Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We agree to disagree. Research Racine, Wisconsin and then come back enlightened. There is still hope for you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Don't be so ignorant, naive or lazy. That is what they thrive on and how they have gotten away with this before the Internet started allowing more dots to be connected.

It is a global structure with various interconnected groups at all levels. A major part of their plan is to infiltrate all types of organizations to control them and disguise the shadow groups. A good example of that is United Way or local government bodies. Freemasonry is just one of the groups they use to control membership across a wider spectrum of secret and closed societies and organizations. They disguise satanism and corruption with philanthropy, government and partnerships, so that if anyone accuses them of corruption, they label them a conspiracy theorist and expand the accusation to include ALL organizations and officials to invalidate the claim. Fraternities are another way to indoctrinate young men and introduce them to closed societies and hierarchical systems. Many innocent people are involved in fraternities and lower level clubs and groups without knowing they are part of a bigger structure of corruption, control and compliance. It is a way to muddy the waters, just like the shadow government. There are groups within groups. Only the leaders are aware of the bigger picture, and everything else is compartmentalized.

Here is one sample chart: http://www.greatdreams.com/political/hierarchy-of-secret-societies.html

TheHolyGrail ago

Tomar was the Headquarters of the Knights Templar Order in Portugal for nearly 700 years.


John Podesta is a Jesuit


jstayz44 ago

So Preet Bharara was Schumer's Chief Counsel in 2005 and is on the list of donors. Also, Littlesis is owned by Madeleine Albright, and I'm pretty sure it was Cathy O'Brien...but could have been another witness, that was not only Janet Reno's "pet" but who also witnessed Janet and Madeleine sacrificing a young boy at the Whitehouse. This is about as tangled, yet connected as it gets.

GeorgeT ago

Had freemasonry degenrated to some sick twisted homosexual cabal? I have done enormous research on that topic and I have learned that there are myriad branches. Albert Pike described the full extent of freemasonry as LABYRINTHIAN!

JoJoVoat ago

Also, Schumer also got very wealthy in 2011 along with Pelosi and a few other Dems, the year after the earthquake in Haiti

naturallyfree ago

Considering the Racine WI reference possibly Ryan is also. The people behave so strangely I've often tweeted what are they on, what is in the water, is it Captogen the preferred amphetamine of Isis fighters or what. It's beginning to dawn that it's more liquid like water, and red. But I want to do a quick Chaldean numerology and point out what a significant year this is for that group. That is 1+9=10=1; 1+8+6+4=19=10=1; 2017=2+0+1+7=10=1. This is a potent number. I mention it because they may have selected the date of the 19 of Feb. to match the 1864. Beyond that what I've been taught is that it is the number of instant manifestation, the 10, and that it is so strong it must only be used in a 10 Name if that person is very strongly a positive person. Because it can manifest negative just as instantly. And 1 of course, look at it. It's planted. And this is February. The 19th is coming up.I 'suppose back them into a corner to force them to be negative and they will reap just and swift feedback.

Skeptic2 ago

And Pope Francis just directed the Knights of Malta (Vatican intelligence service) to get rid of the Free Masons.

cantsleepawink ago

Too little, too late. The Vatican is involved up to its neck in this 'coprophilia' (to use a Pope Francis expression).


No problem. Your loss.

strix-varia ago

I hope people are reading your post. Sadly, I don't think they are.


Don't worry. The awakening is 'a coming. These are pretty simple mathematical relations, mixed with some art history. It is getting more and more accessible to the general public. And the internet does wonders. Just have patience.

Make sure you watch all those videos, and question what you think is the bullshit. Don't just buy anything. Think through it all.

strix-varia ago

Thanks for the encouragement, but I am seriously thinking of cancelling the internet. It continues to be devils highway, with all the nastiest stuff one could imagine and is getting worse with censoring some stuff and yet letting other nonsense continue. Soon, one will not know what is true and what is not true. I can live without being plugged in at all.


You're the king of your kingdom.

strix-varia ago

Actually God is the king of the kingdom and I'm not sure "Egyptians" were that smart.

NikitaVerite ago

excellent find!

