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zzvoat ago

I think it's a 1,000% bad idea for anyone to be directly contacting anyone about anything.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Why, do you not think they know that we know? Calling and talking is free. I do not understand why it would be a bad idea if 100th keep calling them and ask them questions day in day out. Ruin their lives for a bit. This can just be a question you ask, record and if there is or is not a answer place on www.

cakeoflight ago

Honestly I don't think the people who claimed to talk to JA or anyone else were really doing so. It seems set up and fake. JA wouldn't be making death threats to anyone without the full protection of the CIA, and if you're given a death threat, to take down your video, you don't do an update video with screenshots of the death threat, if you like living. I really think people need to realize that they're dealing with actual trained killers and child traffickers. Your phone call can't possibly reveal anything - they're not going to be dumb and trip up with you. At best you get a voicemail. What does that do for you?

falseflagthesenuts ago

I think JA is one piece of a cog in a larger enterprise machine. I would say that the sheer quantity of online harassment and embarrassment and utter shaming would drive anyone to snap and yell a bunch of crazy shit at someone. I do it every once in a while on my way to work and home. That being said, I would venture to say the black suits don't really care for JA but the position he holds. People are replaceable in this business. And yes, this game is very serious. I believe what happened to David Seaman's friend was a proxy murder with deniability. We have to be smarter than them. Yes they are pros, but the landscape and corners they must cover are too big. It will break, but I'm sure by now they've covered up most* evidence.

EDIT: most*

AgainstTheNWO ago

He has a business so he has to answer the phone sometimes. He also has a lot to lose, like freedom for long time.

cakeoflight ago

P.S. even if you're the best investigator in the world, harmonic mind control prevents these fuckheads from revealing information. They have compartments of info in their brains and if they are ever compromised, the nervous system shuts down. They don't need cyanide anymore. They have harmonic mind control and it's way far advanced beyond anything you could attempt to interrogate out of them. The best way to catch these people is with evidence we can get without directly asking them. Don't let them know you're coming, don't tell them what info you have. If you find something, I guess share it if you have to. But realize who you're dealing with. The corruption is far reaching and the protection is all encompassing.

cakeoflight ago

So you think he's going to answer the phone, talk to you, and give you incriminating evidence. OK I hope you have a court certified audio recording device set up to record the phone conversation. Best of luck.

AgainstTheNWO ago

change is low, but if you not try you will get no answer for sure. They can get in panic and try to lie or most likely hang up.

VieBleu ago

That thinking is what people justifiably criticize this entire effort about.

Are you a journalist? NO Are you law enfocement? NO Thus you do not have the training to handle this nor do others like yourself. That just makes you a harrasser and a stalker.

AgainstTheNWO ago


I am a individual human. If i read some public information, i have a question, i have the right and freedom to ask someone a question that can lead to the answer of my question. Has nothing to do with "Law enforcement" if you ask a citizen a question about public available information. And, for your knowledge, worked 12,5 year in justice department, but that does not matter for the case. Every individual has his own rights and freedom to act in his or her own way. If i can get a answer on a question and i know who can give the answer, why not ask, because you say so? Why do you not want me/us asking here that question? That is for me a question that follows. Why do you care if someone calls her, what can happen in worst case?

VieBleu ago

Are you five? Have you no reasoning facilities? Have you ever lurked here?

It is not my opinion it is the prevailing sentiment on this forum that contact with private citizens is a bad idea.

Alefantis is arguably not a private citizen, nor is Podesta. Figure out the difference between them and an unknown real estate agent and respect the boundaries. I'm out of this argument.

bdmthrfkr ago

I am totally in agreement with @AgainstTheNWO here. If you, for a single second, think that anybody outside of PizzaGate will ever take us seriously you are deluded in a major way. Regular people, newspapers, TV, radio, websites etc take your opinion as that of a raving madman, you can not change this by appeasing their sense of fair play, the ONLY way to change their opinion is to get witnesses to come forward. Call them, post on the regular web, let them know that there is a support group who is there for them, then they may come forward and give us the hard evidence that we need.

As far as that real estate agent goes, she knows the pedo code so fuck her. She is the enemy.

VieBleu ago

even you have to admit that "let them know there is a support group" is a whole lot different than NWO's "keep calling them and ask them questions day in day out. Ruin their lives for a bit."

RUIN THEIR LIVES FOR A BIT - you want this guy representing you? You two can get a room and troll all you want.