VieBleu ago

lol I feel for you - keep it on the down low! Cool to have a 5th column in there.

Now here's a thought - if you know her even remotely, why not somehow, discreetly, figure out a way to ask her yourself? You could take some time about it, no rush. There's going to be plenty of tears in the white wine during the next few days, maybe you'll run into her somewhere. At any rate thanks for the reasonable response, I appreciate your position.

AreWeSure ago


juhos ago

I sent her email a month ago, no answer :/

VieBleu ago

So what this post accomplished is helping us do the math - a couple of hours ago we have 40 shills on this subverse, 5 concerned citizens, 2 honest fools, and at least a couple of shady mods, (but we knew that last bit.)

Is it really cost effective CTR to have 7 of you for every one of us? Overkill much?

AgainstTheNWO ago

So, everybody that not agree with you is a shill?

VieBleu ago

Where is the link/documentation that this realtor actually made a phone call to the Sandlers about the hankie - I have missed this somewhere and I'd like to know this was proven. Link please?

Flat_Truth ago

The email was from Sandlers.....who said "the realtor found a pizza related hanky".....the realtor being Tate. The realtor would at least be able to say what kind of hankercheif she had found....doubt the realtor knows anything more than she found a hankerchief and might not remember specifics unless it was remarkable in some way. And it sounds to me like the realtor found a hankerchief and gave it to Sandlers.

VieBleu ago

Ok thanks for clarifying that, which should be done any time this issue is addressed - of course the mods let this garbled post calling for harrassment stand, but pick apart much more important offerings. Nevertheless - this whole thing is misguided. the bigger picture needs to be addressed. Is the email itself a kind of threat? "We've got the goods on you, are you going to make time to deliver on your end" kind of thing. The realtor may or may not have anything to do with that threat, may be a convenience or may herself be a trafficker. IF there is anything there, trained law enforcement needs to be questioning her, NOT amateurs online. Why wise up a chump so to speak?


AreWeSure ago

I think the map email says. The Realtor called and found a handkerchief.

VieBleu ago

Is that all we have? How is this person linked as his realtor? This is a wild assumption to make if there is no formal link.

"The Realtor" could equal trafficker, not a literal realtor just like "pizza" = pedo "map" = ritual cloth/blood.sperm catcher (whatever)

So this thread is clearly designed to compromise pizzagate. laughably and transparently so. CTR, if you hired me, I really would do a lot better job. Your shills have the imagination of a garden snail, really. And no, I won't work to protect pedos, so forget about it.

nomorepepperoni ago

I'm aware there's a lot of shilling and disinfo being thrown around, but isn't it possible that with all the crap to dig through, we ourselves might make some mistakes?

Not to say with certainty that you're wrong and defending a potential shill, just trying to be reasonable about this.

VieBleu ago

I took some time to understand your reply - you are saying hey they might not be a shill, just making a mistake, right?

IMO the line between it being a shill or not is when they specifically call out to harrass a person and literally make them miserable with hundreds of calls - THAT is unacceptable to me and puts this investigation in danger. I don't think the concerned people here who are really trying to help and volunteering hundreds of hours of their time are going to do things like that. Other concerned lurkers aren't going to do that either. Who has a real motive to do that? CTR of course.

Surely I don't have to spell out to you what would happen to the public perception of this forum if a real estate lady went to the press after having her office phone called hundreds of times by pizzagate people? So I think mistake is too mild, yes.

nomorepepperoni ago

In this particular instance, I agree that suggesting harassing people by phone is a potential shill no bueno and shouldn't be followed (and agree it's toxic to our investigation efforts). But I've seen a LOT in general of people yelling SHILL when they disagree or someone could have made a mistake, and that's all I was referring to.

My first question when I saw this was also "why didn't they simply call, instead of ask a plethora of others to and potentially cause a mess instead"?

VieBleu ago

bcause - shill. I think that Martha's Vinyard person is part of the shill team too. I don't call just anybody a shill btw, however lately there's been a lot more of it. In fact I think the shills outnumber reg folks by as many as 3-5 to 1 at times. The mods are almost all bought off, sold out whatever. I think maybe Vindicator might be ok - try to upvote him when you can, apparently mods who go against other mods can be stripped of points and lose voting and even commenting priveleges just like us. I also learned KevDude is the "higher up" mod that they go to if they don't want to remove something that suits their purposes such as that "Bleu Raspberrry Hall of Shame" let's all get the Realtor shitpost.

nomorepepperoni ago

Sure, there are plenty of shills and a metric ton of disinfo. I'm just saying that not every low-quality post, by nature, has to be a shill.

