Guest1 ago

It doesnt mean much in such a distinguished board such as voat but something is not right with this story. From the day I saw her story on Twitter, that ehhh feeling (I never get) was there. I wouldnt care because she is at least spreading the word about #Pizzagate but I worry people who dont have a lot will be donating to the charity she set up at out of the goodness of their hearts. Today on Twitter she started showing the pics of "Lee" "Ann" and "Charlie". She says she reported to police but they never did anything. Actually she posted :"The truth is, they are both involved in a satanic sex ring and sold me to men almost daily". Is CP so bad in the UK that her repeated trips to the police yeilded no results? Ever?

becki_p20 ago

I want to thank you all for your support and encouragement. I have only just made A voat account but have been reading what people have comment prior to this point. The main reason I shared my story was to encourage other victims and survivors to come forward. It was not to prove that #PizzaGate is real - although we all know it is. Thanks again and Lord bless you all

becki_p20 ago

I would be happy to answer questions

lappath ago

I agree.

Cbradio ago

Yah, I'm thinking more building safety wise, more public garnered support and watchdog, is just safer. IF she is legit, that's very important in foresight. Already, Breitbart, Monica person, charles sortas, past bad outcomes..))

Cbradio ago

Yes and no, for the subject matter is too dangerous.

Goal is build trust, find out protect boundaries.

Truth always come out, butthedire that can happen to victim, proven too dangerous)) A ethical consideration...

And if not true, would end up as just bad a name as like Casey Anthony. .

Cbradio ago

You too!!!)))

Cbradio ago

No, your right. She needs more protection..all you have written on all related comments is absolutely correct; even from prior case outcomes and one victim from franklin area that is older now IS currently speaking out and warning, much)))))

Thanks..head on ur shoulders)))

lappath ago

My deepest condolences. You are entitled to your opinion and I appreciate the exchange, even if I'm a bit feisty. Have a good New Years :)

lappath ago

I have no problem with vetting. I also have no problem letting my empathy, honed over tens of thousands of hours with direct conversations with thousands of people (including many survivors of sexual abuse), do some work for me. You may have your doubts and uncertainties, but trying to "correct" me with them is inappropriate. You know better.

lappath ago

Hmm. You're going the "perfect knowledge" route, I see. Worth noting you know anything about my history/background. I do know, however, that you're a nitpicker.

lappath ago

The frailty in her voice and dullness in her eyes. Instantly knew.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

woMEN = plural (like MEN)

woMAN = singular (like MAN)

DefenderOfTruth ago

Would you clarify?

Orange_Circle ago

If there isn't any abuse, (spiritual or otherwise, why hide!

Cbradio ago

?? Your missing the points..


Here is the real deal. I'm saving you leagues of time.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thank you sweet child. We are trying to help all of you!

Cbradio ago

Blah blah blah, go hag on podesta conspiracyand his false alien claims even in a book with a poser band.. Your anal retentive is so constant. You really need dildo vibrator therapy. You have been a invasive deb downer, wall flower all over this joint. Your just a poser being used, by ones who would make you disposable and expendible. Learn some self value and work on yourself, versus all your unsolicited fraud advice/assumptions.

Aren't you due in the slum street for the next worldstar hip hop video of brain punching street fights to desperately raise a dollar in the next aggro biz niche?/

Run forest run..make sure to tuck your limp dick in your panties, first though, you wouldn't want to trip, again..

You are having a program glitch. You must bind yourself up, lock in your bathroom and scream in avolstile mental fury all your unregulated aggro angstbout.

That's therapy bill number five, Dilbert. You better work! Bend over, whose your momma!

Cbradio ago

Medical and psych ate private and safety issues on many levels. Societies are so programmed to immediately jump to mental stares of victims vs the psycho criminals that ate the deficiencies. She is very resilient and abuses do not need to label and define her the rest of her life. Solo much has been stolen already. Let her choose her mind programming. Mind can heal with conscious choice andvefgirt, and she is doing a way better job than many people out there that have never endured anything remotely as this.

Victims do not come out to be mentally labked and picked apart. One more statement from.ones can reyraumatize, being to suicidal edge, isolate them more which is what perps want, and they get mass mental bullying from perps that is already more than any should ever have. She is a human a life of god a child and she is amazing and deserves to ve treated, just like anyone else. Good intents or not its very insulting. Please. She and others are not going to come forward in these vibes. No one wants to be called, assumed , judged mental. Its the most degrading things.

