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webofslime ago

tl;dr A large Internet following has developed surrounding the idea that human trafficking rings are being allowed to operate at the highest levels of government as part of a blackmail/bribery scheme to control politicians in power, all over the world.

Why Should You Care?

The first reason Pizzagate should be of interest to everyone in the world because the US treatment; Censorship. Misinformation. Hired Internet shills. Disinformation. Attempts to infiltrate. Death threats. And Worse.

The second reason is, through the lens of Pizzagate, it can be deduced that the average person is being lied to about the level of corruption within our governments. All of our governments.

The most immediate reason is because slavery is alive and well in the world and it can only flourish with the cooperation of government officials and the media. Forced labor. Domestic servitude. Sexual Servitude. Political servitude. And Worse.

Previous Posts:

Introduction to Comet Ping Pong

Protected Political Pedophilia

The Web of Slime

Why Pizzagate is Not Fake News

On The Scent

For many people, Pizzagate is a jumping off point. Start with spirit cooking, the pizza code and the Instagram account of jimmycomet. But, these accusations are not new.

Andrew Breitbart accused John Podesta, specifically, of covering for an underage sex slave operation:

Guccifer attributed his work his personal mission to reveal that Hillary Clinton and others were occult ritualists who were sacrificing children:

There is something so concerning that people have been dedicating their lives, even in the face of imprisonment and death, to attempt to bring out the truth. Whatever you believe about what goes on in the basement of Comet Ping Pong, the money trail still leads back to human trafficking in 100 different ways.

Let's follow the trail of the average Pizzagate Investigator:

Spirit Cooking:

Pizza Code:

jimmycomet Instagram:

Satanic Pizza Pedophilia:

Convicted Pedophiles:

That was enough for most people to be convinced. It is incontrovertible that these people are involved and supportive of convicted pedophiles. A lot of them.

James Alefantis immediately reacted by calling everyone racist, homophobic before switching to 'conspiracy theorist.' Insults without addressing the evidence. People are tired of 'victim status' being used as a shield against common sense. So, the investigation digs in.

Alefantis is connected to David Brock, who works with Hillary Clinton to astroturf the Internet by paying people to post pro-Hillary comments, infiltrate Trump groups to create concern, anxiety and doubt, and to insult people on the Internet, if they disagree with Hillary. It is part of their script.

Pizzagate investigators have zeroed in on a media machine that is connected to all of this protected political pedophilia. Maybe even at the heart of it.

The reason there is confusing information regarding Pizzagate is because Correct the Record and similar organizations have infiltrated investigating groups to intentionally insert false leads to discredit the movement.

Protected Political Pedophilia has been a very big problem for a very long time.

** *According to a study of 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association; it was found that 30 percent had seen cases of ritual or religion- related abuse and 93% of the professionals believed that ritualized abuse occurred.

In 1992, a survey of the membership of the ISSTD, Nancy Perry concluded that 88% of 1185 mental health professionals reported belief in ritual abuse.* **

Finland discovered a “massive computer library of child pornography that included pictures of torture, mutilation, and cannibalism.”

Jimmy Saville

Jerry Sandusky

The Franklin Scandal

"Conspiracy of Silence"

The Pace Memorandum

The Dutroux Affair

It is not far-fetched that another scandal is brewing, nor is it far-fetched to believe that these incidents are connected.

People have been trained to trust the media and avoid looking at primary sources. However, the primary sources that have been leaked over the last couple of years overwhelmingly reveal a massive web of organized crime of a type that is difficult to comprehend without digging through it, yourself.

Welcome To The Investigation

Being able to reproduce your trail of evidence so that other people can make the same conclusions is supremely important.

  • Know your leaks: Wikileaks, Offshore Leaks, DC Leaks, Guccifer,

  • Know your investigative tools: Bizapedia, Social Media, Search Engines

  • Everytime you encounter a person or organization you want to know more about, search these sources for them

  • Archive everything that hasn't been archived. I use

  • Database everything; news articles, primary sources (bonus points for people and businesses)

  • Raise Awareness by posting images and words that concisely highlight each issue (

I use IFTTT to help database my articles and evidence. I post the link to my Facebook and IFTTT reposts to Twitter, Reddit, and inserts an entry into a Google Sheet. I never lose anything, this way, and I have dedicated social media for this purpose.

