Silverlining ago archived from around 02/02/2017 partial thread - Not so deleted, then. full thread 02 Mar 2017

Orange_Circle ago

Would be interesting to find out who left who in their sordid little affair.

Alefantis went MUCH younger.

DarkMath ago

That's not a problem with those efits though. They describe just ONE person not two. So the fact John wasn't there could just mean Tony WAS there.

I still think they're innocent though because of the overwhelming evidence against the McCann parents and their connections to more than just the National Health Service. I never understood how two parents could leave three kids alone and then go to dinner. Highly educated British doctors don't do that kind of thing. That's more something you'd see at a trailer park in the Florida pan-handle.

Madeleine died by accident, probably given too much cough medicine or something totally understandable, horrible yes, but tragic things like that happen. So the parents freak out and pretend everything's normal, then go to dinner and the rest is history. The other thing is the brought in a cadaver dog and the dog signaled in the apartment and in the McCann's rental car. Dogs don't lie.

VieBleu ago

not sure what you think my fear is, but I heard similar opining yesterday from concern trolling shill named HarveyKlinger. Not saying you are or aren't, but fits the same pattern. No one here is condoning anything but just treatment under the law, and the full enforcement of the law as well.

DarkMath ago

I looked into those two efits because I had the same thought, the odds are so overwhelming. The problem is there is strong evidence that Madeleine McCann died accidentally and the abduction story was fabricated by the parents.

Given that the Podesta Brothers could still be related though. Those two efits may actually be them but only to throw off the dogs, another red herring essentially. Who would do that? Perhaps another countries intelligence service who held a grudge against the Podestas? There's evidence that the McCanns are more than just doctors.

This guy lays it out pretty well:

For background on the specific evidence against the McCanns:

DarkMath ago

And I would caution you regarding Cultural Marxism. I'm sure you know its History but have you considered the other side of the story. Andrew Breitbart was really good at explaining it.

Regarding your interest in Art that's very cool. I'm into Creative Writing. David Mamet is my hero. Bee tee dubs he's a Conservative but don't tell anyone I told you.

Am I good at Math? That's a tough question. Yes and no. I was a History Major at an Ivy League school you've heard of. I only chose History because it gave me more time to drink and chase women. If I could do it all over again I would have been a Math major as I'm really into it. What kind of stuff? Algebraic Geometry fascinates me, stuff like Calabi-Yau Manifolds for obvious reasons. ;-)

Regarding the probabilities in PizzaGate, the chances Edgar Welch discharged his rifle inside Comet Ping Pong and just so happened to hit the hard drive of CPP's computer system are about 1 in 1,000,000. But that's just a guess.

A better way to prove sketchyness is why would Edgar fire a rifle into a locked closet if he went to CPP looking for children? What if kids were hiding there?

If the closet door was open why fire a bullet into the computer? Beside the obvious conclusion he was there to destroy evidence anyone who knows a thing or two about assault rifles will tell you their high muzzle velocity means if you fire the thing inside a building you're not guaranteed the bullet won't pass through several walls and end up embedded in a child's brain who's playing hop scotch 100 yards down the street. Do you feel me?


KansasJakeBG ago

Luciferianism. Merkel and Hallonde held a ritual that lasted 6 hours, on the 6th day of the 6th month of this 6th year in this decade. You can't do that randomly.

VieBleu ago

hi - what was this event?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Thanks, and same to you!

DMT4All ago

Well my Magnum Opus is quite clear to refute to works of the likes of Oxford in lambasting the grand conspiracy because guess what, the real scientists know it's all a conspiracy based on our perception to begin with, not in the manner in which you are speaking. You either know, or you don't. I guess... For example, what might you try to supplant?

