dcdale9 ago

They aren't all opened with torrent.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I have qbittorrent. But what is the address I use? Or magnet etc. ?

YingYangMom ago

Good job. This is very interesting. I checked the Almighty Hot-dog stand in Austin referred to in this email https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/emailid/7627 and it's twitter account, got an address but the address on google maps leads to a parking lot. Is this a pick up location? Or does everybody involved know the real location where to pick up boys from and are only using the Hot-Dog stand as a cover?

Oh, and this email: http://imgur.com/VrJUDFv (OBVIOUS) CP, boys, girls, the whole 9 yards.

This is sick!!! They're doing it in plain friggin' sight.

MattHelm ago

Stratfor must have an entire office of guys whose job is to transport kids and they get to sample the merchandise if you know what I mean. They talk in their emails about how to "slice the pizza so everyone gets a taste" meaning how do they divide up the kids so they can each have some fun with a child or a group of children "after hours" or at the hotdog and pizza party. Stratfor is probably comprised of CIA officers or guys who are in that special forces covert black ops world.

reddiquitrefugee ago

Follow teh Fb likes. tons of what could be code. chocho sutra is offering in-home choc tempering classes on fiveR. suspicious AF!

Mommyplayer571 ago

so get your orders in before then. I've had one order already. Please, please, make it easy on me and bring cash.

So he had one already by 1145 AM. Well good for him.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The Austin place: 3638 Bee Cave Rd, Austin, TX 78746

Ronnilynn31 ago

It just makes me sick. I've been looking at this for months every day and have managed to keep the reality of it actually sinking in...for my mind. But that Worldcorp video, at least the 30 seconds I listed to of one...that's kept me awake and sick. It gave a horrible small terrorized voice to this "conspiracy" we've been mocked for and all these years only God knows how many kids have suffered while blind eyes were turned

Mommyplayer571 ago

I get it now. Just look thru the emails that map to Obamas Friday menu. Look at the information.

Ronnilynn31 ago

@Mommyplayer571 I just got back on Twitter...Glad to see I'm back online there. I was trying to retrace my steps back to the Obama Foundation from the pizza link and can't find it now. I should have tracked it all while I was doing it but I was so lacking sleep and had to get ready for work that I lost the path.

Do you have it so I can get it documented again for myself? I've been so scattered and not documenting things well at all.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Sorry. I just had the Bee address of the Pizza place in Austin and figured it was the Hot Dog stand the email referred to. I don't have link to Obama unless we find an email with an address that date that would correlate with Obamas email announcement. Hey I never did verify the date of Austin. For all I know It was a Texas Hot Dog Friday at the White House. Still scanning other news. Many leads are occurring but yours seems promising. I saw someone else tweeting about it.

8toborrm ago

I'd be happy to help you guys out, I have been in vain trying to figure out what exactly you're trying to connect here. I've spent hours looking through sites from the google results of bee cave road location. Exasperated. If you don't want to catch me up I understand. Good luck boys.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I'm sorry. I've been trying to find it again to link you directly to it, but because I suck at researching, I didn't archive anything as I was doing it. It was like 5am when I found it and I remember what I clicked on and got off into another search of things. I can't find the direct link to it and I've been looking. I did the search on the Austin's place on Bee Cave road. It took me to the pizzadelivery.org website which had several pizza places directly listed and they were all "off" - they had wording that sounded suggested it wasn't simply pizza. Anyway, one of the pizza places linked to Malik Obama and info about his family and the Obama Foundation that he started and all the charities, including Haiti relief, that they're involved in.

8toborrm ago

I really don't want to give up. I feel like I might be barking up the wrong tree? Can you help me see ?

Ronnilynn31 ago

The location on Bee Cave Road. On that site there are some links to the left. I'm sorry, I didn't map it and I should have done all that but I didn't.

8toborrm ago

I feel fucking retarded. still don't know what site you're talking about.

YingYangMom ago

Checked out the Dog Almighty Hot-Dog in Austin in this email: https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/emailid/7627 stand's twitter, got the twitter account and got an address, but the address of the Austin Hot Dog Stand doesn't exist. It's a parking lot. Pick up location for kids?

