stellarcorpse ago

Wall is going up and illegals deported as I write this , rounded up just like the pedos are being rounded up. Out with the criminal filth. I LOVE TRUMP!!

stellarcorpse ago

Your pretty boy best give back Caris . We know he has her.

justice4kidz ago

ha. then why bother fighting it so hard on a voat? we don't care what you say. WE KNOW THE TRUTH. get on the right side. Ben Swann spoke the truth, that's why he was silenced. just like Andrew Brietbart, Monica Peterson, and anyone basically who speaks up against the corrupt elite sick child abusing cabal. y'all, are sick.

justice4kidz ago

absolutely heart-breaking. 11 year old does not give consent.

Anonymous987654321 ago

wow this is incredible! Great find. Archived.

just a side story sort of related. I have a relative who just became a police officer and I was joking around and made a remark about him and his police friends playing good cop bad cop with criminals. He replied, "No, we play gay cop gay cop." then he chuckled. At first it sounded funny to me but now it sounds a little more insidious. Hopefully not.

abortionburglar ago

Trump will clean this up, right? After he fucks one or two of his daughters?

Im_with_her ago

Mods, delete this thread as we discussed. Pizzagate is fake news. You Trumptards are pathetic. Get a life. Haw haw haw. Go buy some more tin foil to make more hats. Go research chem trails and bigfoot. Fake news! Chelsea/Warren 2020! NOWALLNOBAN. Juno jets jugulars jucily. T20P16+J10A1=

stellarcorpse ago

You are powerless here. This is not DC. Ask your boy to relinquish possession of Caris why don't you pretty please?

justice4kidz ago

hey if you don't think pizzagate is real, then why bother being on voat? the child porn pics from Comet Pizza (TONS OF THEM) are in the hands of the DC Police, who unfortunately, like protecting child abusers. if you actually did any research, you would come to the same conclusion that we have: that child porn, child sex abuse, child rape, and murder, are incredibly rampant in this country. the pervs are going down one by one. starting w Alefantis I hope. get on the right side.

cheese_pizza_lover ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, which in thus case is the TRUTH, but the binary at the top of the article is nothing. Sometimes that is placed there by certain word processing programs when submitting documents to various platforms. I would not read anything into that because it is a dead end. Perseus pleases pill poppers. J10A1+C3P16P16=

stellarcorpse ago

hey did we scare all you pizza boyz away? Kinda mess you Alefantis shills.

ASolo ago

That cop looks like a complete tool.

Pg-IzBeyondStupid2 ago

No arrests yet? LOL No arrests ever cause pizzagate is a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory.

thisisnotagame ago

She also tweeted in the Morse code yesterday. Did anyone try to interpret it?

justice4kidz ago

this means they are on our side. but don't want to get shut down.

BethesdaDC ago

DC police making sure their honey hole is well protected given CPP is beloved pedopfile institution

Mad_As_Hell ago

Euro, we're fairly immersed in US politics over here, the press is even more biased if anything, people are thoroughly brainwashed

Littlebird1 ago

H.O.L.Y S.H.I.T...!!!

Littlebird1 ago

The Police Chief of THE most corrupt state in America...Of course he is in on it! Can you imagine how much dirt he knows and has on all the politicians living and working there. He must have seen piles and piles of poo stinking evidence over the years and not one single word about Pedophiles in D.C since the Franklin Scandal.
I heard it reported that the hard drive that received a magic bullet from the Comet Ping Pong "gunman"(actor) had Child Porn on it that was found and it was handed over to D.C police. Bet that got chucked on an evidence-burning fire quick smart.

slickleg64 ago

Alarming reports have surfaced according to which DC Police Chief Peter Newsham allowed an 11-yr-old child to be charged even though she was raped by multiple men.


It was alleged by people that a local pizza restaurant in DC is operating as a front to make money on child prostitutes for politically connected individuals

Are both cases related?

slickleg64 ago

It just serves as a reminder that despite the existence of corrupt cops, there are many who will ensure that justice is served.


