DarkMath ago

"you're not a totally obvious and ridiculous jew shill klown."

I'm no shill. Nor am I Jewish. I may be a clown though. I'll get back to you.

samhara ago

P.S. "James" is a prominent name in the Rothschild family.

projection ago

I don't like to criticise another's looks 'cos I ain't no oil painting myself, BUT she is as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

LadyMinx ago

It's not a double chin... it his beauty that's overlapping! 😂

fremar ago

just as ugly as his momma , then again , there are allot of ugly ppl. nice catch!

Owlhunter ago

My suspicion is that Alefantis' family is related to Rothschilds from several generations back. That would explain why there are numerous Rothschild connections, but they aren't direct enough for him to be say a first generation red shield bastard.

FriesischShipping ago

If that's a woman then I've got a nine inch vagina.

dookiehowzer ago

nose and eyebrows are exact match mouths are very similar too even the curly hair, based off that alone looks like they could be related, oh yeah they both have that evil look too

survey_girl ago

well... you are what you eat, so....

cantsleepawink ago

It was annoying that the interviewer completely missed the opportunity to ask further questions about that.

VieBleu ago

Final thought - seperated at birth?

No, really.

VieBleu ago

long live that baroness.

VieBleu ago

gallows humor is alright.

kazza64 ago

that would explain his arrogance

goodguy1367 ago

That's JA in a fucking wig with make up!! Clones, doubles, triples. Anything is possible with these people...

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Dont the Rothschilds have a history of trying to have sex with any Royality they can to have cuckoo´s eggs?

charmeuse ago

" I guess the demon doesn't fall far from the tree."

Thank you for the best laugh all day!

keepthefaith ago

Philippine looks like a man in drag. Alefantis just looks seriously inbred. He's got that (no offence anyone) slightly retarded mongoloid face and also fetal alcohol syndrome.

dindonufin ago

He's so ugly, when he was born, the doctor slapped his mother.

PizzaGate711 ago

Still being paid? You make NO sense whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!

VieBleu ago

you've got it opposite.

PizzaGate711 ago


Piscina ago

Are you sure the photo on the left is not Alefantis in drag? We know he likes to wear women's clothing.

srayzie ago

Wow! They look so much alike. Look at the noses. They look identical!

sleepingbeautycan ago

Here is James with Susan Alefantis. She is listed as his mother in some articles I found.


tehthu ago

holy fuuuuckk..

they're cloning and distributing around the world.

i can't think of any other explanation.


thelandofchocolate ago

This forum has jumped the shark if this is what passes for evidence. Post things of substance, not pure innuendo.

VieBleu ago

you are probably right but we've dealt with so much so let us have a laugh.

Fatsack ago

He could very well be a bastard child, sired for the purpose of providing younger organs to one of the rothschilds.

xbryn ago

It's pretty spooky alright.

ansipizza ago

Wouldn't these programs reject two photos of the same person if one is 50 years older? It's trying to detect "same person" or "twins", not "grandparent". Or am I missing something?

VieBleu ago

mossad runs both sites. Turns out Golda Meir is a twin of Goldie Hawn.

carmencita ago

The one the the right is Christine Le Guerre the former head of the IMF. Neither one of them are beauties.

VieBleu ago

Here is an an Instagram with Lynn Rothschild, Brock, commented by Alefantis, Brock named
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1471982 look at 6:40 sorry i don't have the original photo.

It says "River House, New York" at the top and seems to be a book signing for "Kill The Messenger"? That was the book and movie about the reporter Gary Webb? who was killed for knowing too much about CIA drug trafficking. The screenplay was written by this guy, who wrote compellingly about child trafficking! http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/magazine/the-girls-next-door.html

There is a Jan Rothschild that was a friend of JA on his old Facebook page


MolochHunter ago

and an ugly-arse portrait in the attic

Xax ago

Philippine died in 2014 or 2015, I believe. Forbid I show up at God's judgement sear wearing that pin and all that it implies.

