Vindicator ago

@YingYangMom, I'm changing the flair on this post to "Debunked" based on your comment and follow-up post (which showed character and leadership). Thanks.

YingYangMom ago

Ok, thanks.

SynapticRevolt ago

Death or Castration

equineluvr ago

I have never heard "Skippy." I hear "Dad."

Also, that is a standard strobe light, available anywhere.

Pedosta is a sick freak and this video is horrible, but I'm not convinced that it is JP.

YingYangMom ago

Yup. please check out the update, on this thread:

fairytisya ago

crap that was heart breaking. As a mother that sound of a child screaming and crying is of a child who is beaten often and sound like that when they know what is coming....NO i do not harm any of my children just for the record. For a kids pizza parlor why the heck would you even have such a band like that playing to underage,, to scare the crap out of them, to terrify them. this pod is mental and knows he is protected this is why he shoves it in your face. its time to send this stuff to pods wash post editorial column fill his inbox up every day with pizza gate rub it in his face. Save these kids send a pray out to them.

YingYangMom ago

I'm sorry, I posted an update on this lead, please check it out:

fairytisya ago

for some one high up and knows about this is doing nothing to clear their name or sue any person. IF my name was attached to this I would go all out to prove its not me in it wasnt me.

gt8h65fg ago

I can hear john but cannot hear podesta.

YingYangMom ago

I've posted a new thread on this with an update, please check it out:

sentryseven ago

Holy shit! The mother lode! There it is! I'm JOHN PODESTA! Heard it clear as a bell.!

ArmedExorcist ago

Just remember. In order for a criminal arrest to take place, we don't need a 100% unconvertible evidence upfront. A probable cause is all it takes. Just on voat, there are hundreds of those. Lock him up already. Deny bail. Keep investigating as he's waiting for trial in jail.

mudbear ago

It looks pretty damning and its god awful to watch, but id relegate this to the circumstantial evidence basket, its potentially VERY strong evidence of child abuse, and could be very likely that it is john "skippy" podesta, as that sounds like what the kid is forced to say, and i personally suspect it might be, but this could be dismissed as something made by someone else as 'fake' evidence.

You can never say something is a fact if it is possible the evidence could be faked, meaning getting concrete evidence is nearly impossible short of a legitimate investigation and chasing up leads.

At this stage i think we can confirm that podesta is creepy as fuck, and that is a fact, i dont think that this is outside of his behaviour or taste and would fit his personality just fine, but without a confession, dna evidence or visual clarification, or perhaps forensic analysis of the voice samples, we cant for absolutely certain say that this is him. There are other abusers out there, and i assume many more places where this would happen.

Is there any context for this video? where did it come from?

truthseekertx ago

I, like a lot of others, was skeptical with the first video, but after watching this particular video...its hard to deny that its Podesta. I understand too though, those who question how a podesta video would have ended up in the hands of worldcorp. If somehow we could find that out...we would have gold. Until then...I don't see this going anywhere unfortunately. Regardless, its amazing to see so many people contribute to taking these fuckers down and working together. Lets keep it up guys.

Keep it up YingYangMom!

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

I can't stomach this shit.

spongeboob ago

Your hearing is very influenced by suggestion. Just look up "Misheard lyrics" on Youtube and you will hear that for yourself.

TrollMagnet ago

Here is is cleared up JP Audio Only w/noise reduced, and the child saying John Slowed

Got someone to post it for me. YouTube kept rejecting it, and I knew of no other way to post it anywhere, so I drop boxed it to a LiveLeak buddy of mine. I am a lurker myself on there and dont have the points needed. Its up in this link without the video though, so no distractions

truthseekertx ago

Your link isn't working for me. Are you sure thats the right one?

TrollMagnet ago

Works for me. Should auto play for you when you open it.

gardenofbacchus ago

It isn't just because of the lighting. We know comet has secret rooms. It's very likely the room this is being filmed in is "the torture chamber" - the shower is in there as a cabinet/glass case to put children in, it doesn't have to be a functioning shower. If you're going to build a torture chamber you want something that keeps your victim locked in it, away from you while filling it with whatever the fuck you can think of while all the while being able to see what's happening to them - a shower frame is perfect. There's also clearly a live band playing in the background that we can hear.

Im_with_her ago

You folks are sad. First if all, pizzagate is false. Next, John is an honorable gentleman. Fake news!

BloodGod1337 ago

They got a sense of invincibility from being able to do it for so long. From what i can infer, they've been doing this shit for decades. I guess they didn't expect to ever get caught, especially with all their pedo friends in powerful positions at their defense.

Silverlining ago


WellSetTable ago

Maybe they won't get prosecuted but some one will take care of them that's for sure. They won't get away with it either way, the Internet is on fire and people are beyond pissed. They are going to eventually go into hiding. I foresee this.

gumshoe_mob ago

May I acquaint you with the term "over dub" ??

-- the voice of the crazy person reminded me more of youtube PEWDIEPIE

Awoke_AF ago

First of all... this is my first post ever. I've been a long time lurker, for months, addicted to know what will come next. This thought made me sign up for an account....

Unfortunately, I have listened to this video many times trying to convince myself even further. A theory I haven't heard mentioned could be improved if I knew what his "3 children's" names were. I couldn't find it online easily available. However, what if one (or two) of his children is a son, and one is named John. John Podesta (Jr.). - - Edit:John Podesta is a Jr. to his father, so JP III.

What if the child isn't screaming John, but "Dad". More like "Daaaaad" where this video quotes "John". Could be a mixture of both "Dad and John", but some of them prior to him asking to call him "Father" it sounds like "Dad".

John sings the song... "I'm John Pode...", what if his son is John Podesta also and he is actually saying what he wants the child to repeat (including the child's name). If there is another younger boy in the video screaming "STOP", what if that is a sibling? And he is literally his (their) Father.

In summary, what if this is a video that would be shared with certain people proving that John is raising his children by whatever code these fucks live by. What if this is a clip of JP indoctrinating ("ABUSING") his own child? Edit: Have to assume this video was made for some reason, JP wouldn't be making videos of abusing just anyone.

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Maybe they'll suicide themselves

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Well, that was the most convincing thing I have seen since the emails dropped. When I first saw this video a week ago, I didn't have the heart to believe it was him. But now, I'm 99% sure it is him. Something must be done immediately. This cannot go on much longer, I have a feeling we are very close to pushing this over the edge into the mainstream for good. Trump knows. He mentioned the horrific crimes today. I don't blame him for not using the term pizzagate, but I believe he needs to start pushing on this shit soon. Podesta will get away with it if Trump doesn't directly involve his forces to take this disgusting, satanic pedo death cult down.


YingYangMom ago

Thank you for your kind words, they are very much appreciated. I feel much better already :)

nomorepepperoni ago

As was said, don't sweat it. We're human, and humans make mistakes from time to time. Even us. Even good, based, non-pizza-eating cops.

YingYangMom ago

It's a very humbling experience, so cheers for being good sports.

