HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Maybe I missed it, but can you show how you linked this Alfred Webre to Septime Webre?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I havent looked the facts, but have you seen anything suggesting that jr & senior webre are on good terms? Cuz Field Mcconnel's sister was basically damn near running the Pickton Pig Farm and he hates her guts and wants to see her hung.

zlomsocz ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1500304 @Celtic_warriors ive been writing about the same thing for weeks plz check this out

Headstart ago

Elijah Wood knows.

I would be willing to bet there is still evidence of human remains on these farms.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I watched this murder investigation show and the cops literally came onto this murderers house while they were burning bodies and couldnt prove it. Despite clear bone fragments in the fire pit

Headstart ago

Thank you for posting. I know the more we talk about this stuff the more will be revealed.

kafkaT ago

What is the chance NSA did not have intelligence on this guy, or that the FBI did not know stuff which we put together within a month by just online research?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

The FBI and law enforcement are alot dumber and more incompetent than you think. All u have to do is watch some of the investigation shows on tv.

zlomsocz ago

the fbi is very aware of this, its a conflict of interest to pursue the highest level

Stab ago

WikiLeaks email sent by Alefantis to Tony Podesta, picture of a gutted pig, forwarded to John Podesta


VieBleu ago


this thread needs upvoting

VieBleu ago

OMG just today I posted this - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472527 and at the bottom I question whether Septime Weber isn't the same person that portrays the "Pedo Perv" in one of Majestic Apes videos, which some theorize are MK Ultra productions themselves.

They look a lot alike but more visuals would be needed and more opinions for consensus. But the MK Ultra connection is very eerie and I wonder if he isn't a piece of the puzzle snapping into place.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Agz3w :

Jumping Right In - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/Bje4d :

Judge says secret messages reveal Robert Pickton's MKULTRA connection - CNN iReport

https://archive.is/cIzFy :

Canada has become the latest foreign target of Iran’s Press TV | National Post

https://archive.is/pxeSe :

Russell Scott - Pickton farm: Not just a lone serial... | Facebook

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