VieBleu ago

Did you want to answer questions about your husbands death?

notnatural ago


VieBleu ago

Here is the audio recording of the council meeting where the rape and murder statement happened and also some kind of counter threat. Listen to the SECOND mp3 that says COMET, at about 28:00 or so (near the end anyway)

From another thread re: an older resident that also sounded angry/hind legs at the council meeting towards Winstead. Apparentely his was elderly, but really wanted a late night pizza joint open (and said something some take as threatening): "Yup, sound suspicious. He has a ver impressive Bio But he also has ties to, wouldn't you know it KIDS , from his Bio, last sentence for orphaned and abandoned children, and he coaches leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and orphanage in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, ElSalvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru."

Sentastixc ago

Really good find! Michael is a big lead. Too bad connections like this are probably never picked up. I bet that if we could aggregate data better we could be building the biggest case ever here. I wanted to set up subverse PedoFiles, but I can't since I' m not 30 days old yet.

VieBleu ago

let me know when you have your birthday - I'll join you there.

VieBleu ago

What was Winstead's position that he lost in the next election? City Councilor? It does make me suspicous that local council is steamrollod over by the untoppable Comet Ping Pong and Jimmy Comet on every issue - outside ping pong tables, unusually late hours, also he admitted he had bands without a license. And haven't we all wondered how they can let kids into a bar serving alcohol which is what the "kid's party room" in the back essentially was? He worked with a head chef (Carol) who left after a couple of years and essentially disappeared and it was said by one observer (Carol Fan) that she had been digusted by what she saw in the back kitchen with the food... did he get away with health/food service violations too?

Food for thought - and not Italian food thanks.

savethekids ago

On Twitter, Frank Winstead describes himself as a "Computer Programmer/Systems Analyst."

2008 article about Frank Winstead's "crushing defeat" for reelection as DC Commissioner after he tried to go after Comet Pizza. "Yes, fellow District residents and ping-pong lovers alike, ANC 3F04 commissioner and ardent nightlife opponent "Frank Winstead was handed a crushing defeat last night, losing his re-election bid with only 25 percent of the vote. As you may recall, earlier this year Winstead launched a crusade against Comet Ping Pong, the beloved pizza joint in Upper Northwest that set itself apart by having ping pong tables both inside and outside. Comet has survived, Winstead has not."

VieBleu ago

Interesting find. DC Commissioner is a little more important than your average loca councilor. Unstoppable pizzaman Jimmy Comet obviously crushes any opposition and can certainly influence the local pols.

VieBleu ago

Any way to find out HOW he died other than suddenly? Does the family suspect foul play? any history of medical issues? More info is needed before running wild with assumptions. Only then can we answer questions like - "Arkancide or PIzzacide"

VieBleu ago

upvoting gallows humor

savethekids ago

Maybe we shouldn't dismiss Frank Winstead completely. In the article above (linked by the contributor), "He said rape," confirms fellow ANC3F commissioner Mital Gandhi. "R-A-P-E. Rape" when he confronted Alefantis. He had the extreme outrage many of us have had upon learning about Pizzagate. Alefantis played the innocent, maligned victim to the hilt just as he did in the Megyn Kelly interview. After the incident, Winstead was publicly smeared and humiliated and then lost by a large margin in his next election. Frank is also the one who posted the video of Comet Pizza with the sound of a child screaming.

VieBleu ago

What was Winstead's position that he lost in the next election? City Councilor?

savethekids ago

On Twitter, Frank Winstead describes himself as a "Computer Programmer/Systems Analyst."

VieBleu ago

I don't tweet, but it would be great if someone could ask him if he cared to make a statement/discuss his time as DC Commisioner.

savethekids ago

I agree, we need to find out if family suspects foul play and the cause of death. "After several years serving in the United States Army, I was medically discharged in January 2013. I am blessed to be able to follow my life calling now, photojournalism. As I progress through this life, I hope to bring light and help to those subjects we ignore."

