Silverlining ago

Move this to v/pizzagatewhatever. It has been deleted from v/pizzagate

Silverlining ago

A few top level perp walks would get the ball rolling. Collect some hard drives, harvest some bank accounts, get some people to sing. This is just kiddie fiddling while Rome burns!

Unreasonable ago

Just be patient. Taking down the biggest, most corrupt, criminal organization in human history without taking down the whole system takes a little time and careful planning.

Even for God Emperor Donald J Trump.

pbvrocks ago

Give them a chance...just think practically..analyzing evidence, proper warrants, making sure you get ALL the crimes (are not we still learning the magnitude here??), getting next level down in all agencies, etc is critical or nothing will happen, so Sessions doing that now...

PotniaTheron ago

If nothing happens in 6months is our duty to organize our self in the dark web and make groups that are willing to risk there lives to make sure justice is served and innocent children are saved. We need to be smart, disciplined and most of all have faith in our convictions. We need multiple groups of people all over the world ready to deliver protection and punishment. We need a panel of judges compromised of civilian judges,attorneys ready to look at evidence and judge the accused and then send those judgment to the sleeper groups to carry out the sentence. Sentence should be determined by the same panel. Must be severe death or castration seems to be most appropriate. If this happen and we get counter cells to combat the huge and powerful pedo rings we can save and protect many children.

Silverlining ago The Abolitionist film - ex Navy Seals hunt pedos.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

Do you realize it will take bullet proof air tight cases on top of having the right people in every position risk their lives, maybe their families lives, to prosecute someone like Hillary? This shit takes time. Nothing is black and white and the rules only apply when someone has enough power to enforce them.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I was thinking about blackmail against Trump potentially. Then I realized blackmail material likely exists against some of his Secret Service (Eric Prince et al as well) as well as some of his co workers etc. So it is a very difficult swamp to drain. He needs support but so many are comprimised by design. That is why the pedophile entrapment must be exposed. Otherwise it goes on and on.

Gothamgirl ago

If they go after the key players first, then the people holding the kids, would just murder them, and take off. Its best to rescue them 1st. Well at least thats what I have convinced myself.

HighFlyingRambo ago

Your heart and thoughts are in the right place but only we humans you me everyone against evil can make our reality change not the luciferian government elite plutocrats psychopaths

HighFlyingRambo ago

To quote famous boxing promoter Bob Arum "Yesterday I was lying, today I'm telling the truth" Trump needs to start using that line when he opens his mouth

Mommyplayer571 ago

This is interesting. However I worry some of his comrades are not as giving of truth Trump Insiders could do him in also. At that level of politics so many are comprimised. The more I learn about it the more I worry. I'm also f.....g angry at some of my family for refusing to believe the truth. They want to live in lala land. They choose it. Are they guilty? Why don't they have a compunction to learn more?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

He wants another term. No arrests? Find another candidate. His ego can't handle it. We cannot let up!

salvationman ago

They've made thousands of arrests, imagine how many people will flip on higher-ups during interrogation. They will be brought to justice.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I have been hoping for this. Sometimes I wonder if that is why Pedos are killed in prison.

stoppizzagatenow ago

Everyone - On a plane now coming home after a nice vacation and I had a great idea. I'm a web developer, startup creator and have been in the tech industry for 15 years and have worked on a lot of big things. For purposes of the topic at hand, I will remain completely anonymous... but I was thinking. With all the information that we have here, I could build out a bullet proof, high end website with all of the information organized perfectly so we can start spreading the word even more rapidly.

I'll do the site, hosting (which I own a few servers off shore) and also some really good search engine optimization so we can get it on Page 1 of all the major search engines. If different people want to take on specfic roles with the site, we can do that too. We need to get this information out to the masses in a very big way and I would love to start immediately. I think doing this, we can really start to penetrate the message in a very big way and spread it all over the world, so that people start taking this seriously and hopefully we can start to eliminate the whole 'Fake News' B.S.

Silverlining ago

Just do it. At some point the torrents of information will condense and coalesce into a slogan and into action.

If the site you have in mind can sort and prioritise the killer info, it just may be the straw that will stopizzagatenow.

I presume you want to stop the killing and rape of children, blood and organ harvesting and all that links with it, rather than shut down the investigation?

Very, very best wishes.

Incidentally the thread you posted on has been deleted by moderator wecanhelp. - [I think]. has caught my eye. May be useful.

Silverlining ago

Do it today!

What is the site name?

privatepizza ago

I'm in. THANK YOU for this.

JoJo287 ago

Yes, please!!

dustyr ago

DO IT!! Be sure to make a big splash announcement on here when it's ready. The amount of effort on this has been amazing. Only 4 upvotes??

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Show us the way. I think many of us are willing to devote what ever skills they have to the cause.

Mommyplayer571 ago


Gammi ago

After much thought to which I hope I am wrong......I don't see anything happening because, this is a story that is "To Big To Tell" many players from all walks of life involved in the criminal act,... and to many who have not been involved in the actual criminal act, but have probably known about it for decades and, turned a blind eye to we come to today, we have all these bust going on but, pretty much no reporting of it on any news networks.....there are no big fish, just a lot of little fish being reeled in, I see this as a way to hopefully appease us.....and the longer they are able to drag it out with a bust here and, a bust there they think we will be happy......I mean we were told all Sessions had to do after being sworn in was sign off and the arrest would begin.....he had already been briefed a month ago, from what we had been told....they are afraid is what it amounts to....this country is in a mess morally and has been going that way for a long time and, now we are suffering the consequences, we have nuts protesting in the streets, destroying property, beating people up who voted for Trump, or who just happen to disagree with what these thugs are doing, children of Satan and Soros as I see them....and to start arresting these high level, low life creeps like Biil and Hillary will cause chaos in the streets with these rabid if Trump and Sessions do not come through it will be up to us to let ourselves be heard and seen through protest, who would organize this I do not know, but it is going to have to be done sooner rather then later!......a peaceful protest with never before seen numbers......I will be happy to be proven wrong.....for now I wait, but something has to give soon because, this is a burden to heavy to let a few low level bust happen and, all be wonderful again.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

We have to risk it. This is more important than avoiding Nuclear or Biological devastation. This is for the kids screaming as they are put to death. We all have to risk it. We have to risk our lives the lives of our loved ones for the lives of the endless parade of blood sacrifices. This has to stop now or let loose the dogs of war.

crystalclearme ago

yes- I know I recognize your name @GeorgeHodeIDidit and I be you recognize mine as well -

Drkadrka ago

If none of my submissions to LEO are acted upon in the next 12 months, I fully plan to dox every pedo on a website that I will load and mirror worldwide. I can get it translated and posted up in English Spanish and French, possibly someone will do German for me if I buy her some beers. If some are picked up, I will address my concerns to state and county level law enforcement and will provide the full list so they can see why some and not others have been picked up.

privatepizza ago

I like your thinking.

Silverlining ago

Plan B - direct action - but don't wait a year. End of the month, it becomes Plan A. Help SEALS hunt pedos Documentary about ex SEALS rescuing child sex slaves.