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you.:)

carmencita ago

Wow. There are some very interesting names o here. Sen. Robert Byrd, who Cathy O'Brien said raped her so I would suggest that maybe you might research this a little more. Don't give up too easy. We have discovered some very incriminating facts on here just by accident. As an aside, there was a former Head of the Boy Scouts and we know what happened with them. Dig.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. I hadn't made the Byrd connection.

carmencita ago

Don't give up. I am still researching St. Louis and the Catholic Archdiocese and Tenet Healthcare. Been at this for 2 wks. for about 6 hours a day. Had to take a breather here and there this stuff really gets to you. Since Schumer is rumored to be arrested (let's hope it is true), and it will be for pedophelia, since he is a member you may have hit pay dirt. Remember that Weiner is possibly going to be charged with indecent liberties with a minor. Dig and Good Luck.

cantsleepawink ago

I just came across this little fact that may or may not be of interest to you: Michael Moore owns stock in Tenet Healthcare

carmencita ago

Oh God. Don't let it be true that he is involved. Many people have stocks they don't even know about through their Financial Advisers. I will be busy today but will check on this later. You can get started if you like. But I will like to get to the bottom of this. I like him, but if he is involved with this, I will be the first one to throw him under the bus. Thank you for this.

cantsleepawink ago

Information from here: http://transsylvaniaphoenix.blogspot.co.uk/2008/08/hitting-liberal-hypocrites-where-it.html

I'm looking for this full documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=act4Izj0CMQ

Edit: I'm busy looking at Pelosi..lol

Fateswebb ago

Who rumored that? Haven't seen that rumor..

carmencita ago

If you mean Sen. Byrd, I saw that on a YT video posted on here. Roseanne Barr with Cathy O'Brien. Cathy O'Brien told about her horrible experiences and the politicians that passed her from one to another. She said Sen. Robert Byrd raped her many times as did others.

Fateswebb ago

No the rumor that schumer has been arrested.

carmencita ago

He has not been arrested, but FBIanon intimated that he was one of the ones to be arrested after Sessions takes office. Others were also mentioned.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm not giving up. I've been at this night and day for the last few weeks. My eyes are hurting, I've got a headache, not much sleep, and my life is on hold..I'm not giving up.

shoosh ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago

You are one of the Our Real Troopers. Thank You.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine Wisconsin (home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus) is at the center of the Global Corruption in two major ways:

1) Knights of Pythias and other closed or secret societies (Pilgrims Society, Scottish Rite Freemasons, Rotary Club, and others)

2) Sustainability - All connected to Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and other global corruption programs to control all aspects of life from cradle to grave - Banking, Education, Healthcare, Diseases, Medicine, Vaccines, Insurance, Politics, Community Policing, Surveillance, and Public-Private Partnerships.

The original post is all true and more. The feds needs to take over immediately before more lives are ruined. Loretta Lynch knew about the corruption in Racine and refused to take action. Local officials are all scared into silence and complicity. This goes extremely deep, beyond Racine and its corrupt officials and businesses. Beyond Wisconsin and the Milwaukee 7 ran by Scott Walker and the Marquette Mafia (even the Attorney General in Wisconsin has ties to Racine Freemasons and other groups). Beyond the United States, this is a Global Conspiracy linking back to UK and other countries. It is corrupting both local communities and the entire world. It needs to end now. The levels of brazen criminal corruption continue to increase day by day, and the media plays a large part in the conspiracy, collusion, racketeering and corruption. This is the secret Racine and Wisconsin don't want the world to know about. Connect the dots and follow the money. It's not hard to figure out who is connected.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


Pizzagate and Racine, Wisconsin - A List of Known Facts and One Example How This Ties to Local Communities (pizzagate) submitted 2 months ago by PizzagateRacine

Pizzagate affects everyone, and is destroying lives, rights, and local communities. Editorials are now being published in local newspapers to change the story, spread lies, and focus on the false flag event in order to create victims of fake news in a desperate attempt to cover up the truth and restore their lost credibility.

Pizzagate is real, and it is much bigger than the media will lead you to believe as they attempt to narrow the focus, create victims, and shift the debate to fake news and away from the true reality.

Pizzagate is not about a few small businesses, or even child trafficking alone. It is about a global system of corruption, racketeering, collusion, human and child trafficking, drug and organ trafficking, fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, market manipulation, blackmail, extortion, secret societies, unending wars, propaganda and censorship.

