VieBleu ago

Hi - a link is easy and you'll need to know how to do that. Just copy the url address from the internet page you want to share and paste it in your comments. When you hit "submit reply" it automatically turns it into a link. that's it!

VieBleu ago

thinking I should post it as a submission.

duerheltdum ago

This is delusional. Seek help, mate.

joeysaperv ago

Good catch about the honey. This is what brownpolyestershirt is taking about:

From this story:

Is this quote:

''They'd get you hungry then to train you'' to have oral sex, she said. ''They'd put honey on a man. For the littlest kids, you had to learn not to gag."

It helps to make sense of this instagram pic:

FriesischShipping ago


Truthseeker77 ago

So sad. It makes sense. In what other way would a naked man, pizza, and honey ever connect??

iamthepizzanow ago

It's more places then the park. A couple blocks away There is a lookout spot on a house directly across the street from a school. With the same spiral stairs leading up that Pegasus Museum has.

VieBleu ago

I agree that the upscale targets - Senators, Congressmen etc were given the ultimate treatment at Tony Podesta's basement room with the special Heavy Breathing videos and psychotropic drugs to make any heinous act seem more ...seductive? possible? idk CPP was Aleantis' headquarters and I can't help but feel some satanic stuff went down ther late at night sometimes. Hence the big fight to keep the place open late against local council rules, and the accusation of rape and murder at the council meeting. Maybe it was that controversy that got them thinking, let's get a secure non-public venue we can really lock down and control and the idea for Pegasus was sprung but took a few years to look around, purchase, rebuild and bring to completion.

VieBleu ago

check out this - archived

There is a reason that modern art often seems souless and meaningless to the average person - it was promoted as a psy op culture control movement by an alphabet agency!

MattHelm ago

The sale of art is cover for the sale of kids. You pay for the painting you bid on the painting in an auction but what you take home at the end of the night is the kid you paid for. You get the painting as part of the deal. That's what the modern art galleries are doing it's all out in the open but it's under cover. Some art lovers don't realize kids are for sale they are only bidding on the "fantastic modernistic painting" and they are happy to go home with "such a magnificent work of art" but other "buyers" are there for the kids. ;-)

Vindicator ago

Nice summary, anolegion. Thumbs up for links.

VieBleu ago

Really well put concise post.

I think this is VERY IMPORTANT for everyone on this thread to understand for context/MO - This is the statement of a trafficked child in a New York Times article from 2004 (excellent article that visits a teen prostitution slave auction in Mexico, exposes Disney in Florida's parkinglot as a major hub of exchange in trafficked children and more. archived article is here

So, the following statement explains the mechanics of exactly how it is done - literally in a public place where a lot of kids are expected to be, you can show up with a trained sex slave child and tell them which person to walk over and take their hand, and they can walk away with the goods.

No reason why a public park couldn't work the same way. Here is her quote from the article, I urge reading it there is much more of interest -

"Andrea paused. ''But nothing happens to you in the basement,'' she continued. ''You just had to worry about when the door opened.''

She explained: ''They would call you out of the basement, and you'd get a bath and you'd get a dress, and if your dress was yellow you were probably going to Disneyland.'' She said they used color coding to make transactions safer for the traffickers and the clients. ''At Disneyland there would be people doing drop-offs and pickups for kids. It's a big open area full of kids, and nobody pays attention to nobody. They would kind of quietly say, 'Go over to that person,' and you would just slip your hand into theirs and say, 'I was looking for you, Daddy.' Then that person would move off with one or two or three of us.''

Criticalthinker615 ago

In that article the girl says that "alejandro moved her to Portland Oregon at one point where she worked out of a strip club" anyone thinking voodoo donuts/whatever strip club? Wish we could somehow talk to that girl. I bet it's the same strip club on portland. What's the name again?

VieBleu ago

the name of what/who? I don't have the article down by heart sorry here is the archived copy

Criticalthinker615 ago

It in this paragraph

Montserrat said that she was moved around a lot and often didn't know where she was. She recalled that she was in Detroit for two months before she realized that she was in ''the city where cars are made,'' because the door to the apartment Alejandro kept her in was locked from the outside. She says she was forced to service at least two men a night, and sometimes more. She watched through the windows as neighborhood children played outside. Emotionally, she slowly dissolved. Later, Alejandro moved her to Portland, Ore., where once a week he worked her out of a strip club. In all that time she had exactly one night off; Alejandro took her to see ''Scary Movie 2.''

The portland Oregon strip club sentence make me think about the strip clubs tied to voodoo donuts. Club rouge and the kit Kat club iirc. .kit Kat club?!?

ich1baN ago

JA is MUCH bigger than you guys think... someone low on the totem poll doesn't visit the white house numerous times. He is likely bigger than Obama himself if he is as important as it seems to the elite.

just_clueless ago

I get that bad feeling there's all kinds of these "one stop shop" type neighborhoods(or whatever you call controlling a section of a town) going on in NY , Portland, OR, Austin, TX and San Fran, CA for obvious starters.......I vastly underestimated just how massive these things are.

ghost_marauder ago

You would be absolutely correct. But for now stay focused. We take down one, we may scare off operations in others. We then start investigating the ones with the balls to stay up. They will most likely be connected to the government in some form or fashion to stay open like they do.