MAGABoomer ago

Concern trolling.

we_kill_creativity ago

This is one of the stupidest posts I've seen on here/reddit. Ok, so....just answer this one question. If you were trying to take down a global pedophile ring made up of the most powerful people in world, you'd just do it in the first month? And you you even think about things? You do realize that if they even arrest Soros, Clinton, etc. The court battle will last YEARS!!!!! right? There is a process to all of this...none of this should ever have been expected to happen over night...

Oh yeah, and then there's this....It may be clear as fucking day to everyone who comes here that they're guilty as sin....But do you not realize we aren't exactly the majority of people in AMerica/ world? So if Trump just starts fucking arresting all the people seen as his political enemies do you not realize what would happen? Really? REALLY?????

A case has to be made, evidence and testimony gotten and publicized...The fucking idiocy of your post...makes me think you're spreading disinfo.....

sore_ass_losers ago

First month? People here wanted it to happen in the first day Sessions was in, within hours. (To be fair there were lots of rumors flying that this would happen.)

Silverlining ago

Upvote. this thread submission removed by mods!

ObamaFAG1 ago

James Alefentis has spoken! James, please tell us more? We are so dumb we can't figure out how to log into voat each day and really need your wisdom. How is David Brock doing?

Long_Knife ago

I just really want you guys to remember all the people you downvoated that asked this when anyone asked questions about Trump and when Sessions got confirmed.

SoldierofLight ago

I've been asking myself this same question several times a day. I don't have the answer(s) yet, but I keep coming back to this-- what are the pedos and NWO folks most afraid of? Answer: the general public finding out about their true evilness. Otherwise, it would all be completely out in the open all the time. So this must be their Achilles heel. That's not news, but what can we do about it? Many of the suggestions here are good but I think we also need to take back the media. If we were to target several mainstream TV/radio/website/newspaper/magazine reporters or editors and demand they cover this topic honestly, and enough of us do it, we might get some traction. We have a better chance of this if we focus on local affiliates of the big networks. I've noticed that in the smaller markets they seem to have more freedom to cover the news-- Ben Swann is a great example. (I'm still hoping he will soon re-emerge with a follow up story that will wake up many people.) In this way, we will get the story out to more people and faster, and in a more digestible way. I'm already working on this where I live and among the media contacts I've already established. If there is interest in this approach, I will be happy to come up with a short list of (national) media reporters/editors who we can focus on and hit hard with emails packed with succinct information that will get their attention. The pitch is that this is a major story, it's breaking, and they will be on the front lines-- a career maker position to be in.

Silverlining ago

Under 3000 signatures. Some say it was nobbled. But what if most people just aren't interested, can't be bothered, need to pay the mortgage, want to chill and NOT Netflix?

Mommyplayer571 ago

But everyone I try and red pill is too selfish to take the plunge. It is too painfull in their world view to accept even the possibility. At some point I hold them accountable for allowing it. Perhaps I've laid the seed that someday will germinate however.

SoldierofLight ago

Sometimes it's the people we're closest to who take us the least seriously. A stranger, or someone on the nightly news, can tell them the very same thing we've told them but suddenly it has merit. Seems like it should be the opposite, yes? Human nature. There's an old marketing theory that on average a person has to hear a company name or product something like eight times before it gains name recognition with that person. Keep doing what you're doing because you're helping people reach that tipping point of recognizing the truth. They just don't know it yet.

bopper ago

That's because "A prophet is not without honor save in his own hometown." I know the feeling well.

noskerdycatusa ago

Just remember what Trump said about his military strategy... he won't be announcing what they will be doing next because it gives the enemy the information and time to escape. I have a feeling that Trump is employing the same strategy with the investigations... he IS NOT giving clues to the enemy.

TabiCatTwo ago

My fear is the Internet becomes compromised or sites like this go down and we lose contact. What happened to the site?

quantokitty ago

There is no Plan B. The only way to get legitimacy for the allegations is through arrest. Now HRC and Podesta may be arrested for something up. That Vault 7 dump is coming, and it's promising. I mean, why would Sessions & Trump have worked out that Sessions would recuse himself if this wasn't a plan? You don't plan things that aren't a plan. :)

nitro169 ago

Can we just Assange Hillary? Detain her secretly and have her give fake interviews spewing our narrative?

ArthurEdens ago

Big T hasn't let us down yet (except for the yemen raid kills imo). Don't give up on him

Silverlining ago

Yemen was carry-over from Obama. Wish he hadn't done it though. Russians will sort out Syria and ISIS if US just walks away and stops sending money.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I am hearing weird rumors that that raid was an attempt to get computer and paper evidence of George Bush being complicit in some criminal stuff. It might explain why girly man John McCain got all hostile over it when he usually cant find a brown country he doesnt want to invade and kill people in.

ArthurEdens ago

That would be encouraging. I hope the bloodshed over it wasn't as bad as they say

Gammi ago

Huge Silent Protest.....we need numbers to show them we are serious, and this is not going away until High level heads roll!......It is possible the rabid left are making them hesitant....thinking all heck will break lose if they see their goddess Hillary in handcuffs......the rabid left is incapable of using rational thinking.

kidavenger ago

As I see it, there were several events that had me holding my breath that this would ever be investigated, let alone prosecuted, but they have passed and restored my hope. The first was Donald J. Trump being elected, and not Hillary (dodged a MAJOR bullet on that one.) The second event was the inauguration - I was ready to bet money that Obama would fully pardon HRC for any and all crimes, known or unknown. Third, Jeff Sessions' confirmation.

I am growing as impatient as everyone else here, but also consider that Trump is having to run a gauntlet of villains who are just waiting for one clean shot (some metaphorically, some literally) - Iran, China, North Korea, ISIS, Soros. From within the US he's got the DNC, SJWs, criminal Illegal aliens who are desperate to avoid deportation, the New York Times, Washington Post, and just about every other legacy media. In short - he's got a lot on his plate. He made a lot of campaign promises on the trail, and I personally think he's done a masterful job of navigating the landmines as he advances on many of them. He also has made references that a part of draining the swamp is bringing down these trafficking networks. I feel pretty certain that both the NYPD and Wikileaks have the all of the contents of Weiners laptop and the 750K emails and other info it contained. It's also pretty likely that Israel, Russia, and China have it all, too. There are thousands upon thousands of citizen journalists who know Pizzagate is not fake news, and word is getting out quickly. The administration knows that they do not have the luxury of just sitting back and letting this play out without taking action.

There are many in Washington who are running scared - and they are making mistakes. You have Pelosi saying Bush is still president. Maxine Waters thinks the Russians not only tampered with the election, but invaded Korea. Schumer is weeping tears (whether they're real or crocodile, he looks like a terrified mess.) McCain doubling down on his nevertrump stance. Every attempt they have made to discredit Trump or his administration has backfired - recounts that wound up LOSING Hillary votes, and trying to obstruct cabinet confirmations that didn't work. I'm not saying any of them are involved in the pedogate crimes, but they are sure acting like they are nervous that something is about to be discovered about them. A more reasonable reaction after losing an election, I would think, would be to focus on doing the job you have right now, and then figure out how to prepare for the next round of elections. Going into continuous meltdown mode just isn't helping your case. It just makes it look like you're hiding something.

