atheist4thecause ago

@foxywilliams you may want to update this with the new info.

eyeVoated ago

Phonetically, GEw = GW, as in G.W. Bush.

Nana66 ago

I think the random letters are for signing into something and the password. I searched wcqn on Twitter and it gave me an odd result that needed to be translated by Google or whatever.

Mostly the links they post go to different pages on this site that has pages that seem odd to me but IDK how to explain it. They seem like they are trying to sell you something but they're not.

And this account is obviously a bot that posts these all day and all have other random letters that I think are passwords

There are a lot of bot accounts under ArianaBella.

Some of these accounts have links they post that go to either this 404

I Googled the

I can't open any of them with my computer and the first result takes you to what looks like a list of domains.

I think wcqn is maybe to sign into something and aasaq is the password.

I tried adding wcqn to the end of the link in the browser and it didn't change anything that I could notice on the page and then aasaq and same. Maybe it is because I am not on mobile or maybe someone smart can figure out if this is something because it otherwise is just people on Twitter posting stupid stuff with wcqn and other random letters with links just for the heck of it.....

Newfind ago

Aasaq I would Think. African American blank blank queen

reasonedandinformed ago

That may be a different person than @wcqn on instagram. I think the name is actually somewhat common over there. The instagram person poses to be a 14-year old kid from Riyadh. Strange profile from the little you can see in the public search.

Fire_Fly ago

Could be that too

wokethefkup ago

GE can also mean GRAND EXCHANGE got this from urban dictionary "The grand exchange is a place on the massive popular online game runescape, were you buy and sell things." not sure if it means anything but with these sick fucks we got to check every letter front, backwards, capital letters.

wokethefkup ago

just saying but i took that last emoji in the sentence as not just to contact now but that the purchase must be made asap. almost like in hostel when an american or certain color/gender etc goes on sale it's a race and maybe this "Z" was being rushed to make this certain purchase. wonder if it's a foreign girl with that eye deformity hence the rush or could be any other reason blood type etc or worse it always gets worse. just my thoughts but good work guys.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Could be, good spot

Jeremy20_9 ago

GE is also a common abbreviation for Government Expenditure, its used constantly in economics.

I wonder if 'GE' refers to government expenditure and 'w' denotes the kind of?

carmencita ago

You make very good point. OPs spelling is different as aasaq. Could be spelled wrong. Your idea makes a lot of sense.

speepsie ago

arabic words/names are seldom consistently transcribed into english, so while your asaaq could be assaaq/asaq/assaq the FB message says aasaq. however muslim languages lacking certain arabic sounds replace them, so an S in an east asian name could in fact correspond to an English TH-sound.

youll have seen in other languages on the internet that sometimes an "SH" sound is written as just S with an accent mark which is subsequently dropped due to laziness: Aashiq means '-lover' and is used to translate european terms that end in -phile as is the commonest name mentioned here

Fire_Fly ago

Okay, something just occurred to me. What if her picture has a hidden message in it ... and the password is located in the post?

SturdyGal ago

Yesterday I tried every combo of the message I could think of and some others, but no dice. I really think we need somebody that has StegBreak. If it means anything I did open the photo in a hex file editor and saw only the header group and the image group, not a third group of text or anything.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Steganography, YES. I've been running different images through software and you are right. It is a common method of communication.

joe_hill ago

When they talk about aasaq, it could refeers to AAsaq -juniper beer

Juniper , see :


A juniper bonsai is a tree you have to grow !


ich1baN ago

It could be related to that but the EXACT translation of aasaq is summer. The FB post was in August, which is a summer month. So imo either Richard is asking someone to send the "summer file" (perhaps they have a winter, fall, and spring file as well) or it is the name of a girl named "Summer".

But taking it's connection to JA's #Juniper comment on the baby photo and considering that the Juniper tree represents longevity and in occultic circles has a special relevance due to the fact its leaves never wilt or brown during winter (a sort of god like immortality characteristic)... it could mean it's referring to a child or her blood, etc considering we know that this is what the satanist are partaking in especially the research related to adrenocrhome.

reasonedandinformed ago

Great work! Another possible meaning is that they are using this person (@wcqn) on instagram as the go-between using direct messaging. That profile is very odd (private now): It has a huge number of followers and following but only 9 posts. I, with input from another on this forum yesterday, have theorized that this particular account is used for direct messaging (DM) between those who are involved.

Here is what shows as the top result when you google @wcqn:

Badr Almutairy (@wcqn) • Instagram photos and videos Hey!☤ ☤14 years old. ☤ ☤from: riyadh ☤ ☤DIY ☤ ☤nice to meet you ☤ ☤snap dm.

