nomorepepperoni ago

Sorry, but no. I'm not all that convinced it's Podesta, but I'm far LESS convinced it's boogie.

surgeson ago

Try again. From an audio perspective, boogie's alter ego Francis is a dead ringer for the singing dude in each.mp4.

nomorepepperoni ago

Sorry, still no. Harder lisp and a different accent with "Francis" compared to Mr. Trap-Kids-In-My-Strobe-Shower.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Omg! You are right!

Not even close you stupid freaking Fuck!

surgeson ago

That's not my name but thanks for chipping in.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Well, it is now!

jv209 ago

reported as spam. that's how dumb this is. it's not even worth addressing.

surgeson ago

Please elaborate.

jv209 ago

there is nothing to elaborate. if you think that is boogie's voice, a famous yt'er with an instantly recognizable voice, in that creepy video then you are either trolling, shilling, or retarded. they don't even sound remotely similar.

surgeson ago

I'll take retarded, thanks. Are you the owner of ears? I must've gone mad.

jv209 ago

look, if you're being genuine, I'm sorry for being harsh, but this is a waste of everyone's time.

surgeson ago

I am. You'll see.

jv209 ago

fair enough.

surgeson ago

You are aware that I am talking about each.mp4 and not fatherhood.webm, right?

jv209 ago

dude, that's not boogie. it sounds more like someone who is around 40-50 years old trying to sound like a stereotypical, creepy hobo from a movie or something to that effect.

surgeson ago

You're either deaf or in denial.