Also keep in mind that the Trump administration is going to need to have some heavy ammunition to break the back of this beast. The pedos are probably already lawyered up (and most of our lawmakers are lawyers themselves). They have no doubt destroyed key evidence, have silenced (or suicided) witnesses, or have already been given immunity. Investigators could have reams and reams of evidence, and hand-carry prosecutors a 99% rock-solid case against every one of the players, but one misstep could lead to the whole thing unraveling before our eyes. If they don't play it right, it could wind up being thrown out on a technicality, and you better believe all of the criminals have lawyers who are already running those possible scenarios. My bigger hope at this precise moment in time is not even for immediate prosecution as much as some confidence that potential future victims will be protected as they investigate and prepare for prosecution. There are good men and women who go into law enforcement for the right reasons. Let's give them a chance to do their jobs.

pepe16 ago


You were imagining things if you thought things would move faster.

EyeOfHorus ago

When Steve Piezcenik said there was a CIVILIAN coup attempt in October he was talking about the multigenerational pedo cult that infiltrated our government. Illuminati, freemason, lucifierien does not matter the name. The shadow government uses these pedos like puppets.

Shadow government had a problem when the pedo's usurped power.

eyeswide0pen ago

My opinion is that everyone carry on as if you are those childrens ONLY hope in the world. Don't stop even if there are high profile busts.

We can't trust anyone in government to take care of it. There will be fall guys. There will be coverups. Even if the government (seemingly) decides to help us....CARRY ON. Show those monsters that you are watching and WILL CONTINUE to watch. I don't care if Hillary, Bill, Epstein, Podesta and the entire gang gets busted, there are still more out there just as bad or worse.

This is something that will take years to unravel, so try not to get burned out or lose hope. We will keep gathering more support and new people will come to help. The gov will try to convince us that they are taking care of it. Please don't fall for it, even if it's politicians that you believe are incorruptible. We must be in this for the long haul. There are so many involved, it's going to take years guys. Plus, we also have to find the ones at the top, the ones with the BIG money. I believe many of those people aren't even in our country but do business here.

Scirel ago

Article I, Section 8.15 Allows for Congress "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;"

But what if Congress is not willing? Their silence is already deafening. They are a bunch of pussies. Or perhaps even complicit in some cases.

At some point we need to start thinking about organizing "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,..." outside of Congress, which is our right and duty as U.S. citizens.

Any Freemen, or lawyers who actually understand the Constitution want to chime in here? These thoughts are just starting to brew for me and I need to research what real options there might be. If we had real common law courts this might be pretty straightforward. But even if it comes to this, it will require some serious cahones.

But for now I will hold out for some blindingly obvious evidence. For instance, if these turned out to provably be recordings of Podesta actually abusing a child, then that would be the smoking gun we've been waiting for.

joey4track ago

Every time I look for names all I see are statements saying names were not released

GerryBaby ago

This is most likely for the protection of the children, which implies that it was their children...

sore_ass_losers ago

I know Podesta is sketchy as hell, but have we proved he's a pedo? Name one actual victim of his. In order to arrest they need provable evidence of a specific crime that would hold up in court against a good defense attorney.

Silverlining ago

In order to arrest they need reasonable suspicion. Then they go fishing.

Forgetmenot ago

Madeline macahn

sore_ass_losers ago

Mere conjecture at this point, based on the similarity of the identikit pictures to the Podesta bros. Also mere conjecture is the rumor that they were staying at Clement Freud's house in his absence close by. I haven't even seen proof that they were friends of Clement Freud. Oh yeah, there's also a picture of JP with a girl who looks a bit like an older Madeleine McCann.

That's exactly the thing. It's very suspicious but it's really not enough to indict. Even if they were in Portugal, DNA somehow obtained proved that girl is MMcC, eye witnesses saw them as suspicious characters, I don't think it would be enough. (I watch a lot of Forensic Files :) ). I don't want to be part of a lynch mob, I don't like vigilante justice. Keep digging though.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

When dealing with Vampires lynch mobs seem a real sane direction to go. The Pedophiles know it. Listen to the kid killing Prince Charles Christmas speech about thinking of Islam on this day and please please dont do another Holocaust. He wasnt talking about Christians dying of that he could care less....he wasnt talking about Muslims dying of that he expects millions of them to die to destroy Europe. NO he was talking about the damn Global Elite getting rounded up and put to a quick death. I know he was. I feel it in my bones. That ass clown was begging for his life. But doom is coming for you Charlie boy.

Forgetmenot ago

You asked for a victim. She is a victim. He has been tied to the case down to the day she disappeared. He and his brother match the description let us not forget the mole on the brothers face. All the other things you mention would be verified through an investigation which would include a search warrant and discovery process, a grand jury, Miranda rights, and an impartial judge. There is a formal investigative procedure which has not been conducted because he is a powerful elite and clearly has connections with the media and has even been exposed controlling media narrative through wiki leaks. Because of the lack of action of the authorities this investigation continues here by citizens. This is a cover up. It is interesting that you seem more interested in protecting podesta than Madeline McCann. Law enforcement is not doing their job. A lack of investigation does not exonerate podesta, the only way to settle all of these questions is an investigation. For some odd reason he does not even offer an explaination that would put all this to rest not one. Not even an alibi. He keeps repeating the fake news mantra...I wonder why? Could it be he has something to hide? He even acts like he's hiding something. Don't be so naive.

sore_ass_losers ago

I was all excited when I heard the rumor the Podestas were in Portugal at Freud's that day, but since then not a single bit of confirming evidence.

I'm not a lawyer; don't think the US has jurisdiction in a case in Portugal involving a UK national.

"It is interesting that you seem more interested in protecting podesta than Madeline McCann." Why don't you just call me a shill, a pedo, or even Podesta posting here? That seems par for the course around here when someone wants proof rather than heated emotion.

bopper ago

Some of you guys don't know Trump very well, that I can tell you.

ObamaFAG1 ago

OH WOW, we have a Trump insider on voat. Please enlighten us NSA anon... LMFAO

ObamaFAG1 ago

Yea, this came out about 6 weeks ago. So you honestly think we don't look at zerohedge, Reddit, white hat reports, steemit, Red green, and many more? LOL

bopper ago

Chin up man.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

There had been talk of a protest in Washington where we all wear white and have the same sign. Is that going anywhere?

Forgetmenot ago

Let me know if you hear about that this is the first I hear about it.

therealkrispy ago

Can't do what he plans to do until certain things are handled. For one, too large of a contingency of outsiders remain in The White House, as well as in places other than the administration. Too many of the old guard, as they were, linger on the federal payroll, clearance and all. They'll dig up whatever controversy they can, actual or fabricated, so as to delay the destruction of their party. Were I in the President's shoes, nearly all positions under my authority would be vacated. The Transition might've come in under budget, but I think that's due to him having less "landing teams" to get departments in order than were needed.

I have no doubt that Trump and Sessions will work their way up the chain with these rats. But they must do so carefully, so as to maximize the quantity of incriminating evidence. As that happens, I'm sure the likes of Pedosta and Killary, and Soros will run. It'll be at that point, of course, that Tillerson will chase them to their graves.

ansipizza ago

These things take time. Even if "nothing" happens, we will have forced evil into hiding for a while, which still protects the innocent to some degree.

