submitted 8 years ago by [deleted]
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Kwijibo 8 years ago
This is outside the scope of pizzagate. Not all human trafficking is children or sex related. Rule 1.
cantsleepawink 8 years ago
You did not give me the opportunity to respond and educate you as to why it is related.
sandernista_4_TRUMP 8 years ago
you should resubmit this and explain how it's related...
The clue is in 'human trafficking loopholes'. I'll resubmit at another time. Thanks.
You need to submit as a discussion and explain it in the text.
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Kwijibo ago
This is outside the scope of pizzagate. Not all human trafficking is children or sex related. Rule 1.
cantsleepawink ago
You did not give me the opportunity to respond and educate you as to why it is related.
sandernista_4_TRUMP ago
you should resubmit this and explain how it's related...
cantsleepawink ago
The clue is in 'human trafficking loopholes'. I'll resubmit at another time. Thanks.
Kwijibo ago
You need to submit as a discussion and explain it in the text.