the "50 most influential people in Washington" or wtf ever it was, he is a public figure.

AreWeSure ago

You can still have copyrighted photos of public figures.

If I am in public, you can take a photo of me and especially, if I am a public figure, find a lot of leeway under fairuse, but that is different from using a photograph created by someone else.

For example if I have photos up on my blog, photos taken by my brother Bob. He has the copyright on them. The photos themselves are an artwork. See my comment above a picture of Obama and a copyright case.

If the photos are posted on certain sites like Flickr, you are giving up your copyright, by using their service. I don't know if it would be the same on Facebook or Instagram.

AreWeSure ago

If you take a photo and post it to Facebook, you do not give up your ownership of the photo.

Here's a response from Facebook to a photographer asked for clarification and received the next reply:

"Again, our license or sublicense does not affect ownership or copyright privileges for material on the site. We do not currently share any information with third parties except with the user's consent (for example, if a user elects to add a third party application), and we never sell your information to anyone."

AreWeSure ago

You own your photos on Instagram too.

Upon seeing this story, a spokesman from Instagram said:

“People in the Instagram community own their photos, period. On the platform, if someone feels that their copyright has been violated, they can report it to us and we will take appropriate action. Off the platform, content owners can enforce their legal rights.”

However, this article show a very easy loophole to using somebody's copyrighted image.

throwawaymade4pizza ago

Not normal. Not normal at all.

madmanpg ago

Hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but couldn't anyone have filed a copyright claim to get it taken down and have submitted their name as James A. Alefantis?

downwithpizzaelite ago

No, you have to submit proof to YT first.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

That are the rules for mere mortals - people with special connections in Google will have no trouble to do it without proof.

madmanpg ago

Do you really think YouTube needs to be prodded much to take down a Pizzagate video? Weren't they mass wiping them not too long ago?

downwithpizzaelite ago

Then the video wouldn't say it was removed due to copyright claims by JA...

madmanpg ago

Why wouldn't it?

Ushil ago

That's what I suggested too, but why?

madmanpg ago

  1. Operative who knows the truth.
  2. Friend/associate of Alefantis.
  3. Anti-PGer.
  4. PGer who wants to make it appear that Alefantis is covering it up.

Honestly, the last one seems the most likely since it wouldn't be the first time. Just like when it was "found" that there were a bunch of pedophile-sounding domain names made up that it turned out to be that anyone could have made those. The sad truth is that some PGers(or anti-PGers) will do this kind of trollish thing just to stir the shitstorm. Some think both sides of this are nuts and just like fucking with people.

Ushil ago

Can someone make a video of going to this video through the video by Electric Thoughts to show how the copyright claim appears, and upload it to YouTube?


So in essence - by laying claim to it, James is admitting he made the death threats?

guilty much?

AreWeSure ago

No. That is not the only possibility.

Phenomenonanon ago

Mind backing your claim?

AreWeSure ago

One possibility is that he went to Youtube and said this video was libelous and they took it down.

Another is that does use something copyrighted and he asked them to take it down.

Both of those could be true if he didn't make any death threats. (They also could be true if he did make the threats.) So asking to take the video down does not mean he is admitting the video is true.

In Logic this is known as Ignored Alternatives or False Dichotomy and a few other names.

Phenomenonanon ago

Fair enough.

truthteller111 ago

contributes nothing. @arewesure

Are we really sure guys? I dunno. Will we even know? I dunno.


AreWeSure ago

Like grip tape on a skateboard, I contribute a little friction. A bit of doubt to keep you grounded before you go sliding down a steep echoing slope where moment turns conjecture into fact quicker than you can your bearings.

VieBleu ago

this is a respected tradition on the best and most effective activism/inquirey forums. Prevents circle jerk group think spiral.

AreWeSure ago

Well said.

NotAnIdiot ago

Stop, shill.

AreWeSure ago

I wonder if it's a different legal issue than copyright, but there system has hard coded a message with only the name field available to edit.

Calling someone a child rapist is libel per se which means he only has to show he has never been convicted of that to prove libel. My theory is all this "censorship" is companies taken down unprotected speech for which they could be liable. Libel is not free speech.

DarkMath ago

I hate to agree with AreWeSure but he's right. Nevertheless I'll ask AreWeSure if he's truly objective and ask him if somewhere in the 100 videos George Webb has done is there any evidence that Haiti was gang raped by the Clinton Foundation and/or DynCorp and/or the CIA. He'll either say no or he'll pretend he didn't get the message. Just watch:

Is there any evidence in the George Webb videos that the Clinton Foundation and/or Dyncorp and/or the CIA gang raped Haiti?


AreWeSure ago

Just agree with me you don't have to be churlish about it.

crazimal ago

"churlish," huh? imma smack you with a bluebook if you use that word again, son,

AreWeSure ago

Pretty good word, huh?

That was my rewrite. I think my first version was come to come across as churlish on me.

DarkMath ago

"He'll either say no or he'll pretend he didn't get the message or he'll say 'you don't have to be churlish about it'".

Remember everyone we're talking about Dyncorp and the Clinton Foundation literally kidnapping children and using them in "Brownstone Operations" so they can manipulate politicians to do their bidding.