Cbradio ago

As if pizzagate is in one county, one shop with worldwide elite that know every other elitescab out there, jetset wherever and whenever they desire, have lower beta initiates in all walks and in comes of society? One of her main, repeated points was that. Its a worldwide network and has been, over 200 years.

wellington33 ago #PizzaGate archive. share it so people can have all the info. Huge archive in there. 4GB

Cbradio ago

And also, society really needs to start focusing the severe mental defiencies by their conscious choice of the prey criminals. Its always victims so over dged, mass deficiencies put on them, just like propoganda of the masses to outcaste, gaslight, isolate victims. That pattern habit needs to be stopped and switched up to outcaste, judge, put deficiencies on the perp criminals and all corrupt criminals.

Cbradio ago

Well, we must private strategize, protect her and protect her boundaries and dignity on twitter, YouTube, all over. She deserves that.

Cbradio ago

She states for ones to watch another testimony video, also.

Cbradio ago

She's doing exceptionally well mentally, cognitively andvemotionally. Perps say mental defiencies and bully with mental names. The perps are the ones that should be publicized as need severe mental assessments and monitoring.

She knows what she needs and will seek resources as able in her comfort zone. She clearly, has done mass major self work, pos to be reprogramming and needs boundaries protected, medical psych kept private, for her safety and wellbeing by past criminals, other preying perps, media, elite scabs, etc.

She is way more grounded stable, adaptable, self regulating, positive thoughts and stable emotions vs labile, then many people or elite scabs out there.

Putting more deficiencies, judging, expectations, boundary issues on her is not helpful, but retraumatizes, dangerous, and does not help her cement her boundaries and dignity.

Please be sensitive to victims, survivors, advocates. Surely, more are watching or will be, and will not speak if see redlflags occurring. No one speaks up to be judged, even if we'll intentioned, its not positive or healthy or safe.

And are traumatized and sends more messages of deficiencies, no matter what I do, or how much more than most, its never good enough.

Nor does it build trust bonds. She will seek talks if its the right healthy construct, in dir time, if she feels safe and trusts her gut instinct. She's also very young still, vulnerable and anything can affect her safety, wellbeing, and future cases for justice., and be used by media and more go twist things and harrass her. I'm going to mommabear stand up for her.

There really is a societal bias to victims that is programmed into societies, and even the smallest things, do add up and can even push ones over the edge. No victims, survivors, advocates have access to things or quality like a lot of people, even if started out with some money. Abuse and govt corp corruption's and crimes, destroy everything; jobs, finances, life plans,diet, health, access to resources and quality log, time for themselves to heal and get daily needs done, years of life stolen, no human RTS civil RTS constitutional rights at various levels of degrees.

It is what it is. Key is to meet victims, advocates, survey vors where they are at, and treat as want to be treated. Money is not their worth, access to tech not their worth, abuse not who they are but who the perps are. Perps and crimes and corruption, steal.identity, and not allow ones to just be who they are.

hardrock ago

I can say with complete certainty that Becki Percy is the credible , articulate, media-genic, informed "First Hand Knowledgeable" spokesperson for Pizzagate that everyone has been waiting for. Disseminate her videos everywhere and to everyone that you know. Friends, relatives, media, law enforcement, and most especially Christian activists in the USA. Don't just sit there and VOAT. I mean go out and do it. Make Becki Percy and Pizzagate household words.

Cbradio ago

Victims, advocates and survivors do not often have access to tech resources, even food, sleep, medical and much more. Offering to help, when she feels a comfort zone, trust bond is best.

Its the message that matters. She's doing best she can as able.

DefenderOfTruth ago


I hope you come and lurk on voat and read this response your story is getting here and on another thread here.

Wow I can't believe you made it this far! You are an amazing young woman and I see God working in your life so much. I will be praying for your continued protection and healing. Also, and I think I speak for most of us here on Voat, know you have a virtual family here who will come to your aid if the US tries to kick you out or if you have other issues here. We are actively looking for specific things to do and it's hard to know what will help and what won't.

