Kwijibo ago

This is outside the scope of pizzagate. Not all human trafficking is children or sex related. Rule 1.

cantsleepawink ago

You did not give me the opportunity to respond and educate you as to why it is related.

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

you should resubmit this and explain how it's related...

cantsleepawink ago

The clue is in 'human trafficking loopholes'. I'll resubmit at another time. Thanks.

Kwijibo ago

You need to submit as a discussion and explain it in the text.

Chimerarose ago

I want chucky to go down so bad. So FBI anon was right. Makes them more credible, I had my doubts

PizzaGate711 ago

You really are out of your depth ...

JoJoVoat ago

I hope he goes down so hard. Him and Pelosi both. Nothing but pieces of shit in it for themselves. Makes me so angry.

Heres Pelosi pay to play

survey_girl ago

And she owns Goat Hill Pizza

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. She was going to be my next stop.

cantsleepawink ago

Apparently there's more freemasonry here. Schumer is a Knight of Pythias.

From wiki:

The Knights of Pythias is a fraternal organization and secret society [2] founded in Washington, D.C., on 19 February 1864.

Knights of Pythias in a parade in Racine, Wisconsin, circa 1910 The Knights of Pythias was the first fraternal organization to receive a charter under an act of the United States Congress.[3] It was founded by Justus H. Rathbone, who had been inspired by a play by the Irish poet John Banim about the legend of Damon and Pythias. This legend illustrates the ideals of loyalty, honor, and friendship that are the center of the order.

The structure of the Knights of Pythias is three-tiered. The local units used to be called "Castles," but over time came to be called "Subordinate Lodges." State and provincial organizations are called "Grand Lodges" and the national structure is called the "Supreme Lodge" and meets in convention biennially. The officers of the Supreme Lodge include the sitting Past Supreme Chancellor, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Prelate, Secretary, Treasurer, Master at Arms, Inner Guard and Outer Guard.[5] The order's auxiliaries are the Pythian Sisters, and two youth organizations: the Pythian Sunshine Girls and the Junior Order of Princes of Syracuse for boys

Pythias is connected with the literature of homosexuality :

The Return of Damon and Pythias: Alan Dale's "A Marriage below Zero", Victorian Melodrama, and the Emergence of a Literature of Homosexual Representation

More references to the Knights of Pythias:

peacebringer ago

Well there is the one guy who keeps pointing to Racine... I take it the Knights of Pythias is what they refer to?

Nana66 ago

I remember when Chuck was doing his speech during Trumps inauguration, it gave me an uneasy feeling. It felt like he was making a veiled threat at Trump...I was expecting him to turn around and assassinate Trump and was ready to give his life for the cause. Trump supporters were getting impatient and I'm not entirely sure he finished.

cantsleepawink ago

You should read that speech. It clearly was a call to action for SJWs.

Gothamgirl ago

Wow another accuracy by FBIanon -Cards.

srayzie ago

Oh, you're right!

anon401 ago

'Stange bedfellows'

Lawmakers Are Roommates No More DEC. 16, 2014

It was the end of the real “Alpha House,” the crumbling gray-blue rowhouse in the shadow of the Capitol where a group of powerful Democratic lawmakers — including Mr. Miller, Mr. Schumer, Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois and a rotating cast of supporting players — have lived for more than three decades.

Mr. Miller, the owner of the two-story, two-bedroom house, is retiring after 40 years in Congress and is selling the home that inspired the Amazon web series “Alpha House,” as well as countless punch lines about the crash pad’s fraternity-meets-policy seminar vibe.


The home — once nicknamed “Washington’s Algonquin table” — has provided refuge to a rumpled crew of Democratic lawmakers over the years, including former representatives like William D. Delahunt of Massachusetts, Samuel Gejdenson of Connecticut, Leon E. Panetta of California and Marty Russo of Illinois (who moved in during a snowstorm and stayed for a decade, until he was defeated in Congress).


cantsleepawink ago

I've become quite intrigued with 'The home — once nicknamed “Washington’s Algonquin table”' and it's history. Can't find the exact address though. Wondering if anyone knows it ?

Taking Power, Sharing Cereal

Women rarely set foot in the place, excluding the Haitian cleaning lady who comes every week and who everyone promises is a legal immigrant. The common bathroom upstairs is stocked with supersize bottles of Listerine, CVS cocoa butter, Suave shampoo (with dandruff control) and a hair dryer.

anon401 ago

"The home on D Street SE."

surgit2 ago

Address is 127

cantsleepawink ago

Which is what ? I'm all ears.

cantsleepawink ago

Pointers for the research community here Chuck.

3rdTimestheCharm ago

Fuck this piece of shit and his fat cow niece. Trump knows who Chuck really is and that's why he isn't taking his shit, I cannot wait until Sessions gets confirmed and then all these pieces of shit start filling up the bus to jail.