DMT4All ago

Mary / Mari - Star of the Sea

DMT4All ago

Let's not beat around the burning bush. It is the womb which you are referring to.

srayzie ago

Well if that is how you have to cope then I can kind of understand. I just hope it doesn't attract the wrong kind of people to you. You seem to know what works for you.

throwaway345678 ago

No it's not typical of normal people. Of any variety. His statements on pictures of infants (chickenlovers? daddy loves butt?) are not normal, not sarcastic, and cannot be normalized.

srayzie ago

Try feeling for the victim and never sympathize with the predator. That's how you, yourself, can be lured in. I have read all about Charles Manson. I feel really bad for the child he was. He was treated horrible and it made me feel bad for him. But, when someone crosses over that line by choice then they are on their own.

I'm gonna say this but I mean it really nice. I think you seem like you have a good heart. But considering what you went thru, your depression and you sympathizing like this kind of reminds me of the people who marry the murderers in prison. Have you thought about why it seems you kind of make excuses for him? Maybe it's a way for you to cope?

DMT4All ago

You selected a name which means The Vessel of Rosemary. Ironically inflammatory choice, given the discussion, no?

rooting4redpillers ago

I'm not unwilling to apply understanding. I'm simply incapable of "understanding" or "sharing" the "feelings" of monsters. I'm hoping, here, to gain understanding of their ground game, and find a way to contribute to the success of this investigation. If success involves understanding the psychology of psychopaths, sourced examples of past research, and suggestions as to how such knowledge could apply here might be useful. Guessing at the thoughts of JA, and broad generalizations about "normies," some of which I found amusingly insulting, is not. I wonder how this sub is still even up here. I expect it to be gone soon.

Shitseverewhere ago

Man, it does read like that doesn't it?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have to remove per rule 1: this is meta, not direct investigative content

DMT4All ago

Your name is Rosemary Bottle, indicative of what exactly?

Orange_Circle ago

You know what's interesting to me? The amount of hate and disgust that John Podesta has for Brock.

I wonder what he knows about Brock?

MolochHunter ago

If nothing else, hatred will compromise the clarity of our vision as investigators, and its important to take a moment to mitigate our outrage. On that basis this is a valuable post

joe_hill ago

yeah great talents : sucking David Brock's dick and give fresh kids to the elite.

umpteenth ago

If you possess empathy, it is impossible to fully understand someone who has none. You gave it a good shot though.

KansasJakeBG ago

, who have created this hell for him, (between the commas) I read as being a retelling of what Alefantis said, not an agreement.

@RomarinBouteille Delete the apparent citation: Actually WE are a huge bag of pebbles. I understand the metaphone without the recounting of his statement.

KansasJakeBG ago

Please share if you have no time to look into this. I have no life.

Acidfox ago

JA is not our enemy he is one but the central piece of a civilian Worldwide investigation not our enemy not our friend if you are investigating and use your heart or good minded thinking like poor this or poor that . That in no way is rational thinking but the opposite you are just being played by your emotions . So that left aside either you are a lurker or cold heart investigator cause you guys know it's about looking for facts real things put out there by themselves it's not about how bad voat can get with name calling or any other nonsense because it obviously exits in voat as any other blog of any other subject people just debate some agree some don't the easiest way for those who don't is don't come near this sub don't read it don't mind it

KansasJakeBG ago

I think this might subversively counteract the media. Because they unilaterally came to the defense of James in the early days. But that looked like a sketch coordinated effort. If the media turns around and throws James under the bus to protect themselves, we all lose. Romarin wrote that he won't accept a new Franklin. So we both decided to make sure the layer above him never gets off scott free. Which is scary since these people are so numerous they can shit on everything and hurt everyone out of spite.

2impendingdoom ago

Chuck Schumer said they can hurt you 6 ways to Sunday, I posted this today in PGwhatever. Does this mean we give up? We have new resources now, everything being on the internet, and its time to stop them.

KansasJakeBG ago

I have considered that aspect. Why do they not let anyone who is not an integral part of their church? Because you can't co-opt God and the Devil to scare a non-believer. Because such a person stand to lose their entire life if they are shamed in front of their church. You wont find someone who has nothing to lose in politics or is an agnostic or atheist.

