privatepizza ago

Dear Voaters, here we would like to share with you an idea (originally posted by @sensitive) , for creating a series of 'Research Consolidation Threads'.

We invite you to come on board and share your ideas for it and how it evolves. Your support, research, articles, images and video backups will be invaluable to the success of the threads and the project.

Having sounded it out with the mod team, it has been suggested that the series be posted as individual threads per topic, to /pizzagatewhatever.

THREAD 1 is HERE on /pizzagatewhatever - please support the project ! Thank You !

Once populated, the threads can be used as -

  • A back up facility - consolidating makes it easy for us all to save backups

  • A research facility - so that we can find materials easily and see what's been covered

  • For newcomers - so they can get up to speed easily and see what's been covered

  • As a new image bank - many images and screenshots were lost in, so hopefully we can collate them again

Consolidation Threads we have ready to go -

  • 1) Comet Ping Pong (Everything related to CPP and Jimmy Comet Instagram pictures and albums)

  • 2) Friends of Comet Ping Pong (Music Bands, suspicious Instagram pics from CPP staff and chefs, Joe Wills, John Kreher, Jeff Smith, Sasha Lord, Joshua Ryan Vogelsong, et al)

  • 3) Pegasus Museum (Including Trolley Park, Moonie Cult connection, et al)

  • 4) Kill Room

  • 5) Caris James (Including parents Scott Cummings and his art metal and baby coffin business, the girls' grandma, et al)

  • 6) John and Tony Podesta (Their creepy art, the coded emails, the torture chamber email, the Field house and handkerchief email, the Sandlers and the dominos on pasta email, et al)

  • 7) The Laura Silsby Connection and Friends of the Orphans Orphanage (including the infographs, Maccoby connection, Mary Sue Conway DR connection, Puello connection, HRC emails, et al)

  • 8) Haiti, Orphanages and all suspect and nefarious activities related to them

  • 9) The Fiona Barnett Case and Australian Pizzagate

  • 10) MK Ultra (Including Nazi experimentations, Victims Testimonies, Kim Noble Art, et al)

  • 11) SRA (Everything and anything related to Satanic Ritual Abuse, for example the McMartin case)

  • 12) The Franklin Cover-up (Ted Gunderson dumped files, Conspiracy of Silence film, Johnny Gosch story, Boystown, et al)

  • 13) The Hampstead Children Case

  • 14) The Madeleine McCann Case (Including all evidence linking the Podestas, documentaries, articles, et al)

  • 15) Jeffrey Epstein (including St-James island, past arrests, connections, et al)

  • 16) Human Trafficking in general (including CPS cases, NCMEC, Jeff Koons, et al)

  • 17) Pedophile Rings Busts (general mix, including The Norway Pedophile ring Cover-up, et al)

  • 18) The Royals Connection (Belgium, Holland and UK royals accused of SRA and Human Hunting Parties including Soros)

  • 19) The Dutroux Case

  • 20) The Hawaii Connection (Including Infographics, Dave Flintstone, CheesyBay, Bif Skipman (poobah), et al)

  • 21) The Coloboma Eye Defect (and pineal gland connection)

  • 22) The CIA/Finders Case (Including the Walt Disney connection, underground facilities, et al)

  • 23) The Dyncorp organ and human trafficking connection (Including George Webb videos)

To suggest others, please contact any one of us.

On each thread we'll be asking for Voaters to support by posting -

  • Archived threads of important discussions on VOAT, Chans & Articles

  • Links to images for the above subject (posted to 2 or more places if possible)

  • Links to videos (posted in 2 or more places if possible)

  • All leads and information you have for the above subject

** And to make a good description of which image / video is posted so it's easy for others to find.

Please support the project !

We would love your support, in populating, promoting, voating and linking the threads to /pizzagate.

If you would like to come and join further, or if there's something you feel you'd like to do specifically, please contact any one of us, we'd love your help.

Likewise if you've any thoughts on the idea, we'd love to hear them. This is a community project and we all own it !

We also invite you to reach out to others that you think might be able to help.

Thank you in advance for your support!