Chistock ago

Its with Jason Chaffetz right now. Contact him with your information. The EO of the other day was first move in opening game. Its not all going to happen overnight.

Sheilaaliens ago

I think it's amazing all these pedophiles are being caught lately. I feel like all this attention on pizzagate has something to do with it. I know we've all been making reports to the FBI so this is all a win & no reason to feel down about it. In my opinion there's no such thing as a low-level pedophile. I don't know why only Elite pedophiles are the Target around here, they're all equally horrific people.

Ocelot ago

I don't know why only Elite pedophiles are the target around here

Because an elite pedophile has great evil AND great power.

Also, these people lead us. Do you feel more comfortable knowing there's a pedophile working construction in your city, or one writing laws in your senate?

Sheilaaliens ago

As mentioned, neither. But in the meantime, both ranks of pedophiles continue to abuse children - it's good that rings of them are being busted. Might be leading up to something.

Forgetmenot ago

They are the masterminds enriching themselves with the blood of our most vulnerable.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Because psychopaths in power can rape whole nations

jml1201 ago

Don't you need a link?(throw in anything related) I'm asking because I don't want this thread to be deleted because this is an important topic.

Silverlining ago

The thread has been "deleted". Find it in Moderation logs - removed submissions. RHS at bottom of column.

jml1201 ago

What timing, I was just looking at this thread again. Thanks.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

It's such a shame that the last FBI Anon was a fake. I'm getting this sinking feeling that I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life knowing that we're ruled by Luciferians and pedophiles and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Even WikiLeaks seems like a psy-op. I don't think a single person has ever faced justice due to WikiLeaks.

paulf ago

Just a reminder of brother FBIAnon's words way back in the innocent days of July 2016:

I will put it to you this way: You have three choices: A) Turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war. The civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences out government, and a civil war begins. B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash. C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.

I don't think his basic premise has changed much.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

It's hard to take FBI Anon seriously after the last bunch of lies.

Gothamgirl ago

What lies? Everything he posted has checked out..

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

What lies? I probably missed some stuff. But I do remember him saying he was lying about some stuff just to avoid the evil ones figuring out who he was. He didnt want to get suicided just yet.

And also its hard to know if it is the same dude each time.

I will say that first guy. FBI Anon threads 1 and 2 sounded legit to me.

SaveTheChildren ago

well, trump is an elite. He's a tranny like the rest of them, married to a tranny, and raising all his kids as trannies. How do we know he isn't involved in this directly?

Aloha808 ago

Ice just did a raid of illegals (161) and 75% had a felony record, including sex crimes. La Times

stellarcorpse ago

“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan


crystalclearme ago

Excellent question many were asking back after election. 1rst- I'd offer there is absolutely no worry this is going to fade away as it has other times in history. None at all and "they" know it which is why pushback is intensifying in waves. We have definitely hit critical mass and we are near tipping point. 2nd- there are people organizing marches/protests so we can watch and participate in those. There is a planned support/march for Trump on March 4 nationwide. I can guarantee many will be showing up with flyers and poster will be pedogate related. 3rd- search out and become involved in human trafficking organizations in your local area. I was hesitant at 1rst as we know there are many sham organizations. However, now believe either way it is good to participate or infiltrate and gather information. There are good ideas in this thread too. Stay focused and don't get distracted is one of my rallying cries.

privatepizza ago

Excellent ideas and, rally cries ; ) Thank you.

nitro169 ago

Trump said it best when speaking to the sheriffs, If our people ever protested, then you would see a real protest!

I don't think anyone can imagine the protest I will initiate if I believe nothing is going to be done about Hillary and the pedophiles.

Based on her emails and personal accounts Hillary is guilty of treason, if she is not prosecuted I will fight back.

crystalclearme ago

I feel the same way. I have also told my sons should something nefarious or horrible happen to President Trump (remains a concern) I and many others will be on the streets immediately. However, I also have a bottle of champagne chilling in the fridge for when the big names are arrested.

goatboy ago

The 10 plagues of Egypt will consume the whole Earth.

nitro169 ago

Until I see mug shots I have to assume these are clean up operations done by the top, not busts at all.

Yet it wouldn't be smart to give everyone a taste, it will not fill our need for justice.

ObamaFAG1 ago

IMHO, WE THE PEOPLE have to organize better. We need a boycott list for each month, we have to show our power first by boycotting (this will create a measurable result reflected in the stock price / sales). Then we pick a date (maybe July 4th) and WE THE PEOPLE show up in D.C. and start demanding action. We need a website called "We the People" or something similar to display the Boycott of the month. ONCE, the silent majority realizes WE have the power is when we can make waves and get results. We the "sheeple" are falling into their trap. There are over 300 Million... yes, 300 Million guns in the US and they know it and are bluffing / brainwashing using their biggest asset the "main stream media". We need to Boycott cable immediately. I called Spectrum and turned off everything but internet access. WE have the power to accomplish whatever WE choose. I am prepared to put my life on the line for the kids. signed "the Unknown Patriot"

QuietJustice ago

Ditto; so worth saying again: thank the angels for people like you!

HereticalPeasant ago

100% agree

Forgetmenot ago

I like it great idea!

privatepizza ago

Thank the angels for people like you : D

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah I killed Netflix last night.....ditched Kellogg last month. This idea of a website where we go to pick who we boycott this month is perfect....all these clowns really care about is money. Hit them where it counts.

dustyr ago

That boycott list will be huge! I hope there are a couple food companies not on it :) From what I can glean from what I read there are pedos Everywhere.

Tombs ago

Just stop. He just got his AG confirmed. The recent accusations against Flynn for talking to Russian ambassador about sanctions and CNN renewing the Trump Russian dossier are clear signs the elites are pushing back. In addition, one of Flynn's aides was denied top secret clearance by CIA. If Flynn goes down it is a clear sign it is over, if not it will happen.

How many times has Trump said he never broadcasts his moves to his enemies? Patton-esque I 100% believe the investigation is going on behind the scenes. You START with the low-levels because, in exchange for immunity they roll over on the bigger fish. This is how we knew the Clinton email investigation was bullshit because the low-levels got immediate immunity and no fear of prosecution so no info provided...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Give Sessions some time! The man was just sworn in. This is not going to be solved in a few weeks time. The elites are going to be armed to the teeth with lawyers and fixers. They also have the fall guys that will take it for the team or die. Look at the Mafia it takes years, and many snitches to get the Dons. Sometimes, you have to get them on other crimes that will stick and get a for certain prison sentence. I would even say that we should just skip any trials and just ship all their Evil Satanic Pedo ASSES to the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and let the ship disappear.

dmthirdeye ago

A billion man march outta do it.

Pechal ago

2 things are happening.

Either Trump is unfortunately in on this scandal or involved somehow and will not reveal it.

Or Trump and his inner circle know all about, but they can't just reveal it because half the government is in on it. They are waiting for an opportune moment to let loose because once it does there will be chaos, they need to wait until they are sure they can win out after chaos.

BarryOSeven ago

We need to work together with the Trump administration on this or we need a parallel path.

We can't wait on the government possibly kicking the can endlessly thus losing momentum.