EDITED: It's interesting to consider how Trump fits into this. At this point there isn't much that can be thrown at Trump and they know if they hammer on the sexual assualt stuff he will retaliate. I am pretty sure he is not a member of the Platinum Club, they seem to despise him.

I contributed a bit to this OP. I am mostly OUT at this point. I'm pulling out all the useful insight and send it over for keeps but I think Romarin is out too. Going further involves doing unethical and or illegal things. I don't want to encounter the actual smoking gun if you know what I mean. I want to look away and use the knowledge I've uncovered to make art that can be consumed by the general public. That is what caught my eye about this, the art and now the culture. Also I will look at this in my area to prove the assertion that this is a mafia type of thing that is copy pasted all over the US. I'm supposed to be (statistically) related to these people. Wish me luck. I'm on deviant art now.

2impendingdoom ago

You don't have to look a CP. but now that you know the code and the logos, and that it is out there, you can stay alert to creepiness in your community. That is something that we can all do.

KansasJakeBG ago

We're going to need a map and the only thing I know to do this is Google. That wont work for long unless we invent our own subversive counter-code!

DarkMath ago

"His vision of himself is as "the favorite lover" of a very powerful person".......You're reading too much into this. I don't think JA is pretending to be Antinous rather he's "worshiping" him. I'm pretty sure Antinous was/is viewed as sort of the God amid the gay Pedophile culture, sort of like "Lolita" is in the Heterosexual Pedophile culture.

The big picture here is the New Left Progressive Cultural Marxists want to normalize Pedophilia. I know that sounds insane but it's what these creeps want. Antinous is a patron saint of this new Pedophile "culture".

2impendingdoom ago

To be fair, its not left or right anymore. The corruption is too wide spread, its in both parties. Don't forget Franklin scandal was a Bush whitehouse thing. I don't care where you are politically.

DarkMath ago

I totally agree. There is no Left or Right anymore. There's only Good vs Evil now.

It's important to know the History here. The Franklin Scandal was to the Republicans what PizzaGate is increasingly looking like to the Democrats. So the Democrats get no absolution here. It's just their turn on the Hot Seat.


2impendingdoom ago

The illusion of the parties is to keep us divided.

KansasJakeBG ago

We must understand to counteract. Everything you say makes sense but so far he's been so fucking litteral in everything he does. All of this post comes from that killroom post from a few days ago. All the stuff people commented is fitting and literal.

VieBleu ago

tl:dr - don't blame gays because Alefantis is a monster.

Don't worry Romarin, we don't.

zzvoat ago

This is the kind of bullshit mods should yank in 2 seconds. Save the prosaic psychology for another /v... this has zero research value thus and had no place in this sub.

rooting4redpillers ago

Seriously. Four hours.

VieBleu ago

This is a rare instance of us in agreement. Fine for pizzagatewhatever.

KansasJakeBG ago

You are on the front page. Thank you to everyone commenting. It was a very important moment when Alefantis really said "your culture". It confirms that we are not the same and he knows that. What angers me the most at this point is that we have been whipped into a frenzy about islamaphobia and white supremacy for an entire election cycle. However, when you look at this entire crew and what they do (CF et al.) is maintain a system of blood purity and white supremacy on the international stage based on a "religion" or set of beliefs in Satan and consume our life energy (private position) and they are proning multiculturalism and charity (public position). Yet the public assumption is becoming less and less sincere sounding by the day. Immigrants pose the least resistance to this cabal. Or at least they can be assimilated as they move up the ranks one by one. The most dangerous people are us normies, who are very vested into an image of the US that was entirely fabricated by these people (you'll notice that via the markup of our entertainment which is made to keep us thinking about something else). They know WE are not in their special club as soon as we walk in the door.