I'm also just looking out for the possibility that someone could exploit the paranoia and paint good info as more shillery (again, not in this case). It's not a coincidence that Alefantis called someone a "shill" (if you believe IsThisGameOfThrones put up genuine chat logs, that is). I have no doubt his kind lurk within this forum, spread disinfo, and use the same "shill" whistle against us, whether those logs are real or not. Hell, they may even be intentionally invoking paranoia to keep us distracted from finding the evidence we need.

VieBleu ago

It is almost a zen exercise. I just roll with the shilly shallying waves. There is still usually something of interest that surfaces here despite it all - the Alefantis appearances alone are worth the price of admission.

lollipolli ago

omg curious about eric braverman...his class was supposed to have started today at Yale....did anyone check if he showEd up. edit: sorry just found out where eric braverman is, he's not missing


that is not proof

VieBleu ago

just to play devil's advocate - is that announcement proof? It's just what it is, an announcement. No statement from Braverman, just the Schmidts statement.


This is the sort of thing that so-called investigative reporters like David Seaman should be doing, not ordinary members of the public. In any case, you wouldn't get a response.

VieBleu ago

Alefantis is arguably a public figure, as is Podesta. There is a difference between them and a person in private business whose name was leaked in emails. Learn to Discern OP

VieBleu ago

Why in the world would it be hard to believe someone hasn't contacted her? You mean the press? Because that is frowned on here on this forum - you KNOW that right? You haven't submitted or commented much, so maybe you don't know that, but the purpose of citizens looking into pizzagate isn't to contact people, it is to find evidence that law enforcement can use. Are you aware of that?
Would you care to tell us how much pizzagate is a hot topic at the Vineyard? Because I would expect that most of your MV neighbors wouldn't get caught dead on a pizzagate forum.

falseflagthesenuts ago

Up voat for clarity to commenter.

cakeoflight ago

I don't think this was an actual realtor writing about an actual black with white hankerchief. At best, it was the sex cleanup crew for a house after a sex party and the person who found it gave it to whatshername and whatshername asked if JP wanted it. At worst, it was a trafficker cleaning up dead bodies who found a hanky, or it was code for hey you want to reuse this kid I took home last night. Contacting these people is one of the more moronic choices a person can make here. Do you like living?

VieBleu ago

I always though "realtor" just meant "trafficker".

AreWeSure ago

yes, that's right it was a sex cleanup crew at best. you know, after a sex party. they clean up the sex and the dead bodies and the hankies you leave about after your sex party. I mean it's a rented house, I'm not going to clean up my own dead bodies right?

VieBleu ago

This whole thread needs deleting, wouldn't you say?

quantokitty ago

You're absolutely right. The houses could be being used for other purposes than to become a prospective home. Silly us for always projecting the reasons we do things onto the elite masters.

AgainstTheNWO ago

I always post: if Handkerchief is Pizza related, than Pizza is handkerchief related.

And YES, i did post that as soon podesta used his twitter again, so nothing bad confronting them with their own words imo.

Look at the reactions after his first post

Sharipie ago

You mean anyone in the Old Establsihment media? ask a question of someone when it might be detrimental to the Establishment? When has that happened in the last 8 years or more?

Devious1 ago

You know what, respect.

The simplest of questions are allways the best. I can't believe no one has asked the simple question..... If They have it hasn't been mentioned....

@mikejonesWHO Where have you been all these months. (That's a serious question and not a piss take)!

Nana66 ago

I always said, why be vague unless you are trying not to say what exactly is on the handkerchief.

hacktheplanet ago

Sucks that she hasn't come forward to explain what the in hell a handkerchief with a pizza related map is...

Whizwit21 ago

You would think that if it was innocent they would come clean and clarify what they meant.

zzvoat ago

I think it's a 1,000% bad idea for anyone to be directly contacting anyone about anything.

VieBleu ago

This is most likely a shill thread, populated by shills, and brought to you by shill incorporated. It is going to be removed, if it isn't then that move is brought to you by shill mods. Please ignore this entire thread, we have no idea if this private citizen has anything whatsoever to do with the realtor referred to in the symbolic language Podesta pizza related map email.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Or, why doesn't the OP contact the person and then post and let us know? That's a bit better than 50 people in succession harassing the realtor.

falseflagthesenuts ago

I agree, the play must be thought out. Walls and disconnects can happen in a matter of moments. This is the essence of our problem. We post all we find, what we are looking into, it almost a giveaway to the accused on what to cover, get rid of, or silence. There in lies the crux: collaborate openly and quickly but only to the purview of the alledged transgressors of child rape, murder and trafficking. Fuck - why cant this be easier.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Why, do you not think they know that we know? Calling and talking is free. I do not understand why it would be a bad idea if 100th keep calling them and ask them questions day in day out. Ruin their lives for a bit. This can just be a question you ask, record and if there is or is not a answer place on www.

