4_InquiringMinds ago

Gosh, had not ever considered McCanns were actors but sure if they can fake Sandy Hoax they can fake anything/who can say is it real or memorex? The McCanns did make quite a bit of $ from their 'tragic' loss.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Did some digging. Pretty surface level but it's something: - Soho in the 70s and 80s is full of artists doing weird stuff https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/traces-of-soho-past-366-v17n3 - For the pedo influences, check out this work by Mike Kelley who was one of the artists in the neighborhood: fairly graphic depiction of adults screwing kid toys - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/370069294358441834/ many inappropriate uses of stuffed animals and a penchant for penises - https://www.pinterest.com/SrgjEmlvcNdn/mike-kelley/ (sorry about the pinterest stuff, it's the best i can do right now) * Keep in mind that these creepers are who Etan was living around.....and his dad was a "photographer" too

  • Stuart R. Grabois was the first prosecutor and I'm having a hell of a time finding info on his background
  • Next prosecutor was Cyrus Vance Jr, son of former SECRETARY OF STATE Cyrus Vance who shows up in the Podesta emails as a forward to him regarding attendees to the 2014 NY Citizen's Budget Commission (Vance is listed as a "Notable Guest") - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54605
  • btw, Vance Sr graduated Yale in 1942, went on to craft the law creating NASA, Deputy Defense Secretary, came back from "retirement" bc he was asked by EU to help broker a deal to settle the Bosnian conflict along with David Owen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Owen))

anyway, bit of a HRC connection. and Podesta and Cyrus Jr both went to Georgetown a few years apart.

no smoking guns or theories here, just putting stuff out in case it helps someone bc i'm running out of time to keep looking.

4_InquiringMinds ago

The so called art is disturbing to say the least. This adds a new dimension to Ethan's neighborhood and his parents/wow, had no idea what so ever. Great find Das~great find.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I think it's interesting that none of us knew. It happened in a day and age when if you didn't have personal contacts in the area you wouldn't know anything other than what the Press told you. So we all just ate it up, didn't question anything, couldn't question anything. But now with the Internet we can begin to see how the pieces just don't add up to the narrative. The fact that it's near impossible to find one story or comment on the Internet that in any way casts doubt on the parents or even questions their involvement is telling. And I haven't had a chance to look into the other neighbors. Just seems like they wrote off just about anyone in that neighborhood very quickly.

Dasistnichtgut ago

And the fact that a lead detective committed suicide....

Dasistnichtgut ago

Patsy #2, btw. Another guy got convicted of it first! A new guy gets dragged out every 10-15 years to take the fall. Wtf.

Dasistnichtgut ago

It's being censored. They're keeping it at the bottom, below posts with fewer upvoats and fewer comments. Censorship is alive and well on voat, not that we didn't know it. But at least it serves to show us when we're on the right track....

smokemirrors ago

what can we do???

carmencita ago

In the video LE said that he was their first born, does that mean they had more children? I wonder. I would think that at this point would it not shorten the sentence of convict if he told them where Ethan was? This whole thing just does not pass the smell test.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Personally, imho this is one of the best threads to date. I vividly remember when Etan disappeared and the panic that gripped the nation. Every time you looked at a milk carton the fear was reinforced. His parents were constantly in the news/much like Madeline's parents. And what coincidence it was the last day of school and first time ever he walked alone? Few years ago the case was in the spotlight as a basement was taken apart with jack hammers looking for his body/April 2012. Was this a distraction for something else going on bc the news was non stop with the basement story? Nothing ever felt right about this case/even when it happened a gut feeling, something not being seen. Thank you OP.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I've always had trouble wrapping my head around the idea of all those missing kids and hardly are ever found. Never added up. Like you said, they have to be SOMEWHERE. To quote the great judith scheindlin... If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true....

And now typing this I'm disgustingly reminded of the movie "La Cite Des Enfants Perdues" - The City of lost children. (Jeunet). They turn them into sausages...... :/

carmencita ago

This is my though exactly. How sad. We will never know. He could still be alive, but if severely sexually abused, they do not live too long.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

He shared the first milk carton with JOHNNY GOSCH! A name they never ever mention.... :(

smokemirrors ago

Ding Ding Ding....

Dasistnichtgut ago

Mom ran a "small daycare."

Dasistnichtgut ago

Upvoats are being deleted and comments are being deleted (were 25 now 22).

Dasistnichtgut ago

Btw, they are down voting the hell out of this.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I should say, not down voting but deleting up votes and/or not recording them. Watched it with my own eyes about 20 minutes after posting. This means we're on to something. No doubt pizzarelated. Just haven't had time to dig into the connections (attys, chief of police - who no doubt knew the mayor, right? Who probably knew other higher ups?...etc etc)

smokemirrors ago

I'm going to scream. Literally.

PizzaThis ago

Is there a general thread on Voat for child trafficking/sra/missingkids/babyfarming&or/humanbodypartstrade? Is there a phrase to include all those? Where there wouldn't be idiotic rules like v/pizzagate rule#1?

Melitica ago

You could go to pizzagateuncensored but there aren't very many board subscribers.

PizzaThis ago

Meh. There must be something better than that. pgu is pretty narrow.