Acidfox ago

Hahaha you really really sound worried for poor old James , don't you?

That's Good :)

DefenderOfTruth ago

You're right, we're pretty much at "only evil continually" with these guys. But with their power, we're going to have to get a lot bigger to bring them down; that's what I was getting at earlier. I just don't know that we can do it yet. We will get justice on these satanists soon though. & I believe their distruction will come in our lifetime. If so, I will enjoy watching it.

Htaed ago

So....Achilles vs. Death?

FriesischShipping ago

Thank you, fuck sympathy, that's how psychopaths beat you, every time. They literally look at you having feelings like you're a fucking alien. They don't get it.

srayzie ago

You are seeming too compassionate now. Weird. Why are you trying to soften people's hearts towards JA? Trying to understand his culture and what made him the way he is is one thing. But we don't need to be compassionate towards those sick freaks

FriesischShipping ago

Really good.


Hey btw. This has been around for at least 4,000 years, not 20. We are up against history.

You might want to take a look at that.

NonexistentNihilist ago

The victims that weren't ritually sacrificed and eaten, maybe.

srayzie ago

I like your point of view. I do believe James Alefantis is into children however. But, you seem smart and express yourself well. Are you an author? Are you George Webb?

2impendingdoom ago

Maybe you should take some time away and think about something else for a few days. If you come back with fresh eyes maybe you'll see that this investigation is not about throwing JA under the bus, its about taking the wheels off the bus...what JA is going through is not hell, hell will be when he is repeatedly buttfucked in prison by his new 240lb boyfriend/cellmate. And he will deserve every minute of it.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I can see their point of view. Nicely written. It really is an alternate culture for them. Indeed it is godless, sinful, and violent. But it's also a life of money, power, and friends. Quite tantalizing once you sell your soul to Satan.

I've studied how the end of the world will come about using the Bible, and I'm convinced we must have this elite culture to usher the end in. Pizzagete will not and cannot take away the elites and their ways. Darkness must increase before the light prevails.

Our job is to keep ourselves "in the world. It not of the world" and to help those who want out of the dark culture. Like the OP said, not everyone wants out.

Despite my "big picture thinking," I still see the value in our investigation. Every kid saved from the elite diabolical abuse and programming will be a celebration.

2impendingdoom ago

Do not fall for this end of the world scare tactic. that is nonsense that you are being manipulated by Bible fear. The intent of religion is to control populations through common belief and ritual where a formal government is in adequate. Whether the world ends or not is irrelevant here and if it does, than I'm happy to be wrong. Meanwhile we are fighting a big war made up of and by humans, and if we work together, we can take them out.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Goodness, I'm not scared at all. I'm thrilled for the world to end someday and will be excited to finally see my Savior who died for me so I could live. And it will be good to see complete judgement come to all these men of evil.

The Bible is a source of joy and peace for those who are in Christ. It is the most trusted and popular book ever written. Proved internally and externally.

I do agree with you about religion has been used and abused by people through the years to control them. There is a pure and undefined religion but it's rare we ever see it.

And yes, either way, I believe we should all work to take these guys out. Hopefully our numbers and resources will grow to be able to do that. After all, if we don't try, we will definitely fail.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm all for your spiritual beliefs, but isn't it kind of selfish to need the whole world to end? You'll see your Savior at your end either way right? There are trees and bugs and fish etc, who don't need the whole world to die for that. The bible for me is associated with pedophile priests so I'm not buying a word of it.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I'm sorry you have a negative association. Those priests have really perverted everything. They are about the worst representation of religion there is. Pure evil hypocrites.

Is it selfish that I want Satan to be cast to hell once and for all? When the world ends all the suffering will end and we are promised a new eternal life full of goodness. So far, all of the Bible's promises have come true, so I have faith in this one too.

The Bible also promises that people will abuse religion by normalizing perversion, creating false laws, and seeking to gain money and power through it. Boy do we see that happening!

