EQJ ago

I have wondered this immensely myself. One thing I think we should keep in mind, is that those symbols released by the FBI were in 2007. In the past 10 years I am sure much more has come to light, as they have investigated and prosecuted 1000s. Would it be in their best interest to release all their known code words to the public? Probably not. The pedos would then change their lingo and make tracking more difficult. I'm not sure why they released the symbols in the first place.

willofthewarrior ago

This has been one of the weaker parts of every infographic I see. I think a 4chan poster just pulled it out of his ass.

deadly_nightshade ago

I got the first reference on 4chan, I think ... Anonymous ID:AKUhiH4Y Thu 03 Nov 2016 16:52:55 No.95928852, pasted down below.

unfortunately it's not the end. Anonymous got it from somewhere else.


I made this exact same post a while ago:


And then I made this post:


The conclusion was that there was no source for any of them being known pedophile code words, except cheese pizza. Some people pointed to urbandictionary but none of those words are in there defined the way pizzagate defines them or even as terms to do with pedophilia.

deadly_nightshade ago

the word associations magically appeared on 4chan on nov 3 shortly after people became aware of there being a code. People say the list was generated by reviewing the darkweb. there is no dictionary you can buy on amazon for this.

the replies you've got don't give anything definitive, but I didn't follow the links to all the channels that are dedicated to this. not yet. Given that this list is derived from diving in the dark web, I'm not sure how I'd know if I saw something definitive, or what that looks like.

i think we can break out two issues. one - is there a code begin used? two - is that code the pedo code?

I think the probability is there is a code being used. I say that because of the strange way they use the words. sometimes it reads ok either way, but other times it's really difficult to read it without assuming there's a code.

As for issue two, i point to comet ping pong's instagram, Podesta associating (good friends) with convicted pedophile. the plain non-code language used in some emails. to me, these favour the pedophile code. maybe the code isn't entirely accurate, but it seems to be in the right direction.

thanks for the links!


I am totally willing to believe that those terms are pedophile code words. I just have never seen any evidence for them and I think it is irresponsible to state them as if they were fact with evidence for it backed up simply by a 4chan comment.

People say the list was generated by reviewing the darkweb. there is no dictionary you can buy on amazon for this.

There is no evidence for this either. Careful, is all I'm saying. Because there wouldn't be evidence isn't evidence in itself.

deadly_nightshade ago

I'm not stating that there is no such book on amazon as a fact. I doubt it, but I don't know. I didn't mean to be taken literally.

But if there was, would it be any more trustworthy than anything else we've got? The FBI symbols is something to work with since it seems to be in use. And it's supposedly from the FBI. But the code? That's a tough thing. It might be group specific, it's not like pedophiles are born knowing this code. that's rhetorical. Likely the code changes frequently.

We do have a pictoral guide from Jimmy Comets instagram account. I think we can assume that food items and words have taken on a sexual meaning, and a pedophilic one at that.

Perhaps John Podesta will explain exactly what is meant by dominos on cheese and pasta? I'm afraid it's been two months now and all he's had to say is that Russia did it.

At this point, I think we're entitled to fear the worst.

Dir7y ago

Some may have it a bit mixed up, the code words have been floating around for quite some time on 4chan, usually /b/, but can be found elsewhere. The FB has only released the logos.

deadly_nightshade ago

ok, trying to contact him.


Founder of ProjectPurge.com --- Email [email protected]

deadly_nightshade ago

yes, that newswire article list the code, but copies it from a jared wyand tweet or post. https://twitter.com/JaredWyand/status/794284672675147776

this twitter account has been suspended. there is now https://gab.ai/JaredWyand, but i don't know if it's the same person. pretty sure it's the same person. he gabs about having his twitter account suspended about a month ago.