You have given me more faith that God will win this war in the end. And I know He will. Satan and his followers will have more justice than we ever imagined served to them and all of the kids who were abused will finally be in the arms of Jesus and safe forever.

You made a powerful testimony. I encourage you to keep speaking out and be the face for opening the piblic's eyes to truth.

Finally, despite what your biological mother told you, you are beautiful. You have a beautiful heart and a lovely face.


A Defender of Truth

goatboy ago

She'd be much more convincing if she learned how to record video with her phone sideways instead of vertically.

Cbradio ago

Nah. Victims, advocate and survivors do not have even basic needs met, access to resources. A thirld world victim is going to have even lower tech quality. They do best they can, with what they have. Its the msg that matters. Money is not her worth. Years are stolen, exhausted, behind on everything, labouring to survive and advocate take a toll on everything, much harms, much loss, burden and impacts. She's doing what she can with what she haves. Offering to tech help when and if she ever feels safe to with trust bonds built is way to meet victims, survivors, advocate as equals with dignity and awareness of construct.

dutch-justice ago

Her eyes look like Coloboma eyes. Far removed horizontally from one another. Don't know about the iris defection though.

Cbradio ago

You may not mean bad intent but that's not cool. She is a young girl, a victim that has survived hell. Tiny things add up and make survivors feel like crap. She is gorgeous, and not deficient in any way, but exceptional. Pointing out possible disabilities born with, hurts people. They are way more than those things. one wants things pointed out, esp when coming forward. Dignity goes a longggg way. And she doesnt owe her medical, personal, psych to anyone.

jealoushe ago

they pointed it out because it is relative to pizzagte....

Cbradio ago

Mos def!!! I agree!!

echo-sierra ago

I would tend to agree, given the subject matter, unless the perpetrators are caught in the act and confess to their crime (which is a near impossibility), victims testimonies must be treated respectfully, and with a healthy skepticism. If I recall, she did say that the UK's equivalent of Child Protective Services were useless in that they were more intent on sending her back to the abusive household than protecting her from them.

Who would have thought that sick pedo in Austria not too many years ago would have been caught if his daughters whom he abused to father many children didn't escape. (Look up Josef Fritzl).

Now, given Percy's age, her claim that her abuse started at age 4, and the first trafficking happened at age 9, going on for years afterwards, we would hope that the authorities there catch her parents (or have already caught them) and deal with them like the Austrian authorities did to Fritzl and others. (see

It does appear that the people perpetrating these crimes don't seem to care when others doing the same thing get caught. Her parents' abuse may have occurred when the Austrians got caught, and Saville, being a high profile personality in the UK getting caught doesn't send the message through.

Maybe their thoughts, at least in the UK, may be "Our cops won't bother with small fry, they're only going after the elites and celebs", thus validating their actions, and they think that their control over Percy is strong enough to not make her go public?

I do agree that the cover-up, especially by a compliant media, may not be satisfying. In the case of Pizzagate, what I think we are seeing is the PR mechanism going into damage control - deny any wrongdoing, denigrate the opposition to destabilize their efforts, shut down debate, lobby government to legislate against the researchers, threaten libel and so on.

See my other submission on Media Matters is a case in point given their detailed analysis of "fake news" -

wecanhelp ago

This should be a standalone post, would you mind submitting it as one? If you do, please make sure you spell out how this is connected to Pizzagate (per Rule 1 - a sentence or two is enough), and cite a source (per Rule 2 - a link to one of her videos should suffice), and if you ping me when you're done then I'll flair the post as "IMPORTANT".

Cbradio ago

Thanks. I had seen her twitter on comments under her video, then 2/3 of 103 comments at the time, did not show up!!!.. Right as I was looking. I had gone to twitter, and there is someone with very similar tweet name.

I need to find her twitter name. Antone have it? Pm it, if you think better. I know she's speaking put, but she's always very vulnerable and young.