KansasJakeBG ago

Document the magic trick and the scams so they have less power to mesmerize.

KansasJakeBG ago

We have to consider how to catch all these kids if their keepers are put away. when I think about that part I have no answer.

KansasJakeBG ago

YES YES YES It's truly amazing that "Selling your sould to Satan" isn't even a crafty metaphore!!! It's everywhere.

2impendingdoom ago

How do you know what they aren't saying on the phone? Podesta knew the server was unsecure, so of course he's not replying on it. The emails from his assistant are all about phone calls and phone messages. It seems like you are now supporting this cabal, I don't get why.

FriesischShipping ago

Cointel, get your trust first, then slowly lead the you astray.

2impendingdoom ago

fuck that.

2impendingdoom ago

Right, but why? the nail needs bashing. And, to address your other response, their victims are not just children. Their victims are also the scarred veterans who come home from unjust wars, families who lose loved ones to afgani-imported drug overdoses, kids who are wrongfully put in the foster system, anyone who pays taxes to subside foreign aid that allows other nations to get cheap meds while we pay more than the rest of the world. Its goes on and on. I am not suggesting to entice a teenager to move out of a castle, I don't even know what that means.

KansasJakeBG ago

These people you name are all of us. That is why we have to understand who benefits from his work and really take down the people who send kids to die in an unjust wars. They are trying to pull that shit with Russia right now. We must resist.

2impendingdoom ago

YES, If we are not participating, we are victims. THAT IS THE SCOPE OF IT. An unjust system makes victims of all of us. A voater posted in pizzagatewhatever some links to USAID and other gov agencies. I was looking at the USAID map this morning, you can see where and how much the US government sends foreign aid, (basically every country in the world). And these same countries donate to CF. So what is going on here??

remedy4reality ago

' But he is also telling us he is working alone because threatening a youtuber at this point seems like a bad idea, a mistake, a panic move, an action that will make things worse. '

I could not disagree more. I firmly believe Alefantis is CIA and so is Podesta and Hillary Clinton. It's massive. It's been going on for DECADES and child trafficking is just a subset of the COMPANY that grooms it's operatives from a very, very early age. Let's put it this way: Hillary working on Watergate and Bill meeting JFK in a photo op were not mere coincidences.

throwaway345678 ago

So we're sociopaths because we don't feel sorry for Alefantis.

You're telling us. That we need to have empathy. for the guy who called an infant "hotard."


KansasJakeBG ago

I don't think that is what is means. In James' assertion that he doesn't like kids, I see the "at all" as more telling. All of his entourage dismiss children as objects. And we have rushed to explain everything as sexual. (And his entourage do make a lot of pedo signals) Only a person who DGAF about children would make those jokes. I mean people who don't want kids, don't have kids, don't want you to bring your kids, etc... The fact that he runs a 'family-friendly' place seems to have more to do with his "family", the huge circle of people who are in this cult and do have children. It sounds more like a code and his Comet manager explained that in a video.

throwaway345678 ago

Chickenlovers and "why does daddy love butt" are not sarcastic or normal and are explicitly sexual.

One 'off' comment on one picture? Maybe - but this is multiple definitively sexual comments about children. Are we really debating this right now?

KansasJakeBG ago

I have always seen this as comments about Scott himself, not the children. Initially the context of the photo wasn't obvious. It's cute. A photo of a dad and his daughter. Very mundane. But you are right, that's an example of James ruining it LOL And then the people who put all the MSPaint comments on it ruin it even more. These comment, like the baby catapult one, are "objectifying" and this is a thread that runs through all of it. Like a photo by Jabaroo that shows a baby arm and a cucumber with the caption "growing food". Everybody is freaking out about the pedo angle while I tried to find out if these people are sourcing babies for other nefarious purposes like donor match, undocumented babies for sacrifices, and "tastes like a baby's arm". Keep your mind open to broader nefariousness.