8toborrm ago

When I think "Hot Dog Stand", I usually think "portable". Some aren't, I guess it just depends on someone's definition of stand.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, possible. Either way, other messages are as clear as day and in plain sight such as this one : http://imgur.com/VrJUDFv Obviously CP, boys, girls, the whole nine yards... Sick!

8toborrm ago

I have spent time researching those addresses, and while I absolutely am not saying they are without wrongdoing, I wasn't able to find anything over the internet a million miles away. What have you found?

YingYangMom ago

Except for codewords such as Pizza, Hot-Dogs, Cheese, (Guadalupe?), addresses (parking lots) that don't seem to exist and major events (such as the Superbowl) that are known to be days on which lots of nefarious activities take place (such as sex slave ring operations), nothing. It's all circumstantial, nothing concrete.

8toborrm ago

Ok, gotcha.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Aren't they just going to correlate addresses with cities and dates? I'm just getting started looking. That spreadsheet attachment though. Each office varies. Maybe they get more points for promotion if they order more. I hang out at 8Ch.net when I get tired with twitter and VOAT.

8toborrm ago

I'm frustrated. not even sure which email you're talking about, don't think i've seen it. I've been digging for a long time now I had a good gut feeling about the post but I haven't found anything.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The picture she has in a post has a Bee address near the bottom. If you google it it is in Austin. Then you can link with an Austin hot dog day I guess. I saw the Austin one. I'm going to work on making a list bug I'm tired now.

8toborrm ago

I've been all over the bee cave road location. Can't find anything significant. you're just google searching right?

Mommyplayer571 ago

I did it searching for pizza and found availability. But why do they keep a record of it?

Ronnilynn31 ago

The Bee address?

Ronnilynn31 ago

And here come the downvotes.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Anyone know how to download all the global intelligence files? Or the Podesta emails? i hope the WL website stays intact. In fact since it still up that implies something. These astra tfor files are still there. That's a Shadilay Praise Kek if I understand it right.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I haven't found a way to do it. But they have their hands in quite a lot. We've been so stuck on the Clinton/Podesta emails. But Wikileaks made a point last week that we shouldn't overlook the GI files.

dcdale9 ago

Just want to say the Global Intelligence files are a treasure trove of information. You can download the files as is. Then open them using a variety of apps. The files are PDF, WORD, csv, etc.

8toborrm ago

It's definitely code. The same addresses come up in multiple emails. If anyone can drop me a hint. I am google searching them looking for commonalities or oddities but no luck yet.

So far I've found dpt of la bor suits and Hh E B grocery stores linking some of them.

Mommyplayer571 ago

This is 2008. 10-8-08. Hot Dog Day #2 . Just how many hot dog days are there? That's why 65K $. There are a bunch of hot dogs and Pizza. Obama is a pimp.

Ronnilynn31 ago

There are a lot of hot dog days. One one of them they mention starting it as a weekly thing. "Chicago" Fridays, no less.

YingYangMom ago

Unbelievable. 500 hits for that code word!

Mommyplayer571 ago

More Hot Dog stands then. It isn't just Hawaii.

Mommyplayer571 ago

This is great. I always wondered about the dates of these Stra tfor emails and the the WH hot dog Friday dates, it seemed the time frame for the planning wasn't right. Perhaps some hot dogs and pizza was/were kept in a deep freeze for safe keeping for later meals. Thank you Anon.

Ronnilynn31 ago

You are on Twitter, I've spoken with you there. I got shut down last night and can't even get a fake account to work so no idea what's going on there. Probably a good thing. I actually don't expect this post to stay up long. If not, then it'll likely be my last.

Mommyplayer571 ago

It is a good one. I know how important this is.

8toborrm ago

digging op. still in the dark though. any further advice appreciated.

Ronnilynn31 ago


Mommyplayer571 ago

I see bee.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Well if you found it then at least I'm not the only one. This post will never make it past 5 votes anyway. I've been awake for over 24 hours so I'm calling it tonight.