LadyMinx ago

BF= Barney Frank.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Sounds very familiar! I'm in Europe and I think the anti-Trump hysteria is even worse here, whenever he comes up in conversation (which is a lot!) my only options are to change the subject or keep quiet to avoid being completely ostracised. Hoping that won't be the case for much longer...

draegspir ago

What in the world is going on holy cow!!!

draegspir ago


Mad_As_Hell ago

I've been living in topsy turvy land since I first read Podesta e-mails in October, I feel completely detached from my previous worldview on pretty much everything. Strange but exciting times!

Mad_As_Hell ago

He was caught up in Franklin scandal. Trump seems to hate him, tweeted this years ago:

B_dog ago

I read that piece a few times to be sure. It seems to me like the author was raising the Pizzagate issue on purpose to bring attention to it and only comically 'debunking' it. Maybe the author was concerned about the usual PG censorship.

spotoncorr3ct ago

Precisely. The anon author purposely did a caricature of the mainstream style of 'debunking' it, and now more eyes are on the real information. Use binary code at the top of the article.

Votescam ago

BF is Barney Frank

Votescam ago

Good to see this story resurrected. Think we heard about it connected to a public meeting where Comet PP was being criticized due to questionable activities -- rape, etal -- having taken place outside the restaurant? There was one prominent individual there who spoke out against Comet. I'm sure someone here knows the story and that it is archived. As this article should be archived!

tehthu ago

BF= barney Frank

goodguy1367 ago

Great call! Just read back over it and the highlighted words say it all.

Long_Knife ago

Remember all those people that got downvoated when they said no arrests were forthcoming?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You have to realize that the Pedophiles rule in DC. So it makes every possible sense that they would totally plant the DC cops with their fellow Pedophiles and people they had bribed or corrupted to their will. They felt totally safe to do anything they wanted. The Media was totally corrupted They control all of it. The Washington Post is run by Carlos Slim a Mexican Drug Lord. The Washington Times is run by the Moonies....a Korean CIA run cult. The TV press is all bought and paid for. They had all the avenues that are available to the public to blow the case open under their control.......

But maybe they were wrong. Lets push this fucker through to the other side. If it breaks apart it will be like a sugar cube placed in hot tea....their control will dissolve over night.

Ronnilynn31 ago

And...I think you might be just like one of those perhaps...

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes, that's been a sick push for a while now and it's only been increasing this past year.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Holy shit. Wow..

There are Anons all over who are leaving us clues. I've had several drop breadcrumbs to me. When you get a minute, check out my post that keeps getting downvoted and never get's past 6....

MAGABoomer ago

YES! I didn't notice the numbers or the red. It just didn't read correctly. I'm glad everyone else went back and took another look!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Could those numbers maybe read as something in binary code?

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, some guy interpreted it already. I didn't double check his results but it sounds legit. Also Words in red bold make sentences.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Oh my god, the second bit translates as Luke 8:17 - looked it up, corresponding passage from the Bible is "For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light."

In_Cog_Nito ago

You got more of the names than I did.

In_Cog_Nito ago

Someone just updated the page again. They are watching this thread.

VOAT: we were shut down the last time we published on pizzagate directly. so was another site called we are still trying to spread the info to a larger audience without getting shut down again, so being a bit indirect. reddit and other social media platforms have algorithms that sink us if certain terms are used. we are with you, on the forum. hoping for arrests soon and hoping the piece on newsham’s history is able to help.

wilw ago

This stuff is weird, why not just throw a PDF on a seed box and torrent link it here, or pastebin everything that's known

Post a comment on voat - this "i have information but how can I post it" malarky and white text on a page (which incidentally doesn't affect RSS readers, google news, google search, google alarts etc) makes it feel like disinformation