So wise, too!!/

nathanwblair ago

she is @becki_p20 on twitter

Cbradio ago


Throeaweigh ago

I actually disagree. The 'silliness' of Pizzagate being attached to all the larger implications may be more damaging to the perception of those incidents than not. Having said that, it's undeniably helpful for it to be accessible on a single hashtag.

nathanwblair ago

@1ew becki says: "I would like to thank the person who is writing these. This is the second one … I am so grateful. Thank you" source:

Peanuttles ago

Sharing it! Thanks for posting it. I won't stop trying to get the public to listen, either. It should be front page news. That it's being treated as a "fake" story when it's easy to see how widespread it is, and that similar cases have been swept under the rug for decades, makes me soul sick.

hashtaggery ago

God Bless Becki Percy

Makingspace1 ago

Becki if you are reading this, you need to document as much evidence that you can, especially the stuff the can be corroborated. I can't suggest to take your story or evidence to international policing agencies because it seems so often that they are the ones involved in CP, but I would suggest making friends you can trust and finding a way to discretely release the information to venues that will support your cause...this subverse for example.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

You know that someone would lie about this, right? For the views? That's the culture we live in. There are also shills and disinfo agents. I skipped through the video, but I didn't see her offer any details or insight into her own situation.

Cbradio ago

Sure, they could. But really, as if she is going to endanger herself with scabelite? She comes off very reasonable and grounded. No way she has such wisdom, as clearly has endured a lot and done major self work on herself to know such wisdom that not even a lot of adults know. She is also still very young and this needs to be treated in that high concern. Some comments here, really will not encourage her or other victims to come out, but outcaste, scare away, endanger and more. Real investigations, always take into consideration the safety and possible outcomes of victims, future victims, advocates and who all is investigating. Common sense, even in medical scenes with EMT or cops.

lappath ago

I knew instantly she was a survivor of sex abuse. Before she even spoke two words.

DooDooDoodle ago

You might want to add a link to this book in your description. It has the full text of the book.

Ritual Abuse and Mind Control - The Manipulation of Attachment Needs Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph Schwartz, and Rachel Wingfield Schwartz

Atlantean120 ago

These are the kind of testimonials we need. The more victims come out, the more our case against them grows.

echo-sierra ago

Brave testimony and thankfully Becki is away from those allegedly murderous deviant "parents" in the UK. She hasn't stated if they were ever prosecuted for the abuse and alleged killing of at least 2 babies (her miscarriage and baby sister).

I'm thinking that the police are still actively going after the deviants, but this would be the small fry enablers who are supplying the elites. Is there a possibility the authorities are just gathering evidence and awaiting the right moment to strike against the elites?

Unfortunately, with a compliant fakestream media running interference, it's going to be tough road ahead.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I followed her on Twitter and she is beyond grateful to have folks on her side, and all the people who are actively researching this to expose what's going on. I encouraged her to come over to Voat and see what it's about and contribute if she felt led to.

Cbradio ago

With some comments here, its really not that inviting for her or safe for her boundaries and wellbeing, retraumatize, judge deficiencies. She has been harmed enough. Every lil bit, even if not meant to be Ill intent, is not cool. Has led to many suicides, even of victims. Not you, but others.

Ronnilynn31 ago

You have a point there. She seems really open to discussion though and has said that in her YouTube videos she expected some negativity and judgement and was prepared for that. She's at the point where she wants this exposed and has been brave enough to put herself out there for that. Hard to say if a forum like this would be too much though. It very well could be.

Cbradio ago

Hopefully, ones will just really have her back, be aware of all types of potential dangers, boundary invasions. Shes still very young Ag something huge and seedy...)) Take care!!

jlemon ago

Someone needs to tell her to get out of LA. It's a hotbed for "Pizza" activity, and I'm sure the courts and legal system there are very corrupt. She should just forfeit the $40k and go off grid.

Cbradio ago

If she could afford, drive, many factors, surely.

je-sui-pepe ago

i couldn't finish. it was so hard and sad to watch. i cannot even fathom what these children have to endure. the abuse needs to stop, and those abusers permanently put down. its horrible.

Orange_Circle ago

Here's the deal about Satanism: You and I don't have to believe it's real. But some people do. And some of the people who do believe it and practice it do horrible things to people in the name of Satanism.

It's not a moral panic to object to cults hurting people.

Cults exists. By definition they usually always devolve into some kind of abuse, often sexual.

Atlantean120 ago


Orange_Circle ago


Cbradio ago

I like Reality calls voice. Most newscasters make me get this aversion, toxic as can tell so unauthentic...her voice is a breath of fresh air.