MolochHunter ago

yup, must be something to vampirism, hey

DarkMath ago

That's weird, I had the same thought to today as well. He kind of sometimes looks like a younger Evelyn de Rothschild:


But that's impossible, there is no way that could ever be. So I think the Alefantis is a Rothschild is us deplorable shit lords projecting our wildest fantasies onto this thing.

stillinit ago


palmitespo910 ago

Is this the Chelsea that you're talking about?


Disgusted-Lurker ago

His latex shirt isn't helping to butch him up at all...

VieBleu ago

are you kidding? he thought it was sooooooo butch.

keepthefaith ago

hahah my thought exactly.

unclassified ago

He sure has the same nose as her.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I can see that actually! Same nose, same shaped head. Weird. Maybe he's an illegitimate child, maybe one of them slipped his mother some Rothschildren mix on the down low. Maybe they programmed him to be gay so he wouldn't procreate and dilute the bloodline or something, like what cat and dog breeders do (not program them to be gay obviously, but neuter or spay them or make customers sign contracts promising they won't let the animal make babies).

These people are all so unhealthy and gross I don't get how they can think that keeping a bloodline 'pure' somehow results in perfection. Computer models show that the most perfect human is a wildly diverse mix of all kinds of people genes. I guess these people have long since bred out the thinking nugget of their brains.

crazimal ago

Rothschildren mix

Up voted for rothschildren mix

23eulogy23 ago

Did anyone else see that posting/video that proved JA had different voter registration ID numbers and different addresses . One address, the home was owned by a Rothschild

VieBleu ago

yes- I posted it, but nobody seemed to see it.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660093 look at 1:16

3334 N Street, NW Washington DC, 20007 is an address where JA had a voter registration. owned by Brock and a R**** Rothschild, relatives of K, S, K, I, and A Rothschild @30O should you incorporate the info of the house sale in your post?

neurofluxation ago

Say what you want... Their noses are awfully similar. I didn't even resize them, just rotated JA's counter-clockwise...

VieBleu ago

and actually lips are very telling. Theirs shape the same story. I mean it, their lips are quite similar as well.

samhara ago

why he acts with impunity? let's see the images of the folks he claims are his parents to decide?

l23r ago

Isn't the folk tale that kids look more like their grandparents than their parents? Maybe Maury would know...

samhara ago

First look at the parents and then see if it's even possilbe he is theres. People were punked by the "Obama's" kids 'til just last week.

Forgetmenot ago

Very interesting......

murraryrothbard ago

The Rothschilds have a history of using front groups to do their dirty work. WW1 was clear example JP Morgan was the US agent for the rothschild controlled BoE.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's a man, man.

IlluminatiKing ago

Now that's one ugly dude!

Eastwood350 ago

Could be why a pizza shop proprietor owns so many properties in high priced DC and the immediate vicinity and also gets away with all the crap he does.

nitro169 ago

This is clearly father and daughter...

keepthefaith ago


VieBleu ago

lol I caught your joke ; )

surgeson ago

Oh, what's this? An interesting connection? Oh, it's just 2 pictures slapped together of people who vaguely have some facial features in common. I could do this with a million pictures of people smiling.

23eulogy23 ago

In this posting James Alefantis was busted registering multiple addresses for numerous voting registration numbers. One of the addresses was owned by a Rothschild https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660093

GeorgeT ago

Alifantis is a multi generational MK Ultra high level operative. That is why he has that cocky demenour.

Torkimadi ago

Wow. That's actually very similar..... O___O

VieBleu ago


you guys, you saw right that a Rothschild owned/sold him? one of his houses right? on this You Tube https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660093 look at 1:16

3334 "N" street, NW Washington DC, 20007 is an address where JA had a voter registration. owned by Brock and a R**** Rothschild, relatives of K, S, K, I, and A Rothschild @30O should you incorporate this info in your post?

Edit to add the direct link to the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKiUksSCKc

remedy4reality ago

Just going back through this post and I think it's incredible. One post by this guy, and this is it.

That is some identical DNA if I have ever seen it. What do you think? ( ps. cant find it and link is broken )

VieBleu ago

Here is the direct video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKiUksSCKc

The more I see it, the more it seems to be a possibility there is a connection. The truth is though that sometimes people just look like each other, thus we have the "seperated at birth" memes.