Mommyplayer571 ago


Don-Keyhote ago

dont bother. this sub isnt a fucking scavenger hunt, it's to post established connections.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Well move along then. But there's a connection. I just don't want to be the one to say it and get bring something on myself. No one is making you stay. I've spent 24 hours on this stuff in between work with no sleep. But the link I eventually found didn't take that long to get to it once I had the addresses.

Don-Keyhote ago

i'm not being a dick here. your 24 hrs are wasted if you think people will independently follow up. assuming the post isnt immediately buried by nonsense.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I've been screwed over on Twitter by misinfo before I got banned. Trusted someone that I thought wasn't screwing around then realized he probably was. I thought that the classified Clinton email I found would do better on Twitter to gain viral traction fairly quick rather than posting here. But I didn't know it works the way it works. I went dark and didn't even know it until I got a random bot that looked like a follower.

What I found, are that there are people/programs, what have you, that are working behind the scenes to help us. That's why all the code speak by the Anons on Twitter. It keeps the program from flagging them. Or as I call it now, the Matrix. I've found over 20 such profiles that follow or like a comment and they look like brand new accts with on 5 or fewer followers. I go to check out their acct and there's info there. That's how I found several things. But I can't even access Twitter now to get back in there to find things.

And that's why I firmly believe the WorldCorp video is legit. I heard one and it's been in my head ever since and why I can't sleep. That's when it became real for me. I'm pissed and I'm tired and I'm sick of these people. Those videos are real, I feel it.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I'm trying to find the addresses.

8toborrm ago

Then how do you justify the blatant use of code speak / intentional disinformation that these addresses are contained in?

Ronnilynn31 ago

I don't have to justify myself to anyone. You don't want to click around then move on. This post is already getting downvoated and there are bots commenting on other posts. I've spent all day getting blocked on this.

THATS why I don't come right out. It gets removed.

8toborrm ago

OP, read my comments again. I am with you. and I am digging my friend. Idk if you didn't mean to reply to me.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I apologize. I'm just really emotional right now as my reply back to you indicates. Today has been a real eye opener for me. And scary. I didn't want to share what I found because I don't trust anyone. A FB friend got her profile hacked and I got a messenger message that was her but I knew it wasn't. It went to several others, but as I'm doing all this online and I get a message addressing me with my FB profile picture, I started to get paranoid. Even though I know that kind of thing happens a lot anyway.

LadyMinx ago

Can you give me a bigger hint? Or post a link that's broken up Or something so it doesn't get flagged? I'm not following your train of thought with the hot dog place. Or I'm not seeing the code. (Yes I know about the Podesta hot dog emails etc.) TYVMIA.

LadyMinx ago

How do I post a photo? I found a photo from one of the links you supplied of a child that's the same as a Instagram photo fromALEFANTIS CPP

Ronnilynn31 ago

You have to upload it through something like Imgur and post the link. If you don't have something like that, what's the link and I'll try to find it?

LadyMinx ago

I just saved the photos to my phone. Hold on I'll try to find where I got them. One is a photo you've seen on CPP Instagram of the little girl with the bags under her eyes. The other is from one of the pizza places you linked.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes, that little girl (Caris) has been the the focus of many threads here on Voat and other places. I'll take a look at the others, thanks!

LadyMinx ago

Was she found on other pizza websites besides this and alefantis' ? This can't be a coincidence '

MolochHunter ago

take my seconding of that as a consensus. This stuff will be here when you return from a breather. Get into nature, or get into community. Your contribution to justice will be better served by a healthy Ronnilynn

8toborrm ago

It's completely fine, we have all been there. Punch the clock OP, take a break if you need one. I am; we are, going to find whatever it is.

Ronnilynn31 ago



I've highlighted the text flow. In between are addresses. I'm not going to go into what I found specifically for a reason. Do a search on the addresses. There will be multiple hits, but each one has a specific TX pizza joint in common. It doesn't take long to see that they're "off". These are just 2 of many like it, some sharing the same addresses and others different. Please spend some time looking through as many of the links in each location as you can.