n080d33 ago

Nice, I thought the number to sichuan was 3388, not 3888 and was following a wrong lead...thanks!

n080d33 ago

Ha!!! More confirmation it is in NY?

I researched the phone number 212-233-3388 on the FAMOUS SICHUAN place and i got this name and address: Please, someone from the area, confirm this!

48 Mulberry St.

It'd be great to know more about the place.

party1981 ago

I agree with that. I think it probably isn't Podesta, but seems to be part of an MK-ULTRA brainwashing/sadism ring. But I could be wrong about that too.

bibigirl_ ago

Very interesting indeed

Gothamgirl ago

Wow do you see the building with pedo logo outline, next to the top of his head, running through his face. Look toward our right, looks like the Brooklyn bridge. Wonder if the pedo outlined building could be the Freedom tower?

FoxDen ago

I do not. I see the kind-of Could you please highlight the portion of the image?

Gothamgirl ago

Nevermind, I see now they're rectangular swirls not triangular.

party1981 ago

What mental hoops did I jump through? I specifically said that it probably wasn't Podesta, because it has been online for a long time.

I think it's important to study anyway because it seems to me to show MK-ULTRA style sadism (see psychedelic lights), brainwashing, or the bathtub torture in Tony Podesta's artwork.

Violetti112 ago

This sign is a 100% match Sign L.O..

DontTreadOnMemes ago


FoxDen ago

NICE FIND. I really didn't think the name was "BREDIN." Do you have a source for this pic? Where did you find it?

Here is the same address - 9 Pell - in a 2007 image. http://www.nychinatown.org/storefronts/pell/9pell.html http://archive.is/oRFe9


  • The green awning reading "Joe's Shanghai" matches the one in the pic you found
  • You have to zoom - but to the left, you can easily see the Law Office of David A. Bredin.
  • Right of the awning is a clear entrance to an underground / basement location.
  • Right of that entrance is a sign that says "Chair Massage $5"

Details on Bredin Law



DarkMath ago

I'm skeptical of the NYPD covert leak web site because of the internet marketer named Calanan(sp?) who's photo is associated with the shitfreak99 twitter page. That has ALL the markings of someone trying to smear Calanan by associating him with child porn.

So why would the NYPD basically draw attention to Calanan and potential open themselves up to a defamation lawsuit?

The other thing is why go to the effort of creating all the terrible digital graphics on that sight. Just leak the videos, keep it simple.

Violetti112 ago

I did a facial reconstruction of the face in the image. Face

FoxDen ago

Crazy - and ugly. Definitely looks like a pissed Rosie O'Donnell. VERY good work!

A few observations:

  • The person is wearing what looks like historic / perhaps revolutionary era clothing. Note the collar / buttons.
  • The eyes are overlaid female eyes (with smoky shadow).
  • There is a circle surrounding the head - particularly visible on the right side.
  • Across the bottom of the circle, it says "Windows" (as in Microsoft Windows).

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Could the face be a suspect sketch?

fckItsReal ago

The sign is there. green circular. Second circle sign from the right on the second level. Def looks like it ends in IN. But still looks like an S to begin

fckItsReal ago

However look at the three symbols under in the image... seem chinese. seems as if there are three chinese symbols under the sign in google view as well

dem6nic ago

The more research that is done, the more it becomes apparent that this is bigger than the justice system, which seems to have their hands full. I've figured it's not the suppliers that need to be shut down. Hear me out. If there was no demand, the suppliers would move onto more lucrative things. The people buying are the cause of the problem: there needs to be a concerted mass effort to purge these creatures from our societies.

islandofdelight ago

10 Pell street is about 5 blocks from FBI Federal Plaza... a 10 minute walk... I reiterate my hypothesis that worldcorp is a FBI evidence leaking operation.

DarkMath ago

"reiterate my hypothesis that worldcorp is a FBI evidence leaking operation".........I pray that's what it is but I'm skeptical because of the internet marketer named Calanan(sp?) who's photo is associated with the shitfreak99 twitter page. That has ALL the markings of someone trying to smear Calanan by associating him with child porn. Thoughts?

Wolftrail7272 ago

I have the same suspicions about them being an FBI strategic leak team. When you look at the function of the website in so far as it has bits and pieces of information, it starts to become clear they are trying to get people to make connections. Yes, it could be art and have the same "infinite rabbit hole" function, but it seems too well produced...

bibigirl_ ago

Even the one with the guy crawling around in the woods with a duster sticking out of his anus?

slickleg64 ago

Honestly I think its just run by a group of mentally disturbed individuals who may be in the the know of a smaller pedo ring.