FriesischShipping ago

Gaslighting at its finest and most subtle. Alefantis dug his own grave, and we shouldn't feel sorry if he can't get out.

21yearsofdigging ago

MKULTRA, Monarch, the 'chosen ones' are convinced they are special. Yes, an entirely differetn set of rules and these children grow up to be adults who believe they are special. 'Your Culture' very telling

FriesischShipping ago

Only 4% of those who try to get out ever succeed. (Source: somewhere in Cathy Obriens transformation of America)

KansasJakeBG ago

What about the rumor that this "culture" is comprised of 10% of the population. That would make sense. How many people does the 1% need to run the world. Probably not more than 4%. And we only have 3% to counter them. Statistics!

andrevandelft ago

Assuming that the secret cult is real, the new POTUS should announce a 100 day amnesty period for operators such as Alefantis when they come forward and disclose all relevant details that they know.

KansasJakeBG ago

That is a good idea. This really hinges on people who "never wanted in" and "want out" of their own accord. It is useless to focus on people who won't be helpful in the first stage. I think that since we must protect children, we have to offer the fastest door out for people were made to to things under extreme duress or blackmail. But the FBI doesn't come off as a very safe place for these people. It's really hard to trust the legal system right now and Montana cannot fit all of these people! It's such an overwhelming situation. And I think the California law was passed to address this. Not everybody wants out because this system has worked well for decades and children have been reinforced by media and celebrities to feel special and different. It's no big deal to them.

2impendingdoom ago

No! lock them up!!! Did their victims get amnesty?

andrevandelft ago

IMO the chance of ending all this misery is much bigger with an amnesty program; not for the main ring leaders, but at least for the servicemen; I would prefer that over justice for all.

2impendingdoom ago

That is kind of how it works, right, the little guy rats on the big dogs for a lenient sentence or a deal with the prosecutor...

FriesischShipping ago

Fact: no known cure for a criminal psychopath. Lock um up. Edit: lock them up is the cure for society.

Aderville ago

No conscience. They are reptilian in the sense that they operate more from that part of the brain -Win. Fuck. Win.

rooting4redpillers ago

You lost me at "Applying ZERO empathy to the people you are researching is a very sociopathic way of learning."

Empathy - "The ability to understand and share the feelings of another."

I have ZERO interest in understanding the feelings of JA. Less than zero capability of sharing them, and if that ever becomes possible, I hope someone puts me down with mercy.

FriesischShipping ago

I upvoated, because there is no changing a psychopath. The more you share with them, the more ammo they have to manipulate you, AND THIS IS THE FUCKING POINT OF G.O.T. Compassion = a noble death.

DMT4All ago

You are speaking Plato. Why does the noble man suffer?

I think Psychopathy can be rewired/fixed. Do psychopaths have problems with their pineal glands as well as the frontal lobe and amygdala?

KansasJakeBG ago

Aren't we facing THE vilain here. I mean the biggest vilain ever. The people who have the most power in the world. Our position is already quite weak. All we can probably do is document their scam so it become progressively more unsustainable.


No. Let's learn from him. He is part of something much larger. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We are taking it ALL down.

MolochHunter ago

do you not understand that when our hatred places them beyond all redemption to decent society, they will do any other crime to avoid exposure an tend to each other with the fiercest of loyalty

This is why Jesus says we have to forgive, because in our hatred we are in part responsible for their power. We must destroy their networks, and maybe there is a role for mercy and understanding in unravelling it in a way that pitchforks cannot achieve

rooting4redpillers ago

What I DO understand is the definition of the word EMPATHY.

Here's some other things I understand:

People can forgive and, at the same time, expect accountability in other people.

Compassion and forgiveness come easier towards monsters [inhumanly cruel or wicked persons] who confess, repent, and are willing to remove themselves from normal interaction within decent society.