BUT with the evidence, if it is indeed true, that one of Alefantis houses was owned by a Rothschild, then that weights things considerably more towards a connection. I think this is worth digging into, just not sure how.

Really do wonder - who is mysterious 30O?

remedy4reality ago

yeah... talk about a drive by poster. That is what I mean by giving it weight.

These freaks are probably like Ramses ll , right? Fostering, but secretly, scores of offspring and placing them throughout society.

Not a stretch for baby murderers.

VieBleu ago

Did you ever see this? (click on image)


keepthefaith ago

this has been discussed on here before, over the Christmas period.

VieBleu ago

link- would be great. What would you say was the conclusion?

MagnificentTheodore ago

It was about coloboma and RH- blood, remember?

DarkMath ago

Yep, that's what made me think of it too. See my comment in that post.

It couldn't be though, there's no way. We must be projecting onto the evidence because its just so random to think they could be related.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Talking to yourself again DarkMath? Tavistock have people you can talk to about that.

DarkMath ago

See for yourself Ted. I'm not saying the ARE related. I'm saying it's just weird JA and Evelyn Rothschild kind a sort look alike, almost Evelyn is what JA might look like as an older man.


Yes, it's a totally random connection. I know. Let's review:

Good: Consider any and all evidence even the outlandish connections you find hard to believe.

Bad: Only consider evidence that you kinda sorta already agree with.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Who's the father of Amanda Kleinman?

DarkMath ago

I don't know.

MagnificentTheodore ago

I suggest you find out.

DarkMath ago

I don't care who her father is.

MagnificentTheodore ago

I thought you were a pizzagate researcher?

DarkMath ago

I am. I don't care because there's no evidence that brings him into this. You're welcome to reply with evidence for why I should care.

But I don't care enough to actually find out who her father is on my own.


MagnificentTheodore ago

Well she doesn't have a father. So there.

DarkMath ago

Epic. Thanks Ted.

MagnificentTheodore ago

You are welcome Bill.

VieBleu ago

and how coincidental is it that these two bits just happened to be dropped today...? Doesn't mean there's nothing there...

grlldcheese ago

I'm no longer sure what's real or not with these drops. A bunch of odd ones come and go in a few days. The insistence and repetition of ridiculous ideas used to be the guarantee sign of nonsense(Russian election rigging/where is Assange).

I worry it means they're just learning. They throw out nonsense but only pursue what sticks? Maybe cycle through nonsense for a more effective slide technique? If people are mildly intrigued, it's crazy and discredits us a bit more than them spamming and us yelling 'shill'.

And on the other hand the InsiderAnon Trump mole hunt larp was fucking legit. FBI vault is still churning. There's a chance we're being fed ammunition for memeing or actual leads. And shit is clearly going down. I hope these suspicious fire stories turn into something real.

VieBleu ago


lawfag123 ago

YES I just saw that this morning. Not to be dramatic, but this is making me sick

VieBleu ago


(sorry, thought if you vomited you might feel better)

gangpressorliber ago

Wheres the Podesta Soundboard.... I want the Project Veritas Sound bites and that vids sound bits. "Wern't you arrested?" "Why don't you just Fuck off?" "Fuck off okay" "I'm your dady now!" "You think your hot shit dont ya!" and Im sure there are many others... LOL Call up Demmocrat staffers during election cycles just to demoralize them.

VieBleu ago

it is triggering isn't it. it hurts just to read it.

pizzaequalspedo ago

He's a dead ringer for her

spacewitch ago

They certainly look a lot alike! Same nose, double chin, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks... He could be her son. (If that's a woman)

stradus ago

fuck the stupid comparison, WTF Kinda devil shit is that on her necklace ....this is a sincere question. WTF is that ???? And the explanation Had better be amazing

VieBleu ago

Jimmy Comet as a baby?

zzvoat ago

Satanic Baphomet :: Baroness de Rothschild wearing the Baphomet



Satanic Goat of Mendes ::

Bizarre, I know, but there are no animals in the UK that I could find that have spiral horns like that. Note: Why would a branch of the UK's armed forces depict an animal as their emblem when there a no animals like that in the country. (maybe you guys can find a match)


vacvape ago

Which pretty much proves it's a tranny. Good as hanging a 'I'm a big fat ugly baby eating tranny' sign around its neck.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

first link you posted is 404...

the other 2 links don't work either..