AreWeSure ago

This is ridiculous. The Ping Pong Rooms are to "display the merchandise?" Why would you choose a spot that is completely open to the public. Why would you even need "the merchandise" on display?

Why not just have a small anonymous office somewhere where you show pictures of the merchandise? That takes care of 1, 2 and 3 above? And then the completely ridiculous #5 becomes irrelevant.

Why go through the trouble of running two active restaurants?

anolegion ago

You would choose a spot entirely open to the public because then there is no suspicion. You would need the children on public display because buyers are bidding for them as regular kids.

You would not use a small office because that would require depots, separate LLC's etc. Buyers wouldn't come because 1) the children would see them 2) the handler would see them and 3) there is no delivery route.

AreWeSure ago

The buyers are bidding for them as regular kids ? What does this mean?

How would you distinguish "merchandise kids" from "regular customer kids?"

Depots? I don't know what you mean here. Having an LLC for office business is trivial? I really don't get your small office scenario at all, not following all of this in general. No delivery route? Why wouldn't you be able to deliver them the same way you would if Comet was the "store."

VieBleu ago

Here's why - spelled out. Also some reading material for you. READ THE NYT ARTICLE. You will understand a lot better if you put more time into this.

This is the statement of a trafficked child in a New York Times article from 2004 (excellent article that visits a teen prostitution slave auction in Mexico, exposes Disney in Florida's parkinglot as a major hub of exchange in trafficked children and more. archived article is here

So, the following statement explains the mechanics of exactly how it is done - literally in a public place where a lot of kids are expected to be, you can show up with a trained sex slave child and tell them which person to walk over and take their hand, and they can walk away with the goods.

No reason why a public park couldn't work the same way. Here is her quote from the article, I urge reading it there is much more of interest -

"Andrea paused. ''But nothing happens to you in the basement,'' she continued. ''You just had to worry about when the door opened.''

She explained: ''They would call you out of the basement, and you'd get a bath and you'd get a dress, and if your dress was yellow you were probably going to Disneyland.'' She said they used color coding to make transactions safer for the traffickers and the clients. ''At Disneyland there would be people doing drop-offs and pickups for kids. It's a big open area full of kids, and nobody pays attention to nobody. They would kind of quietly say, 'Go over to that person,' and you would just slip your hand into theirs and say, 'I was looking for you, Daddy.' Then that person would move off with one or two or three of us.''

AreWeSure ago

So you really think this type of operation is operating out of Comet Ping Pong?

VieBleu ago

Right now it might be more reasonable to think this could allegedly be the set up at Trolley Park with Pegasus watchtower/window nearby and tunnels underneath. In my opinion, CPP was more like the front/party hub where the blackmailing parties went on at times and the weirdnes of the back end of Besta Pizza makes me feel it was part of that too. As well as Tony Podestas special video basement.

are you saying you can't believe that could be possible? what is your opinion

AreWeSure ago

my opinion is this whole thing is fantasy house of cards based on the very thinnest slivers of evidence. And most folks on this board seem to be spinning their own version of the fantasy.

VieBleu ago

Do you think the NYTimes article was spun sugar too? and that child trafficking hardly exists and is vastly exaggerated?

AreWeSure ago

No. That's a strawman and I think you know it .

I think it accurately portrays the world of trafficking as a squalid world cut off from regular contact with the outside world and run by career criminals. Not organic restaurateurs.

VieBleu ago

Actually I'm not enough of a pro to know really what a strawman argument really is. Maybe you are a bit paranoid? but I guess hanging out here, when you actually think pizzagate is a load of bollucks so to speak, would tend to make anyone that way. So why are you drawn here like a magnet, to hang out with al lthe muppets here? I know people that think similarly to you, and they wouldn't be caught anywhere near this website. Your family must be puzzled by your new hobby, right?

Most people don't think of Alefantis as an "organic" restauranteur. His PR must not have been that effective at the time. You must have a lot of regard for the guy to remember to complement him in that certain way.

remedy4reality ago

@AreWeSure ... You're always deliberately obtuse. This is an annoying quality and if you're going to anoint yourself as the official #pizzagate devil's advocate, you need to start bringing some substance.

eyeVoated ago

Off the top of my head: 1) Cover. 2) Laundry money.

AreWeSure ago

Laundry money is a pretty great typo. You can get both those things with less ambitious restaurants.

And cover is pretty much gone if like the OP says, you are using the place to "display the merchandise." Too many visitors you have no control over. Too many people a child could say something too.

eyeVoated ago

Too many people a child could say something too.

Children do say things, and then their handlers calmly collect them and reprogram them by throwing them back in their cages.

(also, laundry money was a pun--e.g., landlords make extra cash by emptying their tenants' laundry machines--tax free)

(edit 2: ambitious? Have you ever been to a nice restaurant? those pedo restaurants are bare functional and exceedingly disgusting.)

AreWeSure ago

Children do say things, and then their handlers calmly collect them and reprogram them by throwing them back in their cages. This seems incredibly convenient. And where are these child cages?

