YingYangMom ago

Thank you. Noted and saved for later.

Silverlining ago

@YingYangMom @privatepizza to tack on to JA info

YingYangMom ago

Thanks, saved.

Silverlining ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKiUksSCKc youtube listing JA's six addresses - possible voter registration violation.

Sorry. This was the link to add to JA's file.

Herecomesyourman Llc an AJ company AJ worked at Johnny's Half Self

I've taken down most of the detail. Could we have him for voter fraud? Worth reporting? Probably lots of them at it!

Voter id 86959053 15/14/02 3334 N Street Washington DC20007 Relative D Brock A Brock also @ 3334 Rothschild x 6 R, K, K,S,I,A

Voter id 169863418 05/14/2002 2310 Ca State Hwy NW Washington 20008 Voter id active 173220747 05/14/2002 2310 California Street NW Washington DC20008 Brock D Voter id JamesAAlefantis active 199042826 05/14/2002 2310 California St NW Washington DC 20008 @ 2310 California St also Alefntis x 3 A, S, B Mr James A Alefantis Voter id 214343205 05/14/2002 active 1613 13th St NW 13 Washington L Hogg same address no unit Strand on Volta suspicious business Abracadabra pizza slice on slate by Scott Trelevean 1531 33rd Street NW Washington DC tel 202.333.4663 list of artists [seems to be a gallery] Ken Ashton, Margaret Boozer, Chan Chao, Craig Doty, Keith Fritz, Lucy Hogg, E. Brady Robinson POSS. OF O.L. NOT HI infraction details 10/31/1993 1court case no 65GT9301187100 court date 02/17/1994 rockingham/harrisb general district guilty [not clear if it was the JA @YingYangMom @privvatepizza @NewWorldAhead

YingYangMom ago

Ok, thank you :)

privatepizza ago

Thank you!

PizzaGate711 ago

Is it possible to run similar voter registration searches on Brock and the Rothschild owner of the property?

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

The R. Rothschilds maybe, Robert Rothschild. He's an economics professor at Lancaster University.


Someone that knows more about economic should look at his papers. His papers scare me!!

Here are a few titles of his papers:

1) The optimal size of a cartel;

2) Cartel stability when costs are heterogene;

3) On the use of a modified Shapley value to determine the optimal size of a cartel;

4) Punishment paths and cartel size;

5)A comparative approach to the economic modelling of a large-scale wave power scheme;

6)Does market size matter?: a dynamic model of oligopolistic market structure, featuring costs of creating and maintaining a market position

Cartels and oligopolisric!?? The whole Rothschild's taking over the world stuff is real?!?!

privatepizza ago

Crikey.... .

Someone really does have to look there ^ ^

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I'm sure the Rothschilds have the best computer security in the world. It would take and expert hacker time to check it out.

dmthirdeye ago

More Alefantis ownership and strangeness. Strand at Volta and Transformer Gallery. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1654738

YingYangMom ago

Thx for this.

TabiCatTwo ago

Anyone figure out what POSS OF O.L. NOT HI is that he plead guilty to in Virginia. I can't find anything.

Truthplease5 ago

possession of ___ not Hawaii?

SturdyGal ago

Guessing Possession of Operator's License Not His

AugustaJulia ago

Very interesting research. This reminds me of all the different records and addresses that were found on Obama. I don't remember whether it involved different voter registrations, but I think it involved more than one Social Security number, at least one of them invalid.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The whacko conspiracy guys have had the Rothschild family pegged for quite some time.

kekistocrat ago

The Rothschildren believe they are directly related to the self proclaimed Jewish Messiah Shabtai Zvi (Sabbatai Zevi) -- http://sammlungen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/judaicaffm/content/titleinfo/1098511 -- http://sammlungen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/rothschild/nav/index/all -- of 1666 fame (you can't make this shit up) -- throw in a little Jacob Frank -- https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jacob-frank -- (the Jacobins were responsible for the French Revolution and the subsequent creation of the Illuminati that's gained so much attention recently (Hollywood fakery surrounding many truths.) and you get the Sabbatean-Frankists who believe in tipping the scales towards the evil spectrum and bringing in as much filth and human degeneration (animal fucking, etc.) so as to bring in the 'New World.' It's like Satanism -- doesn't matter if one doesn't believe in it... they do and it affects our lives.

DarkMath ago

"share the same address".......Wow, that's kind of creepy. Is it something related to Lynn Forester de Rothschild? Maybe Brock bought that condo from Lynn?

Also and this will sound totally random but I remember looking at a few pictures of Evelyn de Rothschild and thinking he kind of very faintly looked like an older James Alefantis. Obviously they're not related at all. I just find it weird that was one of my thoughts when seeing a picture of Evelyn.

Evelyn looks like this:


Silverlining ago

DM I've seen accounts of selective breeding for the MK Ultra programms. The altar splitting, suggestibility for hypnosis, is believed to be genetically heritable. Also there may be artificial insemination - just like farm animals. JA could well be Evelyn's or another Rothchild's offspring. Hitler's mother was apparently a housekeeper to a Rothschild. Sorry no sources - just stuff noticed over the years.

PizzaGate711 ago

Or could have gifted it to him as pay off for his work in bringing in their New World Order.

DarkMath ago

"Or could have gifted it to him"........Possibly. Although isn't their a law in place that flags any real estate transaction that isn't at market value?

