OrwellKnew ago

The Swamp is in desperate need of draining

The_Kuru ago

Do you have the hard copy? It reminds me of the Obama birth announcement bullshit. Obama himself admitted that his parents met at the Selma March in 1965 and yet they come up with a newspaper announcement claiming he was born in December of 1961. Your brains have to be scrambled to accept these supposed newspaper announcements.

Yuke ago

They can be found here (there is an additional fake ID and drunk in public record - 3 in total) http://commons.lib.jmu.edu/ I don't have anything more than that.

redditsuckz ago

Need more investigators!

Christopher Boutlier AKA cboutlier is More Connected in DC than Alefantis - Worked with Biden and ROYALTY


OrwellKnew ago

Nice find

PieInTheEye ago

His legitimate family name was almost certainly Alefantis, and it does not seem to have been an intentional pun on L'Enfant. To be honest, I found the comparison between 'efant' and 'enfant' to be deliberate confirmation bias as people rashly grasped for connections to appease their desire to be part of a take-down.

There are obviously many other connections within Pizzagate that are legitimate concerns, but which have been devalued by obsession over silly conclusions reached on a whim like the name Alefantis being a pseudonym. I have no doubt that as a wordplay - even though not at all exact - even James Alefantis and his mates have joked for years over the similarity, much like his choice of the Greek pederast Antinous as an Instagram avatar - obviously an 'insiders' joke relating to their particular 'preference' for 'cuisine' at CPP/Bucks - or at least their elite patrons.

Someone else posted a genealogical listing for James Alefantis that seems correct from my own research, proving the Greek paternal name Alefantis to be multi-generational in his family: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1440343

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Though this was weird info I found --------------------------------------------------------------------


Anyone heard of the 'Pizza Connection Trial'? The Pizza Connection Trial stands as the longest criminal jury trial in the federal courts in U.S. history. The trial began on September 30, 1985 and ended with convictions of all but one of the 22 defendants on March 2, 1987. The trial centered on a Mafia-run enterprise that distributed vast quantities of heroin and cocaine in the United States, and then laundered the cash before sending it back to the suppliers in Sicily. The U.S. defendants utilized a number of independently owned pizza parlors as fronts for narcotics sales and collections – hence the name “Pizza Connection”.

The main mafia personality involved in The Pizza Connection trial and subsequent drug network being operated out of pizza parlors, was a pizzeria owner in Chicago named Pietro "Pete" Alfano ... my first thought was "AHA!" a pizza connection and a name very close to Alefantis, at least phonetically, but then, on closer research, it was completely unconnected to our Greek Alefantis, because this is of course a Sicilian name.

Now, if I were to have followed usual forum tourette syndrome etiquette, I might have instantly posted a new Reddit/Voat thread with the catchy click-bait title of:

"SMOKING GUN lead found between Sicilian 'PIZZA CONNECTION' trial of Sicilian Mafia in 1980's and Comet Ping Pong Alefantis=Alfano"

But ... I decided to reserve commenting on anything, until I found something of true value with actual bearing on a pedophile ring or elite connections ... I'm still digging, but luckily others with a penchant for thorough validation have found all the good stuff thus far which does in fact seem to validate that there is something highly Anchovy smelling going on at the corner of Connecticut and Nebraska in Chevy Chase.

CaroleLandis ago

Yes, it's definitely multi-generational in Alefantis' family. And interestingly, while I was doing the research and trying to trace his direct paternal line past his grandfather Louis Alefantis (have so far been unsuccessful, but since I've had a breakthrough on Susan Alefantis' ancestors I'll probably turn back to Louis Alefantis soon), I uncovered an Italian immigrant close in age to Louis Alefantis named Louis Alefanti (without the S at the end) also living near Buffalo in the U.S. census. I briefly considered the possibility that Louis Alefantis and Louis Alefanti were the same person since they both lived in the Buffalo area and were close in age (sometimes the census takers or someone helping a census taker could fudge just about anything, a person's age, their birth place, the spelling of their name. Someone could be listed as being born one year in one census, and another year in a previous or later census), but I eventually ruled that out. So as of right now I believe James Alefantis' name to just be an extremely fucked up coincidence unless something turns up to suggest this is intergenerational and his parents gave him his name on purpose with child sexual abuse in mind.

Editing to add that I'll be posting an updated family tree tonight.

smudgepotforever ago

I think Louis G. Alefantis parents were George L Alefantis and Zaharo D Rores. I did a little digging and I think this is right. Documentation Click the "Open" Link that comes up at the very bottom, otherwise I think it just looks like a black screen.

