GeorgeT ago

But today we have internet! No more centralized state run media.

Psalm144-1 ago

Love the ownership on this, keep up the good work.

EllaMinnow ago

While many people defend their mistakes to the end, or pretend they didn't make them at all, you owned up. We all make mistakes, it's part of the learning process, the more mistakes you make, the smarter you are. Thanks for being a good influence. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes.

YingYangMom ago


Silverlining ago

But, suppose it is JP - despite the odds against? No such thing as coincidence in the Universe - God doesn't play dice.

You've seen the voice/nose comparisons? It is a pity no-one has been able to source the time and location of the filming. If the authorities won't investigate - and do it properly this time - they will reap the whirlwind.

This slaughter of innocents must stop. John Podesta BUSTED! Caught spewing endless lies about #pizzagate.

He says our news is "underground." I heard "like a seed - and this one's ready to germinate.

We need a scalp to send a signal that no-one is safe. JP's would do just fine - even if he is not the "father" in Fatherhood.

Make sure both links are up on v/pizzagatewhatever

crazimal ago

Podesta hangs in the wind as evidence piles up.

Podesta tweets desperately and goes on TV avoiding subject and looking creepy and guilty.

Podesta handed wapo job, as of yesterday literally back on the payroll.

Gov't shill army returns to "debunk" the "fake news" that Podesta is guilty and in it up to his neck.

Surprised? Um, no.

Those gov't shills and bots can't do anything until their accounting is straight, LOL now they know which account to charge for expenses related to cyber protection of their creepiest asset.

Collect your checks shills

YingYangMom ago

Well, thanks to both you and your wife for this :) This hint you pinpointed to us actually turned out to be in JP's favour, so nothing to worry about, hehe. On a more serious note, I can definitely understand your wariness and your wish to remain anonymous, so thanks for your courage.

Pipebomb ago

No one's perfect. Someone's gotta investigate it if the MSM journalists and Intelligence Agencies don't wanna do their job...

99% of us have the safety of anonymity. Props for being brave enough to talk about it in public.

GeorgeT ago

Just a few days ago mainstream media in the UK broke about investigation into pedophile murders relating to none other than former prime minister of UK Ted Heath! It goes far beyond Podesta.

rwb ago

YingYangMom, it is unclear whether you are familiar with this video: This is the video with the word Skippy, said by someone other than the victim, and almost certainly not the perpetrator. It is very easy to miss. I listened to the audio perhaps 30 times in a few sessions before locking onto the word. However, once you tune into it, it's unmistakable, with an upward inflection on the second syllable. Headphones are essential. Word starts about 1/3 of the way through the video. My conjecture is that it is spoken by a third party witnessing the attack and is thus attempting to get the perpetrator to exercise restraint. The hyperlink that opens here seems to have no audio, but the video at WC has audio.

Is the Worldcorp angle a red herring? Perhaps, but it remains impossible to dismiss out of hand three torture videos where two sound very much like JP, one of which has the victim screaming John two or more times, and the third where someone says Skippy (JP's nickname and alter ego.) For the sake of thoroughness, WC's videos have to remain of interest. To help me understand the dynamics of this particular conversation, kindly let me know if you were aware of this Guiseppe video and that it contained the word Skippy, and whether my comments are of any benefit.

YingYangMom ago

The link is broken or it's not opening for me.

rwb ago

Trying again Note: Cannot figure out why it hyperlinks here with no audio. In any event, if you go here: ...which will come up as "not found" in your address bar, just add an m to the end of the url and hit enter. I am not so tech savvy, but this should get you to the video. Warning, it's not for the faint of heart.

AreWeSure ago

There is a strong possibility that the man is mixing up or repeating the verses.

Right after he says SING! The next verse he says

Each day I grow some more I nananana something more

It's clear to me that he is simply dropping some of the lyrics that he doesn't remember. He also absolutely sings "Caillou" just like in the theme song. Other parts of the song you can make out are "I'm finding my way" and from "Growing up..." until the end of the song, he pretty much stays with the lyrics

By the way, in the clip you can also clearly hear the man say

"point it at yourself, point it at yourself" at the end. This lends weight to the idea of the kid being in a shower....perhaps with cold water from the shower end.

It also sounds like there is another child there singing. At one point the man addresses this child in a more cheerful voice. To me it sounds like he says "Tracy sing."

To hear the clip clearly, I downloaded the mp4 from worldcorpo, opened the file in Sound Forge.