I know 6 names but how could I possibly say what they are... you know. comment in voat, post the story, post the evidence, post it all, let people check, cross check, verify then crucify.


that should be our motto

In_Cog_Nito ago

I agree, there are better ways to do this. I even got worried about it being a honeypot and have changed my modem's IP address and am now hiding behind a VPN. Are they legitimately trying to help? Do they actually know something but can't get the authorities to do anything about it? Are they just internet investigators like us? Hiding text from human eyes like this doesn't hide it from Google, you'd need JavaScript to do it properly.

wilw ago

Chief Peter Newsham - just remembering now that this post ALSO did not have the NAME of the DC police chief - we must always tell people to ALWAYS put the name

DC Police Chief Peter Newsham

DC Police Chief Peter Newsham

DC Police Chief Peter Newsham

DC Police Chief Peter Newsham

Chief Peter Newsham

All they have to do is put all the info out there - but the fact is this lead is solid and DC Police Chief Peter Newsham is using the greatest tool the left have

Hanlon's Incompetence Meme

Today, you can do almost ANYTHING and get away with it, ZERO CONSEQUENCES, all you have to do is say "I made a mistake, I was incompetent"

The "incompetence" get-out-of-jail-free meme is central to marxism and something they are promoting hard - that's why Hillary said sorry twenty-odd times.

well, I tried

you tried? ok no jail time for you then



THAT'S WHY GOWDY WAS SO FRUSTRATED "BUT YOU HAD TRAINING" and the replies were "well, to my ability, I thought.." and what can you say "well you're not that stupid"

Votescam ago

(Let's hope this time things will be different in every way, including long term prison sentences for pedophiles. We have to be able to follow what is actually happening after the arrests.)

NYPD have been investigating pedophile rings for 50 years now and more -- three attempts and each time they got to the names of higher up's and they were stopped according to Detective Jim Rothstein, here in an interview by Prof. James Fetzer. **One of the investigations went as high as New York Senate Hearings before being stopped. In fact Rothstein stays that the Watergate break in may have been connected in part to investigation of pedophilia **-- and that the "book" with names of higher up's was in possession of Larry O'Brien, Dir./DNC.

**President Richard Nixon is identified by one of the survivors of abuse in Belgium. **Was just looking at it last night, here somewhere I think.

Her name is Fiona Barnett
In this astounding interview, Fiona Barnett tells some of her story of the abuse, and the  the abuse network in Australia. In this interview she mentions Nicole Kidman who was abused, and present at a murder at Sydney University by her father Dr Antony Kidman who was a child abuser.

Fiona tells of abuse by hypnosis, drugs and torture. She mentions, freemasonry, judges, politicians, scientology, OTO, catholic church, illuminati, Anglican church, police, psychiatric hospitals, 4 Australian prime ministers – Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Robert Menzies who were abusers, **Richard Nixon President of United States, Bohemian Grove and a lot more.

B_dog ago

My sarcasm detector is pretty good. I thought so before reading the great work you guys did here with the binary and stuff.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, good call. Poe's Law was killing me on that one. But the Red Text is the correct message.

No wonder they don't list their names or place of business. They'd be dead in a week.

stellarcorpse ago


Beaucephus ago

Oh Shit, this Nesham guy I just realized is the cunt I called out on Twitter for being a hack! Lol

What a piece of shit. He was recruiting for positions at DC Police and I told him "must be an easy job, since you can just claim something as false allegation with no investigation."

goodguy1367 ago

I'm in Aus and that saying gets abused, I thank the Brits for its creation

In_Cog_Nito ago


This code is at the top of the page:

01101000 01101001 01100111 01101000 01101100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01100001 01100111 01100101 00101110

Translated it reads:

highlight the page.

I just mentioned the highlighted lines in another comment, then noticed the binary code! Here is the highlighted parts:

the department itself is being hindered from doing good police work.

a local pizza restaurant in DC is operating as a front to make money on child prostitutes for politically connected individuals.