cakeoflight ago

Honestly I don't think the people who claimed to talk to JA or anyone else were really doing so. It seems set up and fake. JA wouldn't be making death threats to anyone without the full protection of the CIA, and if you're given a death threat, to take down your video, you don't do an update video with screenshots of the death threat, if you like living. I really think people need to realize that they're dealing with actual trained killers and child traffickers. Your phone call can't possibly reveal anything - they're not going to be dumb and trip up with you. At best you get a voicemail. What does that do for you?

falseflagthesenuts ago

I think JA is one piece of a cog in a larger enterprise machine. I would say that the sheer quantity of online harassment and embarrassment and utter shaming would drive anyone to snap and yell a bunch of crazy shit at someone. I do it every once in a while on my way to work and home. That being said, I would venture to say the black suits don't really care for JA but the position he holds. People are replaceable in this business. And yes, this game is very serious. I believe what happened to David Seaman's friend was a proxy murder with deniability. We have to be smarter than them. Yes they are pros, but the landscape and corners they must cover are too big. It will break, but I'm sure by now they've covered up most* evidence.

EDIT: most*

AgainstTheNWO ago

He has a business so he has to answer the phone sometimes. He also has a lot to lose, like freedom for long time.

cakeoflight ago

P.S. even if you're the best investigator in the world, harmonic mind control prevents these fuckheads from revealing information. They have compartments of info in their brains and if they are ever compromised, the nervous system shuts down. They don't need cyanide anymore. They have harmonic mind control and it's way far advanced beyond anything you could attempt to interrogate out of them. The best way to catch these people is with evidence we can get without directly asking them. Don't let them know you're coming, don't tell them what info you have. If you find something, I guess share it if you have to. But realize who you're dealing with. The corruption is far reaching and the protection is all encompassing.

cakeoflight ago

So you think he's going to answer the phone, talk to you, and give you incriminating evidence. OK I hope you have a court certified audio recording device set up to record the phone conversation. Best of luck.

AgainstTheNWO ago

change is low, but if you not try you will get no answer for sure. They can get in panic and try to lie or most likely hang up.

VieBleu ago

That thinking is what people justifiably criticize this entire effort about.

Are you a journalist? NO Are you law enfocement? NO Thus you do not have the training to handle this nor do others like yourself. That just makes you a harrasser and a stalker.

AgainstTheNWO ago


I am a individual human. If i read some public information, i have a question, i have the right and freedom to ask someone a question that can lead to the answer of my question. Has nothing to do with "Law enforcement" if you ask a citizen a question about public available information. And, for your knowledge, worked 12,5 year in justice department, but that does not matter for the case. Every individual has his own rights and freedom to act in his or her own way. If i can get a answer on a question and i know who can give the answer, why not ask, because you say so? Why do you not want me/us asking here that question? That is for me a question that follows. Why do you care if someone calls her, what can happen in worst case?

VieBleu ago

Are you five? Have you no reasoning facilities? Have you ever lurked here?

It is not my opinion it is the prevailing sentiment on this forum that contact with private citizens is a bad idea.

Alefantis is arguably not a private citizen, nor is Podesta. Figure out the difference between them and an unknown real estate agent and respect the boundaries. I'm out of this argument.

bdmthrfkr ago

I am totally in agreement with @AgainstTheNWO here. If you, for a single second, think that anybody outside of PizzaGate will ever take us seriously you are deluded in a major way. Regular people, newspapers, TV, radio, websites etc take your opinion as that of a raving madman, you can not change this by appeasing their sense of fair play, the ONLY way to change their opinion is to get witnesses to come forward. Call them, post on the regular web, let them know that there is a support group who is there for them, then they may come forward and give us the hard evidence that we need.

As far as that real estate agent goes, she knows the pedo code so fuck her. She is the enemy.

VieBleu ago

even you have to admit that "let them know there is a support group" is a whole lot different than NWO's "keep calling them and ask them questions day in day out. Ruin their lives for a bit."

RUIN THEIR LIVES FOR A BIT - you want this guy representing you? You two can get a room and troll all you want.

mikejonesWHO ago

Has anyone on this sub tried to reach out to any of the people in Wikileaks emails who were connected to pizzagate activities (call or email)? Please link if anyone has successfully received answers as to what this handkerchief looks like

VieBleu ago

Not a good idea NO.

Don't harrass people unless you have a law enforcement or media badge. Don't harrass private citizens while you remain anonymous either.