n080d33 ago

Hey there, I just found out Worldcorp Enterprises dates back to at least the year 2000, check out this thing I posted today, at the end of the intro I put links to the original Worldcorp Enterprises

FoxDen ago

Thanks for letting me know! I did some follow-up and added a comment to your OP. I've never seen rabbits dig holes this deep.


n080d33 ago

Sweet, no problem, thank you! :D

FoxDen ago

Gotcha on the movie. I didn't think that was real.

Re: the Serrano abomination, even though a child, I still remember the (deserved, IMO) outrage / scandal caused by that image. Some guy got $20K in taxpayer funded NEA money to pee on a crucifix and call it art. Christians / Catholics were FURIOUS. And the double-standard still exists. Today, we can't even say "Islamic terrorism" without being branded a hatemonger. Sorry for the OT rant :)

Blacksmith21 ago

All the links on the archive site are dead. I checked them out. I didn't try any of the music ones. Archive dates May of 2016.

We know that the various law enforcement and IC entities keep an eye on us. Heck, there are 12,000 subscribers and no post over 1,200 +/- likes. Maybe, the LEC/IC put this site up when they knew about Pizzagate first as a leak site? Something which runs the ragged edge of legal/illegal so they could drop hints to keep us interested and/or intrigued.

I say this as there are only a certain amount of analysts available to work any case/project/operation/etc. I think the FBI is probably overloaded to the max, not to mention, compartmentalized and heavily understaffed. If you were running the investigation, wouldn't you want some form of "outsourced analysis" that can do open source? They don't have to pay us, they don't have to acknowledge us, they give us the scantest of leads and we analyze, hypothesize, and criticize as needed. Obviously, we don't have the access to do the deep digs, but even if there is only 1,000 of us thinking about Pizzagate here on Voat, that's still an extra thousand "analysts" thinking about the problem that the FBI doesn't have on hand.

abortionburger ago

Anyone care to take a close look to try to figure out if that picture is real? I couldn't stomach it for more than about a minute.

ArthurEdens ago

The background is an asian woman chopped into pieces on a bed, very bloody, and it repeats all down the page. The foreground is full of bizarre phrases and links, lots of foul words randomly scattered around, along with photos of a kid crying and a pot belly guy wearing a shirt with a baby or something on it. All the colors are purple and pink and black and it's a mess. Not clicking any further than that

islandofdelight ago

WORLDCORPO is FBI. Podesta was in the /fatherhood video... they leak evidence like this because they have to. The challenge is to great to not have the public somewhat aware of these things. Not all the footage on the site is the same. /fatherhood is not ARG... It is a mix of media to bypass average censors... the post yesterday even pointed out one photo found on the site was taken next to FBI Federal Plaza in NYC. These are clues. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1665890

fartyshorts ago

Could be that they add some random shit for plausible deniability.

ArthurEdens ago

Or it's just an advertisement for pedos to go to the restaurant and order a child

surgeson ago

Never seen a weird site, eh?

Markb63 ago

Yeah they are it. #catchthem

Rangers_justice ago

Damn, that's some really twisted sh*t. I need a fucking drink after that. WTF is wrong with these people?

nnfx ago

This worldcorpo thing is some kind of trolling and nothing else.

neurofluxation ago

NSFL you mean... Did not expect that...
They've taken the site down from archive.org already! fuck that was fast.
Edit: It's back up, went down for me for quite a while..

Edit2: Found this really old thread. Archive.

fartyshorts ago

I knew I saw it before November 2016! Fuck yeah, redeemed!

surgeson ago

lol it's still up mr hypervigilant

neurofluxation ago

oops! edited :)

DarkMath ago

FoxDen I never heard back from you about my theory the NYPD/FBI isn't using worldcorp's web site as a covert pizzagate leak channel for Weiner's "life insurance" videos.

The problem with that is you'd have to explain the internet marketer guy "Calanan" I think his name was/is. The NYPD/FBI wouldn't slander an innocent man like that.

neurofluxation ago

Full story?

rwb ago

New member here. My very quick observations on Worldcorp in response to question from neurofluxation:

Worldcorpo.net hosts a handful of bizarre videos, some music videos (rap-ish, with dark morbid lyrics) and three videos that may be connected to JP. In one child torture video, the child says the name John, twice, and the arm and voice of the perpetrator are an excellent match for JP. In a third and deeply disturbing 5 second video, a child is being smothered/dragged. The name Skippy (Podesta's nickname) is clearly said once by someone other than the victim or perpetrator. Some observers say these videos have no possible connection to JP, but I have to disagree, at least to the extent that they cannot remotely be ruled out in entirety.

There have been three names presented at VOAT as possible owners/operators of Worldcorp, two of which I believe were mis-attribution from insufficient fact checking. The only one that stays viable in my opinion is Josh Albury. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1662874

My loose working hypothesis: Josh is a victim of ritual satanic child abuse and is the creator of the music videos. He may also be the victim in the videos. The fact that the three key videos of interest found at Worldcorp are not only on the video directory, but are also featured on the main page might say something. It would take a while to make a proper argument if one were to include all relevant information.

LincolnsMullet ago

It's nice to see rational theories proposed here. There's a tendency to exaggerate everything here these days. If we want a case against someone, there needs to be more than coincidences and leaps of faith.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Good find. I would have to say that Josh Albury has got to be the guy who does the rap music on SoundCloud right?

DarkMath ago

Why would the FBI/NYPD risk leaking videos on that site? The worldcorp web site is slandering the Calanan guy. I highly suspect the Calanan guy isn't part of this. Someone was/is pissed off at Calanan and pastee his photo to the worldcorp site to slander him.

The FBI/NYPD wouldn't be part of slandering someone in other words.

bopper ago

These people be one sick batch of puppies that I can tell you.