DC police may have protected the restaurant

EDIT: More was posted in later comments:

There is more hidden in the page.


J&TP – CS – NP – BF – LG – JM – HC

More binary also:

01001100 01010101 01001011 01000101 00100000 00111000 00111010 00110001 00110111


LUKE 8:17

Luke 8:17 reads:

Luke 8:17New International Version (NIV)

17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

None of this was in the original article. Is this the site editor or article author doing this?

Littlebird1 ago

This needs its own submission. if true it is too important to be lost in the comments section...

Votescam ago

Are their instructions somewhere for translating the binary code?

In_Cog_Nito ago

You can either learn binary code and translate it yourself, or just use any of a number of converters available online.

MAGABoomer ago

Holy SHIT so it was written that way on purpose! See that's why we need to work together. I flat out said i suck with numbers I didn't even see them!!! Good job. It was a message after all! (Woah)

In_Cog_Nito ago

Looking at, neither the highlighting or the binary code were in the original article.

Original article archive

Updated article archive

gardenofbacchus ago

What the actual fuck is going on

In_Cog_Nito ago

Oh shit, I just realized what the author really meant.


There is more hidden in the page.


J&TP – CS – NP – BF – LG – JM – HC

More binary also:

01001100 01010101 01001011 01000101 00100000 00111000 00111010 00110001 00110111


LUKE 8:17

Luke 8:17 reads:

Luke 8:17New International Version (NIV)

17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

None of this was in the original article. Is this the site editor or article author doing this?

In_Cog_Nito ago

I don't know... Does the author really know something?

Azagthoth ago

I relish any moment I can use ''taking the piss'' in conversation. Theres just something about it.

goodguy1367 ago

It's great because it gets straight to the point, "Are you taking the fuckin piss?" Perfect for situations like this sick one.

Gorillion ago

Interesting comment at the bottom regarding this concept:

"Duper's Delight"

Dupers delight and the joy of conning. One thing that a sociopath feels is 'dupers delight'. A sociopath doesn't feel too many emotions. He can feel lots of things, anger, narcisstic rage, jealousy, paranoia, if it's a feeling. Dupers delight and the joy of conning | Dating a Sociopath

Describes JA's cunty face to a T.

kekistocrat ago

Of course, they reference Joe Rogan who feels that Sandy Hook Deniers hurt his soul -- his words.

Jeff C. is cucked as well...

Bolux ago

Pedo written all over that mug.

JesusRules ago

Phuck da Po-lice

DeathToMasons ago

Did she say they should have been suspended? I was thinking hard prison time. There will come a time, that when people have had enough of their own government brutalizing them, that they will strike back and ignore the law just like they do, and anihilate them. It is not impossible you know.

Aniabub ago

Can someone explain how, when there is actual physical evidence that she was assulted, he can charge her with filing a falso report? That blows my mind fricken scum

justice4kidz ago

me too. 11 years old. evidence of rape. WTF. no justice. so glad Trump is draining the fucking swamp. let's help him.

gardenofbacchus ago

These people operate outside of law or legality and the entire law enforcement department at the top levels are set up to protect these people from ever being outed or punished for their crimes. These people don't view what they're doing to children as wrong, it's just a club for the elites, a special members only privilege you get once you have enough money and influence. These people are aliens to us, they hate us, mock us and look down on us like cattle or pieces of meat bred for their pleasure and bidding. However they understand the rest of society, which vastly outnumbers them does care about these things so they need to establish a system where these crimes are hidden and covered up from the public who do care about them.

Aniabub ago

Bollocks is my favourite

quantokitty ago

Yeah, two P'sOS.

userdeletedtwice ago

Not forgetting Heather Podesta on the police board...

LincolnsMullet ago

Excellent, if disturbing find. Another piece of the puzzle added.


There you have it! Alefantis & Co. are getting away with all this because they are in cahoots with the DC police.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Yeah, it reminds me of this Comet Ping Pong Google review that I saw...