NikitaVerite ago

YES - I was thinking about this yesterday since it's now in the news again. I hadn't realized that they never found his body, or any trace evidence at all. That poor child was likely kidnapped and trafficked, but I guess they needed to shut down the case. It's just totally absurd, the whole damn thing - and the person they convicted.

PizzaThis ago

My intuition feels like he was pimped an died accidentally like JonBenet. *nosources **problynothing

carmencita ago

In the Wiki info they show a pic of Etan, is he topless? Who supplied that picture? I find it very strange. Really what parent has a picture that looks like it was a posed picture for a photographer done topless? Very odd to me. My buzzer just went off.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Here's another buzzer.... does it strike anyone else as remotely odd that the child didn't walk to the bus stop alone (2 nyc blocks mind you, as a 6 yr old) the ENTIRE school year but they finally decide to let him at the very end of the school year and, oh, he just so happens to disappear the very first time he does?

NikitaVerite ago

Indeed - AND, that morning his 8 year old sister "declined to go to school that day". Sorry - I know I should include a link - my browser is lagging and I feel like it's going to crash. I will try to post more info and all the links after a restart. I am finding out the craziest shit about this case.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Yes, it sinks to high heaven. Fascinating that the parents were "quickly dismissed" as suspects given what we were quickly able to ascertain. So the PD and E A H must know quite a bit....

carmencita ago

Yes, that is something that I has always bothered me about that case. I mentioned it to my husband yesterday when they announced the verdict. His dad did something or he sold him off to someone. Funny they never had any more kids. Maybe they never wanted any.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Agreed. Saw that, too. Very weird. But the dad was a professional photographer so....... (Crap this Keeps getting worse)

carmencita ago


NikitaVerite ago

Damn - I had never seen that photo before. His father was a professional photographer, so it's very likely that he took that photograph himself. Which REALLY gets me wondering about the father. Not that taking topless photos of your child is inherently "wrong" or whatever, BUT - I don't really understand the topless child thing with this particular type of pose. It's quite off-putting. And then WHY would he choose to release this photo for press use? In my opinion, this type of photo would be for family only - like you want to remember how cute your kiddos were. But I don't know why you would publish such a photo. Aaaaaand I'm going to add this to my ever growing list of "things to look into".

carmencita ago

It immediately jumped out at me. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest through the trees but this was a grove of them. I agree that yeah, I remember taking pictures down the street of a group of kids that were so adorable running in the sprinkler during last summer, but that is when they were suppose to be like that. Why would you have your kid take off his shirt for a picture? Really odd. A formal picture is usually a dressed up kid. Also, a lot of pedophiles are photographers thus having access to a lot of kids. I remember when a lot of parents wanted pictures of their babies on a bear skinned rug. NOT. What a pleasure that was for the pedos!

ArthurEdens ago

Opportunity knocks

Pisstubes0351 ago

I thought it was Johnny Gosch who was the first one to be on a milk carton?

Dasistnichtgut ago

Check out some details here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/where-etan-patz-vanished-a-sense-of-things-left-incomplete/ar-AAmXyt0?li=BBnb7Kz

Plenty to start looking into. (Sorry, I'm at work otherwise I'd do more. )

keepthefaith ago

see smokemirrors response below.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

It says in the Wikipedia that the guy, Pedro, admitted to strangling the kid, even though they found no evidence other than his confession.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Exactly. Verdict just came down yesterday, which is why it came back to my mind and made me reconsider that there might be a little more to this story than is being presented... (shocking right? ) btw, they gave him second degree.

smokemirrors ago

Sounds like a convenient patsy to me! Interesting timing at shutting this case - in the new redpilled era of Pizzagate - to avoid public scrutiny.

Psychos don't just 'confess' and reveal how they did it. Hernandez was obviously forced into it. NYPD at their most corrupt again.

My guess is govt wanting to usher in a new era of milk carton-ed 'generalized anxiety' to introduce concept that 'any kid could just vanish into thin air'; no questions asked. Just another deflection from organized high level child trafficking.


That, or the dad. Something about the dad never sat right with me. Etan lived in/disappeared from, the bougie expensive downtown area of Manhattan (Soho.) Lofts there aren't as expensive as they are now, but it was still a $$$ glam area in 1979. Wonder what Poppa Patz was involved in...?

(edit: link)

3141592653 ago

Yup, and they took advantage of Hernandez being slow. Like Jesse from the west Memphis 3.

smokemirrors ago

....AND Just like poor slow "barry george" in the Jill Dando murder (she was about to expose the BBC pedo ring)

My blood is boiling.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

Sounds like we need to head to the local library.

SturdyGal ago

My guess is govt wanting to usher in a new era of milk carton-ed 'generalized anxiety' to introduce concept that 'any kid could just vanish into thin air'; no questions asked.

At a high level, that is exactly what is happening. Is there another agenda that this could be stampeding us towards?

SturdyGal ago

It had occurred to me that parents would want to chip their kids for this. Before pizzagate it was unacceptable, but now?

Dasistnichtgut ago

Well, it's also another way of centralizing and cataloging "missing" kids (as well as non-missing ones)

smokemirrors ago

yes, just like 'ChildLine" in the UK...and global childrens' charities in general....