Devious1 ago

▶Anonymous 11/07/16 (Mon) 16:50:02 ID: 0c7aae No.8107525 “Would love to get a pizza for an hour?” https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/49348 Podesta 29 and 30 dumps were filled with strangely worded emails with references to cheese, pizza, ice cream, and hot dog stands. Some Podesta emails seem really strange until one recognizes these code words common to child sex rings and pedophiles: https://conservativedailypost.com/assange-releases-november-surprise-drohttps://mobile.twitter.com/JaredWyand/status/794284672675147776 1. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/95902800 2. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/95916107 3. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/95923892 4. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/95924261 * AoA —> age of attraction * AoC —> age of consent * Amber alerts —> used to track down escaped child sex slaves * BL —> boy lover (attracted to boys) * BM —> boy moment (time spent with a boy; could be a passing glance or a length encounter) * cheese —> little girl * cheese pizza —> child pornography * CL —> child lover (pedophile) * domino(s) —> domination * CP —> child pornography * GL —> girl lover (attracted to girls) * GM —> girl moment (same as boy moment) * hot dog —> boy * ice cream —> make prostitute * LB —> little boy * LG —> little girl * MAC —> minor attracted adult * map —> semen * nuts —> person of color * parents —> law enforcement * pasta —> little boy * pizza —> girl * playing cards —> threesome sex act * sauce —> orgy * spirit cooking —> See the YouTube video at https://youtu.be/3EsJLNGVJ7E and http://www.dangerandplay.com/2016/11/03/podesta-emails-reveal-clintons-i… * walnut —> person of color * YF —> young friend (referring to a victim) Pedophile symbology.

Messy paste, you should be able to get some inf from that?


deadly_nightshade ago

unfortunately, the 1,2,3,4 links go 404, and the jaredwyand twitter has been pulled. he appears to have a gab account. https://gab.ai/JaredWyand, not sure if it's the same tho.

the pedo code you listed is different from the one jared wyand posted to 4chan nov 4th or so. https://gab.ai/BrittPettibone and https://twitter.com/BrittPettibone linked to it, and from Nov 2 on started tweeting pedo stuff being found in the podesta emails, or on the weiner laptop.

still trying to find the source. Was Jared Wyand the first to post it?

Dir7y ago

Archives: 1. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95902800/ 2. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95916107 3. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95923892 4. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95924261 As for the codes, I have never seen any mentions of sauce, walnuts, maps or ice cream. Probably worth noting that I'm not a dark web lurker, though.

deadly_nightshade ago

awesome, thanks! those are the 4chan archives for Nov 3,4. the #4 document lists the pedo code. Anonymous at Thu 03 Nov 2016 16:52:55 pastes the code from another forum. The other forum is ... not mentioned.


"hotdog" = boy

"pizza" = girl

"cheese" = little girl

"pasta" = little boy

"ice cream" = male prostitute

"walnut" or nuts = person of colour

"map" = semen

"sauce" = orgy

remedy4reality ago

This code is ALL OVER the Dark Web...

Millennial_Falcon ago

Would be nice to have some screenshots, so we can y'know, ground our investigation in evidence. The only one I've been able to find is for "cheese pizza" meaning child porn. And cheese on urbandictionary as meaning a female/sex.

remedy4reality ago

I have never been on the DW, but I have a close friend who is a consultant for elites who want access to dark data and encrypted devices. He confirmed this coding based upon his experience. Not 100% of these terms, more like 75%.

deadly_nightshade ago

so ... could you find out what they got wrong?

remedy4reality ago

Sure, he recognized: pizza / cheese / cheese pizza / walnut ( a virgin or a small scrotum not an ethnic person ) / sauce / hot dog / chicken

He did not recognize : pasta or ice cream

He has cleaned more than a few hard drives of wealthy people and found CP on many of them.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Interesting. We need proof, though. I know at least some of the sleuths on here know a thing or two about the dark web. One of them got a screenshot of someone in a pedo forum acknowledging the trend of using pizza places as pedo fronts.

AliBambii ago

My understanding is that it is an FBI list and it was released by Wikileaks at the same time as the Podesta emails.

deadly_nightshade ago

That was my understanding too, until I tried to confirm it. I have been unable to find an FBI or a wikileaks source for the code. the symbols, yes, but not the code.

Sentastixc ago

This is just a best guess by whoever made that infographic that mentions these. Fact is, we don't know anything definitive about the code. There is something to be found on gay scene handkerchief code, but we only got one handkerchief in the emails.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Good question. At least some of these (walnut, for example) were discovered to just be from someone doing guesswork on 4chan. We have yet to find actual sources for any codeword other than "cheese pizza" meaning child porn. "Cheese" is listed in urbandictionary as referring to women or sex, but that's all I've been able to find. Any autists have links?

ryguyhermosa ago

i think walnut is wrong in the list above, i think its closer to the urban dictionary def http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Walnut

Millennial_Falcon ago

k. walnut sauce is an actual thing, though, so that email doesn't seem to be code, necessarily.