zzvoat ago

Good. Keeps it in the news.

Yuser_Manuel ago

I guess I'd be stupid to think that this guy would just retire or something.

Dressage2 ago

Talk about Fake News!! Media Matters is desperate right now because Clinton was suppose to win and Brock would have a cushy job. Now he is scrambling to re-invent himself/company.

cantsleepawink ago

The first sentence of the article:

An anti-intellectual alliance of misogynists and white nationalists is using cult tactics to harass and abuse Americans.

Immediately setting up its readers to think that they are intellectuals - an old trick. Then goes on to pontificate sans logic or research. Pfft.

abortionburger ago

I couldn't even get halfway through that article, it was so enraging. David Brock needs to go crawl in a hole and stay there forever.

echo-sierra ago

They're once again trying to mislead the public by running with the narrative that CPP was the hub of the scandal.

The “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory proved this link. A fake news story emerged from the depths of the internet claiming that a D.C. pizzeria with ties to certain political figures was running an underground child sex-trafficking ring. It was patently untrue. And yet mainstream reports on the story, even great in-depth reporting from truly credible sources, treated the fake news as separate from the harassment that pizzerias across the country endured from believers of the bogus claims as they spread to include other restaurants.

Harassment is a deeply entrenched aspect of the “alt-right” community. It came to prominence with Gamergate, and then there was a wretched, bigoted campaign against black actress Leslie Jones. “Alt-right” figure Milo Yiannopoulos has now taken his harassment tactics with him on a college tour. Another example is the recent smear campaign against satirist Vic Berger by “alt-right” figure Mike Cernovich. Cernovich is no stranger to such tactics, having bragged previously about his ability to game Google to get other outlets to pick up on his smears, spreading the lies to more false headlines and more viewers. Comedian and producer Tim Heidecker has also spoken out about abuse he has received, including death-threats, as a result of "alt-right" criticism.

Now trying to discredit the /Donald subreddit, but hasn't mentioned anything of the community moving here to Voat, but it won't take long I guess.

Note that they're now trying to spin the harassment angle to legitimize their attack on the research, despite the clear work done by the independent crowd-sourced research being done.

nathanwblair ago

They only mention people they don't fear.

Both conservatives mentioned in blockquote are Controlled Opposition:

Milo & Cerno got ousted just yesterday for kicking @bakedalaska (Tim) from his own event (Deploraball) in an act of Controlled Opposition

Neither will go out of their way to defend PizzaGate:

milo claimed here he'd do a pizzagate talk 2 weeks ago

  • to no avail
  • says he's "not allowed to talk about pizza"

echo-sierra ago

They are quick to label what Milo does as "harassment", yet ignore the left's vitriolic abuse at anyone who opposes their ideology.

I think Milo's just avoiding discussing pizza for the same reasons that Alex Jones is avoiding it, as they're being careful of the legalities of calling out the key players, with the remote possibility of the red herring, false flag, which we're already seeing being attacked from Obama with his latest attempt at revoking the First Amendment.

nathanwblair ago

milo claims he is "not allowed to" talk about pizza, why not take his admission of being Controlled Opposition @ face value?

nathanwblair ago

that is unlikely if you consider recent revelations aforementioned of the banning of bakedalaska from his own event

derram ago

https://archive.is/Yi8Wl :

Misinformer Of The Year: The Ecosystem Of Fake News And The "Alt-Right"

'And this ecosystem of fake news and the “alt-right” is entirely different from the previous right-wing media ecosystem. '

'Now a fake news ecosystem is feeding into the worst instincts of humanity while punishing anyone who dares stand up against them. '

'And yet, right-wing media are still allied with and permissive of the “alt-right,” continuing to train their focus on mainstream media. '

'The fake news ecosystem is broader than just lies; many of these lies are purposeful. '

'And this campaign, which has dangerous historical precedents, has been empowered by a fake news ecosystem and a tech industry that profits off the phenomenon. '

This has been an automated message.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Total projection from David Brock. He may need another stay in a loony bin soon.