savethekids ago

Here is a Twitter graphic with "suicided" people associated with child sex trafficking. New article today on Mark Spiers. His mother said, "I think Max had been digging in some dark places and somebody wanted him dead.

banenya ago

Dr. Sandeep Sherlekar (1965-2016) assisted Doctor Anaizi in his operating on Hillary Clinton’s brain. ---> UH OH - I tried to post a link to the source and VOAT blocked it saying "Comment contains banned domains" Interesting because the site is FULL of CF and Pizzagate stories. You'll have to track it down outside of VOAT. Search on the article title "Doctor Who Removed Clinton’s Blood Clot Found Dead" The domain is therealstrategy dot com

Forgetmenot ago

Coroner for Andrew breitbart. He was also the coroner for Corey haim. Who was going public about pedofilia in Hollywood.

banenya ago

Any Clinton body count really should include at least mention of the thousands (millions??) of deaths around the world the Clintons have ordered, caused, negotiated or voted for. For starters consider this FULL LIST OF 27 COUNTRIES DESTROYED BY HRC: Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State (the glory days of CF criminal activity) was an unmitigated disaster for many nations around the world. This list could be a springboard for researching CF-related murders resulting from assassinations, regime change, fake flag events, and civil unrest that Hillary launched. This list could also be a starting resource for researching human trafficking in these countries during her tenure. It would not surprise me to learn that the Clinton Foundation amassed some of its millions by running (or funding, or laundering money for) a global elite pedo ring.

Forgetmenot ago

Jillian assange ? I know we are hoping he is alive.

passwordsonvoatrbad ago



My favorite one.

23eulogy23 ago

What do we know about hillarys "fake" medical records that were released earlier this year?

eamanu ago

not specifically what you are looking for but... fourdeaths.jpg ...

hanknut42 ago

Alexander Mcqueen one of podestas fav fashion people just happened to sucide himself after his final collection was very Satanic in nature. also his cohort

ronnyCPI ago

Add John Ashe also, former UN president, who was set to testify in a case that could have implicated Hillary.

ronnyCPI ago

Dr. Daniel Fleck. His medical records on Hillary were leaked to the media and then quickly buried. []

it_was_foretold ago


justforthissubverse ago


Eja ago

If Scalia was murdered, why?

Savethekiddies ago

I remember this being asked on Reddit. Anon said something along the lines of figure out what project/case he was working on... and that'll tell you everything.

Eja ago

Who's the guy who got killed lifting weights right before testifying?

Eja ago

John Ashe

It sure is amazing how lucky the Clinton’s have got when people are going to testify against them and then they die.

Ashe was due in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Here's what I have, but I haven't made an infographic of it yet and am missing some links:

1. Aaron Swartz: Computer Programmer/Online Activist from Stanford University known for cofounding Reddit.

Death: Age 26 - Jan 11, 2013 in NYC. Suicide.

2. Monica Peterson: Journalist/Activist from University of Denver working with the Human Trafficking Center.

Death: Nov 15, 2016 in Haiti. Suicide.

3. Andrew Breitbart: TV Personality/Journalist for the Washington Times.

Death: Age 43 - Feb 29, 2012 in LA. Heart failure.

4. Michael Ruppert: Investigative Journalist/Author from UCLA known for newsletter From the Wilderness documenting international politics, CIA, corruption and more.

Death: Age 63 – April 13, 2014 in Napa, CA. Suicide.

5. Senator Nancy Schaefer: Political Activist/State Senator in Georgia. Investigated and reported on the “corrupt business of child protective services”

Death: Age 73 – Mar 26, 2010. Murder-suicide by husband.

6. Carole Kasir: Ran the Elm Street Guest House in South London during the 70’s and 80’s. Claimed to have guest logs, names, and compromising photographs of important people with children at the guest house.

Death: 1990. Suicide by Insulin.

7. Sean Parlaman: Activist/Journalist investigating the prostitution of children into Thailand.

Death: Age 44 – Nov 23, 2002 in Thailand. Falling.

zoot3d ago

Shawn Lucas -

found dead in his bathroom, no autopsy, after serving the DNC a subpoena for rigging election against Sanders

personally know people who knew this person

doubletake ago

Jill Dando, BBC reporter who uncovered BBC Pedo Ring but was murdered in 2014.

Dagnysghost ago

Ambassador Stevens of Lybia. Not exactly suicide, but left to die. Look into arms smuggling in the region.

Johnny3names ago

Eja ago

Pretty bad link with too many ads for my computer. Can you pz reply to this with the contents?

Johnny3names ago

I'm on a phone right now and it opens just fine.

I can check back later and cut and paste it all if need be but calling it a bad link is just weird and false, there are no pop ups or anything on that page.

Johnny3names ago

Knowing and having a list of these ppl and what they were doing/working on that got them killed seems like one of the best sources for possible leads.

smokemirrors ago

Senator Nancy Schaefer