  1. Applied a Noise Gate filter, to filter out sounds that were below -7.5 decibels from peak

  2. Applied an EQ filter to boost EQ from 100 kHz to 700 kHz and lowered all the other frequencies to boost the man's voice

  3. Slowed the audio by half.

If anyone wants to go crazy with this, the new generation of audio tools, shows not just a waveform but the full "spectrum" of frequencies.

YingYangMom ago

Very interesting.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I agree with you fully. Well said.

Listen to the words to the actual song (which I believe was playing in the room) and also to the other lines sung by Mr. X (who may or may not be Podesta) and it is easy to believe he's starting to sing "I'm just a kid who's 4" again, and simply drops into mumbling when he forgets the words.

This kind of investigation will include good and bad leads, and true and false hunches/impressions. All of those things come with the territory and should not cause great upset when they are encountered.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thanks for posting this. I felt from the start those videos were some kind of planted distraction, they were too disturbing and arrived too out of nowhere; "too bad to be true" if you know what I mean. It takes a lot to put together a mea culpa like this and set the record straight for others!

YingYangMom ago

Hey, thx. Good to see you here :)

JeremiahSinclair ago

Likewise :D

YingYangMom ago

Well it did and thank you so much for it. Sometimes we point something out not knowing the effect it will have, but it turns out that it's that little detail that made all the difference in the end. Kudos for sharing that awesome catch with us :)

YingYangMom ago

Thank you and yes, I absolutely agree.

rodental ago

It's him.

micha_ ago

You recognized an obvious mistake, but the MODERATOR, who flagged it as IMPORTANT is still in place...

YingYangMom ago

I don't think it's fair to accuse the Mod, because literally minutes after I find out about the Caillou video and doubts start to sink in, I PM the Mod who right away agrees to unsticky as "New Evidence" and sticky it as "Potential Lead" which didn't last that long if you ask me. Well that is until I submitted this Post and explained everything in details. The old post was then flaired as "Debunked". In any case, we all make mistakes and I'm glad it's all settled now :)

bopper ago

I think "debunked" was an overkill.

YingYangMom ago

I would have objected to the 'debunked' sticky if only the title of my post wasn't so close to a JP confession. It could possibly be him (I still think it is because of the voice and background music noise and lights and the accent and voice in general) but the clip doesn't contain a confession and it just stinks. I want this torture to stop so bad.

bopper ago

Thanks, I understand 120 percent and I agree 120 percent. Look forward to seeing you around.

YingYangMom ago

Same :)

eiggaMAD ago

I haven't been following the this stuff as I can't really handle watching it (ptsd)

I know it's speculated the videos are taken at cpp (or possibly a shower), is this based on the light patterns or has anyone else heard the bass in the background of the first video?

bopper ago

Yes I have.

islandofdelight ago

Thank you for your honesty @YinYangMom... we hold you in high regard here.

I will say that for me, the alleged 'self-identification' had no bearing on my (and many others) certainty that it is Podesta... I knew from the voice matches previously. I also have other sources that are not pertinent to a fact based investigation as many would see it. I'll just say this - it's been recently factually confirmed that the CIA has long believed in and studied ESP/clairvoyance etc. I have sources of certainty, not sources that work well in a court of law... The man is John Podesta... Worldcorpo is FBI... and I will not stop stating these as fact.

GeorgeT ago

Be on your guard fellas, white hat agents will soon leak some shocking videos from the Weiner collection.

concernedaboutitall ago

Caillou always creeper me out. Now, it's worse. I haven't watched the video (I just can't do it) but it sounds horrid.

atheist4thecause ago

Why don't you just delete it?

YingYangMom ago


iamthepizzanow ago

Props to coming to reality.

DeathToMasons ago

Either way, there is a child being tormented, and there is still the possibility that it is Podesta. If not, worldcopr is still in need of investigation. Either way, there seems to be obvious crime going on here.

TruthWarrant ago

I never personally heard "I am John Podesta", but I think the sharing of this video has alerted unaware people to what goes on in these sick circles; people are outraged, so that is a positive thing in a sense. Normal people despise child abusers. And let's face it, if the person in this video is not John Podesta, it is hardly defamtion of a good man.

Worry not YingYangMom, you rock!

YingYangMom ago

I think the sharing of this video has alerted unaware people to what goes on in these sick circles; people are outraged, so that is a positive thing in a sense.

You know what? That's so true. Thx for this.

YingYangMom ago

I absolutely 100% agree with you.

samhara ago

That is why when I analyzed it I stuck to the "Father's" voice. Whatever words he is saying is not the important evidence. The important point is that it sounds just like Mr. Podesta's voice - -

bopper ago

Yes, exactly that. Somebody (who I don't know) is going to end up with the proverbial egg on the face. Maybe a mod, maybe me. But I'll accept it if it's me that does.

