PizzaGate711 ago

We've all be wondering how in God's name Alefantis could be the owner of so many properties and businesses? Family ties to the Rothchilds.

zzvoat ago

I know we can get excited but can we all please stop with the hyperbolic titles. THERE IS NO REASON TO TYPE ANY PART OF A TITLE IN ALL CAPS. It's just a post like every other post here.

Moreover, this topic was covered yesterday. Those comments are also important.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Can we bring a case against him for voter fraud? Just to pressure him. Maybe get him behind bars for a week or two away from his CIA MKULTRA handlers and time enough for him to get scared that some big Black Buck may go all Dominos on his butt.

VieBleu ago

The most interesting thing - A Rothschilde (sp?) sold a home to him?

gt8h65fg ago

Duplicate topic. Here.

dmthirdeye ago

Alefantis owned 2 art galleries with weird fucked up artists at them too if nobody saw it I made a thread on it.

dmthirdeye ago

I would imagine we would find a lot of cases of voter fraud if we looked deeper into these peoples lives.

organic1 ago

I'm not a lawyer and I've never played one on TV, but that looks like voter fraud to me.