VieBleu ago

I can answer that one - surely you've seen the pics of the cages stacked at CPP? If not, too bad I don't have the link but they are archived. Yep, large metal cages, just like the ones pictured in sadistic ritual abuse paintings, right there on CPP property. Just like the kind that are used to transport animals like medium large monkeys. There were pictures of that too. Of course, I'm sure you can find a logical explanation why an "organic restauranteur" as you so elegantly put it would keep several rather large cages stacked two deep in precious kitchen space. Perfectly logical to you no doubt. Had to keep the tomatoes in those to keep them from escaping right?

AreWeSure ago

The "cages" I've seen at Comet Ping Pong were

A. Standard Metro rack shelving cages. These are common in the restaurant industry for storing high dollar items. B. Visible to the Public and in publicly accessible areas (Not Hidden) C. Filled with beer, wine and liquor.

Yes, this is all logical.

VieBleu ago

Those aren't the cages.

AreWeSure ago

Are you referring to specific cages? At Comet Ping Pong? Kids were kept on site there?

VieBleu ago

I looked one of the pics up - yes it could be explained by your explanation. In what I see it is holding cases of liquor it looks like.

Overall, and I was going to say this yesterday but we got caught up on something else, anyway I actually think your presence here is a very positive thing. I do wonder why in the world you would be interested in coming here, given your stance, as a hobby, so I have to conclude it is your job to do so. Fair enough. But actually being a voice of critical reason on the negative side is an important roll that every website of this kind needs and sometimes actually installs through a named character that always "trolls" to prevent groupthink. So you fulfill that role well whether intentionally or not and make people look at what they are saying, edit it and think more critically. Can't be a bad thing.

The regular people that are here are drawn here because they are concerned about hurt children. Thus the emotional factor is always going to be turned up a notch.

But you calling Alephantis an "organic restauranteur" is a bit rich. C'mon. you know he's a lot more than that.

eyeVoated ago

Dude, you're in the wrong subvoat

remedy4reality ago

The restaurants, the live acts, the charities, the museum, the favorable press every time you sneeze.... etc.

They all CEMENT you into the community. Furthermore, the entire operation is hiding behind the LBGT movement, which has proven to be a bullet proof protection against criticism of any kind.

AreWeSure ago

It almost sounds like the community may know more about them than a team of outside folks.

reasonedandinformed ago

Great summary. I am getting more convinced every day that we are getting closer, and JA is really becoming nervous.

thezodiac ago

Pegasus is a watchtower, they spott the kids in the playground. That's why they spent so much time and energy (and money) renovating the roof and building the watchtower. Alefantis designed the roof himself apparently. You can even see a man there in Google Street View looking the kids.


Yes, how many buildings have a watchtower like that? You can probably count the number in the entire country on a single hand.

remedy4reality ago

Yep... and the replacement for the Comet catwalk would be the nearby playground. Kids at a bar just isn't quite the natural setting that a swing set provides.

contrarianism ago

These sound like CIA tactics. JA is probably in the CIA. George Webb's videos explore how these tactics are being used domestically.

Yuke ago

I don't think he is in the CIA, he may be being used by them at best, but that's it. The reason I think this is because of his body language in the Megyn Kelly interview and the one where he walked those guys through the building. That was not a guy who is experienced or trained in any way; you could see straight through him.

VieBleu ago

I think he is definitely a CIA asset, and produces mind control MK Ultra psychotropic music for their blackmail party/events, among other things. If you are an asset, are you in the CIA? doesn't really matter. Alefantis could very well himself be handled. In early videos found by Redditers, Amanda Kleinman repeatedly refers to herself as "Puppet".

remedy4reality ago

6 ) Construct an efficient dungeon complete with sliding, two piece viewing platform that cuts off access from below. This room could also be used for 3), but most likely serves as an arena for sadistic torture, rape and sacrifice.

I am very appreciate that you have taken the time to breakdown the 'one stop shop' nature of the Pegasus location. Comet was getting sketchy and I'm sure there were whispers from some of the more skeptical locals, forcing a more discrete and efficient location to cater to more elite clientele. I just don't see Saudi's rolling into pizza joint for kid shopping. Again, nice work.

VieBleu ago

In my opinion CPP was more of the party with kids/blackmail hub, along with Besta - late night parties that Jimmy Comet arranged and executed.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Look at tax exempt businesses! No legal mandate to show where they are getting their "donations" from.

Cbradio ago

Hi, can you update me on the average income in this neighborhood? Is it still part of upscale as Comet, border on any low income? I think that some lower income residents could be helpful.

AreWeSure ago

I thought people were saying this was a rougher neighborhood.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nothing we have discussed pertains to any low-rent district. Other than the disappearances of kids in the DMV.

crazimal ago

Au contraire the comet area is near $900K-$1M average a single family home price and the Pegasus area is more like $600K or so average, so while it's not exclusively upper crust, the rent ain't all that cheap. But easier to buy than chevy chase....

rooting4redpillers ago

Advisory Neighborhood Commission, or Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Dubeshter [About ANCs] [Ward 1]