Cincosiber ago

I am worried about the false flag attack when the authorities come knocking for them

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

They keep pushing this there are Aliens shit.....if we drop all the Pizzagate stuff...look for them to announce we have found a space ship in Antartica and it is all a studio set.....these fuckers will do anything.

Cincosiber ago

I'd rather some elaborate theatrical bullshit than another false flag event! Hoping the truth is know to the masses soon!

Betty_Swollocks ago

Makes me wonder if the alien/4chan stuff today was a pysop/diverter plan.

biggerisnotbetter ago


Sheilaaliens ago

Nobody ever talks about the second child you can hear in the background, an older child yelling for him to stop.

gardenofbacchus ago

What about that disturbing long moan at the very beginning ? For me that's the most fucked part of the whole video, it sounds like someone dying

YingYangMom ago

Please check my comment in CAPITAL LETTERS in reply to my first (top) comment for update. This might not be Podesta or might. I'm sorry for the possible false alarm.

dreamdigital ago

It's all good. The only thing we can take from this is child torture is being done by someone, or the video was faked. And we still do not know who world corp actually is.

YingYangMom ago

A child is being tortured and we can't just let this go, I agree.

dreamdigital ago

On thing is for sure, I've always hated that stupid kids show they're singing anyway.

Rightfight ago

Everyone ,crying out like excited kids ,that this is done and dusted . That this is John Podesta , need to check there heads for a minute. There is far to many people wanting to hear and see . it as John Podesta. I don't know how you can determine from a terrible outline ,it is JPodesta. The voice sounds very close and it does sound like he puts the name 'John' in the lyrics I can't hear where they say 'Skippy' if you can hear it then give us a time stamp if you're so convinced. If this is the real deal then it ain't going anywhere, we have evidence. But if it turns out to be some bullshit setup. The Main Stream Media will tear us to pieces by looking like amateurs . It will discount all the rest of the good solid evidence. So instead of getting excited and thinking you are sherlock fucking Holmes Let's make sure about what we are claiming is the real deal.

DabbaDan ago

...aww now you're just fuckin' with him.

Pechal ago

Can someone point out where in that concert photo this child would be in. There are brighter versions of this video that without a doubt show the child is in some kind of shower tub, I don't see that here in this concert venue, just similar lights.

YingYangMom ago

I think you may be right. It is very possible. Thank you for this. Now, I don't know what to do. I have to point out that it is possible that the man is not saying John Podesta, but instead, could be saying: 'I'm just a kid...sing.

DiabolusExMachina ago

A twitter clip from someone who's profile says "made in russia"

you people are so blatantly Trumpers it's not even funny anymore. Literally anyone could make a new video, do that crappy voice of Podesta's and say was him but these videos no matter how sick do not show is face.. We need real proof. We need his computer records we need the NSA to release their information they have been illegally collecting. You're telling me that no one from the NSA has leaked a real smoking gun?

I do not think these videos will hold up in a court.

GumbyTM ago

Jesus Christ, are you kidding me?

Why is this fuck not in custody (or dead) right now?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

calm down your not doing anything productive with these spam posts

madmanpg ago

Nope, sorry. The first time the kid answers the question "what's my name", he's saying "dad". This is verifiable by the fact that later in the clip the douchefuck keeps commanding the kid to call him his father. He wasn't saying "John" and it's ridiculous to think that JP would take that kind of risk exposing himself by recording his victim saying his name.

YingYangMom ago

Ok, the man asks the child and makes him/her repeat again and again, what's my name, what do you call me... The child says John and dad both, in the longer, original version. And many times over too. This isn't disputed. When we hear the man singing... it sounds like he's saying : "I'm John Pod" and he stops himself before giving the entire name? Or, he's saying something else entirely? But what??? Can you give us an idea?

madmanpg ago

Yeah, I didn't agree that the words were "John Pod" in that instance either. Again: you're suggesting he repeatedly self-identified in a recording of him abusing a child. It's too unreasonable considering that if he really had the urge to implicate himself, we'd have more examples so blatant and public. Unfortunately while the recording is disturbing, nothing in it identifies anyone.

surgeson ago

Do you even know the words to the song he's singing? The Caillou theme? All he's doing is rushing over that part because he doesn't know the line. He's slurring. Why the fuck would he be singing his own name anyway? Absolutely ridiculous. People are only hearing this because they're told what to hear.

LostandFound ago

Hey @SaneGoatiSwear need your shill spotting skills, I think I stumbled on a nest of em. Heaps of new accounts on this thread some a month or two old with few submissions look like sleeper accounts. @YingYangMom I know your not a shill and just reposted this from that worldcorp site so not aiming this at you. This smells of tomfuckery

YingYangMom ago

You may be right. I PM a mod over my doubts. It could be false flag I fell for, or not. Can't be 100% sure.

YingYangMom ago

I am open-minded and so, I don't take offence to this at all. I'm still not 1000% convinced that it is absolute irrefutable evidence myself. IF it turns out to be a false flag or psy-op I'll be very mad at myself for falling for it. You gotta admit though, it does seem like it could be him saying I'm John Sing! Still, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if you can come up with a better explanation or if you can simply debunk it.

LostandFound ago

This has been coming in days if you didnt post someone would have, even me.. actually first thing i did with this was ping some people with higher distribution than me on other platforms. Fact or fiction its something that needed to be digested by the community. Personally I think data is only as good as the source and we know nothing of the source really. Seems to good to be true, podesta in action perhaps in cpp or similar venue lots of low impact accounts saying call the fbi, smoking gun. Also same day as cnn leaks which is currently being supressed on twitter & trump announcing the human trafficking works. Would be a great time to make us look silly.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, this is definitely a possibility. But hey, if it was bound to have happened, I don't mind having taken the fall. Shit happens, we fall, we get up and we move on, stronger and taller, right? Thanks for the support and kind words, I really appreciate it.

e-traiu ago

Kek is boss

mathemagician33 ago

you obviously do not know what "signify" means. Let me help you out:

sig·ni·fy ˈsiɡnəˌfī/ verb 1. be an indication of. "this decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities" synonyms: be evidence of, be a sign of, mark, signal, mean, spell, be symptomatic of, herald, indicate; literarybetoken "this signified a fundamental change"

The word you meant to use was "epitomize."

You're welcome, shill.

Tomioka ago

Recent John Podesta interview with body language analysis. The original interview might also be suitable for voice analysis - he's rather upset here, and has a bit of a lisp.

TruthWarrant ago

That's the thing, they really DID think they were invincible and considering all the decades/centuries this depraved shit has been going on, I can understand why 'they' got cocky. That is what has turned out to be their downfall. Power in numbers and a new generation of technology kids.

Podesta (and many others) are shitting themselves right now. 'Friends' are throwing eachother under a bus. I agree they are going down, either by law or in the pit of hell when they either kill themselves or get suicided.