Anaximandel ago

Its the double JPG extension, just take the last one off.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's devil shit.. You nailed it.

Beaucephus ago

A name that I have seen associated with Alefantis is Reidman. Jimmy Reidman. I have no idea if this is his real name, if it's not associated with him at all or if it's a friend of his, but it has come up a couple times in my quest into him. I have nothing to verify this.

IDeliverPizza ago

Didn't alefantis have an Instagram pic with the rodhschilds?

Thrulkggls ago

Lynn Rothschild is in an Alefantis picture with David Brock, presumably when ja was still dating him

redditsuckz ago

He is friends with Jan Rothschild who attended Marina Abramovic's 70th birthday


James Alefantis Facebook Friends - search Jan Rothschild




Some Notables from James Alefantis Facebook

Justin Barrows;


Jeff Smith;


Justin Barrows is gay yet married to Vanessa Thomas and he is going to a midwife for their baby;


This would raise suspicions with this place;



Photo and Video of Annual Adoption Day Celebration by jabbaroos AKA Justin Barrows - Nov. 22 2014


The guys a bastard and shouldnt be around babies.

Are theses midwives delivering babies without registering their birth certificates?


There are spirals on the pillars at the BirthCare place;


PeaceFuture ago

Its not a homebirth midwife's job to get a birth certificate for a client, that responsibility falls on the parents of the baby.
Majority of home births, however, are women who want to avoid the trauma and increased interventions and surgery that comes with a hospital birth. But it is certainly a fact that for parents who wanted to avoid getting a birth certificate for a baby, a homebirth would make that easier.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

When I get together with my friends we drink too much and talk about our exploits as young, dumb guys (we are all 40ish now).

I suspect they share a different kind of friendship...

VieBleu ago

so...what is your best story?

JesusRules ago

Haha, they both look like underworld demons, sick fuck baby eaters

carmencita ago

What freaks. The royals and elites have been inbreeding for centuries and that is why they look like gargoyles. Have you looked at Soros, Kissinger and HW Bush? Ugly as sin, which is what they are committing. The laws of nature have had their way with them and also drinking you know what (I am sorry I just can't say it) is having it's toll.

projection ago

Blooms syndrome and Ashkenazi Jews.

CynicalLurker ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Kissinger comes from an elite family. AFAIK he got to the top by himself.

carmencita ago

You are correct. From the looks of him he certainly fits in. He probably gets his pretty looks from all the nasty things the elite are up to. His father was a school teacher and his mother was a homemaker. I find it shocking his fortune is only $10M. That is a pauper among the people he hangs with. I don't believe it for a minute. I remember reading an article in Mother Jones how the Clintons spent every Christmas with the Kissingers, Barbara Walters at the home of Oscar de la Renta in the Dominican Republic. I venture to say that they would turn their nose up at his bank account. Just Sayin'.

Narcissism ago

Malignant Narcissists always look ugly as they age. Its to do with all the internalised stress they are constantly under. They also have a lot of heart problems and high blood pressure. They have a sadistic and viscous super ego that places them in a state akind to a drug addict. Sam Vaknin is the expert on the subject.

eyeVoated ago

that and trannys always look ugly

VieBleu ago

stricktly speaking, not true. And truth be told, there are some very honest, decent and fiercely humanist tran-sexuals in this world. I do not agree with generalizations about any group and I am on this thread, so I speak.

eyeVoated ago

And another thing. When you are a man and you dress as a woman, that in itself is a confusing signal to other people in the world. You are lying to them with your actions. Lying has reprocussions in Natural Law. You will pay for those actions in Karmic retrobutions. Worship the false god of baphomet if you must, but it is against Nature and has reprocussions for you and those you try to fool. The most likely reason you do this is because you are under cultural mind control. Best of luck.

VieBleu ago

I am not a trans-gendered person and certainly not a devil worshipper. You jump to conclusions and are self-righteous so good luck with that on Judgement Day.