So meaning becomes: Zeeman, @wcqn (who is Badr Almutairy) can send you Asaaq, call now [or direct message now] (pizzagate)

FBIanon has spoken of a Saudi connection, so this could fit into that whole lead.

Rusdy ago

When you google "Badr Almutairy" you get a few results of people named "Bader Al Mutairi" like this fellow:

Regarding the code: Asaaq means "Summer" according to this other thread: In short: aasaq = a female Child named "Summer" "aasaq" is apparently an aboriginal (inuktitut) word used in "West Greenland" which means "Summer" and is suggested as a child's name according to this book: Link

Also if you havent seen the thread yet, the coded message was removed yesterday:

We are getting closer and they know it!

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you for sharing. I followed the happenings yesterday and know that we are right on target with this. Meaning of cryptic message could be:

"Zeeman, @wcqn (who is Badr Almutairy) can send you SUMMER [girl's name], call now [or direct message now] (pizzagate)"

I mention direct message due to the DM tagline message for @wcqn. I think they use DM to communicate.

Madwack ago - This Account is Private

tried to look at 12:20 pst

ThePuppetShow ago

I think you've really discovered something here. I've been trying to help and get the word out, hope you don't mind. Did you see thee beheading video I found this person tagged in?

srayzie ago

What beheading video?

reasonedandinformed ago

No. Can you please link? Thank you for working with me. My better half gets a bit mad as she thinks I am too distracted by this, but I want us to get to the truth and save these kids.

ThePuppetShow ago

I saw you mentioined this, but here's the full quote from FBI Anon, just to have all this in one spot.

Question: “... Are there any more places to focus on? ...”

FBIAnon: “… The London connection, not enough attention to Saudi Arabia, Qatar breakthroughs are a focal point. ...” (Remember the twitter girl named Molly? And how she said a lot of the child porn featured Arabs? Connect those back to the Clinton Foundation.)

ThePuppetShow ago

Here's the other 2 sites I referred to in that comment.

Found this in that google search, I'm not sure if it's the same person, but look in the comments.

Edit: Another...

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm in the same boat with my wife haha. Here's what I found.

wcqn is an Arabic person. There's a comment from him on this page that links back to that Instagram account. Also see my other replies to you below, there's 2 other pages.

Maybe Qatar as stated here? Or SA like the profile says.

Edit: look what else this wcqn person is tagged in with a bunch of smiley faces.

WARNING! This is a graphic beheading of a woman. =(

Can anyone translate Arabic properly? Google sucks.

mildseven ago

When you first checked the instagram account, was it private or open?

reasonedandinformed ago

No, it was private, but I thought that it was noteworthy that it is private with such a huge following. Maybe someone can follow? I do not do instagram.

Jeremy20_9 ago

This should be getting more upvoats. I think you're right about the instagram account.

JA's most damning stuff was on instagram

reasonedandinformed ago

I suspect it could be very relevant...just a hunch, but we should try to dig here.

Fire_Fly ago

this could tie in. there's a panda in there too.

reasonedandinformed ago

My thoughts exactly when I saw the panda, especially given the panda references in pedo (kid with black eyes, cumpanda...).

Jeremy20_9 ago

It's all plausible except I think you're off on "GEw".

Perhaps that's the source or channel the person is coming from?

Also the variance in capitalization of GEw letters is notable.

ThePoorPeople ago

I saw a thread somewhere on here that concluded that GEw could be German Embassy West. Merkel was good with the Clintons, right?

Jeremy20_9 ago

That makes more sense, because the lowercase w denotes lesser significance.

I also thought it might stand for the type of person "Girl"...something something.

carmencita ago

If aasaq is "a name" then I think GEw is a first name and aasaq is the last name. Just a thought. Not too good at this stuff. Have no clue as to who it might be. Maybe someone can figure this crazy thing out. If you figure it out I would not post it.

ich1baN ago

I've already decoded what aasaq is.... this has been talked about over and over. The direct translation of aasaq is summer which is the season but it can also refer to a child's name as suggested in my link.

Fateswebb ago

The vice grip is a common icon for compressed files so the last two emojis look like send the compressed file to my phone to me...

Melitica ago

and that means? How does the Chinese embassy woman tie in?

ich1baN ago

It's the US Consulate in Shanghai and her photo was posted by Richard DuBeshter in relation to a potential pedo coded message... Read here:

Melitica ago

Yeah, I know but why did the message come as a share of her picture? If the "decoded" message says any of the things I have seen on this and other is she related to it?

ich1baN ago

We don't know yet, there could have been something hidden in the image but we will never know now... it could have been a tip off to her if she were involved in the network for transporting children to get visas ready as well... These are the 2 most plausible theories if she is indeed involved in this.... why else would you include a picture of an employee at a US Consulate which invariably deals with 90% of its workload as approving/denying visas into the US?

the_one_tony_stark ago

Why would ☪ refer to comet ping pong?

wokethefkup ago

refer to any picture of baphomet which features a crescent moon and star. comet ping pong put those symbols on each corner of their sign and they knew full well what they were doing they even sent an email laughing about the logo and what the design guy came up with. guess they were laughing at their little baphomet inside joke. CUTE. not.

