salinaslayer ago

another coincidence

ich1baN ago

So he's on the inside... this is typical (not saying he is guilty) of those that have trial lawyers and judges in their pockets to help get the child molesters more lenient sentences.... literally a 1000 cases like this in the CP world:

@Spoor ask yourself this.... it just SO happens that this guy practices law in Child Porn cases?!?! It just SO happens that this guy lives next door to Richard DuBeshter and it just SO happens that the BIGGEST potential pedophilia ring ever uncovered in the history of the United States owns a building less than a nerf ball throw away from his house???????

ich1baN ago

Yes this is the same Jeff Zeeman .... good gawd... you understand we already identified him in my thread on the Pedo Coded message

Z wcqn send GEw aasaq💓💚☪🗜📲now

But we weren't sure if he was the "Z" referred to here or not. Jeff Zeeman is a FaceBook friend of Richard DuBeshter and it's the same mother fucker b/c I've seen the pictures. Scroll down and find Jeff Zeeman on his friends list here:

And according to your address information, he lives next door to Richard DuBeshter who owns 1102 and 1104 Monroe St NW... read my updated VOAT in the Summary section to verify all of this:

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Also, I don't think it's too much of a stab in the dark to assume the tunnels that were discovered extend down the block to these properties??

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Holy shit I saw that address posted on Facebook as "Friends of the Trolley Park" and didn't even make the connection.

And Dubeshter is a realtor. I wonder what other properties he's tied to.

victuruslibertas ago

So Jeff Zeeman was a Special Assistant United States Attorney for a horrific Ped case - Perp = Daniel A. Woolverton, 34, of Arlington, Va.. This guy Woolverton - Raped a child only several months old and videotaped it, Here are the links. He is serving 37 and 27 year sentences concurrently.

YingYangMom ago

@ich1baN @redditsuckz @pizzapartypantsparty

Could these guys only being doing their jobs? Was the coded message from Richard sent to Z a hint that "a possible pedophile is lurking around the playground?"

This is so confusing, I don't know anymore.

But these 'elite pedo ring members' are smart AF and their spider webs are so tightly-knit, that it makes it extremely difficult to prove that they're on the wrong side of the fence.

Oh, Gawd.

victuruslibertas ago

I agree,,, You have to think of all possibilities including this is all a Psyop. But if PG IS a Psyop, it started a long time ago as we have seen the Pizza/Ped theme has been going on for a while. My hunch is that the Podesta emails are Ped coded and they are freaking out. There's a lot of players out there - Including in this Voat Group. Some are White hats and some Black hats. I am observing in the background. Always questioning motives.

YingYangMom ago

Good. We need as many eyes as possible in here and all the help we can get :)

ich1baN ago

Not sure yet, Jeff Zeeman could be a dead link and may be not related to this at all ... but the fact that RD sent a coded message on a public page makes it all the more strange. If he was going to warn about a pedophile in the area, he'd just message them personally... no reason for codes on a public forum that anyone (including the pedophile) could see.

YingYangMom ago

You're right.

Cbradio ago

I DL a PDF from some Dc property, and its many pages. When I search Clinton on the PDF, a listing comes up; but pic won't enlarge enough for me to read.

I also put Clinton in a Dc property search , District Of Columbia Real Property and something comes up for Clinton.

Then a search on green card and other immigrant to work in USA, brings up a lot of Clinton foundation and related programs. Am wondering if any names found on this subverse, come up on green card/ other types of immigrant filings for jobs.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

You could post the link here, I'm sure someone can enlarge it!

Cbradio ago

Hi, thankyou, appreciate. 2015 building permits PDF file 57 pages. When I enter Clinton in a search on that PDF file, comes up once. 3.57 mbm is size of PDF. Good resource to put in other names, esp owners and attorneys they use.

Also, I need to refund the govt website that shows Clinton and others are filing to use immigrants and refugees for jobs at cf and affiliated programs of cf. Comes under green card and another term, like H- something.

Also, Obamacare used two types, hr-5 and another for allowing corps on Obamacare to hire immigrants, esp with Logisticare owned by providence that owns igneus corp. For drivers and call staff for fed nemt, non emergency medical transport. A lot of fraud going on in nemt, that fraud bills and blocks safe or timely access to medical for recipients of all ages.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

I think that's the symbol for "neighborhood watch"

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Gimme the 'Za brah

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I am starting to believe that they put as many people into the Child Welfare Agencies and Trafficking Units...just to have a heads up on what the real cops and real honest people are doing. So they can let the little non Illuminati scum get caught but warn and stop investigations against any connected friends. Really stomach turning to realize that most likely every agency that has anything to do with Child Trafficking is likely filled will corruption.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Looking into people in power in these agencies can't be a bad place to start. I just keep opening tabs on people connected to him, seeing if anything else catches my eye.