I'm pretty sure the IRS makes it impossible to give someone a house without it being seen as a gift and the taxes taken out accordingly.

Yes I know the IRS is in their pocket, they probably looked the other way.

PizzaGate711 ago

The IRS is absolutely corrupted :-(

quantokitty ago

WOWZA!!!! Good research! Props to the journalist. You know, get him on the smaller stuff and see where it leads.

micha_ ago

Amazing research and find. I remember there was a picture of Brock, standing on stairs and one Rothschild cunt was also on the pic.

Yuke ago

Put it this way. I stayed up all night (I'm in the UK) and watched the entire election results show from ABC news, whilst checking on BBC's online coverage also. I took screenshots all night because I felt something dodgy was going to be pulled. Trump led the popular vote all night long, that is until about 6am UK time when the results coming in suddenly froze up for well over an hour (they had been coming in every ten/twenty minutes or so all night). And of course, after that Hillary somehow was declared the winner of the popular vote. Now, they can't say it was a late surge due to California coming in because that had already been declared for Hillary much earlier. It's also worth noting that if you search wikipedia, American news media such as CNN and British media such as the BBC and the Guardian, the actual results don't even match up! How could that possibly be so.

Silverlining ago

Yes, I noticed the hiatus in the results coming in.

DrumpfBTFO ago

So many different ways for them to pull off voter-fraud, as seen in the Project Veritas-videos. Also the fact that Obama encouraged the illegals to vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfgEvgVC6Qs

Might be that Clinton "won" the popular vote, but lets see how many illegals voted etc after the investigation is over, if its ongoing now.

Mtnchan ago

Nearly all the states where hillary won, are also states where illegal immigrants are allowed to get driver's licenses, which they can use to register to vote. That is their plan for the country and why the left is so upset about immigration restrictions, refugee bans, etc... They were attempting to get a permanent majority for the Democrats via migration. They don't care if they run the country to do it, pure greed, they'd be in charge, but in charge of a shit country, and they don't care as long as they are in charge

juhos ago

I hate every time this shit goes closer to what David Icke has been talking about, because I know what there is in the end.

dmthirdeye ago

Whats is at the end? REPTILE!

lude ago

What's at the end

Silverlining ago

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_underground25.htm What you need to know for your future. How does this future look to you? Definitely exercised my credulity. Underground bases, baby farming and torture, MKultra, depopulation, enslavement for the ETs. Sounds fun - NOT!!

stillinit ago

What's in the end? Shape shifting alien lizard attack?

dem6nic ago

According to Icke, in the end the moon is an artificial alien construct that creates the holographic 'reality' we all experience on Earth, much like in They Live the broadcasters use a satellite to blind people to the aliens running the planet. And the queen is a reptile. 0-WTF in 6 seconds. It's a difficult pill to swallow.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Sounds like the Matrix. But I did see this article a few weeks back,


This is all so crazy!!?

Silverlining ago

Reality is what you perceive it to be.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

See I think that's where we get in trouble. Reality is Reality. What is, is. Everyone has their own perspective based off their background. But the fact, should stay the facts, and not be changed to fit someone perception.

dmthirdeye ago

So THATS why my girlfriend always asks me "is it in yet?"

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Holy shit lmfao

I_have_my_gun_ready ago


dmthirdeye ago

Freaking holoham

User890020 ago

Alas, this will discredit even his true stuff

Silverlining ago

But he has been pretty smack on the money in the past. You can't fault his track record, TBH.

dem6nic ago

This is what I fear. His research is second to none. So far he's been right about alot of things. Moon matrix? I was willing to believe in interdimensional beings possessing humans but this is stretching my beliefs

AugustaJulia ago

Maybe the possession is metaphorical. I sometimes wonder whether the human psyche is "mis-wired," as it were. We live as if with our heads put on backwards and react to things that exist in the past instead of looking forward and creating new things. We also focus on the negative rather than the positive and pay most of our attention to one undesirable thing rather than the nine good things that have happened to us.

Ocelot ago

That's just leftover instincts though. When humans lived in tribes, the one bad thing that happened would've been far worse than the bad things that happen to us today, so it paid to think it over and learn to better or avoid the situation. Now we can't turn that instinct off.

gardenofbacchus ago

Icke is a national treasure

organic1 ago

I think you meant international treasure.

leahxpearl ago

What is there?! I've never seen his stuff.

juhos ago

Watch the video below. It's next level shit. It sounds absolutly crazy yet after some time listening so logical. I don't know does he just use a lot of metaphoras or is he just master of using facts to create stories, but the fact is, he seems to be ahead of his time. For example he knew that Jimmy Savile and Ted Heath are pedophiles.


Edit: and I'd like to specify that yet his stuff is interesting, I don't like the idea of Voat turning into Icke-show. As many have said, he could very well be controlled opposition and distractor combining truth and crazy fiction.

Silverlining ago

https://www.davidicke.com/ Enjoy. Red Pill Paradise!

PizzaGate711 ago

James Alefantis's 'HERECOMESYOURMAN' registered address is a 'House' in Kensington MD and has Multiple Residents Listed and the neighbouring houses in the street have multiple listed residents too !!! .... (pizzagate) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1621714

YingYangMom ago

Thanks noted and saved.

ProudTruther ago

Fuck this guy. If we can't get him arrested for trafficking and diddling babies, let's at least lock him for voter fraud and get him off the streets.

PizzaGate711 ago

GREAT research and video presentation.