YingYangMom ago

Epic find :) Thx


when was this posted?

FriesischShipping ago

Probably videotaped him raping a child and now he's blackmailed. Except he looks like the kinda guy that did it willingly. What a sham.

smokemirrors ago

Can we also talk about how corrupt the NYPD have been in their cover up of Etan Patz??

Forgetmenot ago

It all makes sense now. These guys are all going to get exposed....may all their evil nefarious activities come to light! Amen.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

That death sentence law is something i look forward to seeing in action. Now even more so!

smokemirrors ago

Jesus: DITTO. Or public hanging, stoning etc

detcmon ago

I'm going to share the fuck out of this!

In_Cog_Nito ago

Careful, it's a slanted article that sides with the pedos.

LakeOfFire ago

It's against the pedos. Read between the lines.

In_Cog_Nito ago

It's against the pedos. Read between the lines.

I just read the article again, and must say I am seeing something now I didn't notice before. If you read just the bolded parts, it's literally saying:

the department itself is being hindered from doing good police work.

a local pizza restaurant in DC is operating as a front to make money on child prostitutes for politically connected individuals.

DC police may have protected the restaurant

MAGABoomer ago

YES! And the other person noted the binary code. I didn't notice numbers. I just noticed it was illogical and wasn't written correctly to convey the emotion she was claiming to convey!

In_Cog_Nito ago

There is no author listed, so how do you know the author is female?

MAGABoomer ago

I am using she in regards to the story the mother told. The mother is the she. She is telling us "nothing to see here" in regards to Alefantis, making excuses for the's written as quotes of the mother. I'd have to have another go at it to suss who wrote it. Not bad, but far from foolin'.

In_Cog_Nito ago


MAGABoomer ago

OH FUCK...I assumed gender. Punish me.

In_Cog_Nito ago

lol, for the mother that is quite appropriate.

MAGABoomer ago

So it's not just me that noticed that. Maybe the mom sold her kid yes/no?

In_Cog_Nito ago

I certainly didn't get any hint that the child had been sold. The article even says:

The daughter is still coping to this day.

It does twist the story about a police chief that originally protected pedos to one that is supposedly doing the right thing now and protecting those that have been "falsely" accused.

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, I know what she said. It is illogical to 1. accuse the Police Chief of fostering/protecting pedophiles and then 2. turn around and say yeah but nothing to see here.

If you saw The Tribe thread on here, mothers make their kids available to pedos all the time. Who's to say the mom isn't culpable for what happened to her kid. How does an 11 year old get out and away from home long enough and unsupervised enough for that to have happened? It's possible the child told someone, or was harmed too much and had to go to hospital and mom is playing innocent.

That whole article is illogical.

LadyMinx ago

TWICE! How does that happen on 2 separate occasions? Your 11y/o is gang raped, then you let her out alone where she is raped again? Hint: don't be that parent!

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah...there's a whole lot of hinky going on right there.

In_Cog_Nito ago

I see your point, but I find it hard to believe the mother would still be making a big deal now if she was involved, much less not facing repercussions for flipping on the Johns.

MAGABoomer ago

It's shady as fuck. I see how cleverly it was written and why people might miss the clues..after all it was written to convince people "nothing to see here", but my job is seriously heavy in information analysis. I've saved companies millions by sussing out shit that sounds good but isn't.

Continuity in emotional attachment/expression is a massive clue to fraudulent information. Very few people can write to disguise their real intent or identity.

Being right 100% of the time when I call a company's attention to an issue in a document kind of gives me confidence here. If I'm uncertain about things, I'll usually wait it out until I have something to compare it with. With work I have no problem finding it straight off (I can even tell when one writer is trying to pass off the work of two different people as their own work) but with media stuff sometimes I have to wait it out.

The threads on here that have been flat out fake started coming out when the actual research was hitting hard. Then everyone ran off to the fake shit and that was that.

