TheRedPi11 ago

Where can we go to discuss the ultimate pizza demonstration? @sound_of_silence

sound_of_silence ago

just got it moved over, thank you-

Kwijibo ago

@Letsdoit, I understand your frustration, but there are other places and other subs that you can post in. Discussion and meta posts are not allowed in the main sub. You can post this in/v/pizzagatemods

Letsdoit ago

I don't think many people will have a look there compared to 10.000 subs on pizagate.

Kwijibo ago

The mods see it and that is who you are trying to communicate with.

reasonedandinformed ago

The big problem is that the forum does not have tags. If we could tag a post into one of a reasonable number of categories, then a post for "action" or another "hypothesis" could be made to contribute in the direction of understanding or results. Not everything posted here should be required to be a lead. Sometimes, there are relevant things to consider or actions to take that do not fit into the need to have a "source."

TheRedPi11 ago

Agreed, great idea.

Letsdoit ago

Totally agreed. I just edited my post with a link to voat for change

Was to late to edit te post, was already deleted so here the link to voat for change.

ThePuppetShow ago


PGTAway818949 ago

Mods make me sick. How can you support this? This topic will be deleted for rule 4. I made a post today calling out suspicious activity on the board. It has links within it so users could see. It was deleted. Anything they"don't like" is directed to a bullshit pizza gate sub that nobody reads. They are afraid of this audience

Letsdoit ago

Yes i saw your post, it started to get me angry , i read the mod logs most of the time. When i saw the post i linked, i got pissed off enoug to let a few more people know whats happening. Thanks for fighting the good fight.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Mods are faggots. Especially @Crensch.

ThePuppetShow ago

I tried to assemble the community for a rule change, but that was deleted too.

Letsdoit ago

Yes i saw your post, it started to get me angry , i read the mod logs most of the time. When i saw the post i linked, i got pissed off enough to let a few more people know whats happening. I should have linked your post aswell. Thanks for fighting the good fight. Wait i still can till it is deleted. On it now

ThePuppetShow ago