Hey, have you seen the hardcore interview that Megan Kelly did to parents that had theirbinfant stolen, and even went on location to grossly investigate?/ she cheers the elefant in the room and not one tad investigate. Great video of it on utube to bombard megynfraud with..))

Cbradio ago

That's one of the shills galore )))that is posting all over, calling fake, we all live in basements which is his...false news/assumptions...(comment above urs)))..beware..))). I happen to live in a

Cbradio ago

I think victims are important. They see firsthand. I have to type up a long summary of the medical abuses and with CPs, that someone sent me elsewhere, as been advovating to find and educate victims nationwide in public health care. Many, don't want to go public as have had incidences that are concerning.

And the medicalabuse blog, during this pedogate time has been also having shutdown attempts. )))

There is a lot of illuminati initiation going on, all over; but esp in African countries. Initiates were sloppy and wrote about the FAM members they sacrificed, as promised riches and fame. ,(as if). One initiator, has a male he sliced, whipped, murdered on his social sites and posts its a warning to any that break illuminati rules. They are connected to UK and USA lodges.

They then pose with cash, Nike's, new cell phones and state they are so cool. Someone's going to archive, before I post links)) so sick..

dustyr ago

This is one very strong and brave girl! I've been reading about the positive energy that can be generated by the power of many positive thoughts. I'm thinking that if somehow the word could get out to the masses in a general way to pray for or think positively about the safety of the children of the world that it might just get the ball rolling. It can't hurt. And for those who need a summary of this video it doesn't take much time. The problem of course is to get the word out. I'm still hoping for Anonymous to hack the major TV & radio networks to get regular messages out.

Cbradio ago

I agree. That one guy that came from the rich, satanist family, really stresses positive energy and the authentic shamanic, as stresses how even shamanism has been satanically deviated. Energy intelligence, competence and utilization. A lot of fields of study in universities, used those terms.

A video is shown in college or grad schools of the Chinese scientist that proved how water molecules get destroyed, broken down by toxic energy.

PedoHunter69 ago

Only has 326 views, we need to get this viral

Cantilever ago

Witness testimony is evidence.

Millennial_Falcon ago


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Bless her. Major props to her for coming out with her story.

hypercat ago

Whenever I see these I am always skeptical. Like the one someone linked the other day. I read the woman's website and the rantings were borderline schizophrenic. Saying her mind was special and she could find connections in otherwise non related events/people. The writing was someone with a mental illness. The drawings were also indicative of mental illness.

Cbradio ago

Have to be careful for mental and disabled are actually very high crime stat victims. It gets to point that mental are denied as victims. Easy prey. And also traumatic abuse can become mental, or just appear to be.

I've met many that were just off the wall, but around positive support and retrain thoughts, recovered quite well, appreciated, and support allowed trust to build and stop the major stress and fear/terror.

Amazing how just stopping fear, and giving support, quickly can ground a person.

Thrulkggls ago

Summary: this young woman was a victim of child trafficking, child rape, and satanic ritual abuse. She JUST posted her story and testimony, and it is shocking. Listen and PLEASE share. #PizzaGate is real and must be exposed!

unbiased_researcher ago

"We need to be a voice for those that are forced to be silent. I wish I had someone that was speaking up for me when I was going through the abuse that I suffered."

wisdomtooth ago

Her voice is just like Tara's from Reality Calls.

golly ago

She is very brave.

Most people never come out about their abuse, for some it takes many years. The whole debunking angle of "no victims have come forward" is so flawed in child abuse cases it really makes me wonder why they use it as an argument. I hope more victims can muster up the courage to speak out against this and let people this is actually happening. Break their cognitive dissonance of "it's too weird to be true".

Toogi23 ago

This. Plus: 1. Victims are afraid to come forward if they have escaped and certainly don't want to be found. 2. It takes great healing within, to come to terms with that level of abuse, some never recover. 3. Some are still entangled and may be under great desire to come forward but threatened in some way, in person or family etc 4. Some have been so abused that that is now all they know and they comply or even abuse themselves 5. 'Stockholm Syndrome' sad but true. 6. Deceased

Just a few examples as to why there are no persons coming forward presently. It took Jimmy Saville dying before victims came forward. Yes some had tried before, even those within the BBC had spoken out. But the wall of silence, protection and power surrounding him was a very step climb for victims, especially at the mercy of the ignorant press, ready, willing and able to crush any victim that might sully the name of 'the great Jimmy Saville'. The powers you are dealing with a pretty damn high and believe me, both hope and terror rests with those current victims. Hope that the snowball effect, Streisand effect or whatever other name takes place, so that they can come forward. Terror that they might come forward too soon and pay a terrible terrible price for it. Victims only come forward when they deem it safe too. That girl has my upmost respect.