Or all the pics and videos are are old blackmail and links to lesser pedo's to be used as bait.

srayzie ago

You mean to distract us? Or help give clues?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I have been of the opinion since reading FBI ANON threads 1 and 2 and listening to the dude who appears all the time on the Alex Jones show....the ¨Coup counter Coup" dude. http://www.infowars.com/pieczenik-intel-coup-bringing-down-hillary/ Steve Piexzenik. That there was a group of people in the FBI that wanted to take Clinton and the Pedophiles down. That they have been spying on Hillary the dumbass for years and saw how sloppy she was and how dumb Podesta was. They began gathering all the dirt on them that they needed......they did that big raid in Europe in 2015 on the Child Porn and got the 5 terrabytes of info. I am guessing that this is where the Pedophile Elite had stored all their blackmail stuff on all the politicians....I am guessing the FBI then set Weiner up with that girl in NC to give them an excuse to do the NYC raid. They got that Clinton laptop because I believe they knew it was there and it was evidence they wanted...not against Weiner but to destroy the NWO. I believe the FBI already has everything they need to destroy the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. But they have the problem that the truth is tooooo terrible. It involves 30 Senators 100 members of the House of Representatives and it involves the Supreme Court as well. So they have to be very smart about how they use this information. I kind of think they are holding the threats above the Congress to goad them into doing what they want.....then when Trump gets more and more established they will start bringing down parts of the NWO. I think we cannot understand the real stakes here.......it is truly ALL OR NOTHING. What a fucking time to be alive.

I even think WIKILEAKS is a part of it......how can a group of hackers vett thousand and thousands of emails for ten years and never publish fake shit not once? Because they have some major GOVERNMENT help......I think WIKILEAKS is likely been set up by this DEEP STATE counter group years ago.....this is one giant plot by one group battling the other group.

And I am hoping they wont forget the kids in all this.....in this gigantic battle going on between two groups....I hope that the group that pushed Trump into power actually care about the Pedophilia and kid killing and are not just using this as a weapon.

srayzie ago

I agree about Wikileaks. Steve Piexzenix even said that. I hope you're right. Isn't that thumb drive lost? They are probably just saying that. It's so hard waiting and not knowing what's true and what's not.

LincolnsMullet ago

I'll buy this.

party1981 ago

FBI or NYPD. That was my first thought.

According to True Pundit, what they saw on the videos turned their stomachs. That's exactly what this website is.

The problem is that this website has been live for a long time right? Before pizzagate? We need to get that straightened out. And we need to tie it to the Podestas/Abedin.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

At least one of the WorldCorp videos existed on YouTube months ago. I found a Reddit post from 7 months ago in r/creepy of "Each" video from a YouTube link (the channel is now closed). The OP of that post was contacted and said he found that video by searching for things (he was vague about what) using different languages. He claimed to be a person who likes finding creepy things online late at night. So we know at least Each was on YouTube 7 months ago.

I have also listened extensively to everything on the WorldCorp Soundcloud, some very weird music on there. Hip hop about a slave kept in a basement, things like that.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here is the carbon dating...

"self": "http://cd.cs.odu.edu/cd?url=http://worldcorpo.net", "URI": "http://worldcorpo.net", "Estimated Creation Date": "2016-06-10T00:17:15"


FoxDen ago

I'm operating under the same hypothesis. Either that or some perv left his/her digital calling card. The FBI leak seems more likely.

VieBleu ago

I was torn between my own similar idea vs. it's a CIA psy op intended to rattle and control Podesta (like the E-fit Sketches did) and kulture kuntol through exposure to MK-Ultra style materials, similar to this early operation of theirs http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html

comes down to white hat or black hat - both have their arguments.

Overall though, I don't think WorldCorp merits any more attention. It's a hampster wheel distraction.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Nice work. I spent about an hour yesterday trying to decipher this image. I'm most curious about the law office.

BackAgain ago

Law Office of David A. S_ _ IN

thisHoCwilltumble ago

David A. Bredin 212 791 1468 / 38. Thanks to @Violetti112

AliensInParis ago

I think there's a B in the last name. Brighten and contrast in Photoshop to see it better.

BackAgain ago

I don't have photoshop but an E can look like a B. Probably two of the most similar letters in the alphabet

FoxDen ago

Me too. Did you notice any other images that had location identifying information? This was the only one I saw.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Here, this one with the news story may have more information to glean from it.


Gothamgirl ago

That says "Lynch" in the pic & the news article.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

There was one more but this one was the best one.. let me take a look again real quick, one sec.

FoxDen ago

I am not certain about that. Bredin Law's sign doesn't match the sign in the picture. Plus, I think the sign actually says "David A. S***in." Perhaps someone can clean up the image to draw out the detail.

BackAgain ago

Its David A Stein

CWenstra ago


Safe Passage Project? For unaccompanied minors? Just WTF.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Here's the Safe Passage Project website. The webmaster for Brendin Law fucked up the hyper link.


dmthirdeye ago

They all lead to something crazy like this, gotta help those orphans....