This article is designed to make the average reader believe that GOSH if this mom of a sexually abused child who believes the chief is a crook is standing up for Comet Ping Pong, then there must not be anything to see here. Sad thing is, it's not even a good try. I had it nailed by the third paragraph. At work no one ever questions me. I've proven myself countless times.

Far as I can tell, there have been no repercussions, the child was charged...yes yes...the men cleared..are they named publicly anywhere? It feels like a situation in which exposition was forced and manipulated rather than honest. Whom ever wrote that is not telling the truth. I can't build a plane, math, or engineer, spot patterns in chains, but this, it's what I'm good at. YAY I got something!

billyvvinz ago

I see stuff like this and really want to turn a blind eye and block it out. It's sickening! All these fuckers need to be put in the ground. And the gall of JA to rub it in our faces?

In my opinion there's too much of this stuff out there, too many people know for nothing to come of it. I don't think the relative glut of pedophilia/sex trafficking related arrests since President Trump took office is any coincidence, either. Ben Swann (and others) being asked for their silence means to me that some serious shit is about to fall on some serious people, AND I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT.

GeorgeT ago

It's a network

shoosh ago

The daughter is still coping to this day.

What is worse, the child was “charged” with “filing a false report”,

This is why survivors (when there are any) don't want to come forward. They don't have money for a lawyer and are afraid they'll be destroyed even more than they already are. Add ptsd and emotional blockages it's a fearful situation.

This cop needs to be removed.

No wonder JA is so f'ing cocky, saying, 'you're in trouble'.

goodguy1367 ago

Fuck that caption even says "the kid friendly pizza place" for fuck sake these people are taking the fuckin piss

BallsDeepInReality ago

Pretty clear conflict of interest if you ask me.

spezSentMe ago

What? A "neighborhood institution", nein - a "community cornerstone" - can't be "kid friendly"?

I for one always visit the local pizza rep whenever I have a social inquiry.

Shit's getting beyond ridiculous.

blind_sypher ago


Ronnilynn31 ago

It has been translated in another comment. Perhaps it should be in the post though.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I just translated it, first bit is "highlight the text", second bit is "Luke 8:17" - this is the passage from the Bible: "For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light."

Semore ago

The "art" and the "music" choices of CometPingPong are sooooo child friendly...

gardenofbacchus ago

It's all a fucking joke. Everyone is in on it. The website who published this article is in on it. All of these people know and they get off on playing with us and taunting their sick inside jokes to the public , seeing how far they can push it

Pg-IzBeyondStupid2 ago

"Everyone is in on it." Nope, you are just an extremely gullible individual who bought into a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory.


If this is such a ridiculous conspiracy why are you online arguing about it? Things that are "ridiculous" don't concern a person. I find the show "Survivor" to be ridiculous so I avoid it, your presence is suspicious to say the least. I can't down vote you so I thought I'd chime in.

NoBS ago

That's like saying the possibility of Child Exploitation is a conspiracy theory. Your ability to publicly protect "possible" pedophilia is the real horror. It is also why you need to be exposed to protect the next generation.

MAGABoomer ago

Is it just me or does that article say yeah the chief is a liar but PG is fake? WTAF!

Gorillion ago

That is an incredibly strange article. It's sarcastic as fuck right up until that last statement where it legit sounds like they're being serious?

The whole site is weird. There doesn't seem to be any info at all about who the writers or editorial team are, or where they're situated. What their "beat" is. Though I'm guessing it has to be DC.

Edit: boysforsale81 is on the money I think. Read the Red Text independent of everything else for the real message.

Aniabub ago

They dont bluntly say that but yeah, i got that from it too.

MAGABoomer ago

I tend to be pretty blunt :D

Aniabub ago

Me too. I like you.