Cbradio ago

Agree 150 percent!! Kudos to you!!

Toogi23 ago

Thank you.

Cbradio ago read what I found, posted under web subverse))))

Cbradio ago

)))) no prob))))))))))))))++((+++

golly ago

Witnesses who came out at the time it was happening were laughed at and put away as crazy. It is much easier for the general public to digest such testimonies as crazy talk, that way they don't have to deal with the reality all these testimonies might be true. Or at least share common truths. One of the victims of Savile tried to bring it out but it was covered up by the guy who now runs the NYT.

The only person that was really vocal about it at the time was Johnny Rotten, the singer of the Sex Pistols, but nobody believed him at the time. When I see NYT and BBC and the others use no victims coming out as reason that PG is false I know enough. Any journalist knows victims of sexual abuse never come out at all. Like you said, it took Savile dying before more victims came forward. We know that, and I bet on it the so called journalists that write those fake arguments know it too in their heart. If only they had a shrivel of conscience left.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Can you add a summary of the video, please?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

She believes that PG = real. She's a survivor of abuse herself. She prays for this worldwide abuse secret to finally be revealed and corrected.

The above points are repeated for 15 minutes.

(I know, I'm mean. She seems like a sweet girl. She could do with a little friendly editing, though.)

Lobotomy ago

This, how does it relate?

e-traiu ago

❤❤❤ brave soul

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Here is a list of 2,256 twitter handles of reporters and staff from ABC, AP, WaPost and NYT

you know what to do. enjoy!

edit: here's the link sorry!!!

AgainstPedos ago

You'd be better off creating a list of YouTube reporters with a solid following if ANY of their content is at all related to government corruption. Include ALL of the right wing religious channels that are morally against pedos whether you agree with the rest of their content or not. They are looking for a unifying cause for their listeners and are more likely to encourage them to take action.

Inform all of the above that there's a wealthy, independent entrepreneur that's creating an online alternative to YouTube who's much more open to political content and differing views as long as they're not hate-filled extremists. He's not a solid Clinton supporter like the creators of YouTube. The latter are very reliant on Hollywood despite what that may entail. VOAT should start a thread tracking and supporting the details of this new start-up which will parallel YouTube but me much, much more politically open-minded as to content posted.

AgainstPedos ago

FYI the MSM knows if they publish stories against Pizzagate even it it's a related tale of what's happening in Africa or Europe major advertising conglomerates will pull their ads permanently and will get lesser companies to do the same. With the rapid decline in readership and thus ad sales MSM has no choice but to obey the power elite and put a lid on all pedo stories. That's why they 100% backed Hillary's campaign despite evidence of flaws.

slickleg64 ago

link down?

Thrulkggls ago

She is a brave soul to not only witthstand such abuse but to speak out. How many times do we hear the "if this is true where are the victims" line? She is fortunate to have lived through and escaped this torment. I will share this everywhere.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

People want to know where the victims of Podesta, Clinton, et al are. This girl makes no claim to have met any of them.

It's still a powerful thing to hear from abuse survivors, so don't hold back. Just realize that some people are still going to demand to see victims of these specific suspects before they'll believe in their guilt.

Thrulkggls ago

Cathy O'Brien has spoken extensively of her experiences of satanic ritual abuse and rape by Hillary Clinton and others in political power.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Oh, that's right. Has she said anything since PG broke?

Cbradio ago

Yah, as dems and Clinton and media used the, " have to believe rape victims," children all over that know things they never could just know and endure, are called liars. And a lot of ones saying liars, are suspects, satanists, etc..they spend a lot of time, making blogs and utubes under entertainment, to mock these children victims. A lot of defense mechanisms and time/effort that they obsess to do, to call children liars. I upvoted this subverse and comments.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

I saw her video from yesterday. Nice share.