v/pizzagate (wecanhelp) > sound_of_silence | Sent: 14 hours ago on 1/23/2017 10:45:42 AM
Submission /v/pizzagate/1584867 deleted
Your submission /v/pizzagate/1584867 has been deleted by: @wecanhelp on 1/23/2017 10:45:42 AM
Reason given: Rule 4.
Original Submission
ultimate pizzagate demonstration
ultimate pizzagate demonstration
- world-wide organized demonstrations lasting minimum of 1 week
- demonstrations will be non-violent "silent protests" with all signs reading only "investigate pizzagate". anyone with a different sign (no matter what it reads) will be self-identified as an opposition provocateur
- anyone who isn't silent will be immediately self-identified as an opposition provocateur
- anyone who isn't non-violent will be immediately self-identified as an opposition provocateur
- one official "response" handout will be available and it will be the singular response available to anyone "asking questions" during the demonstration (media, passers-by, etc. - simply, everyone will get the same, silent, singular response).. anyone passing out or promoting a different response will be immediately self-identified as an opposition provocateur.
using this method would ensure the impossibility of compromise.
silence coupled with non-violence, topped off with a singular 'statement of purpose' leaves absolutely zero room for baiting, false-narrative reports by the media, etc. - no wiggle room for the opposition to fill in with falsehood, no loose ends for provocateurs to unravel.
operating as if we are all one individual will ensure we cannot lose. it's how we got this far, it's what's keeping us together now, and it's how pizzagate can win the acknowledgement and attention it warrants.
the war we're in is for one thing - Right over wrong. it's Wrong to hurt children, and everyone who understands the scope of PG understands and cares about that singular point.. it's what unites us and it's our greatest strength, our infallible weapon, and will be what brings victory for all the tiny, hurting voices of the countless child victims. our public, peaceful, silent solidarity will finally give those little ones a voice so loud it will deafen the opposition.
this needs to happen.
EDIT 01/23/17 :: thanks to all who productively commented on this yesterday. read thru every comment, started drafting working outline, will post it as soon as able but wanted to get this re-posted now, so the dialogue and ideas can continue.
- MASKS - agreed. IDEA - Tragedy (greek theatre frown face), to convey the solemnness... this is sack-cloth and ashes. thoughts?
sound_of_silence ago
everyone.. view this post.. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1599076 watch the vid..
we need to direct all our abilities and fervor for this public awareness campaign to @fromdelusiontotruth
LightlyToasted ago
Masks are confused with Anonymous & hiding identity. While ITT it would be a great visual if EVERYONE had a mask, 100% compliance is difficult. I'd prefer ppl's actual faces to show: these are real Americans who are so concerned about felony child abuse, they're representing themselves. Just my opinion.
sound_of_silence ago
totally agree.. with some, they're going to wear a mask or they likely won't be able to attend... as long as those with masks are all using the same kind it'll work because those masks will represent the faceless children.. as long as it has a legitimate, reasonable and palatable purpose, it will work.
i do believe tho, the day will come when a mask will not be necessary for those people, in the day PG becomes common knowledge... and i believe that day will surely arrive.. children's lives demand it and absolute truth declares it.
21yearsofdigging ago
Noticed that recently my mail is being tampered with including an expensive painting I made that was 'lost' plus a DVD of a film I made was opened, the DVD taken out, and then the package resealed to look like it hadn't been opened. Police car today sat directly across the street from my residence for a considerable amount of time today. May not be too alarming but mentioning it. I have been outspoken about all of us getting out and protesting, including speaking to people here locally. Strength in numbers I suppose. Sadly, someone that was on here Pizzagate Voat(according to his facebook page) was shot and killed Dec 23, 2016. 22 police stormed his door and fired on him. This person lived about one block away from me. He leaves behind 2 children. He was an activist and computer programmer. Not willing to give out his name but his initials are S.M.
sound_of_silence ago
that's a chilling string of events.. all the more reason activism for this cause needs to shift from individuals and small groups to well-organized, large numbers... safety in numbers...
hope all is well, keep the faith.
VieBleu ago
I had a major argument about the mod KevDude with VictorSteinerDavion today and his sidekick Crensch enforcing the "no harrassment/no doxxing" rules and this is how it went down for anyone interested -
Here is the entire thread archived https://archive.is/XM7HD#selection-14309.1-14421.19 The ultimately successful arment starts about 1/3 of the way down with the following comment and goes very deep -
It is rare to have victories around here, but if they won't enforce the doxxing/harrassment rules, it is very dangerous for everyone with a topic like pg.
sound_of_silence ago
thank you for the warning.
that bit about calling the RE agent.... any efforts that boil down to non-edification are still just "part of the problem" for this cause... if there was concrete evidence the RE agent did in fact facilitate a crime then a sensible approach would be welcomed as "part of the solution" i'm sure... if she did facilitate a crime as horrific and evil as PG crimes, then her demons would probably just laugh at the harassment then speedily use it as a way to corrupt the integrity of the investigation.
thanks again for the warning.. it's good to be reminded this is a war, not a game.
sound_of_silence ago
thank you for posting that.... i read down thru it.... managed to see some of it earlier this evening... went into the chat to ask how to migrate comments b/c the demonstration post was moved to /whatever.... @SaneGoatiSwear was there.. congenial and polite of course but didn't/couldn't advise on migrating comments from the original post into this new location...
after the deletion, from my perspective as a new user here i found myself wondering, 'Should the sub rules be clarified into a simpler set of standards so everyone can clearly grasp them the first time.... or, is it just intentional protocol to take what is potentially influential/ helpful and move it to the basement so no one upstairs knows it's there?'
do we need a new venue, or can sincere investigation and activism survive here on voat?
joey4track ago
I think a slogan like 'Pizzagate is NonPartisan' would be good because as it stands now, many people who would be against it won't even look into it because they associate it with the right.
EDIT: I don't like the idea of masks, it's better to be matter of fact and avoid the theatrics in my opinion.
sound_of_silence ago
yes - non-partisan is important to convey.. should definitely be on the 1-pg. handout... maybe one side of the shirts has NONPARTISAN and the other side has a secondary slogan?
definitely, any of us who do not want to wear a mask should not wear one... altho any of us who choose to wear a mask should all choose the same form.
i like the Tragedy mask for a few reasons... they are so serious and to the point that PG is not a laughing matter, but rather a matter of life and death.... a representation of the mourning for the children and a reminder of the anguish these children have had to endure.
there's also a unique visual effect which manifests when a sea of demonstrators appear to be indistinguishable one from another (because they all are dressed and masked alike)... it underscores the unity and indivisibility of the group... it's a surreal view for those not demonstrating and points them to the message (investigate pizzagate) instead of the messenger..
sound_of_silence ago
should i re-post all the original non-troll comments here or would that be too distracting? granted, they won't be threaded the same but the input and insight was really good stuff -
edit: comments for original post - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1584867 edit: messaged new location to original respondents edit: requested advisement on migrating comments from mod who deleted original
JesusOfNazareth ago
Fuck the mods.