MAGABoomer ago

I bet we have very few close friends :) and are not popular :D

Aniabub ago

Once my mate wanted me to suss out a work mate for him, and i needed him to tell me what to say. None of that subtle shit work so i just 'my friend thinks your hot' 'oh thanks but i have a bf' how easy was that???!!!!!

MAGABoomer ago

HA I do too. I'm more like "grab 'em by the pussy" kind of direct. Meh, it works!

Aniabub ago


shoosh ago

I don't know what '''taking the piss means''', but I know when the f word is used in there it's strong words. So I'll give that one a upvote on principle.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Do they say "Take the Mickey out of someone" in the US? It's a variation on that. It means to make fun of someone.

dustyr ago

And I'll give you one for your principles.

goodguy1367 ago

Haha it means their having a laugh and mocking us

blind_sypher ago

Uh if you took the time to translate the binary you would realize that isnt the case

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Yep that's how it is. Pretty serious problem we've got with humanity right now. They are flaunting their power in your face. We are all humans and they are going to get a stiff reminder that they are not above the law. Talking to you Hillary, get right with god. Tick tock tick David Brock.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Wow! I knew something was wrong with the DC police, but I didn't expect this.

User890020 ago

I did.

Think about it: it makes perfect sense.

justice4kidz ago

I can't take credit for finding this. someone on twitter sent it to me. pizzagate researcher.

dmthirdeye ago

Good find, conflict of interest much? How many people are buddies with the police chief where they live? Honestly? lol.... fucking A - In before the "Must be a coincidence posts"

islandofdelight ago

And the false flag event.. Edgar Maddison Welch... The traffic cameras moved before the incident. DC Police and media had different accounts than eye witnesses at CPP... a bullet hole in CPP computer. No gunshots heard by witnesses...

And then there's the DC Courts -

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Did the guy even have a gun? In the picture I saw he had no gun anywhere around him. Also, didn't he get a "plea deal" and only get probation?

Astrodreamer ago It's well-known tha the DC police force is deeply corrupt. This psychopath has been 'interim' police chief of Washington DC for more than 6 months and there's no sign that his replacement is being sought. It would seem that he was made interim only to avoid the major scrutiny that would befall him if he were immediately appointed to the top desk. The interim's background is not so newsworthy, and when or if he gets made permanent it'll draw less attention; it will be assumed that he has been adequately vetted. So DC truly is a crime city where you can get away with anything. Further encouragement for the most corrupt politicians to shoot for the top: get to Washington and you're home-free-all!

Gammi ago you may know about this, from you tuber Titus Frost.....another black mark for the DC Police in my opinion....unless for some reason, we may perhaps find out later why nothing has come of this.

justice4kidz ago

yes I just watched this youtube vid tonight. I don't know how I missed it earlier. wow. so they've been sitting on these pics since dec 5th. then they say the bullet - the ONE bullet - hit the hard drive and destroyed it? I wonder what percentage of law enforcement is compromised? 40%?

druhill007 ago

They actually said he bullet hit the hard drive? That's too funny. We're gonna get these sick fucks lets goooooooo

justice4kidz ago

yes can you believe it? the one shot the false flag shooter fired, went "through a wall, then hit the computer, destroying the hard drive and all of the evidence". do they think we are that stupid? really?

druhill007 ago

So jokes. That has to be because of how untouchable they think they are. I would hope at least lol

MolochHunter ago

yea there was even a photo of alefantis pretending to be disappointed at his PC having taken a bullet. This was before i was archiving etc, though, i haven't seen it for 2 months

Gammi ago

It seems DC is full of compromised entities, 40% would not surprise me.

LakeOfFire ago

So the medical personnel found sexual injuries after the 11yo girl was raped, yet this police chief charged her? an 11 year old? and now he's there hanging out with Alefantis?

MolochHunter ago

not immediately, she reached 17 or 18 and was still trying to get justice, and then because she was old enough the shitbag cop slapped the malicious complaint charge on her.

Orange_Circle ago

Good find.