fromdelusiontotruth ago

Hey thanks! I have been busy creating the site for the campaign to spread awareness on child sexual abuse and child trafficking. The campaign is all set and ready to go, it just needs more exposure.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So did this start blowing up or did it fizzle out?

fromdelusiontotruth ago

I've been so busy working on this campaign that I completely forgot about voat!! I'm new on this and I don't get anything in my inbox. Here's a link to the official start of phase 1

sound_of_silence ago

[transcribing this as i view it now]

EDIT: back from work, full transcript is now available as a 3-part PM. PDF is also available.

This is it. This is the Mother of all PG public awareness events. This is the portal into which all awareness events and efforts should flow.

A new, effective 'common core' education is here, and this is it. We all found our common ground in PG because, despite our differences we all are willing to come together to protect the innocents and expose those who took away their innocence. This campaign gives us the necessary points of contact and references required in order to obtain the best possible resolution. This makes us all one voice for the voiceless in PG.

This will legitimize it all.

"As we all know, the number one priority is to bring the Podesta Emails, WikiLeaks, PizzaGate, and the Child-Trafficking realities going on in this country, to the awareness of as many people as we can – and ultimately, everyone."

"You see, what we’re going to do, is to link the Podesta Emails, Pizzagate, what happened with Madeleine McCann, what’s going on with the child-trafficking in Haiti, and Johnny Gosch – to the Franklin Case – and blow wide-open this entire child-trafficking operation, that is not only going on now, but that has been going on for decades.

And, we’re going to do it in a way that has never been done before – and that, frankly, was not available to the likes of Bill Cooper, John DeCamp, Ted Gunderson and the others. We’re going to harness and leverage the power of social media and the internet like a ray of sunlight through a magnifying glass, to fully expose what those in power have been trying to hide all these years.

And this is how we’re going to do it:"

Thank you so much for doing this, and for posting it here, @fromdelusiontotruth.

fromdelusiontotruth ago

@sound_of_silence, thank you so much for doing this! I've been so busy working on this campaign that I completely forgot about voat!! I'm new on this and I don't get anything in my inbox. Here's a link to the official start of phase 1

sound_of_silence ago

[transcribing this as i view it now]