Things are going to get really messy, there is going to be a huge change in the world, we have to be patient, but it is going to happen. The masses are out of hybernation. It's all good .... in the end

hamans_revenge ago

Ende gut, alles gut.

YingYangMom ago

Sorry, I don't me to be rude, (member for 2 minutes?), but can you tell us where the skippy is heard at?

YingYangMom ago

Which voice analysis? Did I miss something?

tapsnapornap ago

Can anyone link me to that article where he talks about his twin 'Skippy'

New_years_day ago

Hearing that little kid in distress makes me so fucking mad. I hope every single one of these pieces of shit get the electric chair.

Babies, toddlers, and kids of any race or origin deserve the best that humanity has to offer them, and we have had fucking sadistic pedo sociopaths running our governments so they can continue to harm not only the kids, but our future.

This shit has gone on long enough, and even one more child being harmed is one to many.

Let's take these sick fucks down and let prison eat their souls before we take their lives, just as they have taken countless themselves.

YingYangMom ago

We're all working on it. Trust me, we're making noise.

slickleg64 ago

Email was jan 31st 2014

slickleg64 ago

thats 2012 not 2014 when the email was sent

mathemagician33 ago

I don't have a basic set of critical thinking skills? LOL. I can almost guarantee you I am more educated, better recognized in my field, and generally am a better person in life than you. Out of curiosity, what's the highest level of education you've completed?

For the record, the ABOVE is braggadocios, NOT what I wrote in the comment I linked. Funny how you only delve into this "using logical arguments is useless with you people" notion after being asked to present logical evidence.

Also, you have not explained WHY you have at least 4 accounts all of which are exclusively used for this subverse. Care to?

Furthermore, I didn't imply you avoided an argument - I provided proof of it. You're obviously confused about the difference, little buddy.

dreamdigital ago

Btw, everyone, I saw this clip on voat last week, however, the post was deleted. Keep this thing upvoated because it's true.

slickleg64 ago

Date of gig doesn't match email. Was there a gig 31-1-2014?

YingYangMom ago

No idea. But it doesn't matter anyway. It was Tony Podesta's message and we all know that he has a "private" torture chamber in his home basement. So it might simply be irrelevant.

slickleg64 ago

I get that just dont understand the link to CPP .

More likely to be Tony Podestas house, seems like the kind of place to keep weird shit.

YingYangMom ago

The wikileaks Tony Podesta email, the CPP band and Majestic Ape are all in my opinion are there to give some context to the video. For those who don't know about the emails (torture chamber), that never heard Majestic Ape comment about little boys and preferences and never heard Podesta's voice, it kind of opens up possibilities. There is definitely, however, some music beat sound playing in the background and there are some purple lazers in the bathtub. It's all circumstantial and nothing concrete, but together with the I'm John Pode... there is a sense of possible connection. Again, nothing that couldn't be argued, but still a potential lead that should be further investigated.

joey4track ago

Why are you so invested and taking SO MUCH of your time fighting it if it's just silly and stupid? Matter of fact why are so many people freaking out about it if it's just silly and stupid? Why not just ignore us if it's meaningless? Why is there so much censorship if it's BEYOND STUPID then of course no one is going to believe it so why all the effort to shut it down. Why DO YOU EVEN CARE?

newworldahead ago

There are people who are not sure about the "John Podst" part. Could someone isolate this part and clean it up even more? I don't have the skills to do that. If this is really what he is saying, this is the smoking gun.

oftotc ago

I don't view myself as immune to facts and reason. Could you maybe just give one or two facts or reasoning on this topic that I would reject out of cognitive bias alone? I'd hate to find out you're right about that in regards to my character.

mathemagician33 ago

This is WTF I'm talking about, shill:

oftotc ago

Theories are meant to be disproved. We can't do that by not looking into it. It's nice to see you here, working up the data to show people their errors. You are doing that, right?

mathemagician33 ago

dude what's the deal, you have like 4 accounts on here that are all permutations of the same word choice "PG-isBeyondStupid" and "PGisBeyondStupid" are 2 of them. Who the fuck has time to create all these accounts and harass us on an almost daily basis? I already got into it with you in another thread, and you left IMMEDIATELY after I asked you in a very civil and polite tone to simply explain what you disagree with, by specifically citing what has been compiled into the megathread/exec summary of this subverse.

If you don't want to be called a shill, STOP FUCKING ACTING LIKE ONE

nomorepepperoni ago

He's not here to debate, just shitpost the same phrases over and over about how baseless and ridiculous this is. Wish he'd at least get some new funny lines.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Dude, just ignore him. He's an extremely obvious shill and he wants to rile us up to distract us. Don't give him what he wants.

mathemagician33 ago

oh I'm not riled up, MADA. Just wanted to embarrass him a little =).

oftotc ago

Your claims for future events are just as invalid as mine, but this seems bigger - meaning there is a greater awareness of it - than McCarthy's communist problems. It seems unlikely that nothing will come of it.

Eyezopen ago

This is pure evil. It definitely sounds exactly like that fuckin scumbag. You can clearly hear the John. I got pretty good headphones definitely sounds like a Skippy also. That's one of the most horrible, heartbreaking things to watch and hear. I got tears in my eyes. This evilness needs to be stopped now.

zagreos ago

If I were a shill, I'd spread lots of seeds of doubt about smoking gun evidence like this. Not saying you're a shill, but you sure are acting like one in all of your posts. Stop posting garbage.

oftotc ago

Don't wait. You can mock me now.

oftotc ago

Even I, (a non-subscriber to this sub) would take you up on this bet. None of the charges will be ridiculous.

bdmthrfkr ago

He doesn't say "sing"... he says "I'm John Podes"...and I hear a "T" and an "een". Podestein maybe? Not sing though, there is a "T" after the "Podes".

YingYangMom ago

Pode (sta is said super fast) to jump to Sing ITTTTT.

bopper ago


YingYangMom ago

No. He says "John Pode (sta) and hurries to order "sing it!". Listen again. You'll hear it.

bopper ago

Yes. Not saying it's Podesta, but this is correct, I've heard it enough.

bdmthrfkr ago

Listened to it another 10 times and I hear podexteen myself. Kinda hard to do too, brings back some not so fond memories.

bdmthrfkr ago

I'll listen again. BTW, that wasn't my DV.

On a side note, I am just assuming that the shower is pumping out scalding hot water. I went through the same thing (minus the lights) when I was around 12 myself (Moonie church/CIA front). A lot of screaming and yelling and a lot of burning. Funny thing though, ever since I just can't take cold showers anymore. Always as hot as I can get them. Weird.

YingYangMom ago

I just had to cry some to let out the hurt and anger I felt. I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through this. It's horrible and it shouldn't be happening to any child, ever. No worries about the downvoats, there are always people who are going to disagree or dislike or sometimes misunderstand/misinterpret our comments and it's fine. It's part of the deal.

bdmthrfkr ago

Bah, it was just 15 minutes of my life. I am not playing any victim card here, just trying to point out that hot showers (if the boy in this video was in a hot shower) is something that my Moonie/CIA church used for compliance, which I have encountered first hand.