MolochHunter ago

it may still be podesta, it may still be at Comet, and it definitely is a perp who remains at large

bopper ago

I still think it's highly possible, too much circumstantial evidence, regardless of any backstory about WorldCorp or "Pdst."

Man that guy sounds like Skippy.

GeorgeT ago

Sounds like podesta to me. Lets's ask Podesta himself, let's see what he says, but I know what he will say.....'CNN, NBC debunked it instantly!'

bopper ago

Yes. I can't get his voice out of my head.

MolochHunter ago

Good show of diligence to admit your mistake

I would assert to any critical of our movement, though, that such mistakes are a function of having a corrupted State police/justice system by which it is left to the Citizenry to take action (without access to professional training, standards and investigative powers / resources) to ensure public safety

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for being a good sport.

VieBleu ago

The whole WorldCorp thing is a waste of time, to the point that I pretty much downvote any thread about WorldCorp content at this point. If law enforcement makes a break in the case of WorldCorp, I'll read that. Otherwise, you are grasping at straws, smoke and mirrors, and half revealed half truths and total manipulation. Worse, it subjects ANY listener or viewer to its mind melting disgust. There is plenty to work with and analyze in investigating pizzagate that is real world and can lead to solid outcomes.

Leave the WorldCorp psy-op, LARP or MK-Ultra programming where it belongs, alone in hell.

shachalnur ago


So looking into MK Ultra is a waste of time?

VieBlue matters?

YingYangMom ago

I have to disagree with you on this one. WorldCorp absolutely needs to be exposed and investigated, because they're posting videos of a child being abused and tortured. I came here to help save some kids, not to give up on them because it doesn't concern or incriminate John Podesta or James Alefantis. This is heart-wrenching and it also needs to be stopped.

Fateswebb ago

I'm pretty sure they tracked down who owns the site and his name is John. Maybe he is the John in the video?

VieBleu ago

/\Misdirection. Ignore

LostandFound ago

Appreciated YingYang - would still love to know who or what this video is all the same. Keep up good work!

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, yep. I feel the same. I think we all share that common goal, which is to save the children.

Vindicator ago

Thumbs up for demonstrating grace, character and leadership, YingYangMom. You rock.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, for your kind words, Sir.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I won't listen to that Evil recording. The fact is who ever is in that video is EVIL and the fact that Podesta has not denied that it is him, makes you wonder.

YingYangMom ago

I can understand your reasons not to listen to it, because it is indeed very evil.

LurkingNoMore ago

I hear "I'm John pode- SKIPPY"

fartyshorts ago

I used noise-reduction, slowed it down and played it over and over. It never once sounded like "podesta", more like he starts the second line the same way as the first and trails off because the boy isn't singing along. So:

"It's just a kid who's four, each day I grow some more. I'm just... Dada-SING!"

Yes, he sings "IT's" in the beginning. The actual song is also playing in the background. The actual song says "I'm just a kid..."

He does the same thing later when he can't remember the lyrics "I'm... dadada something more..."

YingYangMom ago

I agree with everything you've said except for the part where you say that he says: "It's just a kid... " because, when the man starts to sing at 0:55 of the clip, I can clearly hear him say "...Am just a kid who's four... ". I mean, there's a big difference between the sound I'm and the sound It's and I can't make the It's sound at all. But at this point, it's not very relevant, is it?

fartyshorts ago

Oh yeah, that is it. As if he missed the cue and skipped the "I" in "I'm".

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago

I personally could never make out the word 'Skippy'. And i still can't tell if the child says 'John' or 'Dad'. The tone of the child is so high and screechy (because of the pain), that it can almost be any one-syllable word, really. But that's just my perception though.

fairytisya ago

was there a miss lead or was it a lead for people to forget and turn a blind eye.

user name yingyang I would call 69. Xalling you a shill..

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If you're going to try to out everyone with a goofy name as a shill, your entire life's future is now cemented, and also wasted.

YingYangMom ago

I can't convince anyone that I'm not a shill if they really want to perceive me that way. You can always look through my profile and history if you like, but Yin Yang is a symbol of Balance, Harmony, Centralisation of Energies, et al. I've never heard of it being compared to 69 before. Well, I could imagine perverts thinking like that, maybe yes, but this is so far from reality, it's a little funny to me.

surgeson ago

Good post. Welcome back to reality.

YingYangMom ago

Lol, thanks.