Oh and I forgot, harvesting organs from Haitian criminals which kind of makes you wonder if the poor black destitute in a Haitian prison are really there for a good reason.

Don't ever go changing AreWeSure. Eviscerating your mindless connection to Reality gives me more pleasure than taking a shit sometimes.


AreWeSure ago

Remember everyone we're talking about Dyncorp and the Clinton Foundation literally kidnapping children and using them in "Brownstone Operations" so they can manipulate politicians to do their bidding.

Oh and I forgot, harvesting organs from Haitian criminals

Um, connection to reality, huh?

DarkMath ago

Oh look, AreWeSure has "forgotten" to reply..........

AreWeSure why don't you think poor destitute black people in Haiti deserve the same respect as white people? Are they the wrong kind of black person? Help me out here.

Haitians protest outside of the Clinton Foundation offices in New York City every month. There's usually around 10 people more or less. All they want to know is where the money went. But you and your Leftist sociopaths could care less........sad.


AreWeSure ago

Oh look, AreWeSure has "forgotten" to reply..........

Hi, You may think, you're my assignment editor. But you're not. Cheers.

DarkMath ago

Why don't poor black destitute Haitians deserve your attention? Do you not consider them fully human? Are they inferior? I don't get it.

There's clear evidence of child trafficking. PizzaGate is just the tip of a very large iceberg. Yet you clearly aren't interested in justice for black Haitian children.

Why not? Is your ego more important than throwaway children in Haiti?

DarkMath ago

Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey AreWeSure:

Do you know where your organs are?


Jem777 ago


Ushil ago

Even if another guy did the copyright claim, and used the name James A. Alefantis to make it look real, I don't get why. This is a very complicated way to smear Alefantis. Like, upload fake death threats, then upload a Youtube video proving them, it suddenly is taken down, has a copyright claim of James A. Alefantis? It is very complex to do all that to conspire against Alefantis.

Chatman ago

YouTube takes any video down when someone puts a copyright flag on it then it's up to the individual to submit proof which is a drawn out process :/

Ushil ago

But why does it say James A. Alefantis put a copyright flag on it? If he is a psychopath I don't get this move. It is blatantly exposing yourself.

Narcissism ago

He isn't a Psychopath, he is an attention seeking Narcissist. They are dumb and don't realise they are dumping themselves in it.

AreWeSure ago

Exposing in what way?

Ushil ago

He uses his full name

AreWeSure ago

OK. I thought you meant exposing his guilt or something.

So......what is he exposing? His middle name is Achilles isn't it? I'm pretty sure this is public knowledge by now.

downwithpizzaelite ago

He's pulling down anything with his name, I guess.

I've submitted a copyright claim, also. It isn't a long drawn out process.It's very easy and simple.

Chatman ago

I think the James a alefantis is either what he fills out on the form or the name of his account? Maybe we can dig his yt account for stuff?

Ushil ago

Maybe he didn't use a YouTube account?

Fateswebb ago

Can you flag something for removal without an account I haven't tried.

Lunari ago

You just need a google / gmail account.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Pretty clear that he made the threats if he is claiming infringement!

AreWeSure ago

That is not the only possibility.

Ushil ago

Can we upvote this thread?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I'm not sure if original poster can upvoat their own thread. I upvoated the thread :-)

Ushil ago

Thanks :)

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Your Welcome :-)

Ushil ago

I see someone is downvoting all new posts here existing for just 30 seconds, how can you read so fast to downvote?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep, I was hit a few weeks ago and banned from a thread.

Ushil ago

Oh ok, for me it doesn't, but I don't get why James Alefantis made a copyright claim. There isn't really anything in it infringing copyright as far as I see.

Birdzeyeview ago

Just his private messages, which were published (shown) by Ryan without his permission

nomorepepperoni ago

He's literally abusing DMCA to save his own skin. Youtube is rife for DMCA abuse for censorship purposes, and has been for some time. This has been a problem even in cases where fair use clearly applies (ie. critical movie reviews, etc.).

To put the brakes on it, a counterclaim has to be made by the poster of the content.

rooting4redpillers ago

For added convenience: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I had to look it up.

SpikyAube ago

It's like that 'right to be forgotten' thing - well yeah, it'd be nice for a lot of people to be able erase all trace of their previous embarrassing photos or emo adolescent rants from online records, but as this investigation shows, there are incredibly important stories that can be told by what might seem at first to be trivial personal communications or details. The guy who came up with the whole right to be forgotten thing is a massive sociopath, wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in all this evil stuff.

Ushil ago

The poster was pizzagategear, Ryan O' Neal, seeing how, IF the video isn't fake, he threatened his family, he might not want to do a counterclaim for the possible consequences.

But it is very strange. If James Alefantis is a psychopath, he obviously is not a smart one seeing everything he does. If you did things like this, it is not smart to threaten people like this, because it will backfire. If I was in his position, I would do nothing and let all the videos up to not raise suspicion, and maybe say they are smearing me, but getting the videos pulled off basically would make me suspicious.

nomorepepperoni ago

If this isn't an increasingly elaborate ploy to make it look like JAlepedo is censoring this stuff, then I think we should consider the possibility that Swann's stuff went down because he was threatened. I'd like to believe Ben is working with the FBI to nail Alepedo to the wall after the threats to PGG (on top of what else he's involved in).