I just want all of these cunts to burn.

YingYangMom ago

Same here.

bdmthrfkr ago

Or maybe pod-ex-teen, since he is talking about growing up. Definitely not "Sing"!

YingYangMom ago

Thanks, doing my best to.

surgeson ago

Again. With. This. Shit.

TrollMagnet ago

If someone could analyze the lights, you may be able to prove its the same system. If thats a permanently installed laser light projector in the ceiling for shows (most likely is), they are usually pre-programmed a lot of the time by one person who knows how to actually use it. If they have it set to the same color, thats most likely what they leave it at all the time. Example, its purple in both, and it would be if its usually purple if you look at shows there. Unless they have it setup to change to the beats of the music, it will probably do the same pattern. Even if it is set to the music in one video, and they are the same location, then it would probably be set to the music in the other video as well. Even though that is random, it would behave the same way to the change in music since it uses the same code. At a minimum, it would say the exact same brand projector is being used in both locations.

My background is a decade + in ALL technology hardware BTW. These devices are pretty simple with build in code. If its a new one setup and linked through wifi or Ethernet to a computer, if the same person usually operates it, they probably used the same setting each time, just like the colors. Even if multiple people operate it, they most likely just use the settings someone previously configured that everyone agrees they like, turn it on, and walk away.

I do not want to be the one to watch this repeatedly. If someone else does, and pays attentions specifically to this laser light show BS they have, please reply to this comment. And do not forget, the shades of color would most likely be a hair off in each video from the camera alone, as well as where the camera is recording from. Its more the colors that are being mixed together, and what they are responding to be it sound or a pre-programmed show it projects. Even if CPP has a bunch of these, they were probably purchased in bulk when the network was built out.

If someone has enough footage of the place, you may even be able to see which unit they have when its open with the lights on as a restaurant. Go to the manufacturer page, look at their demos, and compare both from the show, and the kid screaming to what the unit is pre programmed to run.

Not hard evidence, but its all part of the circumstantial stuff. Definitely could be proven 100% they are the same make or model that CPP uses if that is indeed the case.

BackAgain ago

I really don't hear it. "John" is close. But "Skippy" and "John Podesta" are certainly not clear enough to be considered "Podesta identifies himself"

This is completely Confirmation Bias to its max. People thinking he sings "every day I grow some more, I'm John podesta!" LOL Its not going to be that obvious.

ALSO, haven't we confirmed the video took place in a Glass Shower? Its not impossible that they installed a Shower in the basement but it is unlikely. If we could confirm there is a shower in Comet Ping Pong that would go a long way

I think this video may come back to bite Pizzagate in the ass. This is quickly becoming the Main piece of evidence passed around the internet. If its proven fake we are going to lose a lot of believers.

LincolnsMullet ago

It's one piece. If it doesn't pan out, so be it. It means people care enough to spend their days trying to find clues. At least people are trying. We will find dead ends. Any investigation does.

we_kill_creativity ago

What I'm taking away from this is the lights, from the shot of the music show, then comparing it to the shot of the "shower" room (Idk what we're calling that room). Are they not strikingly similar?

throwaway89209834 ago

And the light and color palette is very common in party/dj lights - I even have one in a box somewhere.

I'm convinced the video was filmed from the outside of a shower. I grew up in an upscale neighborhood and all our showers were sliding glass door that were opaque, not translucent (for privacy) and they had cross bars half way up like that, so that's instantly what I thought it was.

There was a 4chan post with what looked like the exact model door, but the picture links I found have been taken down - about half way down in the posting -

n080d33 ago

hmmm, the link to the photo is gone...shame!!!

iamthepizzanow ago

Thank you for posting some logic. If this explodes and it's not him, it will be game over.

crashing_this_thread ago

Everything isn't connected to Comet Ping Pong. It's just one front of many. The entire block it's on is full of human trafficking spots. And I don't think they store the children there. They bring the children for events and such through the tunnels.

draegspir ago

Voice of reason here. It's good that we have this but it's not enough if there is even an ounce of doubt. We need to keep digging.

itsafuckshitstack ago

and skippy is only one person... we cant forget that

drunk420 ago

Did worldcorp release the additional footage or was someone trolling last night??

Intoxikated ago

Surely this has been submitted to FBI tips?

islandofdelight ago

<The FBI are submitting it to us>

YingYangMom ago

Not sure. I hope some voaters will anyway. The more the better.

YingYangMom ago

Classic case of "In the end, it was their EGO that was the reason for their downfall".

followthedolla ago

you've certainly read your watts'

Jobew1 ago

some old book says pride cometh before the fall

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely, you've said it better than I could :)

clearenceclearwater ago

Only clip I've seen from the Fatherhood video, I am very glad I have not watched all of it.

IlluminatiKing ago

I couldn't make out the last name last time.

YingYangMom ago

Yup. But I think the tape was cleaned up and volume also went up so it's easier to hear it. And I just heard the 'sing it' and it clicked right away. I knew it was him.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

Lord help us and help these children.

YingYangMom ago

I think we need to RT and share, expose this vid as far and as wide as can be. Needs to go everywhere. That'll force the authorities to arrest him.

samhara ago

No offense, but they will not sell you the time for that. It is not how the system works. The Networks and TV are for mind control, not for earning schkels.. We've tried it.. They just tell you . "No" They own it.

Echo_of_Savages ago

They shut that shit down quick after H Ross Perot

abattoirdaydream ago

Can someone grab the audio of where he says "I'm John Podest...sing!" And clean it up and put it on a loop. I'm sure he has said his name on audio elsewhere. We could compare this.

Blazefierce ago

Looping audio was posted above.(

YingYangMom ago

Good idea.

mrjdouble ago

I saw this on twitter... Posted with one other clip from the same user. How can archive these videos from these tweets? In other words, save the files locally without archiving the page or saving this post within voat??

Anyone? I need this for my files.

B3nd3r ago

install video download helper addon (firefox) open the tweet, right click on the video, in the context menu you find the entry "video download helper" it has a sub menu where you find any video in any resolution for download.

mrjdouble ago

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. That works nicely, thanks again.

mrjdouble ago

Curses! Never use FF, I'll have to see if i can sort that out. Like I said, need this, so I'll get right on that.

I'll be back, thanks!

YingYangMom ago

Definitely. We need someone in the know.

derMeister ago

Holy fuck how did I not notice that before. I'm 100000% convinced.

YingYangMom ago

Exact same thing happened to me.

DabbaDan ago

Fuckin' hell.

the_wasabi_debacle ago

OK guys, I have to say, I wasn't convinced by the voice comparisons. And the little that I had been able to watch of the videos didn't convince me it was him, although the silhouette of the crooked fingers in the video were enough to make me think it might be something.

But HOLY SHIT. This is unbelievable. It's clear as day. I can't believe what I just watched.

Sandy008 ago

I couldn't listen to the audio, so I muted it and watched the shadowy figure, and it is definitely John Podesta's form and movements!