@YingYangMom @PrivatePizza and @newworldahead

Greatfully pingin' ----

@ConcernedParent2 @21yearsofdigging @bumbleberries @quantokitty @redditsuckz @reasonandinformed @piscina @carmencita @phenomenonanon @MolochHunter @ihatepizza2 @truthseekertx @YingYangMom @cantsleepawink @Ronnilynn31 @isthisreality @JrSlimmss @Orange_Circle @TrishaUK @PIZZAGATE @ich1baN @RebelSkum @Orangutan @LostandFound @HopeToHelp @waxdino @Blacksmith21 @party1981 @wecanhelp @sensitive @newworldahead @investigatethepizza @srayzie @Nana66 @l4l1lul3l0 @goodwillwin @BadGuacamoleTV @Jem777 @rktyp @LakeOfFire @OrwellKnew @ALDO_NOVA @exposethecriminals @Fateswebb @Yuke @JoJoVoat @smokemirrors @remedy4reality @Votescam @HopingToHelp @AgainstTheNWO @bopper @anolegion @FriesischShipping @SpikyAube @AgainstPedos @RecycledUser @dindonufin @LargePepperoni @DarkMath @viebleu @redberries @1ew @Chatman

Melitica ago

Awesome idea for thread. Glad someone thought of it.

I have been hanging out on twitter and following Vault7 which may be happening today...may involve a bunch of arrests, may answer 'where is Ben swann"...where is Huma, Carlos Danger, J. Podesta, may be directly related to pizzagate, may be indirectly related, may be much worse, may shake the foundation of the world...

Or may not. Anonymous Scandinavia has a series of riddles that address wikileaks vault7 if you are interested.

On the other hand, speculation says it will or won't happen by noon...

Chatman ago

I've started a speculation thread on the worldcorpo videos so if you got some sources to prove/disprove them, feel free to post about it there.

Dressage2 ago

It seems the mods are aware of their ridiculous censoring so they are "kind of, sort of" let you discuss something like we are preschoolers that have to be monitored. I find this sad/insulting that you know people are obviously disturbed with your rules and you will only sort of throw them a bone to keep them interested. Let people discuss PizzaGate like it is meant to be with exchanges of ideas, thoughts and purposeful leads.

wecanhelp ago

There are plenty of subverses for that. Ever wondered why aren't those the ones with the 11k subscribers?

Silverlining ago

This is KingKongWasWrong's site, no? So I guess he can do what he wants.

But you, wecanhelp, deleted the thread. So why? Rule 4. (4) META submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. But there were other much less interesting threads left up.

Someone is going to sift the information and present it, either here on a thread or somewhere else [a la Braverman]. We all have different preferences as to what the site is for. Mine is in the hope that SOMETHING WILL BE DONE TO STOP IT ALL - the rape, killing and trafficking of children, trade in blood and body parts and all that goes with it. And to drain the swamp.

YingYangMom ago

The goal here is to gather all new and old buried threads (which contain so much lost information) into a Consolidation Thread to create an easy-to-use research tool. it's NOT the PG evidence, nor the entire investigation, but merely a link to a wider range of potential leads which could be used to possibly connect more dots.

gardenofbacchus ago


hels ago

I would be okay if the mods deleted your post.

hels ago

Thanks mods!!! Am happy to see this experimental thread and hope it promotes the cause.

Something that has bothered me is my inability to help so far. An idea I had was to search the deepweb looking for known faces --- however that would involve me directly looking at CP. I would think posting the adult faces of those involved could find some of the perpetrators. Back to the problem, it's illegal to look at CP.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you for the idea!

TabiCatTwo ago

Has anyone ever seen or heard Julian Assange be asked about the pizza related podesta emails?

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Has anyone seen or heard Julian Assange lately... ? pretty sure he's just a programmed hologram nowadays...


Dasistnichtgut ago

Metaphorical mapping of macbeth.... wikileaks Syria files. . This seems.... highly suspicious. Like code or something. No one presents info to their professors in this kind of format. Just sayin. Not sure what it means but I know people smarter than I on here might be able to make something of it. And I haven't looked into the profs yet, fyi, or the guy sending it to them. Just saw it and wanted it up.

hels ago

Looking at the link it seems as simple as a researcher (or student) looking to put a pro-Islam spin on MacBeth after translation. Why his lines are English words is confusing since you may as well already have them in Persian.

What makes you inclined to think this has greater meaning?