What does "dressing as a woman" really mean? Does a woman have to have long hair to be a woman? wear a dress? Too many Christians lose sight so quickly that it is the actions, intent and soul of any human that is important, not outward appearances.

Best of luck to you with your holier-than-thou mindset.

eyeVoated ago

I will ignore your judgment, but happy to answer your questions..I am going to say this as plainly as possible: A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis. Since modern people wear clothes, they have devised a system of indicators (loosely, fashion) to identify ourselves as either having vaginas or having penises. Cross dressing is a lie.

Interestingly enough, the power players have a system of vetting people in Hollywood. They tell famous actors to cross-dress to show that they own them. That is why Dave Chapelle left for several years--they tried to make him cross-dress, Mr. Chapelle said no, and he lost his contract. Look it up.

VieBleu ago

I agree about the Chapelle thing, but he made the point that they always make black men cross dress - a sort of societal racial humiliation that has it's roots in things like 19th century phrenology - women and ethnic people being denigrated as inferior and weaker than the Uber male of the Nazi ideal.

At any rate, a lot of this is just appearance based norms that are considered traditional in one society and have nothing at all to do with the human withing. Are natives in africa who wrap fabric around their waists all cross dressers who are liars and perverts dammed to hell? No. The argument simply falls apart with any application of a wider context.

It is what is in the heart and the soul, and the actions that spring from therein, that count in this life.

eyeVoated ago

My definition of Heaven is one that can be reached in within a lifetime. That is called Dharma. You are talking about a fictitious place called heaven by exoteric parishioners--people who haven't the slightest clue about the true meaning of God or the Higher Self.

I am talking about actual Heaven on Earth that can be reached through the Sacred Pillars of Enlightenment, and esoteric (i.e., hidden or occulted) methods of learning.

The key to Heaven on Earth is knowing Truth. Deception of any sort against the higher Will results in a life in the state of duality known as Karma.

VieBleu ago

You keep making presumptions about what I believe. Don't you see your judgement? you think you "know" because I am a "type". And you have all the answers and I "haven't the slightest clue."

Your judgemental side is your blind spot. You are not speaking about anything that I haven't looked at and explored. Forget about me and work on yourself. That's all.

eyeVoated ago

Well, beauty is subjective—by its very nature—and strictly speaking, they are fucking ugly to me. Everything that is against Nature is by definition unnatural. Another word for something that is not in alignment with the laws of nature is satanic. What do you think baphomet represents? I don't give a shit if you put in the rough as the faggots say, but yours is ego based will and is not in alignment with the higher Will. Enjoy life in karma if you must, but you are wrong according to the laws of Nature.

VieBleu ago

I'm not gay, stop jumping to incorrect conclusions, pointing fingers and damming people. Heed your own warnings and nurture your own goodness.

eyeVoated ago

You want me to reward my phrasing? OK.

I don't give a shit if you ARE AN APOLOGIST FOR PEOPLE WHO put in the rough as the faggots say, but your BELIEFS ARE ego based will and ARE not in alignment with the higher Will. Enjoy life in karma if you must, but you are wrong according to the laws of Nature.

Better? Good luck.

VieBleu ago

Your self-righteous anger born of lack of understanding is your blind spot. Good luck back at you.

eyeVoated ago

Now you're just projecting

VieBleu ago

we can agree to disagree, glad you are here to fight anyway.

gangpressorliber ago

Trannys are ugly by virtue of what makes them a tranny. Just saying it's like removing fecal matter from shit what you explained...

carmencita ago

Yes and imagine the stress when you look like they do and have to look in the mirror everyday. Maybe they do not look into any.

dindonufin ago

They have no reflection.

thicktail1730947 ago

That is only metaphorically true.

DangerPizza ago

So all vampire stuff is covertly about pedogate?

dindonufin ago

Actually the queen of England is a descendant of Vlad Dracula, the person Count Dracula is based on. So, yeah in more ways than one.

LadyMinx ago

"Vlad the Impaler"

Narcissism ago

Very true, Vaknin says that in old age they suffer a permanent Narcissistic Injury due to how bad they look and how that affects how people treat them.

carmencita ago

They start looking like I imagine the devil would really look. The epitome of evil.