DarkMath ago

As anyone here knows I'd be the first to accept evidence of a crime being committed by John Podesta. But people I've listened to this video and the adult saying "I am your fatha." is saying that in a Boston accent. It's definitively not a Chicago accent which John Podesta has.

Strike 1: Mass-holes from in and around Boston say "fatha" instead of "father". Strike one.

Strike 2: The color scheme is similar to CPP but it's just circumstantial evidence. If this is a hoax then the same color would make sense.

Strike 3: The kids saying "I'm John Podes....." has no reason to say that. It's totally random. That screams hoax to me.

3 Strikes and you're out.

To me the worldcorp thing is a hoax and an intentional distraction.Besides the video above there's also the problem of the Internet Marketer named "Calanan". The NYPD would never leak a video on a site that is clearly trying to slander Calanan.

This entire thing is screaming hoax to me.

john_molestda ago

these videos were out before pizzagate came to light so that is one strike against it being a hoax

DarkMath ago

The hoax would pertain to smearing the Internet Marketing guy named Calanan.

He must have pissed someone off royally and that someone decided to get some payback.

listentoreason2017 ago

Yeah my entire family is from the south shore and that is definitely a Boston accent.

I also never heard the word 'skippy' at all during that.

In my younger days, I had a fascination with back masking which is where musicians supposedly put messages into their songs if you play them backwards. I realized from my experience listening to those, that if you didn't look at what people told you was said in the clip, you 99% of the time wouldn't hear it. This seems exactly the same to me. Confirmation bias to the extreme.

bopper ago

I wouldn't go that far "in the extreme." but you're right (to a degree) about hearing what you want on the backmasking. Some of the Beatle's stuff is pretty clear, some not so much.

listentoreason2017 ago

Yeah there are definitely instances of words and phrases being used in recording no doubt.

But on the whole, if you listen to a clip without any other info, most of the time you don't actually make out the same words as another person.

bopper ago

Yes, agreed. I remember a Dave Barry column where he couldn't figure out the first words of Help Me Rhonda and said that it was "Since you put me down there've been owls puking in my bed." haha, I know the feeling.......

BackAgain ago

Ok finally another voice of reason

"John" sounds possible

"Skippy" is 100% NOT anywhere in the video

"I'm John podesta" is 100% Confirmation bias> People in here even admit it cuts off at "Pode". They add the rest and assume the person says "Podesta" it cant get more confirmation bias than that. As you said how ridiculous is it for people here to believe we are going to find a piece of evidence in which Podesta is torturing a boy and he just says for the camera "I'm John podesta!" I'm right here guys, here's your evidence

SMH So dumb

The fact so many people in here think THIS is enough for an arrest shows they have no clue what they are talking about. This video couldn't even be used as circumstantial evidence in its current state

islandofdelight ago

The NYPD is definitely not behind this.... just like the leaked Madeleine McCann efits of John and Tony, this is an FBI operation.

islandofdelight ago

Your 'strike 1'... I've heard contradictory opinions from people from the same area already.... Your 'strike 2' has no bearing on whether its legit or not. Location filmed is irrelevant. It's obviously a bathroom.... your 'strike 3' is just a huge assumption you're making. How do you know what reason there is? This is traumatized child who is being terrified within an inch of their life by a sick monster. Maybe don't assume you understand the thoughts of the victim.

YingYangMom ago

Strike 3: The kids saying "I'm John Podes....." has no reason to say that. It's totally random. That screams hoax to me.

It's not the kid saying I'm John Podesta, it's the adult man. Listen again. The loud music beat in the background is another clue that this takes place near a performing band. The accent is something that can easily be argued.

To me, this seems very incriminating. And I wasn't one of those who initially thought it was Podesta. Not even close. However, he's saying the words "I'm John Podes (ta), sing it!" is... undeniable evidence. Do you hear anything different being said? Like something that sounds similar to "I'm John... I'd be ready to listen.

bopper ago

Just for the record, DarkMath is a straight-up guy (at least to me). These are good points, but I'm still on the fence. I hope it's JP, and that I don't have my confirmation bias glasses on.

bopper ago

Oops DarkMath, somebody downvoted me :)

semens ago

I don't know how you people stomach this shit. And the people here who enjoy this should be put in gas chambers.

islandofdelight ago

who are the people who enjoy this? this is foul and upsetting... people do this for the sake of the children like the one in the video.

semens ago

Tons of pedophiles on this site. I assume they come here to jack off and rub it in others faces.


This needs to go to the police

islandofdelight ago

This clip touches a nerve. The pedo protectors come crawling out whenever anything related to worldcorpo or the /fatherhood video gets posted. They just can't deal with it.

This is JOHN PODESTA in the video.

samhara ago

Amazing. Podesta was just hired by WaPo ; As if we didn't know who they fucking were, before..

All the way back to the JFK event..

The GRAHAMS - "suicide" of founder? , seems very coincidental but most likely murder. Especially with all the other data points hanging out around that Mockingbird outfit. See what happened to the hubby - when he spoke out. Kay Meyer ... huh. ? 100% Langley / CIA

Maybe someday it will make a great supplement to "Titus Andronicus" - update the version with WaPo , "Christian" priest[ess] Abramovitz, Kuru Hillary, Zombie Jefferson Clinton, Fairy-demon [DAEMON] Aleph, and side-kick Podesta.

dookiehowzer ago

we are coming for you johnny boy

Jem777 ago

Heard it and knew it was coming.

dreamdigital ago

Guys, upvoat this past the tower of babel.

Don-Keyhote ago

Maybe one of yall should go investigate cpp, maybe with a rifle. That seems to be exactly what they're baiting you to do. WhY the fuck would the Intel community leak this? So some kid with software unavailable to them finds some evidence?

islandofdelight ago

'they' do that themselves... the whole gunman sideshow was a false-flag... they leak this because the pedo network has its tentacles in every part of our society. Goverment, police, media, entertainment. It is not enough to simply arrest these big names without the support of the public. You might be underestimating how big the problem is that the FBI faces.

20Justice4All17 ago

I agree about needing support from the public...but how in the world do we get from where we are at now to a greater public outcry? It seems like it is beyond our control. Thanks

islandofdelight ago

It's building... look at how many more people know now, than a month ago, or three months ago... We can only do so much. The arrests are going to happen. It's going to be more helpful if as many people are not completely taken by surprise when it does though... Gotta keep making noise until they can't ignore it anymore.

bFuddlez ago

They use the live music to mask the sounds of children being abused.

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

Reminds me of "'high places of Topheth' which refers to the drums which were played at a deafening volume to drown out the screams of the children when they were burned alive to Molech."

bFuddlez ago

Bro, this is profound. I've read the Bible cover to cover and listen to a pastor on the SermonAudio app by the name of Jason Cooley who with another guy did a three hour study on drums and if this instrument honors God, where they briefly discussed Topheth, the child sacrifice that occurred there, and the heavy use of powerful drums to muffle the cries of burning babies -- How did I miss this!? Thanks, man. Whether CPP uses their live music for this purpose or not, I love these kinds of associations.