LargePepperoni ago

Just a tip... Use instead of imgur. Works much better on voat. Good work OP.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Thanks!! It's my first post here and I did notice the imgur images weren't opening on the page.

OrwellKnew ago

I hope the incoming AG Jeff Sessions cleans house in the DOJ starting with this creep

Ocelot ago

Yeah, I'm not a fan of his obsession with anti-marijuana legislation, but if he prosecutes these disgusting freaks then he'll forever be a hero in my eyes.

Sad that we need heroes to do what the law should do as a rule...

redberries ago

Good work! This man may be a huge lead.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Hey thanks for your help!!!

redberries ago

No worries! :)

Yuke ago

His wife is Reina Malakoff and she's a teacher at H B Woodlawn I'm not seeing any Red Flags with these guys.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

According to the NYT his wife is Anne Pluta.

Yuke ago

OK my bad, he's in a relationship with Reina Malakoff, I'm guessing he's a divorcee.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Where did you find that?

Yuke ago

Reina is the name on the properties that Zeeman owns. She is also on his Facebook and her Facebook features him and what I assume is their child.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

I have to wonder when he got divorced and what it was about

SturdyGal ago

But regarding Zeeman as 'Z' - so when the peculiar message is sent in August of 2016, he supposedly has moved (2012). I agree this is the most natural nickname and abbreviation of his name, but the dates don't seem to match up.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

He has moved into a position of more power at that point though, working for the US gov.

Yuke ago

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Amazing work friend, I was worried when I saw your comment deleted before!

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Oh shit..well done!! It looks a good deal higher than the building next door with nothing obstructing the view...

ich1baN ago


Z wcqn send GEw aasaq💓💚☪🗜📲now

YingYangMom ago

Yes. He's one of the Z's you found on Richard D's FB friends' list :D Looks like they're neighbours and work together and are... 'tight'.Well, not tight like that but, hell yeah, maybe? Ha. Could very well be the Z we're looking for.

Yuke ago

It looks like he's the former owner of the property. I've got a Neal C Hannan listed as the owner now

pizzapartypantsparty ago

If you could show some pics of this that would be awesome!

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Just wanted to add before I go to sleep that the renovations on this park were discussed in 2011, before Zeeman left his position:

redditsuckz ago

There might be 2 Different Jeffrey Zeeman Attorneys OP;

This one is "Business Law" and works for Covington & Burling LLP which is the Obama fundraiser Zeeman.

We need a photo or more info on the Zeeman DOJ.

From the PDF;

Jeffrey Zeeman has been a Trial Attorney for the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice since 2008. Prior to joining the Department, Mr. Zeeman was a litigation associate at the Washington, D.C. office of Covington & Burling LLP and the Boston office of Bingham McCutchen LLP and an Assistant District Attorney in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Its hard to tell if he still works at the Covington & Burling LLP...or they both might have come from there.

We just have to be sure...because we will run into the same problems like we had with 4 Andrew Kline's and 1 worked in the DOJ.

Dressage2 ago

You should be able to go to DC bar website and type in attorney name. They should have address of up-To-date work address of attorney.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

That one just seems out of date.

Did you check this link I posted?

What are the chances that they went to the same schools and have the same name?

redditsuckz ago

Thanks I missed that link..and the Obama fundraiser was in 2007 when he still worked for Covington and left in 2008 to join the DOJ..

YingYangMom ago

This is the only spiral staircase picture I could find posted by JAlefantis. They don't seem to be friends on FB either. I don't know if there is a connection between the two. What's obvious is that his place is near Pegasus and Trolley Park and that he's friends with Richard DuBeshter on FB.

Does Zeeman's place have similar windows?

anolegion ago

Richard Dubeshter is an RE agent for Evers&Co Real Estate, owned and run by Donna Evers. Her daughter Andrea Evers works there too, and she is also on the Board of Directors of Alefantis' Transformer.

A related RE agency is BCCDC Real Estate, which lists the same Art Director and Operations Manager as Evers&Co. That agency is run by Marcie Sandalow, sister-in-law to Judith Sandalow.

Judith Sandalow is smack in the middle of DC's child welfare, adoption and abuse prevention scene as Director of the Children's Law Center. She is also listed, along with the likes of Heather Podesta, as one of the most powerful female lawyers in Washington DC.

"Judith has built an absolutely spectacular organization...a powerhouse in the public policy arena." Sandalow has a personal stake in helping children consigned to the legal system. The same year she joined the Children's Law Center, she adopted two boys she had fostered. "

ich1baN ago

This is really important man... I don't know if you know the implications here.... these sick fuks have people working on the inside from lawyers, judges, attorneys, DC Commissioners, US Consulate (for granting Visas to transporting children from China to the US?), to GQ top 50 powerful people like JA who happens to be friends and dated David Brock as well as John Podesta.... this Judith person if my hunch is right is placing children into the houses of Richard DuBeshter homes who probably has his Euro Pedo friends move in to as well as US satanists who probably pay for the homes but don't live there... etc ... just thinking out loud here.

srayzie ago

This isn't getting enough attention! You should make this a thread of its own. Great info

pizzapartypantsparty ago

These connections are crazy definitely worth a post of its own

YingYangMom ago

Oh God.


the spiral staircase at Z's house is seen here:

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for the link.

tjarco ago

Flaired this for potential lead, good work OP!