Sentastixc ago

the sign actually has a whole story to it. Alefantis bought it from a well-known local business,

wokethefkup ago


Redcone ago

The sign on the Comet pizza has a few crescents and stars.

Freemasonsrus ago

In their sign outside.

fifibrindacier ago

Look at their signboard.

eyeVoated ago

Using Green Language: could be right, but GEw could mean someone else or some place in particular

Fire_Fly ago

I def believe it's a code but perplexed why they chose fb to send out the message. Is there any way to tell who follows that page so we could see who see who the message was intended for? I could not find a way to tell but did check who JA follows and didn't see it.

Fateswebb ago

What's weird is he shared a picture of a woman and said it as the comment as welll. Why? Who does weird shit like that?

Fire_Fly ago

Very weird. He's indicating to them something about her. The secret message is from her or about her I suppose. But why do they need to know that? Do they all have her info. and are supposed to call her? Scratching my head.

Dressage2 ago

It has been discussed before about shipping children from Asia. Remember, there was discussion about shipping containers going to a Utah daycare labeled "toy jewlery and footballs". It was supposedly a sketchy place. Maybe saying this is our China contact?

Redcone ago

It's probably meant for more than one person to see. A handler, an agent,& who ever is in charge of the brownstone operation.

Fire_Fly ago

There was some discussion about cards not too long ago, ace of spades or something like that .... where the cards are given to certain people. What if it's something like, on the card they are told to go to this FB page for updates ... so the codes/updates would need to be public because they don't know who all has been given a card.

Redcone ago

I wonder how many are out there to decipher

Fire_Fly ago

Maybe so, but again why not just text them or DM? I'm just trying to figure out the benefit of doing it this way .... If I had a secret message to send to a group of people .... I'd group text or email ... or you could start a private group on FB and message them there. Unless of course you weren't sure who all needed to see and didn't have all of their contact information, then you would need to make it public. That would be the only reason, is to communicate with a group of people that you don't necessarily know who they are, but they know where to go to find the information.

Redcone ago

Exactly. Why not direct message?

AreWeSure ago

because this is probably a pocket text.

I do it all the time. My friends get really annoyed.

DarkMath ago

(sarcasm -on)

Totally. I always dick dial complete words or blocks of words that suspiciously look like what could be a word were they not masked by some sort of cipher like if I tit texted "The dil jumped oaff osd Moon" and then a bunch of emoticons and I butt dialed one small heart then a big heart which according to the FBI is code for pedophiles who like little girls whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich is really strange given the word aasaq is eskimo for little girl.

(sarcam -off)

You sure seem intentionally dismissive of some really sick shit. Fascinating.............Sigh............

newworldahead ago

A pocket text... LOL Thanks for the laugh "AreWeSure" ;)

DarkMath ago

I don't think there's a question anymore. AreWeSure is a shill or intellectually tone deaf.

Fire_Fly ago

Seems too structured to be a pocket text. The sharing of the photo and the emoticons .... and why wouldn't he have deleted it from the page? In fact, once everyone who needed to see the post saw it, why not delete it anyway?

Werwer12 ago

Oh man this is just too much. It fits way too nicely. I'm nervous and excited to think that we really did pin this down to the Pegasus building.

pizzaequalspedo ago

That makes sense

crazimal ago

Excellent speculation given what is known, especially as comet is known as the place in the spook ghetto where unaccompanied kids are seen to come and go, with both deniability and plausible claims of adult supervision available....

Interesting in light of the horrible neckbeard duo's (aka u/drpoopoo) fake tunnel video which did capture a man double-timing the group of kids down the street away from comet. Perhaps in every lie there is a little truth...

Celticgirlonamission ago

I saw the same....thats not normal...

Yates ago

Perhaps in every lie there is a little truth...

This is exactly how disinformation works. Drown out the truth in lies and fakery.

remedy4reality ago

This is the video >> and the kids are @1:47

I also said WHOA, when I saw that group of kids. Very odd, to put it mildly.

SturdyGal ago

Thanks so much Remedy! I hadn't seen that video yet. Bummer the Man on the Street got a ticket.

Votescam ago

Especially since a guy appears to block anyone getting a better look at the kids or trying to find out why they're moving off in a rush. About 1:55 on the video.