SpikyAube ago

And baby Bush, his eyes are far too close together, it looks like his eyeballs must be pressing up against eachother behind his skull.

huhhh ago

I read the other day that Barbra Bush is the granddaughter of Alestair Crowley!

kazza64 ago

i did some research on alesister crowley and barbaras mother pauline pierce ran away to party in paris and fell in with aleisters crowd. she returned home and more or less had barbara 9 months later. barbara bush bears an uncanny resemblance to crowley and satanism is rife within the bush family.

VieBleu ago

please provide some background - a book? a link? how do you know about this.

kazza64 ago

i spent a whole day watching youtube videos on aleister crowley but this is the one that was the best i think ....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0Mm8GIv54Q

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Dude it is more than crazy.......it might even be likely.


JesusRules ago

Rosemary's Baby!

VieBleu ago

ok, but any proof at all? link? anything? I'd love to see it.

dmthirdeye ago

"You be the judge" I feel this was pretty clear lol

carmencita ago

There were some really horrible things that went on in that family. I think it was Cathy O'Brien that said the Grandfather (Prescott) sodomized GHW Bush until the elder Bush died. So he was a grown man when his father was still doing this. It is all about the power he had over his son. I do not know why this country glorifies the top elites. Many of them are sick individuals.

kazza64 ago


V____Z ago

Which brings up two points: Aleister Crowely is said to be the father of Barbara Bush

and, those who question Cathy O'Brien's claims (as i've been seeing here and there on Voat) need to explain why no one has taken her to court for libel. She said horrific things about Hillary - they must be true since HRC has never defended against them.

Just a couple thoughts.

carmencita ago

I have really not heard any of them defend their crimes they have been accused of, the pedo related ones. The emails, the sex trafficking, the organ harvesting. The tons of emails on Weiner's laptop, etc. Silence is Golden. And Incriminating.

strix-varia ago

Is philippine a woman???

googlehangoutsnow ago

I had the same thought. Her neck seems too thick for a woman.

carmencita ago

Well, the name sounds like it since it ends in ine, but from the looks of it, I would say she has been cross bred. What? I guess that could be a thing, but would be disastrous.

SaveTheChildren ago


We'll be there when you take the tranny elite red-pill..

the_wasabi_debacle ago

Ok that sub is ridiculous. It only makes sense under the assumption that nature is 100% perfect every time, and there are never any deviations.

Take athletes for instance. My sister ran track in college, and she and many of her teammates are built differently than typical females, with more muscle tone and masculine features than average. Are they part of some conspiracy to swap genders? Or is it just a case of some women having more testosterone than others, and some men having more estrogen than others? Or are you going to tell me that my sister was a part of this conspiracy, despite the fact that I've known her my entire life and she's always been female?

BTW, I'm not averse to conspiracy theories. Beyonce wasn't fucking pregnant, and Michelle Obama might possibly have a penis. But come on, not every case of females having masculine features is a conspiracy. That sub is full of over-speculation and jumping to conclusions based on very little evidence.

VieBleu ago

I not only agree, but your name is a delicous sushi apocalypse.

SaveTheChildren ago

You obviously don't understand statistics.

It makes no sense that ALL of these actresses ALL show signs of trannies. Especially since these people are supposed to be attractive. And yet they're all freak trannies who need constant plastic surgery.

If it was just random chance we would only see tranny features in a few. We see tranny features in all A-list celebs and the elites and politicians.

Just open your eyes to the elites and hollywood. They are all transgenderd. They live in the image of baphomet.

VieBleu ago

Um this is unhinged bs. please ignore.

heywhatsgoingon ago

Wouldn't they have to take hormones every day for their entire lives? You think Lauren Southern is popping hormones every single day?

strix-varia ago

I just got it. Holy shite, I get it. Don't need the pill, just your comment! A little slow on the uptake I am.

eyeVoated ago

Plus those freaks worship baphomet

knight222 ago

Did you just assumed her gender?

strix-varia ago

Yes and it was really dumb to do so!!

huhhh ago


VieBleu ago