SoundEffects ago

Not to mention the "spotters" who play ping pong outside CPP during these shows watching for anyone who might notice what's going on.

redditsuckz ago

Its like business as usual at Comet Ping Pong...

Shows at Comet Ping Pong

bFuddlez ago

If indeed live music is being used to mask a child's screaming, how twisted is it that some of these band's promote pedophilic symbology?

YingYangMom ago

Did anyone verify to see if the on the day Tony Podesta was in the torture chamber there was a show at CPP?

LincolnsMullet ago

On their FB page, they show all of their past shows back to May of 2012. For the entire month of January, 2014 there are NO shows listed even though they had at least one band playing that month on Jan 25th:

Here's an issue I have with the whole purple light things too...isn't the back of Comet Pizza, where they're doing these shows, entirely walled? How would the light from these shows enter into the fatherhood vid? Maybe someone has explained this already, but the whole purple lights thing (in my opinion) seems to be an extremely difficult piece of evidence. The "I'm John Podesta" piece is the bigger concern, whether or not it occurs at Comet.

nomorepepperoni ago

The light wouldn't reach because it likely wasn't filmed at CPP. If you look closely, it appears the light is being generated from something in the floor of that shower stall (or what looks like one).

Tomioka ago

Seemingly no results for a concert on that day. There's a listing of DC shows which doesn't mention any either. Note that there's mention of a CPP show on another date, however.

No idea about the lights, though. It seems hard to find proper indoor shots of the place. Also, I believe CPP used to have concerts in their back room, which might have been renovated in the "Overtime" Instagram picture.

Note the Majestic Ape-lookalike in this picture from the Monotonix set above.

YingYangMom ago

Not always. I've seen bands playing in the ping pong room at the back of the restaurant.

anon_sense ago

I can't bring myself to listen to this clip but this makes me feel so so sad.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, it's clear as day now.

YingYangMom ago

Looks like JA or JP noticed my post. I got a downvoat on each and everyone of my comments.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Here's one back. Fuck them cunts!

YingYangMom ago



I will explain everything so you can then, verify for yourself and maybe come to the same conclusion as I did, which is that this man might not have identified himself as John Podesta at all. Thanks to @plan9 who said this:

The song he's singing is from a kids show called "Caillou" in case that helps anybody

If you listen closely, he starts with the lyrics "Growing up is not so tough... that can be HEARD at 0:29 of the 'Caillou' video. Then there is another possible verse he may be uttering INSTEAD of : "I'm John Pode (sta) sing!" ... which you can hear at 0:10 and which go like this "I'm just a kid who's four..." but cuts it off and says "Sing!" There is a strong possibility that the man is mixing up or repeating the verses. He seems erratical, so possible, no?

I just wanted to point this out, because I thought it was extremely possible that it is indeed what the man in the clip is saying. Thanks again to @plan9 for this tip. And I'm really, very sorry for having unwillingly made a small mess here today.


dreamdigital ago

Regardless of that, I was not going off of him saying "I am John Podesta." Or even the skippy portion. I was going off of how the voices match almost identically for a 98.8% match. I still feel this is John Podesta even without him identifying himself as such. I saw this video when it was first posted and the voice comparisons are too accurate. The only thing debunked is him saying he himself is John Podesta and the child saying skippy. If this is not Podesta, the person in this is still torturing a child in a shower and the band music still matches to the effect of drowning out the noise which would mark a possible time and location.

YingYangMom ago

I can't help but feel that it is indeed him, but we need more to be able to prove it. The sad part is that I really thought this was a confession and that we finally had him. It felt amazing for a couple hours or so (sigh).

dreamdigital ago

It's alright. Don't let it get you down. This is a video showing a child getting tortured by someone. The video alone is enough to ruin your life because of the way we all think now. I wake up through out the night now, more than usual and check around my house because I have kids. I check on them and I have dreams about this investigation that actually make me wake up and cause me to start investigating what my dream was about. Strangely, it has caused me to find connections because my dreams are piecing together parts that I didn't know I had even seen. Photographic memories are almost a curse.

YingYangMom ago

Ah, I know exactly what you mean. I get the dreams too, but the protectiveness for my kids was always very sharp with me. However, when I look at them now, I get the sense that they're very lucky. It's a nice feeling to have, especially when we spend so much time investigating here, learning about all the atrocities and abuse these children are going through out there. My heart goes out to them every day.

dreamdigital ago

I agree. It was sharp with me as well, I feel like it's over the top now.

Awoke_AF ago

I don't think the "I'm John Pode.." can be interpreted as "I'm just a kid who's four". Maybe I've listened to it too much, but there is no distinct "k" if he repeated the kid line. He could have stopped short of saying his full name because he messed up the lyrics by blanking on "I like exploring".

YingYangMom ago

but there is no distinct "k" if he repeated the kid line.

Yes, you're right, but I pointed out that he cuts it short to then say "sing". It's like he's about to repeat the "Am just a kid who's four" at 0:55 seconds of the clip. "He then says, "Growing up is not so tough", then he's back at it, but gets impatient "I'm just a... DaDa...Sing!" This theory makes more sense to me, because we now are 100% certain that he's singing the "Caillou" song.

Awoke_AF ago

Thank you for your reply. I'm new to registered user list on voat, and not a computer literate person anymore relative to most of the true investigators... If singing the Caillou song, which I agree he is, the line following would be the "exploring" line right? But that part was missed, so the person singing stopped and said "sing" as a correction to the error of messing up the song? Either way, good work, thanks for your dedication!

YingYangMom ago

I have posted a new thread in relation to this one which is an apology to everybody including yourself. Here is the update thread It all makes much more sense now :)

srayzie ago

Don't worry. You're here everyday. I know you didn't purposely post something that could be wrong 🤗

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for the support, I'm grateful.

AreWeSure ago

You fell for a incredibly deceptive video. And basically proven the power of the human mind to trick us. If they were just trying to confirm podestas voice, they would not have included anything else. By including the other things, they are basically priming our mind to fall for bits of non-evidence. What do I mean by non-evidence. If you are trying to confirm a voice match or what is said, you don't need to see the email "Still in the torture chanmber" or anything else. That has zero relevance to what you are trying to prove. Unless you want to begin priming people's confirmation bias to hear something else, to have the brain already thinking one way, when they are looking at ambiguous evidence. It is especially deceptive to put the words they want you to hear on the screen at the same time you hearing the audio. Or a news article about "Skippy." In Fact, if you are trying to decipher ambiguous audio, the best way to do it is to shutdown your other senses and close your eyes to listen as close as you can.