Additional Investigative Resources:, (this is an example for California, other states available),, (search EIN numbers here),,

@ghost_marauder EIN Tutorial

@ghost_marauder SEC Explanation

For those getting started, here are some introductory links:



DC Leaks

Panama Papers


Guccifer 2.0

Images to Share:

What About The Human Trafficking Connections?

Here are a lot of leads:

What we are looking at, though, are political NGO's (like the Clinton Foundation or American Security Council Foundation) that pretend to be charities, but actually are only designed to cut deals with whoever is necessary in order to help mining interests extract raw materials from the earth.

What we see is that these mining operations that the Clinton Foundation are involved in ALL REQUIRE SLAVES. aka Forced Human Labor. Glencore. Frank Giustra. Marc Rich. VCS Mining. Uranium One. Glencore.

There are a lot of illegal activities that use the same exact infrastructure to funnel people across the world for the purposes of slavery. Pimps. Pedophiles. Construction contractors. People are willing to pay for people and sellers don't care what it is for.

How does Comet Ping Pong tie in to human trafficking? Other than seemingly participating in the pedophilia, Alefantis has a web of small businesses to launder money through; breaking down larger sums of money to disguise the source, selling crappy satanic art through Transformer and other fronts far above their value. All of their money is flowing through each other. George Soros, Podestas, the Kremlin, the Clinton Foundation, Saudi Arabia, Qatar. The list goes on. The financial web is the most revealing because it suggests that there is a lot more to this than just having sex with kids.

That is why everyone needs to keep investigating.

The manipulation of public perception has occurred on a massive scale to convince people they need to be worried about conflicts that have nothing to do with solving the basic problem of eliminating slavery.

Pizzagate is a window into how the 'elite' utilize the media and government apparatus to distract, confuse and help people forget what is important.

Pizzagate is a window into the existential crisis of humankind; organizing a society without slavery.

Please, keep raising awareness. Please, keep investigating.

FR33D0M ago

There is proof that protected political pedophilia has been happening for a long time, all over the world. Notable scandals include; Catholic Church's protection of child sex predators, The Franklin Scandal, The Finders Scandal, The Dutroux Affair, The UK's Inquiry Into Institutionalized Child Sexual Abuse under repeated scandal, The Jimmy Savile Scandal, The Norway Pedophile Politicians Scandal, The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal, the inexplicable political support of Frederic Mitterand, The Pace Memoradum, the discoveries of the Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse, the 5200 uninvestigated names in the Pentagon child porn trading, etc. The list of known cover ups defies reason.

For normies who doubt the possibility of pedophiles throughout our government, law enforcement, media, and beyond, this information is critical. Before you ask, "Is there proof?" it'd be great to say, "Is it possible?" or "A Little Background" and link to more mainstream sources (large news sites, wikipedia, etc.) to build credibility. Then actually use a few sentences to explain that these events prove that pedophile rings have existed undercover in modern society for decades while deliberately covered up. It's also important to note that even when they are uncovered, typically only a small number of people face any penalty. Leads are not followed up on, it's treated like a small, limited phenomenon, and the rest is swept under the rug.

A bit of background could go a LONG way to help build credibility. It has happened before. It is happening again.

Thanks for working on this!

webofslime ago

According to a study of 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association; it was found that 30 percent had seen cases of ritual or religion- related abuse and 93% of the professionals believed that ritualized abuse occurred.

In 1992, a survey of the membership of the ISSTD, Nancy Perry concluded that 88% of 1185 mental health professionals reported belief in ritual abuse.

In 1996, police in Finland discovered a “massive computer library of child pornography that included pictures of torture, mutilation, and cannibalism.”

Recently, Jimmy Saville was reported by police to have had over 450 victims.

Jerry Sandusky was also reported to have been part of a larger pedophile ring.

The Franklin Scandal appears to have been an obvious cover up of ritual abuse on a large scale where politicians participated.

"Conspiracy of Silence" was a banned documentary relating to the events. The victims were able to describe the tunnels under the White House.

In 1990, the Pace Memorandum was leaked, where LDS General Authority was told by 60 child witnesses that they were abused and witnessed sacrifices under the west end of the temple at an altar. There is no way for children to know this information, or even most adults. Entrance is strictly controlled and access within the temple is also strictly controlled.

Here is a picture from the original blueprints showing that there is an altar room under the west end of the temple.