Monsters must be disallowed to harm other human beings, regardless of any understanding of their behavior. If some empathetic psychoanalysis can help the cause, that's great, if done behind bars.

Redemption is God-given and personal.

Anger doesn't equal hatred.

I don't own a pitchfork. We are not a horde, or a mob. We are investigators here.

DMT4All ago

I say a lifetime of contemplation and LSD in maximum security spaces for all violent and sexual offenders who agree to be part of my MKUltra program. Limited to the search to cure psychopathy and sadism.

other rulings Drugs, legalised. Every citizen given a house and ten thousand dollars when they marry. Education system broken down and resurrected as Universal no longer compartmentalised Logos. Each citizen granted one year travel pass sponsored by the state as a world diplomat. Degrees can be obtained from online research, if they meet criteria, examinations for doctorates, will be free of charge. Working weeks will be cut to 12 hours. City gardens set up and maintained by citizens. Truly Green Cities. The use of pulp from trees is forbidden. All paper, fibre must primarily be produced by Hemp. All major ailments in the body can be cured by diet, sauna, relaxation, hydration, happiness and marijuana. Sex is sacred and must be treated so. Having children is sacred and must be treated so. See others as yourself and be excellent.

KansasJakeBG ago

You know the pitchfork is great but we can only wield it metaphorically at this time. Maybe the metaphorical pitchfork is enough if applied for a while. Things change on a daily basis what with the elites little spa retreat in Switzerland coming up next week. There will be much sharing of words about "fake news". This whole thing will turn on its head daily for the next two weeks.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Fuck that. Pitchforks are the only way forward. Who cares what other crimes they commit? They are running a child sex slave ring, thats the worst crime there is. This cancer needs to be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is that you JA or your mom writing?

Orange_Circle ago

Also, he's no giant in this. He was just Brock's bottom for a while, who then moved on to Tony Podesta. Alefantis is just the "service" with a smile guy.

FriesischShipping ago

Achilles, pfff, this guy gets piano corded while The Super Pedosta Bros mysteriously crash enroute to an undisclosed Japanese island.

Orange_Circle ago

One does wonder if Podesta is worried about who knows what and who will talk to perhaps keep from being indicted.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for you comments but I would like to disagree. These people know what they are doing is wrong, otherwise it would not be secret. They would not need to hide anything, keep secret servers in their basements, talk in code and they would not have secret societies where they do oral and anal in coffins (source: Kay Griggs). We, as tax payers, have been the host to this parasite for way too long. They destabilize whole nations and make the world more dangerous for everyone. It all needs to end and they should be running scared. I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, but right now, they have rigged the system and there will be no justice or peace for anyone until the full truth is exposed. Whether they are a pedophile or a corrupt politician, they need to be routed out for the sake of our collective future. James Alefantis is currently the posterboy of pizzagate, but this investigation is, or should be, way bigger than Comet Pingpong. I suggest we use the same level of compassion towards them that they show towards their victims, of whom there are too many, (and people I know). I only feel bad that they have been able to get away with it for so long.

it_was_foretold ago

He can make this all go away by suing for defamation, but he doesn't want to open up an actual investigation. Mmhhmm?

Orange_Circle ago

What's to feel sorry for him for?

He created the environment that hosted drag shows and artists who promote pedophilia and death, and then proclaimed his restaurant to be "kid friendly" and even took steps to get children to be dropped off there for "art classes."

That's not normal in any fashion. Those are cultivated actions.

FriesischShipping ago

GASLIGHTING CAMPAIGN TO DIVIDE THE INVESTIGATORS and make them forget exactly what you just said. He won't even own up to his grossly inappropriate photos. Fucking ridiculous...

KansasJakeBG ago

A bit harsh. Can't we change the angle of the lens a bit sometimes to see what shadows are uncovered? We are here all day long ranting about his overlords but since we can't access those, we dump all our anger on Alefantis who has been crafted by the mainstream media as the only person involved in this.