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Thanks boss!

tjarco ago

we'll discuss your raise coming evaluation ;-)

Otto- ago

Guys, great work, just wanted to say that you should keep in mind some of the images captured with Google Maps may be fairly old. So if you wanted a more up-to-date view of the street signs and/or graffiti marks (I don't think the yearly Google copyright watermark is accurate), then you'd need someone locally who'd be willing to do some fieldwork and take photographs. Sadly I'm halfway around the world but I just wanted to throw it out there.

Cheers, keep up the solid work. This is my first post on the site, been following you guys closely.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Thanks man! It's my first post too, I got a bunch of help from the discord channel. I figure someone local has gotta go check this place out soon...

throwaway345678 ago

To the top! Wow

redditsuckz ago

awesome find OP

Z = Zeeman

Z wcqn send GEw aasaq💓💚☪🗜📲now

foxywilliams ago

"Zeeman, we can send you Aasaq, call now"

ich1baN ago

It actually sounds like this could be plausible.... I've identified aasaq to be summer in my other thread here:

It's the only word that is actually spelled out in a different language in the entire coded message, so I know that that word has a lot of significance obviously.... and I think Summer (which is a very recent popular child's name) is a little girl or potentially their CP "Summer" file since he posted the coded message in the middle of August, a summer month.

YingYangMom ago

Btw, decoded with simple geomatria and the post means this: "God moon, send china angel, now." Or he could be referring to (Z) Zeeman, I guess. Possibly placing an order for a chinese girl or chinese CP file? Anyway, it's something to consider since Wylita Bell's work is related to China. There could be traffic or CP going on.

Fateswebb ago

Can you show your work please? I'm trying to understand. So what do you do? Convert it to simple geomatria and then convert that to English geomatria? How do you arrive at this?

YingYangMom ago

Type in the word or code. Go down to the simple gematria version and number related to it. First word at the top of that list is most probably the answer. I guess the best (top answer) would be with the one with the largest number of searches found for it? For example aasaq here: scroll all the way down to the simple gematria and pick the first word at the top (the most popular). That's it. Repeat for every coded word posted.


1- Z = God OR (could be someone's name initial)

2- wcqn = Moon

3- send (remains unchanged, not coded) could be Nine also.

4- Gew = China

5- aasaq = angel

6- now (remains unchanged, not coded) could also be Devil

Fateswebb ago


YingYangMom ago

Sure :)

spacemanspliph ago

Well done. Im interested if your familiar with geometry in relation to these sick elites. Do you think it is a strange coincedence that pizzagate equals 666 in english geomatria?

srayzie ago

No way

YingYangMom ago

Pizzagate = Anu Ar El Hanafi

It's an arabic name. Strange.

This person exists. Anuar with a 'U' though is not Anuar with a 'W'. So it could be unrelated or someone completely random. I bet there are thousands of Anwar Elhanafi though. I don't know what this is supposed to mean.

YingYangMom ago

I know nothing about geomatria, i just followed a link after someone had suggested it could be simple geometria coding and i followed the rules. Indeed strange that PG would equal 666. Thanks for taking the time to point it out.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Oh shit, Z isn't that common of a name starter...

YingYangMom ago

Check this thread for more info on Richard DuBeshter

iamthepizzanow ago Pic of sign beside Trolley Park

Zoomed in:

The block has been adopted by NCHA


Coordinates for sign location

redditsuckz ago

Adopt a Block

NCHCA/Safety First

Richard Dubeshter‎ North Columbia Heights Civic Association

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Wow great find! A lot of suspicious stuff on this block...need more insight to this group.

redditsuckz ago

It might be NCHCA/Safety First

as in your original streetview might have messed up the last letters.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

I think a C could've easily been left out by a streetview someone else said we need eyes on the site.

Fateswebb ago

No if there was a C missing there would be anomalies that make that evident. Everything is perfect and uniform with no sign anything is missing or added. There is even a box around the letters that is perfect and uniform. Nothing missing here. Now I think maybe there is a c missing because of human mistake not camera messing up.

pizzapartypantsparty ago

Ah true a cam error seems inconsistent with the rest of the sign.

I think the NCHCA is likely supposed to be involved with every park in the neighborhood? I wonder how many there are though.

derram ago :

Trolley Park | Facebook :

Anne Pluta and Jeffrey Zeeman - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

detcmon ago

The Facebook page has so many typos in other posts. Can't be accidental.

nathanwblair ago

first inb4 shills

1 shill = 1 dollar 2 the trump foundation -TAKE THAT HATERS!