This video has been repeatedly discussed and it's quite clear the boy is not saying John or Skippy. I have a pair of Studio Monitor headphones that are pretty good quality. Studio monitors designed to be neutral "not musical." That is, they are intended to reveal what sound is there, not cover it up to make it sound better. I have heard songs I'm very familiar with and heard new things with these, you can sometimes hear the musician's fingers moving across their guitar strings because they are pretty sensitive. When

The boy clearly says a two-syllable name in this video. Someone heard Darren. I hear Terrence. When he is asked his other name, he definitely doesn't say Skippy. I hear Daddy. I'm less sure about this than the two syllable first answer.

If you look at the lyrics of the song and compare them to the what you believe you heard, you will see how powerful and active our mind is when interpreting something and how much is going on without us being aware of it.

Also people believe this is taking place in a bathtub/shower stall. The distortions in the image are due to the frosted glass common in shower doors.

YingYangMom ago

I appreciate your explanation and opinion. It's true that the power of suggestion is very effective and that it can easily influence someone's perception. It did mine, but thankfully, I followed the "Caillou video" comment and did the comparison :)

nomorepepperoni ago

OP has acknowledged it isn't as certain as they initially thought. I do appreciate your point about cognitive bias being at play in this instance, though, as it's something we all need to be careful of falling into.

TrollMagnet ago

I isolated the audio without the video and reduced it to a small fragment of "whats my name". "John" is heard crystal clear. There is NO mistaking it. If I made a file of just that and sent it to people who had no clue what it was they would look at me like I am stupid for asking them what word or name is being said. I was shocked. I cleaned it up, but a professional could do better. I only used Nero WaveEditor because its the best audi software I have available.

Im going to work on trying to reduce the noise of the entire 15 sec of him yelling. Once you remove some of the noise, and dont have the video to focus on at all, its like listening to it all over again for the first time. I will figure out somewhere to post it. May be tonight, may be Saturday. Im working on a lot at once and only had a short time to play with it earlier.

Im not an Audiophile. I have the software which performs very well for basic audio editing and sound effects, but I am not someone who plays with this stuff all the time. I'm just a normal IT Security Tech. I'll see what I can get though.

If anyone has a preference of where I should upload it let me know. Also, I am doing it with noise canceling headphones on, so that helps too.

BTW, big surprise, someone else is screaming in the background. There is more than one voice. Shortly after he says whats my name and the kids is screaming back there is what sounds like another kid screaming extremely loud in another room or something. Its hidden in the noise.

bopper ago

I heard that also, on voat, that there was more than one voice.

newworldahead ago

TrollMagnet, you are awesome! As for where to upload your version of the video with the background noise removed, I suggest you send it on

Thanks for doing this.

Sheilaaliens ago

I don't hear John OR Skippy, honestly.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

I agree. It is disturbing, abusive, but not clear of the names. The voice could be Pedosta, but that is not clear. The lights do look similar, but how does it go from a stage to a shower stall?

Bottom line is there are stronger lines of evidence than this. Certainly keep it, and discuss, but it is way too weak to claim as evidence.

bopper ago

I think I know who it is :)

bopper ago

Who downvoted me just because of my psychic skills??

remedy4reality ago

CNN says DB Cooper

derram ago :

Suzie-Q on Twitter: ""I'm John Podesta!" Yeah, we know EXACTLY who you are, Skippy. Man identifies himself as John Podesta, voice matches, lights match CPP."

This has been an automated message.

LincolnsMullet ago

That sounds pretty damn close to John Podesta to me. Although, Suzie-Q's video matching the Heavy Breathing vid to the fatherhood vid still isn't doing it for me. The dates on the e-mail from JP about being in the torture room is 2 years after that HB video was posted. She could be trying to link the two places "in general" and not by a time stamp, but that's still a long shot.

The most damning piece is the self-identification of JP. A better listen would be had by using a good pair of headphones. Makes a huge difference in picking out smaller audio details.

Tomioka ago

I recorded part of the sound from the second worldcorpo video ("...I'm John Podes-sing it") and tried to clean it up a tiny bit.

Warning: **The volume's rather loud. ** It's mostly free from screaming, though, figured it would be helpful if someone could get new ears on the case.

YingYangMom ago


bopper ago

I can hardly imagine that that's not what is being said, "John Pdst...." I've said this before.

BackAgain ago

Sigh No we cant CLEARLY hear anything said. Even the name "John" which is the clearest is hard to hear

You guys are quickly falling victim to confirmation bias. The "Skippy" is completely false. If anything it sounds like he repeats "John" or whatever the kid is saying

The Calliou song is a mumble. To say you can clearly hear him say "I'm John Pode" is just ridiculous.

The only part that sounds possible is "John" the rest is not clear enough.

YingYangMom ago

It is absolutely obvious now. He says the words : "I'm John Pode (sta)... Sing it!"

bopper ago

And he's asking what's my name.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, true.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, absolutely. I personally had not paid attention to this particular bit before, but now it's obvious.

dreamdigital ago

Everyone this is EXTREMELY important in making the worship of Molech (Moloch) connection. The whole Valley of Hinnom would be set on fire, (this is where Molech worship was done) becoming this huge fire pit. Babies were put in the hands of the idol of Molech, and then fire would be put into the statues and the arms would heat up until the hands these babies were laying in were glowing orange with the heat.

As the hands heated up, the babies would begin to squirm as they were being burned and eventually would fall into the fire of the valley below. Because of the agonizing screams of these tiny victims, loud music was played to cover up those screams.

Psalms 106:37,38 -
37 They would sacrifice their sons And their daughters to demons. 38 They kept spilling innocent blood, The blood of their own sons and daughters Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Caʹnaan; And the land was polluted with bloodshed.

17 They also made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, they practiced divination and looked for omens, and they kept devoting themselves to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him. 18 So Jehovah was very angry with Israel, so that he removed them from his sight. He did not let any remain but the tribe of Judah alone.*

Ez. 16:20,21 20 “‘You took your sons and your daughters whom you had borne to me, and you sacrificed these to idols to be devoured—have your acts of prostitution not gone far enough? 21 You slaughtered my sons, and you offered them as sacrifices by making them pass through the fire.

Ez 23:37-39 37 They have committed adultery, and there is blood on their hands. Not only have they committed adultery with their disgusting idols, but they have also made their sons whom they bore to me pass through the fire as food for their idols.+ 38 Moreover, this is what they have done to me: They defiled my sanctuary on that day, and they profaned my sabbaths. 39 After they slaughtered their sons as sacrifices to their disgusting idols,+ they came into my sanctuary to profane it+ on that very day. That is what they did inside my own house.*

1 John 5:19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears, Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire To his grim idol. (Paradise Lost 1.392-96)

SoldierofYAH2 ago

And the JEWS (who are leading the Satanic NWO agenda) are the physical descendants of the Canaanites. "Molech" is just another name for Satan -- the name the ancient Canaanites used.

The "jews" are NOT racial Israelites. They descend from the Khazars and the Edomites. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, who married Canaanite women.

Hoogachakka ago

You're fucking insane

dreamdigital ago

Thanks shill, but at least I do my research and know all about the symbolism they use even if they don't realize they're doing the same thing that was done a few thousand years ago. And whats insane is that we all just saw a video of John Podesta torturing a child and doing anything legally is out of our reach.