We can't just assume they are working on it without proper communication. If we hear nothing we must assume there is nothing going on and proceed accordingly.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes....we must prepare to make noise....we got to push Trump and Sessions.....we have to push everyone. Pressure pressure pressure. I believe if we push hard enough we will break through and it will be a sudden explosion of action. All the FBI and the good guys need is to know we will walk through fire for them if they start doing the right thing. If they make arrest we have to be willing to support them in the streets. So what if you get hit in the head with a rock. We are past where that matters anymore. Any of you want your kid to be one of the ones getting fucked and burned and killed for some sick fucks pleasure? NO fucking way. If they riot against us we have to fill the streets like they did during the Tea Party marches. Glenn Beck got a half million people on the Mall. Even though he has lost his mind now. We need to be prepared to show up for events like this.

dustyr ago

I had to give you a point for the Beck statement :) I agree. But his family's lives being threatened prolly had an effect.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I have been thinking that for the last couple of months.....I imagine it went something like this.

They pick him up in a car against his will. Take him some place and show him videos of them killing kids. Then they show him his daughters and all the pictures of them they have been taking in secret for years.......and tell him they can have his kids snatched and flown to Saudia Arabia where they will be used as sex slaves and fucked to death and no one will believe him and there is nothing he can do about why dont you take this suitcase of money........and why dont we be friends? This is what I imagine. I could be nuts but the guy was so spot on target and was a great effect on waking a lot of people up. He started to show the many links between organisations and how they are not really acting randomly but as a network. Then he just changed.....I think he lost his mind to the pressure. I remember a show he had in 2013. He said he had just found out some horrible truths that he would tell everyone on that Friday. He said something like it would cause everyone to start fighting and hating each other. Then when that Friday came.........the story was something quite different. And he has not been the same since. Dude is a broken man.

vector3rector ago

Keep publicizing their dirty laundry., Source it., Spread it through as many social media channels as you can, without coming off as insane. Which is why I say source and explain any speculations as well.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Our best chance is Trump is the real deal and he pushes hard from the top down....OUR JOB is to push our friends and create a climate of anxiety and anticipation. Our job is to rabble rouse and get people thinking. Get them ripe to join a mob that rushes out and hangs a Rothschild. We dont have to do it. We just have to be there armed and in a state of almost foaming at the mouth. We have to get the masses stirred up. Or at least really freaked out and open to the potential arrest of many Politicians. Trump just cant go arrest thirty Senators without people thinking he is insane....ITS OUR JOB to wake up as many sleeping retards that something is stinking in the state of Denmark......make noise.....piss people off. They have to be aware that we believe what we believe. So they understand why Trump must do some pretty wild shit.

Thats if Trump isnt a damn Illuminati himself and just in a giant power stuggle between two warring Illuminati camps. If Trump is just a kindler gentler Illuminati bastard.....revolution is the only chance. And that is much less likely to win.

roundhouse1776 ago

If by some chance Trump isn't on our side (I fully believe that he is), then all is lost and it doesn't matter what plan B is.

Mtnchan ago

This forum is attempting to gather evidence of crimes, if there is sufficient evidence then it should be submitted to the proper authorities, local and or federal. Even though this is all over the Internet, it's a scattered mess without much proof of anything specific. I'm not sure that anyone had compiled anything and actually submitted it to authorities, though I'm sure many are aware, it may be that no one in law enforcement has been specifically asked to investigate or assigned the case. Law enforcement has the ability to investigate much more thoroughly. Maybe this is not happening, for whatever reason, we can speculate, maybe it is and we are uninformed. Maybe no one has outright asked for it to be?

Let's say they aren't, won't, etc... private investigations are admissable, someone would need to step up to the plate and bring well compiled evidence to a prosecuting attorney, who would decide to take the case or not, this could be privately hired, say via a go fund me? Or brought to state or federal attorney that works for the government. Again, I'm sure no one has done this, it's quite a commitment to do that, and rejection is likely, but it can be done and there's plenty of movies about heroic people who have done it.

I don't think you give up, at any point irrefutable proof can bubble up, and the plausible deniability barriers come crashing down like dominoes as the rats try and save their own asses.

Silverlining ago

Mtnchan. All that is needed is reasonable suspicion. And there is mountains of that.

Mtnchan ago

That's true, or it at least it should be, we generally assume lack of action is due to corruption, but it can also be that the people responsible for this are also just people and government workers at that who may not be all that keen to opening a giant can of worms of their own volition, having their careers destroyed, life threatened, etc... That's why so many are going for the proverbial smoking gun, evidence that can't be ignored, denied, defended, etc... So those prosecuting can simply claim to be doing what must be done and not accused of being in a witch hunt

nitro169 ago

Untrue, if so then why is Hillary not in jail.

Mtnchan ago

Plausible deniability, she's like a mob boss, we'll have to catch her stabbing a baby to get her

Mtnchan ago

PS there has been evidence that had been investigation worthy

One in particular is the heavy breathing performance talking about putting down a baby, where's the kid, was there a kid, what happened to it, etc... Didn't sound like a joke. That may have been a confession of murder.

privatepizza ago

This is a huge thing. The most sinister set of happenings that we've seen in our lifetimes. It's not going to go away in a day, or in a few days imho. It'll be a constant battle.

Pedos won't stop being pedos overnight, corruption won't be solved overnight. Human trafficking won't either. This is a long term op. For Trump to bring down / trial / jail corrupt politicians, pedos and traffickers won't happen immediately. Give them some time and look at the larger chess board. It's happening already, we can see. Let's give this more time I say. Chill your boots. Revenge is often best served cold ; )

Silverlining ago

Just do the "Pizzagate Perp Walk." Do it now!

allconnected ago

This issue is huge and its tentacles step back way before PG. IT is international, it involvespowerful people in many countries and for children abused in era 50 - 80's nobody highprofile went down. many kids became drug additcs, and died awful deaths. many of those kids were in care homes,which were basically brothels. those abused later have seen some vindication that powerful people were abusing kids. Again the abusers escaped justice and all died before the extent of their crimes were exposed.

Just saying this has been going on a long time and so far the elite have destroyed so many children and paid no price

Steinmacher ago

I'm hoping that with busting all the lower level crowd they are cutting off the flow of children to the higher-ups. perhaps watch for a drop in the number of missing children. But also desperate pedo elite may make big mistakes trying to fulfill their desires out of normal channels. watch for suicide (suicided?) rates to increase...

QuietJustice ago

Just asking, truly perplexed: Why wouldn't the "lower level" include individual agents working for CPS or those who know what's happening with all the "missing" foster "care" children? I understand the common person's fear for such an agency, but for LE or any coordinated citizenry investigation? Instead reporting great numbers of simple prostitution johns, using services of many adults in sting operations, being called..."trafficking??" Why is there no spotlight right at the "lowest levels," the above-named agency and foster "care," right where so many children are disappearing?