Dasistnichtgut ago

1 - bc you don't submit phd level research in an email

2 - bc of the lack of coherence, it's a downright cluster

3 - bc of the subject matter of the words

4 - bc it was in the Syria files, ordinary folks don't get their emails archived by wiki

SpikyAube ago

1 - yes you do! You will send your supervisors/advisor chapters, sections, analysis etc. At least in the UK you do, and Durham is a UK university. 4 - you do get your email archived by Wikileaks in the Syria files if you have a Syrian government email address - see the sender is L Omar, and sends it from his Durham university email address to the professors and also to his Syrian government email address, [email protected]

Dasistnichtgut ago

You send work in a file, not a long, rambly, disorganized email. And anything from Syria is probably worth a look.

SpikyAube ago

You'd be surprised at how rambly and disorganised and messy and wrongly formatted a lot of students' work is!

MAGABoomer ago

Ok...I am dying and I sincerley hope this never crosses my desk. That's all.

Long story short the "author" is trying to make a list of correlations between idiomatic concepts used in Shakespeare with similar in Islam. He' saying basically "in Syrian we say hello when we meet". Oh, look, in McBeth they also say hello when they meet.

Horrific engrish and this people, is what students spend their time studying.

I'd guess this student's email that is seeking approval for, and over explaining s(hi)s "brilliant hypothesis", and is included in the Syria leaks because s(he) happened to email the target of the leak. Like finding Footlocker emails in Podesta's email dump, or the emails from Tom DeLonge (the alien guy). Podesta's leak had a shitton of batshit insane emails from "citizens" too.

MolochHunter ago

How about we have a subverse of strategy , marketing and pool the /v/PizzagateMemes into it ?

hels ago

I don't think pizzagate is large enough and other than individual effort how will we fund. Sure we could become brigades that enter other forums to spread our word but at the end of the day all it will do is discredit pizzagate.

I am not saying your idea is impossible, it's just getting the traction to make it successful is not easy. Maybe you could look into dogecoin's rise on reddit and subsequent ability to sponsor a nascar driver. I never donated but I watched it happen as I hoped dogecoin would skyrocket.

Catchthem ago

Nice! I think its a good idea, because if been put at Pizzagate/whatever it will probably not be investigated properly/at all. Things that might not look connected at first sight, might actually turn out to something big.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Can someone give me some info in a nutshell / bullet points of recent trafficking arrests / offenders arrests?

redditsuckz ago

Current Human Trafficking arrest totals to date (pizzagate)

MolochHunter ago

someone posted a massive list about 4 or 5 days ago - happy scrolling :)

Archenheimer ago

Where in NC? Do we need boots on the ground?

redditsuckz ago

This was a good thread...

So what is the plan moving forward if Trump does not go through with this?

Thread had over 100 upvotes and over 200 comments and was up for about 24 hours before it was deleted....scary...hope threads that are over months old dont get deleted....

allconnected ago

because having plans if Trump and Co fail is not the point here. We are here only to research and discuss the issue, we are not here to actually do anything about the problem. This site is to keep us busy digging and exchanging information with no plans as to how and in what way we use the info.

Silverlining ago

It is very much the point for many of us!

wecanhelp ago

Pretty much why we wanted to roll with this idea.

redditsuckz ago

better than nothing I suppose...but just as example if something is deleted it can no longer be edited by the original poster...

NEW photos inside BESTA PIZZA - They are worshiping Egyptian gods and goddesses

Whether you agree with the content or not it cannot be edited and all the slimg links are broken because the site no longer hosts any images. So if other image sites go down the threads cannot be fixed because they have been deleted from this subverse. So people searching for evidence months from now will come upon threads with broken links to evidence.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hurry back, Armyseer! David Brock isn't paying you to work out. I'm sure he will appreciate it if your glutes are looking nice for him though.

wecanhelp ago

This made me literally lol.

Vindicator ago

Me, too.

abortionburger ago

You were quick to get to this thread, armyseer! Super excited to see you here <3

MAGABoomer ago

LOL fucker put me on his list for calling his lying Brock Pucked ass out. consider it an honor!

abortionburger ago

I would like to take this opportunity to state that all of the mods are disinfo shills and something something something something.

stellarcorpse ago

YOU MEN LIKE YOU!!???? HOW DID YOU GRADUATE INTO BECOMING A MOD??? Diden't you have something to do with that Alefantis rape victim? Too lazy to look it up. Think your a shill up Alefantis ass. Oh, and I'm pro choice but your name seriously sucks.

Vindicator ago

I love you. You crack me up.

abortionburger ago


hels ago

This would be the thread to post your evidence.