Hoogachakka ago

Just don't shoot up a pizza place or harass a daycare okay?

dreamdigital ago

We're all shooting up a pizza place currently, yet not using physical fire arms. I mean that in the sense of exposing it. Weather a set up with the Comet Ping Pong shooter or not, he decided to find out for himself because he was so driven by the truth, as we all are. If this information regarding the Pizzagate scandal was fake, we're all smart enough to have discovered it. But since the evidence is so blatantly obvious, this is why we're still shooting, metaphorically speaking.

I'm sorry my information has startled you enough for you to call me crazy, but the similarities in what "Skippy" is doing in this video, who they claim is their God, and how that game has been historically worshiped throughout history, it's all exactly similar. They would actually play loud drums in the days of the Israelite's to drown out the screams of the children they'd sacrifice to Molech. Molech has different spellings. They're spelling it as the Ammonites did, which is Moloch rather than Molech. His name simply means king. In all of my studies on this, it only makes sense to assume that Moloch/Molech/Milcom is the true name of Satan the Devil. Satan is not his true name, and Lucifer is also not his real name. Lucifer is just a Latin translation meaning a series of words. (In some translations the Latin Vulgate term “Lucifer” is retained. It is, however, merely the translation of the Hebrew word heh·lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh·lelʹ is not a name or a title but, rather, a term describing the boastful position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings of the line of Nebuchadnezzar.) (Isa 14:4-21) Since Babylon was a tool of Satan, its “king” reflected Satan’s own ambitious desire. Now that we understand that Satan the Devil's titles are not what he would want to be called because they're an insult to him, as he is the King of Demons, I myself can conclude his true name to be Molech. Molech is one of the first false god's every recorded by name in the bible, alongside Baal, which came from Molech. Molech is also the only false God mentioned that God commanded people be put to death for the worship of. Molech = King. Satan = Liar, Slanderer, Resistor. A name given to him after he rebelled. Which name do you think Satan would want to be worshiped under? Of course the one that calls him a king. He is the king of the Earth right now and he is trying to retain his name as Molech. Think of it as Sauron from Lord of the Rings. His real name is Annatar, when he was once a high Elf. I know that's silly, but it's totally accurate and comparable for some. 1 John 5:19 says, "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."

dreamdigital ago

@SoldierofYah2 had this to say but his comment was removed for some reason so I'm reposting it because it was exactly my thoughts as well.

And the JEWS (who are leading the Satanic NWO agenda) are the physical descendants of the Canaanites. "Molech" is just another name for Satan -- the name the ancient Canaanites used.

The "jews" are NOT racial Israelites. They descend from the Khazars and the Edomites. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, who married Canaanite women.

dreamdigital ago

@bopper said this but his comment again was deleted. Why is this happening? Voat is so compromised. The NWO doesn't like us revealing the truth about who Satan is.

Because it's the same devil, who's been around that long also, and the same "potential to depravity" people.

Hoogachakka ago

LOL, you kids kill me. Learn to recognize a troll sometime son.

bopper ago

That's ridiculous. I think they hate me around here.

I wasn't being "anti-Semitic," I was stating simple theology, straight from the masters of theology, the puritans of the 1600's. They in fact loved the Jewish people in the sense that, although the Jews as a whole rejected their messiah, one day God will return to them and bless them.

The puritans led the Great Reformation and brought millions out of the darkness and corruption of the papacy, and changed the world. I said nothing more than what they taught, they published thousands of popular and well-received books, still popular to this day. This is where all modern (non-corrupted) seminaries derived their teachings.

I didn't know mods were allowed to delete comments?? Guess I'm dumb.

dreamdigital ago

Not sure but I reposted it because it was relevant.

bopper ago

Well you're very kind! Thank-you :) Wasn't this whole post deleted?

dreamdigital ago

Yes, and labelled debunked. Which is annoying, they need to just put the thread in that it's not John Podesta but that a child is being tortured.

bopper ago

Wow. Thanks.

bopper ago

Because it's the same devil, who's been around that long also, and the same "potential to depravity" people.

even if they don't realize they're doing the same thing that was done a few thousand years ago

YingYangMom ago

OmGGGGGGGG! Noooo! I don't want to hear this! It breaks my heart because it is very possible and just imagining this is really what he's doing to this little child is more than I can take. I'm off... Need a break.

dreamdigital ago

I'm sorry. It is horrific. Unfortunately this connection is so clear it's probably true. These people know what they're doing.

bopper ago

Ancient Israel continued to backslide into this sin after repeated warnings, and were severely punished over and over again. They were warned when they entered their promised land not to mimic any of the depraved practices of the Canaanites (including sodomy etc.), and child sacrifice to Moloch was the most egregious, the straw that broke the camel's back resulting in their loss of everything, their temple and their direction and more. Child sacrifice was strictly condemned in that the only human sacrifice was to be the son of God, Christ the messiah. Satan knew, and knows, this, so he makes a mockery of it. Ok, start the down-voting :)

YingYangMom ago

Plus, the music beat in the background... I'm ready to bet just about anything that this shower is at CPP. This shit happens when the bands perform and lots of noise covers the children's screams.

bopper ago

On voat here not long ago someone isolated a bass guitar in the background of the fatherhood video, so if true, there is a band playing during the fatherhood video.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah, I remember too, that's why I started believing the clip was recorded near a playing band or concert place or an event. Possibly CPP on performing band night, so yeah.

heyder ago

These people are rich... They could do this somewhere else hidden and discrete easily. I guess it is a possibility they started that way.. and just got so sloppy and lazy then started doing it everywhere and anywhere... but still... how dumb can they be...

MirrorMan ago

It's not sloppy and lazy. It's all about the thrill of exhibition. There is power from the brazen and power from the secret. You can't brag about the secret.

heyder ago

Wow... You are right. Exhibition. Totally. I didn't think of that hidden variable.

YingYangMom ago

Very dumb and sloppy, I guess because it's not an assumption. The background music beat is real.

YingYangMom ago

In this edited version, we can clearly hear Podesta saying his own name JOHN PODE(STA) The last syllable is uttered very fast (almost cut short) as he hurries to order the child to 'sing it!'

BiglyMAGA ago

And that's the story they'll run with, "It's an edit. It's a vast right-wing conspiracy."

YingYangMom ago

You can't fake the evilness and sadism in that bastard's voice. He's enjoying every fucking moment of it. I hope he rots. Share, share, share.

bopper ago

Unless I'm crazy, if you listen closely, just after "John Pdst..." is said, I think you can hear the kid repeat it.

YingYangMom ago

I can't really hear what the child is saying, all I can hear are his/her screams...

bopper ago

At the 33 second mark I believe you can hear the kid scream a long drawn out "John." Other than that you're right, I can't tell anything, and I have never been able to make out "Skippy."

FriesischShipping ago

Ah! 33!