Since the media does not want to tell you the truth, here are the real facts:

Hillary Clinton setup a private email server and deleted tens of thousands of emails, including her IT contractor using Bleach Bit to permanently destroy all evidence of the emails.

Huma Abedin had access to Hillary Clinton's emails, and Anthony Weiner had copies of the emails on his laptop computer which was retrieved by the NYPD during an investigation into allegations of criminal activity involving Anthony Weiner and minors.

Verified emails published by Wikileaks revealed evidence of pay to play racketeering that has permeated all levels of local, national and global government.

Verified emails published by Wikileaks revealed evidence of emails involving connections to known pedophiles, satanic rituals, human and organ trafficking, stenography, and code words that have been identified by the FBI as related to pedophilia.

Verified emails published by Wikileaks revealed evidence of collusion between political campaigns and the media.

Reports by Project Veritas revealed evidence of staged events and false flags, paid actors and social media bloggers, and inciting violence.

Media and corrupt governments have a history of collusion, lies, and censorship, including covering up child trafficking, pedophilia and other crimes that involve prominent figures, and are attempting to narrow the focus of Pizzagate in order to create false victims of fake news and increase censorship to maintain their dwindling profitability and power.

Many high ranking officials and powerful people have been accused of being involved in allegedly nefarious activities, including trips on a plane referred to as "Lolita Express" to an island with a large estate owned by Jeffrey Epstein who has been convicted of crimes involving minors.

Loretta Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton during an investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, and Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Kadzik, James Comey's brother, and others involved have a history of close connections and relationships with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

There are businesses in DC connected to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton and others involved with the Clinton Foundation, and a concentration of those businesses exist in a cluster among a block that is mostly owned by the same Saudi organization.

Many people connected to the businesses within this cluster have shared artwork, photos and messages that involve child exploitation, code words for pedophilia, graphic satanic symbols and artwork, and violent acts.

The key witness to the recent event involving a man with a gun was aware of the accusations involving the location, and despite accusations involving criminal activity exploiting children, he decided to take his wife and children there for lunch for the very first time after being such a fan of ping pong and years when he could have gone to this restaurant. In one hour, following an incident with a man who reportedly made two shots and despite not hearing those shot, nor being allowed in a large portion of the venue, the witness declared it to be a wholesome family place and that he had a great time. The witness' father has tied to organizations connected with protecting children in Haiti.

The man with the gun at the pizza shop did not appear to be conducting any legitimate investigating, did not have video cameras, had not investigated anything prior, was not arrested or handcuffed inside, was listed as an actor on IMDB, and had recently been involved in an accident where he hit a 13 year-old boy with his car traveling approximately 45mph.

Pizzagate is about something much bigger than pizza places and child trafficking - it is about a global system of corruption, racketeering, trafficking, black markets, market manipulation, collusion, blackmail, fraud, propaganda and censorship.

Officials including Obama, mainstream media, and tech giants including Google, Facebook and other are attempting to censor information about Pizzagate and other scandals by labeling it as Fake News, after being exposed as providing misleading information and collusion throughout the 2016 election with the DNC and members of the Clinton campaign.

In the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, Huma Abedin and others involved violated their immunity agreement by lying or withholding evidence, including a laptop in possession of Anthony Weiner with reportedly over 650,000 emails, including emails deleted by Hillary Clinton and her staff.

Julian Assange has been missing since October 16, 2016.

Julian Assange's attorney, John Jones, was killed under mysterious circumstances, struck by a train in April 2016.

Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband were shot and killed under mysterious circumstances after she was investigating corruption and human and child trafficking.

Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman has been missing for over 40 days.

On election night, it has been reported that Hillary Clinton was in a drunken rage and that is the reason she did appear, and had John Podesta speak on her behalf. There are also reports that on election night, Hillary Clinton allegedly became physically violent against her campaign staff members John Podesta and Robby Mook.

Seth Rich was murdered, and was inferred as a possible source of DNC emails provided to Wikileaks.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on a hunting trip with a secret society, after meeting at the White House and allegedly receiving information that may have contained evidence of child trafficking and other crimes.

Clinton Foundation has been accused of being involved in fraud, child trafficking and other crimes particularly in Haiti.