CaroleLandis ago

Oh wow, I think you're right, that all checks out. I'll do some digging on those two names tomorrow, thank you!

PieInTheEye ago

Interesting about the Alefanti Italian version of the phonetics ... if you find any possible cross-reference between an Alfano (of Sicilian mafioso infamy during the 'Pizza Connection' mega-trial in the 1980's) relative, make sure you share it, because the M.O., of that particular Sicilian family was to use Pizzeria fronts all over the U.S. as drug trafficking nodes, which would work just as easy for anything else that is black market (trafficked children and child and/or snuff porn).

The foodie friend of Alefantis named Nilay Lawson (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1503413)) is from Naples I believe, and visits there regularly, so a Ngandretta/Sicilian Mafia link could be productive, especially in light of the PERMINDEX connection between the U.S. deep-state and Italian underground crime networks like the P2 Lodge.

coincidencesmyass ago

Sometimes I think the universe makes things like his name happen, because they are fitting.

Yuke ago

Oh I've said it for ages but there are still people out there that go on about "J'aime L'Enfants".

nafisnaf ago

Alefantis is a Greek name. Podesta's mother is Greek so maybe there is something there, considering that the Greek fleet is the biggest in the world. Ship cargo is the safest way to transport anything illegal.

naturehelps ago

Wasn't Walmart supposed to have used its trucks to ship drugs from Mena, Arkansas, to big cities in the US (with GHW Bush and Clinton involved in deliveries in Mena)? Is child trafficking as organized and following any of the same routes and by any of the same players?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Greece is a massive trafficking hub for people from balkans, africa, middle east

HashTagFU ago

Plus they like fucking each other in the ass.

Orange_Circle ago

I thought it was his sister who wrote to support the pedophile.

PieInTheEye ago

His mother Susan R. Alefantis (of Alefantis & Associates interior designers) also lives literally a stones throw away from the CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia .. about 3km's away in McLean. http://www.spokeo.com/Susan-Alefantis/Virginia https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Alefantis+%26+Associates/@38.9372255,-77.1801133,4944m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7a9245aa5d3fdd64!8m2!3d38.9370753!4d-77.1808643

Yuke ago

It was his mother. In the early days of Pizzagate people thought Susan was his sister.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for the reply.

LostandFound ago

There's a funny one with a typo that got repeated. Search James Alfantis and filter out results from this year 4 or 5 articles come up one of them the James and Tony Podesta at a party in 2004 comments said the artist was very dark cp esque

21yearsofdigging ago


LostandFound ago

Anna Gaskell 2004 see here comments do justice i can't https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1490443. Tony 'Alfantis' and Brock also met in 05 Washington life ran the typo for years.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea how people are finding these things. Great catch.

Rigg5 ago

I don't think it was a fake name, but don't discount the idea that he may come from a generational cult thing.

PieInTheEye ago

But ... sometimes life itself can be a humorous mistress ... though, in this case, with a sick humor :P

Either way, I can't eat pizza anymore without a sense that it is a forbidden food - it has never tasted the same since Nov 2016.

redditsuckz ago

His Father Lee Alefantis AKA Achilles Lee Alefantis was supposedly Friends with a Bilderberg members son on Facebook. Alefantis was probably groomed to be a child trafficker.

Child Traffickers are needed for the elite...there cant be a shortage of them so they need to create them and groom them from birth.


Lee Alefantis was supposedly freinds with Donald M. Kohnstamm on Facebook...he MIGHT be the son of Max Kohnstamm who was with the Bilderberg Group;

He was a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. He was the Founding European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission


Son of Max?...Donald M. Kohnstamm;


Reversible ago

I agree. It makes me think of Bernie Madoff who 'made off' with people's money. Something dodgy is going on with these surnames, even if they are 'real' and not pseudonyms. It's almost as if these individuals' purpose within the cult is to play their role in a heavily propagandised story 20 or 30 years down the line, and their surnames are a clue, an in-joke perhaps. I know it's a bit weird, but I can't help feeling something like this is going on.

fartyshorts ago

And Anthony Weiner getting caught sending pics of his weiner.

Schade ago

Great find. This would put his age at 41. Does that line up?

Yuke ago

Yeah, roughly. I think he's 42. I believe he was born 24th October 1974. (Edited for better accuracy).

Headstart ago

Good work.