BerksResident ago

Good post. Sometimes I feel a tiny bit sorry for JA for this huge intrusion in his life. From being a Bon viviant (or whatever it is) & photographed around DC with celebs, he has had the disturbing (to normal decent cultural folks) images/chat on his once public social media dissected. His masters in the public eye can't risk deviant stuff on their social media so JA has born the brunt of it. Due to his wanting to be a big player and advertising his "culture" so desparetly he has given us masses of leads, living up to his name ... Achilles..

joe_hill ago

lol wtf

srayzie ago

He probably likes it. He's infamous now and known by millions. He gets so much support from people on social media. People swarm to him feeling so bad because he's the poor victim. He has sympathizers and probably getting groupies intrigued by him. I don't feel sorry for him. He threw his lifestyle out on Instagram for all to see. He did this to himself.

fifibrindacier ago

I would tell him the same thing he said to Ryan : "You made this happen".

islandofdelight ago

I hope his life is intruded upon a whole lot more.

BerksResident ago

Admittedly my sympathy is small & fleeting..

awakenaware ago

Just remember.. children sacrificed.. in a way to cause maximum fear to induce maximum power.. thats the modus operandi here.. remember that and empathy goes bye bye.

FriesischShipping ago

Micromotherfuckingscopic, oh hey what's up dude? Let's hang out in the murder room! #Alefantisnosympathycomecleanorkillyouself

Orange_Circle ago

Twas hubris, his own in fact, that exposed him.

He made the mistake of believing his purchased PR.

KansasJakeBG ago

I think his PR was provided to protect Podesta and Clinton. But that well may have run dry because we have uncovered way too much information to zip this up neatly. Unless they throw him under the bus. That would be so bad. Because he may be closely related to some of this but it will continue of he is replaced. He did overshare. And what more, there are probably 100s of James detailing massive exploitation rings communicating on Instagram. Because they can't help themselves. Achilles.

Orange_Circle ago

Agree with you on the cover and them being unable to stop bragging and alluding to what they do.

But the thing about Alefantis is that someone propelled him to where he is now via a paid PR campaign that predates Pizzagate. You can't get media coverage like he's received for the Podunk John Doe that he was. Someone with strong media ties has been pitching Alefantis for a while now.

No one gets that kind of press without a big PR machine behind it. Joe Blow who owns two dirty and over-priced restaurants that are not anything worth writing about, yet over and over again people do.

Whoever his PR company is, they had a great "Earned Media" report to turn in to the person(s) paying their invoice.

KansasJakeBG ago

Oh these people at Washington Post and Washingtonian have totally installed him into middle-high society based on recommendations by Podesta. They are all in Podesta's and Luzatto's book club or running circle, whatever they call their little coordination meetings. He is not untalented. All the installed people still have to do the work, they just get a leg up via connections. It really does explain a lot of moves I have seen over the years that don't make sense. It's nepotism 2.0 because it's about installing their chosen greater family.

OrwellKnew ago

They way you put it is quite telling. Mafia is the correct word here. They are a criminal organization

Please check out my recent post

KansasJakeBG ago

I will have to read up on the mafia. It's true that it was a thing and then we stopped hearing about it. Why? Now the mafia is a convenient legend on tv.

FriesischShipping ago

It's really the only way you can understand this, it's a Mafia family, some are made men (and have the bloodline), some aren't.

Beaucephus ago

I agree with just about all of your post, but when a group of like-minded people come together for a purpose of furthering ideas some people refer to that as a think tank, not always an echo chamber but an echo chamber is not and should not be viewed in a derogatory light. Sometimes a hive-mind can be beneficial in that it keeps everyone on track.

crazimal ago

an echo chamber is not and should not be viewed in a derogatory light. Sometimes a hive-mind can be beneficial in that it keeps everyone on track.

um, wrong. maybe you should go watch game of thrones instead of this? might compassionately suit your culture...