See this FB post from his mother.
"Our hearts are heavy with the tragic and unexpected loss of our most beloved Destin Michael Blevins.... More from wife here:"

These are the tweets Destin posted the day before he died.

fuspezza ago

What If you contact clown shoe he seemed to know him maybe . I would do it my self and it's not that I'm a pusay but I have a 2 year old baby my wife is 8 months pregnant and I know she would kill me if I die over this.

contrarianism ago

This is fake

je-sui-pepe ago

you mean the blevin's death story is fake?

contrarianism ago


VieBleu ago


SpikyAube ago

Remember that with the number of people researching this, statistically some of them are going to die. Knowing how he died would be useful in establishing whether it was related to PG or not.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, unless he had a huge smoking gun, they wouldn't have murdered him over Pizzagate. The cat's already out of the bag; tens of thousands of people are actively investigating. Also, even if he was killed over Pizzagate, there's no reason to assume it had anything to do with him messaging Frank Winstead. If he was investigating Pizzagate, he would have been looking into all kinds of leads. I don't even think Frank Winstead is a genuine lead. I got downvoted a good bit for saying it, but if you actually read the facts of the story, Winstead's attack on Comet probably had absolutely nothing to do with Pizzagate. This came up back in /r/pizzagate days and most people seemed to agree it was probably unrelated, once they actually dug into the story. A lot of people on here don't seem to understand how dangerous and damaging confirmation bias is to our credibility.

sunajAeon ago

I agree-there's too much significance attached to citizen researchers, until they find something truly damaging that nobody has figured out yet-then the situation would change, after all, if you think they aren't reading everything you type.... well you know what i mean

SpikyAube ago

Yes, it's so important to not get carried away and to realise that maintaining credibility is THE most important thing. The attitude we should all be taking is to try to prove that PG is false - question everything, make sure all our evidence and sources are watertight. Getting carried away without taking a breath and calmly evaluating and assessing the situation, information, evidence etc, will only damage the investigation.

MolochHunter ago

you are both absolutely correct. But from another perspective, when professional law enforcers REFUSE TO DO THEIR JOB on widely, publicly known evidence of serious concern - then the establishment knows ordinary citizens who are untrained in investigations and the rules of jurisprudence will feel compelled to take up the cudgel

Yes our community makes many erroneous conclusions - but its on THEIR head that this is occurring

SpikyAube ago

Yes you are 100% right, of course people will make mistakes as investigative journalists and private investigators/researchers etc spend years learning how to do it. The people who have learned how to do this and are paid for doing it, aren't, so yeah we all have to muddle through with it. It's good though for those of us with research experience to hand out advice and stuff I think!

MolochHunter ago

I prefer to think that yes, the FBI has all the research we have and more - its just that they dont have the backing in the DOJ to make good of the prosecutions they want to bring to bear. This is why I'm not to fussed about unequivocal 'smoking gun' evidence - I'm sure the FBI already hs it in spades - OUR JOB is to make the public outrage so visceral that the political apparatus has to act or lose the consent of the governed. Even if the best that means is a fratricidal war within the paedo-mafia that halves its powers and numbers.

But look. Unless they kill the internet altogether, The Awakening is unstoppable. The paedo mafia have grown so much, they have so many peripheral players, they all spend time on the internet - they are leaving far more evidence of their crimes than they were 100 years ago. Pizzagate's power is not so much in simply the disgusting activities of Podesta suggested therein - its THE WEB that spins off from it into every other paedo-scandal in the last 10 years. Many thought they were incidental / separate abberrations. Pizzagate shows us they are all part of a central diabolical plan. Which is great. We plunge a stake in the right heart and the whole thing falls apart.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This gal gets it.

Edit: assumed gender :(

SpikyAube ago

No sad face please, I am quite masculine so maybe that came through :-{)

SpikyAube ago

Gal, actually, but I do on occasion wear a moustache as I find it helps me think. But thanks!

chickyrogue ago

body count piles high towards the glass ceiling ....

MolochHunter ago

holy shit we were just on a thread here last night and i suggested someone should get in touch with Frank Winstead to see if there was more to his accusations in 2008... obviously this death predates that discussion

far out.

chickyrogue ago

but great connecting of dots on your part keep diggin and connecting!

Ginger_Snaps ago

Dudes, be careful out there.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Wonder how he died

VieBleu ago


chickyrogue ago

probably suicide two bullets to the back of the head long range shotgun! <---just sayin

sensitive ago

Suggestion: Let's create a thread dedicated to all PG investigators who die or are threatened / attacked and update it on the go.

sunajAeon ago

I concur

savethekids ago

Here is a thread from 9 days ago: "Create list of Suicided people associated w/ Pizzagate & CF" See comments for list of names.

VieBleu ago

go ahead and create it - Suspicious Deaths Possibly Pizzagate Related

belphegorsprime ago

I think this deserves a subverse.

nathanwblair ago

I this this deserves a memorial day; a lawsuit, a public outcry; this is INSANE!

ensuring awareness of this should be our top priority!

r3dtr1x ago

I used to live in Colorado Springs about 10 years ago... guy looks familiar.. hmm... I don't know man.. another weird death.