The Dutroux Affair implicated more politicians, in Belgium, where the cover up enraged the local population resulting in a massive march where the King finally intervened. (King Phillipe and Hillary Clinton have met at Bilderberg Conferences)

So, it is not so far-fetched that another scandal is brewing, nor is it far-fetched to believe that these incidents are connected. At the very least, it is worth looking into.

webofslime ago

How do you tie the Jesuits directly to Pizzagate or protected political pedophilia.

I'm familiar with and I agree that there is an element to this that all goes back to Rome. When the Pope needs to speak out against fake news, I feel he is involving himself in Pizzagate in a suspicious way.

Beyond that, my understanding is that the death cults believe that Saturn was once the black sun, earth was gravity locked to it and that their goal may to bring back the Black Sun, hence the ritual at CERN. It is interesting information, to me, but maybe not relevant to Pizzagate.

The Catholic Church, I believe, ran Boys Town, so there is potentially a tie in, there. Considering the wide spread abuse of the church and their protection of pedophiles, any and all connections to the Clintons or Comet Ping Pong would be relevant.

PizzaGateExpress ago

Well the Jesuits were infiltrated by zionists around the time the Jesuit Round Table was founded. This includes Lord Rothschild (One of the most wealthy families in history), it also involves the Rockefellers and others. There are quite a few related secret societies, you can read more about them here.

There is a really good chart explaining the hierarchy and who's involved in the New World Order. (here)

webofslime ago

I think most pizzagaters can agree there is a secret society element to all of this. Some are going so far as to say aliens and Antarctica, as well. It is tough to tie it all together, but I think the Marina Abramovic connects pretty well to a secret society through her family tree. Bohemian Grove ties in. I'll ponder it. Maybe I'll have time to work on a write up, today.

PizzaGateExpress ago

I agree, I just can't figure out which secret society it is, or if it's a service provided to all of them.

webofslime ago

I believe the secret society people are just useful idiots who think they have secret knowledge about the black sun.

The sane explanation is that our Intelligence communities, government and private, are really good at infiltrating groups; religious groups, environmental groups, political groups, charitable groups, etc.

What you are looking at is a culture of infiltration on steroids, so to speak. Infiltrators infiltrating infiltrators.

So, can you pin it down to one secret society? No. They have all been infiltrated, loyalties swap according to who has the most leverage at any given moment (bribery/blackmail circle) and their power structure, according to Tavistock literature is a "matrix."

The matrix is created to overcome hierarchical structures from the bottom to the top. At intersecting points of influence (think a position in a non-profit organization by a government official) in the matrix, you put your people in. The more people you put in the matrix of power, the more it overcomes and subverts the hierarchical system created to protect people.

They don't even have to communicate. Their common interests win out, once enough people are planted and a lot of them are planted unknowingly.

For lack of a better name, I simply think of them as "The Infiltrators" because it is bigger than any one secret society.

kingkongwaswrong ago

at first glance this reads well, but it has no sources or links to anything?

InfiltratingAuditing ago

I updated.

AboutPerception ago

Please watch this video, it explains the investigation into PizzaGate in 15 minutes.

webofslime ago

I left enough characters to provide sources, if I put it into a submission.

Is there anything you would add?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Did you Confirm the research about J & T? I made the original Post, But a couple people tried to dispute it... I Went back and edited what I thought to be, good reasoning to assume my source was accurate, since I provided three additional sources.

Just want to make sure Multiple people agree with my the validity of my information.

If those few people who tried to dispute it, Were actually correct... Then we Need to confirm that. SInce you're posting it in here, i assume you have confirmed it? someone else has? If I'm wrong, I don't want it to waste resources.

webofslime ago

Off the top of my head...

I have confirmed that the Clinton Foundation directors match the directors of J & T Packing.

I have confirmed that the JIT Packing address in Michigan is a giant empty lot, proving it is a front.

I think the fact that the auto parts shipping component is present here and present in the AK 47 silencer scandal ( shipped as small engine mufflers ) that even /r/conspiracy doesn't want to talk about is a super solid lead.

I'll have to refer back to my notes for more, when I do the next draft of my write up or a whole new write up... we'll see. There have been some interesting developments, but I have so much information to sift through, it is a lot for one person.

Beyond that, I am working on something to get traction on all of this, come Jan 21.