Forgetmenot ago

I have followed other unrelated FBI investigations before....typically what they do is get the low level criminals in order to turn them as witnesses to the higher up, the masterminds so to speak. This might be a long game they are playing. Don't think the Illuminati pedo ring is without power and will be brought to their knees due to scandal. They have endless money, connections, run millitary own factories, universities. judicial systems. All of Europe is controlled by them. Pizzagate needs to be common knowledge and they need to be uprooted out of our institutions before the whole thing can be eliminated.

privatepizza ago

Agree. It's all good so far and a lot more has happened than we expected I think, so quickly. I think, as the bribery cash from, for example, the Clinton Foundation dries up, the low levels are finding they haven't the funds and the corrupt admins available to cover their ops. Agree that with the change of admin, the pedo elite could very easily slip up. And yes, I predict a few 'suicides', also. Lets see... we have to let it unfold while keeping up pressure.

Steinmacher ago

not sure what is going on in this idiots mind... trying to fill her needs herself...?

privatepizza ago

WHAT the F*** Is this ???

dksogo358 ago

Garbage. With all that's been discovered to date, the information gathered by hero investigators and the sheer barbaric drepavity and evil at issue, this administration needs to blow it all wide open. Otherwise, it looks like Trump's closest advisors like Flynn leaked information about institutional pedophilia and child sex trafficking solely to win the election and not to actually end it. Trump will lose a huge segment of his support base if his administration doesn't act soon in bringing the high level pedosatanists to justice.

HereticalPeasant ago

Exactly. It makes them look like vote whores

southartful ago

As long as arrests dont dry up, I see each one as the tightening of a noose around their necks. You cant jist bust the kingpin first month in, you have to take out enough tendrils in the org to build a solid chain of evidence

LA_Trump ago

Agreed, Trump can not win re-election without taking out the Pizzagate cartel. Which is why Trump, Sessions and the FBI need to build the case and support for why we can never ever ever elect one of these swamp creatures again, and why so much of this crisis is at the behest of radical muslim countries. I believe Trump needs to center his entire re-election campaign around around pizzagate to fully rid the country of this evil. Keep America Great, End Pizzagate.

privatepizza ago

True. I hear you. And I'm with you. I'm saying we need just a littttttle more patience, is all. I've a feeling there's gonna be a shit storm very, very soon. Between FBI Anon, Vault7, FBI leaks, Weiners emails, it's going to rock off soon. What I feel we can do meanwhile is keep up the pressure. I'm on it as FBI Anon said we should with meme magic on social media to get the majority of people on board. We need this before the shit storm descends imho.

dksogo358 ago

I understand need to keep pressure on and given the volume of information discovered so far and what else is supposedly out there, I'm holding out hope. It is exceedingly difficult however to amp up the pressure when sensational claims about large scale arrests fall flat and when the big internet giants like Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are all aggressively censoring/suppressing discussion of institutional pedophilia and child trafficking. Any ideas on how regular schumks can keep people interested and the pressure on pedosatanists high?

privatepizza ago

Understand the feeling of helplessness in the face of the giants we're up against. Personally, I follow avidly people like Wikileaks, Snowdon, William Craddick, Laurie Love - the freedom fighters, their publications and circles. There are many fighting for the same thing, including us on boards such as this and Reddit, 4Chan, 8Chan, EndChan etc. I'm on twitter every day getting fresh (factual) news out. That's what I feel I can do.

Maybe you're specialist in something else, such as meming, research, archiving, connecting, video creation, infogram creation, contacting the alphabets with info, just being a part of the dialogue... It all goes towards the fight. When the chips are down, what do we do? KEEP GOING!

PGTAway818949 ago

If you're going to try and kill the king you had better make sure you kill the king. These people still have immense global power and influence. More than Trump at the moment. The presidency is not enough but it has positioned him to take them down. He and his administration absolutely has to have all their ducks in a row to ensure when they take them down that they can nail them beyond the doubts that their influence and media outlets will and already have been casting.

huwiteyffffff ago

He's close. The biggest issue is finance. They need something in place to handle fallout if the pedo bankers try to end the world. I wouldnt be surprised if it took a couple solid years of aggressive maneuvering to make it happen, to do what will satisfy us on forums like this.

privatepizza ago

I know... sigh... and feel for you and us all. We have evidence of connections, but no smoking gun. I'm sure that'll be provided for us soon, and all our research will go towards the trials. Keep faith bro ; )

Ocelot ago

Yeah. It's like when scientists have a thousand solid pieces of evidence that a certain planet orbits a distant star, yet cannot capture an image of the planet.

FuckReddit69 ago

Exactly. This is where photoshop comes in.

privatepizza ago

Ha... this ! So true.

privatepizza ago


dksogo358 ago

How many other ducks are left? What else needs to be done before the ball can get rolling? I'm sure Trump is aware that the public is toxically divided and the daily fighting with MSM and Establishment politicians only deepens the divide. And when you have infowars, Alex Jones, Seaman and others in alternative media telling us everyday the pedo elites are going down any second, and then nothing happens, doesn't help morale and confidence.

Forgetmenot ago

There is a huge mass of people that have no clue what is going on. If he was to release everything most would not believe it. He needs massive public support in order to over turn the whole group. We need unity and faith. United we can change the world.

logjam ago

If shit doesn't go down here within a month - Trump is only intent on fulfilling his agenda. As of Friday with Sessions being sworn in, this marks the end of the road for something to be done. We've been waiting what feels like an eternity. It's not about Trump - it's about shit that hit's too close to home. The greater awakening that should come this could change the face of the world.

I'm appreciative of the treehuggers out there, as it was their pushing that means we have forests that are replanted and renewed. Thanks goes to the Democrats for "respecting human rights". The LGTBQ community is a result of your hard work. Fuck you and your hard work when you have no problems trafficking people and children. Let love rule.

pepe16 ago

Your timeline is actually stupid.

Rmm ago

IF he is still alive

Singleservename ago

The best we can do is to keep investigating, researching, publishing and sharing digs etc.

These people abhor the light. And while some seem entirely impervious to the suspicions, many very wealthy well connected people care a whole lot about their reputations.

So let's keep attacking them with truth. Relentlessly. Call them out. After all the internet IS forever.

Jehosefat ago

Vault 7

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Get the fuck out out town and stop recognizing the united states of america.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think we have to begin Propagandize......try to influence everyone around you. Regardless of if they believe you are crazy. I am going to get a sharpie pen and write on bathroom stalls about Pizzagate. We need to put stickers and signs around our towns in sneaky ways. We need to make it fun but we need to constantly keep this in the public eye. We need to bring it up in other websites just jump into threads and link to articles we believe in. Regardless of if you think it is working keep doing it. It develops a general propaganda value and even if people mock it they slowly become aware of the concepts we are talking about. I suggest we also push that Republicans are in the Pedophile cult also...push that to all your Marxist retard friends....push the Franklin Cover up. Read about the Franklin Cover about Hastert. Become an expert on Republican Pedophiles. Bring them up first to your their eyes with these sinners then just bring them around to the Left wing side of the Conspiracy. In other words if your target mind is a right winger use the Clinton Pedophile stuff then bring them around to the Republican side. If they are Lefty use the rightwing retards first and bring them slowly to the fact that we dont really have two parties in America that we are really run by one Uniparty that uses Satanic kid fucking and murder as a mortar of their sick glue. As a way of keeping everyone pushing in the same direction. If you can ever get them to realize this is actually fact.

