Orange_Circle ago

No, having gay friends doesn't make you a fag hag.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

They're also friends on FB and have many mutual friends if anyone is doubting the authenticity.

contrarianism ago

Jimmy opened CPP about 12 years ago IIRC.

LostandFound ago

Sept/October found a forum talking about the place before during and after its opening. Posted it earlier nothing groundbreaking but still interesting range of reviews.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Petite bourgeoise Biljana Djurdjevic doesn’t want to provide a script and thus influence amateurs of her art but somehow :

« I think I always analyze human fear not from the point of view of the victims but always from the point of view of executor. »

At least Dali could pretend for a while being subversive (which he proved not to be)

Yates ago

familiar names, good clues ----->

hanknut42 ago heathers fav designer just happens to off him self? and his friend before him this is the link to oilllllllllllll

his last fashion line

omnipoo ago

at what point does seeing an artist I'd never heard of in the same Alefantis circle of friends and thinking "I bet there's a lot of weird shit with kids in this person's art" and then looking them up and being exactly right stop being circumstantial?

it's not like there are just a few pieces here or there that are odd... the entire social circle is obsessed with pictures of kids. I don't understand how it can be denied at this point.

Yates ago

Anne Gaskell

Holy shit. That is another rabbithole. She is the ex of Jeremy Blake. Blake was the partner of Theresa Duncan. It was Duncan't blog post about Gaskell's foster father/guardian Cownie and his ties to trafficking and the Gosch case that began her troubles, leading to the death of Duncan/Blake. No links, this is ancient history now and most have been deleted and the narrative set. Crazy people committed suicide. If anyone wants to dig into this connection I will PM you a link to another forum's discussion from long ago. Sadly most links they cite have been scrubbed. Archiving is so important with this stuff fan.

LostandFound ago

Please do, the Internet has a longer memory than most care to think. Ty

reasonedandinformed ago

Man, that guy Tony's face looks familiar. Where have I seen it before? Oh, that's right:

hardrock ago

Anna Gaskell's artwork can be easily summarized in three words : pedophilic, creepy, homicidal. I would not be at all surprised if her decidedly peculiar Midwestern childhood (her Evangelical mother took her to all sorts of truly odd Charismatic Christian events) included something or other that linked those three things together for her personally (and explained the Alice In Wonderland theme as well). Lewis Carrol as most of you well know, is the pen name of the author of Alice In Wonderland (and many related and similar works.) His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was from a prominent family and a confirmed pedophile. His literature is replete with esoteric mathematical codes, puzzles and occult mysteries. In other words, scrutiny of Anna Gaskell's background and current whereabouts, connections and activities would almost certainly prove entertaining and useful vis a vis James Alefantis, all of the Podestas, PizzaGate and the ritualized sexual abuse (perhaps including murder) of children. Her Wikipedia page alone is rather EXTREMELY suggestive of herself being a victim of violent sexual abuse in childhood

Orange_Circle ago

Heather got dumped and Tony celebrated Alefantis last birthday with a big flaccid grey penis birthday cake.

Yates ago

Did she? Source?

That cake is bizarre, apparently a copy of a sculpture and it does look like a penis head. Funny how the whole family seems mesmerized by it in that pic. They probably use this shitty art in programming.

LostandFound ago

Source please o cryptic messenger, you have intrigued me

Orange_Circle ago

The big grey flaccid penis cake was posted by James Alefantis on his IG.

LostandFound ago

Lol after all my sleuthing I missed an IG photo with him and a big flaccid cock cake...

LostandFound ago

Falick as fuck, cheers for the laugh well needed at this stage. If only weird was a crime

Orange_Circle ago

It was also tagged #Podesta

Orange_Circle ago

She's known around DC as a fag hag.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You know, you can look at them and see the perversion.

pizzagape ago

Tony Podesta and Antonin Scalia attended the Folger Gala together.

Supreme Court Justice Scalia died at Hubertus Hunt Club near Marfa, TX where elites supposedly hunt children for sport.

The original #killroom photo had a hashtag #WWDJD which is a reference to artist Donald Judd's art in the area where the club is.

Alefantis also has Donald Judd art at his Transformer gallery.

LostandFound ago

Love the pool party & vinyard podesta email it all but spells it out

hir0ce1ine ago

Alice in wonderland inspired artwork is so unoriginal and derivative but it does have its links with mind control and programming.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Douglas Gordon, too. What a sick shit. His 24 hour Psycho (how original) figures in a Don De Lillo novel and how a pervert is attracted to it.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

WTF - the artist the party was for - Anna Gaskell

What's with all the Chinese?

EDIT - adding archive:

contrarianism ago

Possible money laundering and child prostitution.

LostandFound ago

Wew had not gotten that far that's eye opening

carmencita ago

It is eye opening alright. What is that boy doing in the pool with Alefantis? Also, what is the toddler doing to that boy with the blanket around him? It looks very perverted and sexual. I know that some children are trained to do horrible unimaginable things. This looks disgusting. The children are probably taught to think this is normal.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Wait - is this the picture you're referring to:

It does look like Alefantis!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'm not sure about this. Pool guy is much younger, though, and has wet hair. But let's compare:

Eyebrows seem different. Otherwise... there is some resemblance, but I'm not sure. They certainly don't "feel" the same to me, from these two photos, but that's obviously very subjective.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm not sure either. The chin looks the same but not the nose.

carmencita ago

Yes, that is the picture. Notice the young boy with him and in the left corner is another small framed person, another child. These pictures are by someone that takes some pretty strange and questionable pictures.

LostandFound ago

You misunderstand see Now see scalias date of death and place of death. There's a pool and vineyard where he passed.

carmencita ago

I knew the minute I read that email that it had to do with death. There was a lot of talk on reddit about it and what that term meant. I believe that Scalia was murdered. No autopsy of a Supreme Court Judge? C'mon.

LostandFound ago

Found with a pillowcase over his face, had just thrown a party. Poor man

ThePuppetShow ago

It was a pillow, not a pillow case.

carmencita ago

Not surprised. I remember reading that there are some "strange" happenings going on at that place. Other politicians and notables go there as well. I either read it on here or on reddit before the banishing of our free speech.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

NSFW - The same buyer that bough Anna Gaskells "art" bought these:

EDIT I took off the the link - I think it might be a violation of rules

rooting4redpillers ago

I just saw that too. Sh46373 spends a lot of money on photos of serious young boys w/o shirts.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

There is something up with this auction site! It needs to be looked at - should I start another thread?

LostandFound ago

Do please I'm keen to know more!