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Alex_A97 ago

Well I've tried every which way at decoding the text, mirroring it, flipping it upside down and even sending through a simple enigma-style cipher, and couldn't find anything. The most annoying thing about it is I know there's something in there, I just haven't been able to find it.

The emoji text is a lot clearer though. I know exactly what this sick son of a bitch wants.

  • 💓 = the closest available equivalent to a heart within a heart*.
  • 💚 = Apparently this means 'green heart', but if you look it up on an image search you'll find many different double and even triple heart designs. I also found links to those weird Youtube videos that feature Elsa/Spiderman by searching this character as well.
  • ☪ = Star within a crescent. This is an outright satanic symbol and one we have seen before many times.
  • 🗜 = Means "compression". May seem unclear but when used in conjunction with the next symbol...
  • 📲 = He is asking for something to be sent to his phone. That something is a zip, a compressed archive. What is in the archive? Take a wild guess. The fact he's used both a "pink" and "green" heart mean he doesn't discriminate when it comes to his revolting and repugnant desires.

*As I've been told later on this may not be the case, the use of two separate hearts might actually be a substitute for the heart within a heart rather than representing two different symbols as was initially thought.

But that's not all. Looking up that first symbol again, I found THIS:

The seller in question also offers these peculiar little items.

preacher_1893 ago

☪ = Star within a crescent. This is an outright satanic symbol and one we have seen before many times.

I guess that's Muslim symbol,you can see that in flag of Pakistan or Turkey I guess.

ich1baN ago

It's in over 80% of Muslim country flags... it's well documented that the crescent moon and star are a satanic reference.... Not saying that muslims are for Satan, but the symbolism has morphed into pagan and satanist usage over time

ThePuppetShow ago

wcqn is an Arabic person. There's a comment from him on this page that links back to that Instagram account. Also see my other replies to you below, there's 2 other pages.

Maybe Qatar as stated here? Or SA like the profile says.

Edit: look what else this wcqn person is tagged in with a bunch of smiley faces.

WARNING! This is a graphic beheading of a woman. =(

Can anyone translate Arabic properly? Google sucks.

ich1baN ago

Puppet... interesting, I'm going to have to make a summary of what wcqn could mean, b/c your view is entirely possible and so is the other view that it's the colored women's quilting network that others have suggested.

ThePuppetShow ago

I just remember FBI anon saying this..

Question: “... Are there any more places to focus on? ...”

FBIAnon: “… 4- The London connection, not enough attention to Saudi Arabia, Qatar breakthroughs are a focal point. ...” (Remember the twitter girl named Molly? And how she said a lot of the child porn featured Arabs? Connect those back to the Clinton Foundation.)

@reasonedandinformed found the Instagram page, I'm just adding to it.