Then you have them. Ripe for revolution. And honestly if Trump isnt the real deal then the only way to save humanity from thousands of years of kid fucking and murder is a world wide wave of violence. French Revolutionary style. Killing in waves that sweep the world. But this has many problems. Mainly it could get out of hand and millions of people that might not be involved would get swept up into the violence. This is bad but frankly just a minor issue in my mind. The real problem in these mega Pogroms as valuable as they may be is that some Satanist gets to the top of our leadership and brings it around to their agenda again. So there is huge problems in every direction. But honestly can you just go back asleep and meet your maker some day and say....."Yeah God I knew they were burning kids alive and raping them on towels to make them bleed and keep them as a mementos. Yeah God I knew that stuff. I knew they were eating them and harvesting organs....but you know God I would rather get my retirement check and play my video games and watch my porn. Yeah God I was scared I would be mocked or end up in jail than lift a fucking finger"

Push your friends with this...risk being an asshole or well fuckit.....the kids aint worth it. Your choice.

Silverlining ago

Print out A5 sheets of info and post them through letterboxes in your street. New info sheet each week. 30 minutes a week to spread the word. Write "Pizzagate" on bank notes, toilet walls - everywhere.

Is there a collation of Pizzagate graffiti?

LightlyToasted ago

I need to learn how to knit ;)

LA_Trump ago


Blacksmith21 ago

I'm with you on that. I'm in a highly populous area and for now I want to give it a little time to play out. I firmly believe that shit is going down. Just look at the interference DOJ has run for the NWO on this immigration issue. Hell, I would go so far as to say the immigration issue IS about Pizzagate. So, I can't see DOJ/FBI having done much before Sessions took over. He is going to have to purge deep and do some serious "Untouchabling" inside of his org. I'm pretty sure lots of the intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) was done by contractors (Prince & Thiel/Palantir) and probably some unmentioned military and IC assets friendly to the team.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think Trump really has to reveal what is on Hillary's laptop. Maybe drip it out slow to wake up the sleeping morons but I am out of patience.

HereticalPeasant ago

Or for fuck sake, give us the dam info. You know like have someone leak that shit into the public and let anons go to town with spreading that shit everywhere

redditsuckz ago

try to influence everyone around you

This is the only option...and people are starting to put #pizzagate on all their dollar bills to spread the word...

HereticalPeasant ago

That's a brilliant idea. Write pizzagate all the money!! Genius

getitkim ago

I started doing that over a month ago. Also my wifi network is named "pizzagate is not fake news" and I'm in a high traffic area.

southartful ago

This all has a danger of making the 'telling of people about pizzagate' the meme rather than the content of the investigation. Having proper face to face conversations about it in real terms, with tangible concepts like child trafficking in haiti, the high number of unidentified missing children in VA, the mysterious deaths around CF..

podesta4prison ago

That doesn't usually work in deeply liberal areas. They'll bury their head and call you a truther before they believe their beloved media hasn't really "debunked" shit. Then you're a truther.

southartful ago

Yeah because 9/11 is an inside job and gay frogs worked so well.. All i am saying is be more grounded and nonchalant about it. Dont go alex jones, dont go truther, go fucking normal conversation with it.. you know like "hey did they ever find who killed so and so..?" Or "wow there seems to be a tonne of people being arrested for child trafficking lately" etc. Aka dont be a sperg..

podesta4prison ago

You're not telling me anything I don't know, so don't be an asshole and assume. I live in an extremely liberal area. There is a very fine line and people do not treat it rationally here. That is simply the experience here.

southartful ago

Wasnt directed at you, it was directed at people reading our exchange, just letting you know.

eyeswide0pen ago

Same here, go it on my wifi network. I love to put little redpills as my wifi name. I usually change it up often but def leaving this one the same.

allconnected ago

I am not sure about the recent busts. Have names been released? have the abusers been named? Have the media done follow up stories? The bust in Haiti seems BS. Who are the kids. where are they now? where did they come from? who are the traffikers? etc, etc. I swear there are no journalist left working in msm.

I don't think Trump is going to come through. His ties to dyncorp, goldman sachs give me pause. Also the corruption is so deep, has penetrated all levels of LE, legal, govt, etc. How much can Trump do? Assuming he plans to do something? I am thinking nothing will happen, so what is the plan then?

Blacksmith21 ago

What ties does Trump have to Dyncorp?

allconnected ago

his main advisor steve feinberg owns dyncorp. kelly was on dyncorp payroll.

Mtnchan ago

If we get names of the arrested, we can dig through their social medias, presumably they won't have been able to turn them off if they have them

Fatsack ago

IF we get any names, we need to cross reference them with wikileaks hosted ICWatch which is basically a meta-database of public information off of linked in and similar sites, of people involved in codenamed operations in the intelligence communities. Even 1 hit on this cross-reference good get the voat bloodhound on the right trail.

User890020 ago

In these situations, saving the big fish for last is standard law enforcement MO.

They need to get testimonies, confessions and pleas from lower scum before they get the big ones.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Standard law enforcement practice is to catch some small fry and leave the big fish alone.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Sadly this is true because if they followed it all up the line they end up with some Globalist family.

Rmm ago

I sure do hope that is the explanation and that we just need to be patient.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I think Plan B is to prep for the coming civil war that is inevitable when enough of the population sees through the corrupt MSM and government.

You also have the left vs right thing, or globalist vs nationalist dynamics happening.

Half of the country looks at things through a moral lens, and the other half seems to embrace depravity. The worse, the better for them.

A lot of people are losing faith in the system, regardless if they know about PG

Silverlining ago The Abolitionists [documentary about child sex slave rescue] Here's plan B. Direct action. Help SEALS hunt pedos.

Kiwi_Slave ago

In analogy to the Lord of the Rings story, there are orcs aplenty in the worldwide Luciferian evil (Literally, as practicing evil is the prime goal) empire. The question is, which LOTR character is DJT? Is he Boromir, Aragorn or Saruman? Sorry, I was hoping for the best, but DJT is looking more and more like Saruman. Without overturning the fiat money system and fractional reserve banking, nothing can change. No administration has ever been infested with as many Goldman Sachs operatives. Even the much admired supposed rebel Bannon is "ex" Goldman Sachs (is there even such a thing?). GS - CIA - MSM are one entity. As long as the wannabe demons at the top of the power pyramid can create money out of thin air, they cannot be defeated. Fiat money creation is what funds all of the wars and perversions, buys protection for our evil lords. To be free, the ring of power of central banking needs to be destroyed. Hard to do when there are AIs such as Palantir (in your face, a name plucked from LOTR) spying on us all of the time. There is a narrow path to victory over evil, and that involves mobilizing the one power our dark lords can not defeat - spiritual faith.

SpikyAube ago

I like this analogy. Can we who investigate and strive for truth and justice from now on be known as The Fellowship of the Pedo Ring?

