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VieBleu ago


you guys, you saw right that a Rothschild owned/sold him? one of his houses right? on this You Tube look at 1:16

3334 "N" street, NW Washington DC, 20007 is an address where JA had a voter registration. owned by Brock and a R**** Rothschild, relatives of K, S, K, I, and A Rothschild @30O should you incorporate this info in your post?

Edit to add the direct link to the video -

remedy4reality ago

Just going back through this post and I think it's incredible. One post by this guy, and this is it.

That is some identical DNA if I have ever seen it. What do you think? ( ps. cant find it and link is broken )

VieBleu ago

Here is the direct video link

The more I see it, the more it seems to be a possibility there is a connection. The truth is though that sometimes people just look like each other, thus we have the "seperated at birth" memes.

BUT with the evidence, if it is indeed true, that one of Alefantis houses was owned by a Rothschild, then that weights things considerably more towards a connection. I think this is worth digging into, just not sure how.

Really do wonder - who is mysterious 30O?

remedy4reality ago

yeah... talk about a drive by poster. That is what I mean by giving it weight.

These freaks are probably like Ramses ll , right? Fostering, but secretly, scores of offspring and placing them throughout society.

Not a stretch for baby murderers.

VieBleu ago

Did you ever see this? (click on image)

keepthefaith ago

this has been discussed on here before, over the Christmas period.

VieBleu ago

link- would be great. What would you say was the conclusion?

MagnificentTheodore ago

It was about coloboma and RH- blood, remember?

DarkMath ago

Yep, that's what made me think of it too. See my comment in that post.

It couldn't be though, there's no way. We must be projecting onto the evidence because its just so random to think they could be related.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Talking to yourself again DarkMath? Tavistock have people you can talk to about that.

DarkMath ago

See for yourself Ted. I'm not saying the ARE related. I'm saying it's just weird JA and Evelyn Rothschild kind a sort look alike, almost Evelyn is what JA might look like as an older man.

Yes, it's a totally random connection. I know. Let's review:

Good: Consider any and all evidence even the outlandish connections you find hard to believe.

Bad: Only consider evidence that you kinda sorta already agree with.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Who's the father of Amanda Kleinman?

DarkMath ago

I don't know.

MagnificentTheodore ago

I suggest you find out.

DarkMath ago

I don't care who her father is.

MagnificentTheodore ago

I thought you were a pizzagate researcher?

DarkMath ago

I am. I don't care because there's no evidence that brings him into this. You're welcome to reply with evidence for why I should care.

But I don't care enough to actually find out who her father is on my own.


MagnificentTheodore ago

Well she doesn't have a father. So there.

DarkMath ago

Epic. Thanks Ted.

MagnificentTheodore ago

You are welcome Bill.

VieBleu ago

and how coincidental is it that these two bits just happened to be dropped today...? Doesn't mean there's nothing there...

grlldcheese ago

I'm no longer sure what's real or not with these drops. A bunch of odd ones come and go in a few days. The insistence and repetition of ridiculous ideas used to be the guarantee sign of nonsense(Russian election rigging/where is Assange).

I worry it means they're just learning. They throw out nonsense but only pursue what sticks? Maybe cycle through nonsense for a more effective slide technique? If people are mildly intrigued, it's crazy and discredits us a bit more than them spamming and us yelling 'shill'.

And on the other hand the InsiderAnon Trump mole hunt larp was fucking legit. FBI vault is still churning. There's a chance we're being fed ammunition for memeing or actual leads. And shit is clearly going down. I hope these suspicious fire stories turn into something real.

VieBleu ago


lawfag123 ago

YES I just saw that this morning. Not to be dramatic, but this is making me sick

VieBleu ago


(sorry, thought if you vomited you might feel better)

gangpressorliber ago

Wheres the Podesta Soundboard.... I want the Project Veritas Sound bites and that vids sound bits. "Wern't you arrested?" "Why don't you just Fuck off?" "Fuck off okay" "I'm your dady now!" "You think your hot shit dont ya!" and Im sure there are many others... LOL Call up Demmocrat staffers during election cycles just to demoralize them.

VieBleu ago

it is triggering isn't it. it hurts just to read it.