Monica Petersen was investigating human and child trafficking in Haiti, and died during her investigation under mysterious circumstances.

Laura Silsby was convicted of child trafficking in Haiti, and had connections to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Andrew Breitbart died at the age of 43 by mysterious causes very soon after accusing John Podesta and others in covering up under age sex slave operations. His coroner was also involved in Corey Haim's autopsy, died weeks after under similarly mysterious causes, possibly involving arsenic poisoning.

Clinton Foundation has many connections to Racine, Wisconsin, including some of the top donors to the Foundation.

Huma Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner has been accused of indecent relations with minors.

Anthony Weiner is reported on Wikipedia as a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Knights of Pythias held a big parade many years ago. It was held in Racine, Wisconsin, and the downtown Racine YMCA building was sold to the Knights of Pythias to be used as their castle.

Many of Racine's historic and prominent figures were members of Knights of Pythias, Masons, and secret clubs and societies.

Racine, Wisconsin's past Mayor, Gary Becker, and prominent figures have been convicted of crimes involving minors.

Racine, Wisconsin has allegations and reports of widespread human and child trafficking.

Racine, Wisconsin has allegations and reports of widespread criminal corruption, racketeering, and other crimes among local officials and their associates, including blackballing and threats against local witnesses, and widespread local propaganda and censorship to cover up the truth. The local law enforcement refuses to investigate, and the local DA is leaving office after being involved in a drunk driving hit and run incident including allegations of obstruction and special treatment.

There is much more to Pizzagate than what you are being told, and Racine needs a full and independent criminal investigation into corruption among officials, collusion, and its connections with these events.

This is much deeper and wider than everyone thinks. Wisconsin is a cesspool of criminal corruption and racketeering. It has been enabled by corruption and racketeering at the highest levels.

**Pizzagate is a local, national and global emergency. **

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. I wasn't aware that Racine was in the spotlight. And I just checked two things which are also located there: the Navy, Aquino. Back to digging.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There are tunnels throughout Racine and many are connected to buildings named after leaders in the Knights of Pythias.

Racine is a central testing ground for Pizzagate and Global Corruption, with widespread mafia connections, elite business connections and close ties to corruption in Chicago and Milwaukee. Racine has covered up extreme acts of brazen, willful and wanton corruption and abuse, along with gang stalking of anyone who asks questions, blatant propaganda, desperate censorship, musical chairs, sudden retirements, and mysterious suicides.

Witnesses are dumbfounded by the lack of investigations and indictments for obvious criminal corruption despite reporting cases and even federal racketeering lawsuits settled under threat and duress. The only logical answer is that this goes much, much deeper than Racine, and goes much deeper than Wisconsin. This is the key to everything, and Racine is a weak link due to some of the sloppy crimes involving local officials, closed societies, corrupt media, and campaign contributors. All local judges are corrupt. All local media is corrupt. It is a bubble that insulates the club of corruption.

See Agenda 21 for a large part of their game plan. Jeff Sessions needs to bring an entire team to Racine to blow this entire global corruption scheme wide open

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting. Thank you. I had noticed a link between the Navy and tunneling systems...eg. Washington DC.

Also, the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland which was highly occultic in nature. It was split over two locations..the first half of the ceremony was within the tunnel itself, the second, was outdoors symbolising a bridge. Bridge-tunnels are of interest and link with the navy. I don't know what that means but I've been meaning to get to that soon.

GeorgeT ago

Michael Aquino is a satanist, who founded the Order of Set. A major cover up happened at West Point Military academy. Despite medical reports indicating sodomy on children, despite 950 testimonies from the victims involving 60 FBI agents only one arrest was made. Who was the prosecutor assigned to the case - Rudi Guiliani!

cantsleepawink ago

Sometimes I feel I should go back and watch this movie about the Navy again, starring scientologist Tom Cruise, A Few Good Men :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hopNAI8Pefg

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. That Guiliani connection is interesting. There seems to be a connection between Satanism and the Navy, both in the US and the UK. Very odd. And where there is the Navy there seems to be tunneling systems as well, which Wisconsin has. The rabbit holes just run and run.

remedy4reality ago

Yep... that's speculation alright.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is all true. Everything about Racine, Wisconsin will show you how this whole thing works. What is true in Racine is true everywhere.