MattHelm ago

I think it's Podesta but it doesn't matter the whole point of it being leaked was to get people talking about it being Podesta. It's a strategic leak by white hats in the FBI the video might be from Anthony Weiner's laptop and I hope the NYPD will leak everything they have all the videos which might include videos of Hillary and Huma having sex with young girls in foreign countries from when Hillary was Secretary of State. That is the kryptonite we need to see. Mossad has these videos for certain. They use them for blackmail they get a lot of money from them. If one of these videos could be leaked on the dark web it will surface very fast on the public web. Mossad also has videos from Jeffrey Epstein's orgy island and his lolita parties and those videos have Bill Clinton with young girls. This is what the world needs to see but so far it's all kept locked away. Sad!

Cynthiacotton ago

One has to wonder if John's "faddah" spoke like that to him. He may then revert back to that in his disassociative state.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Not a shill, long time lurker. Here's what I know: I have 6 kids. No child who is that young (3-5) can mimic, or "act", that kind of traumatised, hysterical tone of voice. That is real. The adult voice sounds very much like Podesta, though I dont want to say I'm 100% certain. That said, during the interview he did with Heilermann, some of the same voice characteristics can be heard as in the child abuse vid. In reference to his "r's", alot of people will revert back to their natural venacular in stressful or excited situations. I've heard native spanish speakers revert back to Spanish and not even realize they did it due to their frame of mind. If it's not him, it is a very clever forgery.

Forgetmenot ago

If I was on a jury and this was one of many pieces of evidence I would convict. If you take into account the EFIT that look like the spitting image of not one but both podesta brothers. The multiple associations with convicted pedofiles: epstein, hasert, Tim bean, Clinton, anthony wiener. Finally the Wikileaks emails with the pedo code words. Let us not forget the disturbing tragic artwork of canibalism and child torture that they proudly display. Since the two are clearly unable to provide an alibi for his whereabouts on the night maddy McCann disappeared. They instead skirt around this investigation crying out fake news and the Russians.....there is no reasonable doubt: GUILTY!

Edit : forgot to say thank you great post just made me more confident than before in their guilt!

ReyaPhemhurth ago

This is all so surreal and crazy to me. I've watched all the cleaned up/stable versions on here and I have listened to all the voice comparisons. I still don't know what to think. Before reading anything and after merely watching the Fatherhood vid, I personally could hear the kid call the man John in the vid's beginning. Then I took it upon myself to look up vids of JP speaking to compare....I feel like they are similar..but at the same time I don't know because I like to remain skeptical. I'm so torn. I also tried listening to the Each vid and only slightly felt like I could hear the guy call himself John Podesta....but he might be cutting himself off before finishing the 'Podesta' portion..but at the same time...I rewatched the vid looking for him to say it be confirmation bias?

Also, I remember seeing all these posts about how the entire thing had been debunked and that Silva acct stated no kids were harmed...but has this really been confirmed, or is it just mere statements presented without proof? I lurked a lot since this PG thing exploded and only now am making an acct on here to post because of these Fatherhood vids.

Lastly, who the hell was the very first person to post the video? I feel like it's obscure to the point of it being too weird for comfort for someone to find the Fatherhood vid (be it on the WorldCorp site or on their removed Youtube acct) and to say there is a PG/JP connection. Can someone clarify to me when and where this was posted to the point the PG connection has been made?

Also....did I see somewhere that supposedly the kid in the video was identified and is alive and well? Can anyone confirm this?

Thank you ahead of time!

samhara ago

To the people who claim it's LARP - I just don't think Podesta has that kind of acting talent.

The evidence is piling up against him .

If you don't think it sounds like him, I don't know what to say. That's your business.

Also, I don't really care about whatever words they're supposedly say, or don't say.

It's the sound of the voice which clinches it,

The exact-word arguing and the cutting the words to little pieces comparisons, just distract from the evidence.

Maybe it was dumped by the same people who dumped the Wanted poster from Portugal, and the emails about Pizza Maps.

From one interview listed above in the YouTube links, Podesta says he's not confirming those are his emails..

He's a lawyer and it might be hard to convict, what with his political connections and the ownership of the Media Networks by his crime buddies.

That's why, maybe, they are rounding the little guys so they can people to testify against him? dunno.

wincraft71 ago

For everyone reading this there is a new voice comparison here that looks at you and your, and other similar words from the video and a speech. Check it out and let me know what you think

wincraft71 ago

Great post! I've been thinking it's the same voice but just amplified louder from anger and possibly intoxication and disassociation, playing dominos in a small room.

remedy4reality ago

fuck off and die you slimy little piece of shit

vengeance will be ours

eyeVoated ago

For an investigation? None, shitferbrains.

remedy4reality ago

Most of the time, common sense solves crimes and this case isn't a complex riddle, you shitbag. The only reason the Podestas and others have not been arrested is because there is deep and widespread treason throughout our government.

Pretty sure I know what side you're on, because why would someone be so flippant about such a topic? After all, that is a real kid in that video being tortured.

Gothamgirl ago

I would really like to find out who found it, it sounds just like him.

alliecapone ago

Also if another alter ego, being Skippy, his old accent may come into play too. I wonder if there are more?

I believe it's him. My only analysis however, was looking away as each played. Skippy sounded like a terrifying ego, lord even knows when it was 'born'

Example, we know Britney Spears was programmed, she had/has at least 3 personalities, most curious to me; is her British accent one she used a lot previous to the umbrella incident.

In any case the voice terrified me, I have something go wrong with me when men yell, like I remember that trauma alone. So, I can only imagine how awful the kids are feeling. If they are victims of abuse this trauma never goes away sadly. You can cope, but you still get a trigger once in awhile. I hope Skippy someday gets to feel this trauma. With no power trauma eats up anybody.

wincraft71 ago

Here is a voice comparison from the video and a speech, listen to the you and yours and let me know what you think

Grifter42 ago

Sounds very much alike.