FoxDen ago

Good work! Have you used ss to download the YT video?

I am at office and apparently our firewall blocks YT downloads.

I did do a little digging. There are some additional images hidden in the many pages. Here is a sampling. It appears to contain additional images of Dr. Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD. (the guy in the pool video). In one, he can be seen hugging a man at with the UN logo in the background.

Also note that I think the jesusimage (he calls it) is what is hanging around his neck in the flute pic I found @ the Mayan Jade Art page. This looks an awful lot like the beard of Emperor Wen.

Anyway, he also appears connected to a Dr. Ruth Cardoso, who is a late professor of Seton Hall's School of Diplomacy & International Relations.

She was president of *Comunidade Solidaria *an anthropological program in Brazil - Brazil's most important anti-poverty program. As an anthropologist specializing in political participation and youth, Dr. Cardoso has taught in the Universities of Cambridge, Santiago, and Sao Paulo, where she was chair of the graduate program in political science.

Anyway, George Webb likes to say something like this: when a Yale Anthropologist shows up in your country for research - watch out because it's about to get ugly.

Brazilian Human Trafficking rose by 1500% in 2013.

And about 2.4 million victims are trafficked per year and 80% of them are used for prostitution. Brazil is ranked second only after Thailand.

This rabbit hole is getting deeper and far more interesting. I posted these a few weeks back:

Worldcorpo Image Points to Suspicious Location in NYC

NSFW!!! DISGUSTING Goes back to at least April 2016 - SICK OLD VERSION OF WEBSITE from

At that time, I hypothesized that Worldcorpo might provide leads to Chinese human / organ trafficking in New York City. However, a little digging in this OP's research shows that there are also leads to unveil potential networks in Brazil.

I don't have time to go through all the links - but I encourage you to start digging through and report back any additional unusual findings or connections to politicians / academics / financiers / professionals, etc.

n080d33 ago

Hey, thanks for the ss trick, I knew about nsfw, which is basically the same!

Yes, digging through the old Worldcorp site, it is clear that he "holy sage" was all about "saving the children" and was connected to the European organisms that deal with these matters.... You can clearly see that at one point he had a beef with the Clintons, some kind of dispute... It is interesting that whoever created the new Worldcorp picked the name of this man's "project"; I believe this is totally intentional. Here's an interesting HRC tweet I ran into via Podesta's feed: "Not on my watch."

FoxDen ago

I googled around and found tons more. . .


Lots of good stuff here including more info on his Jesus Image (which I showed in my Imgur link above).

Global Plan = Plan for a communal home = Unicef Involvement =

Text from his Tumblr: World Corp Enterprises Global Solidarity Simple Plan

Another Youtube with disucssion on Homelessness in Tucson AZ / many subscriptions / playlists. The AZ video has connections to the Soros backed Occupy movement and is described as follows: Clips from the panel discussion and audience participation that occurred at the Pima Public Library on February 15th. It was a discussion between homeless advocates, social serviced workers, government employees, business owners and church pastors. Finally, the video maker, Doctress Neutopia, gives a commentary on the need to think big, to build a model arcology on Arizona State Trust land as a national experiment in collective living. World Corp Enterprise Starting a plan for a Global Solidarity. Process to Iimprove a New undersanding Among members who provoke world war. Brought about by global corporations and countries as members of Government causing global wars between countries.

Dr. Gary Lee Munroe Barney Doctress Neutopia

His one and only sub is to Ritchie Dee (who is recent / and is watching or part of the PG investigation)

Ritchie has some interesting content including: Worldcorp Producer Identified: Who Runs Worldcorp? (part 2):

I took a transcript of Part 2 in which Gary Lee Munroe Barney speaks:

"I bid good day to everyone. I’m nearly understanding that most people feel their lives secure. Well after looking at this information I am sending you attached to this video. I hope that you may understand that your lives are not in your own hands. I was a victim. I went to a hospital. I was implanted with a spy chip against my will. My two children were kidnapped by government in 1982. The Canadians – not the US. After searching a lot of internet, I located my daughter in 2007. Yes, this is a true story. The information is true. So please understand that you have very little control on your life. After traveling around the world as a corporate CEO / founder in four countries… In 2013, they did it again. My youngest son was flown out of Guatemala to Boliva – where they thought his mother was looking for him. Which is untrue. She abandoned him in the streets. Fortunately we located him. He is doing good now. The US and Canada do nothing but make enemies out for the people they implant. There is no good thing that can happen. It cannot be used for any proper method except spying on one’s life. If you need more info, I’ll be back to give you documents / CT scans from various hospitals showing the location of the violation. In the attached section of the info, you’ll find my business card. Feel free to communicate. If you know you have the implant, there is less the government can do to you. It’s not only just government – it’s FBI, CIA, Canadian RMP, Secret Service of Canada / Great Britain. No. It’s Corporation. And corrupt neurosurgeons and doctors. The ones you trust you life with are the ones involved in the violation of your life. Please take this info. At least look at it. Because some day it may be you or your family. You never know. That is the truth."


n080d33 ago

Great finds, I am freaked out by the kids image where they look distressed, floor plans, the whole deal..this guy has a big operation going. Intentionally or not, this whole / Dr Gary Lee Wordlcorp story just keeps getting darker and I'm getting nauseous. So what's the deal, is he running an operation from Boliva? Does Unicef know about this? Gotta get some insider info somehow... Perhaps Leon Iván Omar San Guerrero (Uno) this guy, knows what's up? Bolivia as I heard is a dangerous place too, so I imagine that for a couple twenties you can get the police to look the other way on just about anything so I don't want to imagine, having read the guy's words, what kind of mental indoctrination he (Dr GLMB) is subjecting these kids to, if he is in fact being allowed to keep orphans in his communal house... Not to mention the implant/kidnapping stuff he talks about... I really don't want to become a Chupacabras Investigator...But really, I am sure the authorities have an eye on this guy, and it's not bad to keep checking ourselves, I don't think this man should be around kids, even if he takes care of their food and shelter.

Trying to find San Javierito, Bolivia is a pain, does not exist... But judging by the map he has on the page, I think this might be it...

-16.216598, -61.118990


Maximum zoom

VieBleu ago

WC smells like a CIA limted hangout with varous uses. Smell test is fairly accurate much of the time. lol

::Sniff sniff:: "Seems okay" - Galaxy Quest

In the case of WC, smells pretty rank of old spook.

rwb ago

Whoisdomain tools gives different information than you. See here: where it says the domain registrant is Contact Privacy Inc., an agency (part of Tucows) which appears to be able to prevent real domain owner identities from being published on whois.

n080d33 ago

Dig deeper...

rwb ago

If you've discovered an indisputable connection between and a James Henkel EPS Financial, LLC, it does not appear obvious with what you've presented. It's unreasonable to want others to dig deeper by perhaps duplicating your efforts. Can you not present your information more clearly, so others can connect the dots easily, and any deeper digging by your readers would at least be covering new ground?

n080d33 ago

You were correct, I was misled by duckduckgo... I did however find another worldcorp website from 6 years ago...check it out, it is in the introduction of this post

rwb ago

Judging by the content, that site belonged to Gary Lee Munroe Barney, another person who was mistakenly believed to be part of and/or in the videos found there. Unusual fellow to be sure, but there is no connection to the WC of interest. Correction appreciated.

n080d33 ago

No correction needed, I believe the site is just a mashup of info/disinfo from different places, but also believe it must be further investigated for the simple reason that they are leaking borderline legal videos of actual child torture footage, in a very professional way to circumvent censorship. The images too, are not made by an amateur, but a serious pro who is pretending to make "crappy" looking art, which actually takes skill. In my opinion, some of us should keep chewing at it until the end...

Mommyplayer571 ago

Is such a bank card Anonymous off grid payment system?

n080d33 ago

Who knows if they are really operating or it is a bogus site... But very good observation, that would be interesting to find out, somehow...

n080d33 ago

Seems they have been up for over 10 years, they do advance payments on tax returns, big money... Here is an old related page ARCHIVED