VieBleu ago

no, pizza is already ruined. no need to further ruin good things.

sunnydaylemons ago

Pizza will alwas remind me of pizzagate and thats not neccesarily a bad thing

sunnydaylemons ago

like never forget cuz it shukdnt be

southartful ago

Wew lad. Thats fucking brilliant

redditsuckz ago

I can tell everyone here that NOTHING is going to be done justice wise...the banking system is corrupt the courts are corrupt and even the jails that they will never be sent to is completely and utterly corrupt. The whole system needs to come crashing the eye of Sauron. The only way that will happen is public awareness of what is going on so all these satanic activities come to a halt and a consciousness shift and humanities will to want things to really change for the better. What will happen to the elite and sick fucks after all is said and done?...dont know but they wont be welcome in the "light".

"The Eye" is on the dollar bill for goodness sakes;

And this is what "The Eye" means;

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words.

Its going to fast, quick, swift do you want it to happen?;

The Fall of Sauron

ZeroPointNow ago

So the Time Warner logo is all about buttfucking little boys?

redditsuckz ago

Yep...thats their secret club logo hidden in plain site.

XI° – Rocket to Uranus Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O.

Azzipdoe ago

Correct me if I'm wrong... But that executive order signed the other day, wasn't trump requesting a detailed investigation report to him within 120 days?

Because if so, why would February 19th matter whatsoever

leahxpearl ago

What is the significance of February 19th?

TruthTrumps ago

I am even wondering about the recently reported pedo busts. Do we have solid evidence these busts have really taken place? Or might some of it be fake news to appease all who are waiting for something to happen?

DeathToMasons ago

Now you are using your head. I wonder the same thing. They fake everything. School shootings. CPP shooter, Terrorist events, false flags, hoaxes, bogus news reports of things that did not happen. We should be eceptical, and expect Trump to do nothing.MAYBE weiner will be busted to be some scapegoat. The Clintons and big fish in the ring will continue with impunity. FBI anon is not even probably FBI. On top of that, there is no Civil War in the inteligence agencies. They want us tp be apeased that we are starting to win and have our white hats fighting for us. I doubt the entire thing. So people, what will we do when this becomes apparent?

CadiBug ago

So sort of relevant to your comment, our town and sex sting/human trafficking bust in Nov 2016, but our local newspaper refused to release the names and the mugshots of the offenders, when in the past they had always done so. The editor of the local newspaper basically said she didn't think it was newsworthy and the county Sheriff called her out on it, but to this day they haven't released the names. You can file a request on the county website for more info but they say they have a right to refuse to release the info, which so far is what they have done to anyone trying to get the names. So the public knows's just weird but most anyone I talk to in our town that knows about the sting pretty much thinks they are covering for someone, which may be what is happening here they all cover for each other it sucks!

hang_em_high ago

All arrests should be public record shouldn't they? I am not sure how to go about searching for these people though. I was thinking the other day it would be interesting to track what exactly happens to these people; I didn't even consider that it may not even be real.

Vindicator ago

Every local police dept precinct keeps a list of incidents they have responded to that is publically accessible. This is what local reporters look at to compile the "crime report" section of their newspaper. Look for either one of these sources to contain the information. Newspapers usually run the crime report once a week or once a month; they don't report EVERY incident...just the interesting ones.

ansipizza ago

Some municipalities let you search by arrest date. Other than that, I have no idea.

privatepizza ago

Agree @fatsack . 'cept we ain't going away.

Fatsack ago

If anyone looks into the recent busts, theres hardly ANY journalistic follow up. Most of the names, and people busted that are shared are small time, honey pot, sting operations like you'd see on old episodes of Cops and America's most wanted and similar shows. No power players have gone down yet, and I doubt any will. These sort of things are termed 'Limited Hangouts' in the intelligence community. Releases of info, or operations that on the surface look like they're handling the problem, but underneath its just a cover up for the real players. A way to pacify public outrage and to get people to shift their attention onto other things.

we_kill_creativity ago

You do realize when you're trying to get the "big guys" you start with the "small guys" first right?'s starting to seem like half the people here don't know what they're talking about. Oh sure...Trumps just going to take down a global pedophile ring comprised of the some of the most powerful people in the world in his first month....Jesus Christ you people....

Fatsack ago

Also, when you're conducting a 'Limited Hangout', you start with the small guys as well. And then you stop.

DeathToMasons ago

Maybe you haven't been following, but the supposedly reliable anon said the investigation was ready to issue arrest warrents and just needed Sessions to be sworn in. Supposedly they would move quickly. Dead silence now and I expect to hear more crickets. As far as you rolling your eyes at people being jaded and sceptical, maybe you have more Howdy Doody left in than the rest of us. Good for you. The gullible child in me left long ago. Keep reaching for the stars and dreaming. We will deal with reality for you.

we_kill_creativity ago

Maybe you haven't been following, but the supposedly reliable anon said the investigation was ready to issue arrest warrents and just needed Sessions to be sworn in.

Hey, friend, THAT"S WHAT THEY'R DOING....

Maybe you can't read...I don't know, books? History? Whatever...but you start with the small people, offer them life in prison OR...a plea deal for only 60 years IF you give us information about the big fish, and you progress on up the ladder. This is common sense shit....What did you expect to happen? I'm serious...How did you expect this to go down? Are you saying you thought Sessions was going to get sworn in and a week later we'd see Hillary and Soros marched in in chains?

MolochHunter ago

Indeed. Importantly, if Trump was part of the big Paedostocracy and playing smart to make us little people think he's actually on the side of good, why would the media be so hell bent on destroying his legitimacy? Why risk WW3 with Russia if Trump was really with the Paedostocracy in the first place?

I still hold out hope in the sense that I think Trump knows he will be eventually assassinated for betraying Clinton, and he is in the position of having to destroy the Pedostocracy out of sheer self preservation, if not common decency

we_kill_creativity ago

It's frustrating to see post like this that are either made by utterly ignorant people, or people with an agenda, when, based on my knowledge about how all these systems work, Trump is doing exactly what I would expect if he's planning on taking the whole network down.

joey4track ago

Well my outrage and I are bros now, it ain't going anywhere. If we don't see the real players going down I think the silent protests are the way to go.

Fatsack ago

I say we organize a silent mafia of our own and start conducting hits on these satanic pieces of filth. They want to live forever? They think their immortality gives them the justification to do all these horrible things? Well, I say we take that from them, permanently. You can't undo a bullet to the brain.

DeathToMasons ago

We will reject all factions including Trump when it is obvious nothing serious will happen. I told everybody not to vote because it was all show and their power has long since been cemented. Voting legitimizes the subverted system. The coup already won power when they killed Kennedy. Don't consume. Don't buy "things". Don't subscribe to their cable TV or satelite. Don't pay for movie tickets. Don't keep your money in the bank. Maybe only the amount you need for basic plastic transactions. Defund all banks. Or just keep doing nothing. Defund everything I say.

EndThePizza ago

I'm not even certain the ones in the US could be strictly categorized as "trafficking". Unlike Haiti's report of 30 kids in a hotel room, no details are given. They talk about adults and a few "minors", which could easily be 16 or 17 year olds. They could just be prostitution stings that they want to over prosecute/over hype by labelling then "trafficking" so the cops can boost their egos/funding. Very hard to tell when there's zero details given.

Fatsack ago


AreWeSure ago

Prostitution pretty much has been relabelled as trafficking. If a street pimp moves his stable from town to town that is trafficking.

If an independent escort moves to North Dakota because there's an oil boom going on, technically that is considered trafficking.