truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you.

I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter

Malignment ago

Maybe it's just food guys , but look closely - the email originated from Alefantis. He sent the pig pic. He told the New York Times they were just passing acquaintances - -!: most any lib is going to sick up at a half butchered pig. You don't send that pic to a passing acquaintance

Pizzatemp420 ago

A picture of a butchered pig?! IN A KITCHEN?!


Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I didn't realize that was James Alefantis's email. When you google: [email protected] -wikileaks I found a spreadsheet with Syd Bloomenthal's contacts - has there already been a connection made between those two? Also that email shows up under this: "How is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpster" It's a deadlink, but I used the wayback machine, and it's weird - I don't understand

pmichel ago

pretty sure you cut the pig AFTER you roast it

dindonufin ago

you cut the belly and remove the organs then roast it with the skin on

Stab ago

The original email and image of the pig was sent by James Alefantis to Tony and forwarded by Tony Podesta to John Podesta.

The text of the email is: cid:4990E1FB-6136-416C-9E17-D65E6E2CA689

Can anyone identify what a cid is?

templarknight ago

So if that email was sent from Alefantis to Tony Podesta, who in turn sent it to his brother in an email about "partying".....why am I being chastised on this thread for daring to think there might be a deeper story here!!

Stab ago

Because shills shoot down any new leads.

This is indeed an interesting email especially because it was sent by James Alefantis and forwarded to John Podesta by Tony.

templarknight ago

Thank you. I can tell just by reading this email that they aren't talking about a flipping "Pig Roast". The fact that James Alefantis sent it, tells me everything I need to know.

r3dtr1x ago

It's an imbedded image sent via email.

MAGABoomer ago

That's just dinner kids.

templarknight ago

Are you here to shill?

Chocolatemilk7 ago

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

templarknight ago

Except that it's not a cigar here:

Let me tell you WHY I posted this to enlighten you, and put a sniffing salt of truth the hell up your nose:

Marina Abramovic uses PIGS BLOOD in her Spirit Cooking ritual. There is a reason why pigs are considered "dirty food" by many religions.

Here is a quote from the wiki link to wake you up a bit: "In Spirit Cooking Marina uses PIGS BLOOD, (which most resembles human blood), as a medium to connect the spirit world with the material world."

Chocolatemilk7 ago

I stumbled on this butcher email weeks ago. I did not post it because something like this can easily be explained by Podesta and Co. as simply being ppl who enjoy pork. I have friends who share slaughter photos of animals that are about to be cooked, or pigs on a spit while it's roasting. They are not into spirit cooking. This is common.

I'm not denying that you may be right, but, always ask yourself what defense can the person use; and if there's a viable one, than its not worth pursuing. Pizzagate has huge claims being made and nothing but the best evidence will hold. This unfortunately is not the best evidence. Keep searching!

dickface8 ago

Well Podesta was a slaughterman when he was young, and he is known to cook so it might be a weird way to say we're having pork! Alternatively I guess it could have something to do with satanic rituals, only other reason I can think of.


Why would you send a picture like that to your brother? It's not as if he was still in the pig slaughtering business.

nomorepepperoni ago

But he was "proud of his skills". They may have also wanted to show off "look at this badass food! Help us eat it!"

The only thing I think this suggests is that Alefantis seems better acquainted with the Podestas than they would like us to believe.

Yates ago

Kids, that's called "pork".

artis ago #5

muslims and pork?

I just saw an image through one of the Instagram tags of a farm with jailed pigs, but the pigs were humans with huge asses... I cant find it but this is getting very weird

edit: found it through #dinostomatopie hashtag.........................

templarknight ago

Certainly understand your point. Normally it would be harmless. Except in this case, when two brothers who are tied to a giant pedophile ring, and have pedophiliac art in their homes, talk about partying and happen to send an attachment of a gutted pig. Then it is more than mere "pork".

Yates ago

No, you're going nuts reading too much into ordinary things. I know the sight of food before it gets to Safeway is triggering for many city people, but this is normal for a bbq. Also, not a mention of pizza at the party, no hotdogs, no children in pools, nothing. Now IF they mentioned one of those foods in this email, then yes, because why would you serve shitty junk food at a pork bbq. You wouldn't.

You sound retarded and there's quite a few shills trying to make this investigation seem idiotic by bringing in shitty evidence and freaking out about it with the mob so I'm calling out OP and anyone else who INSISTS this is weird.

How does it feel protecting baby rapers and killers? Do you even feel? Probably not. Mark my words, nothing will stop the real investigators because there is a ton of really damning evidence already and this train has no brakes.

So enjoy your little freakout over food, it will have no effect on things in the long run. Then take a good long look in the mirror if you're not one of them and if you have a conscience and consider what you're doing. Some alphabets are on our side and they will have your number. Also the whole burning in hell scenario.

blind_sypher ago

Hell I'd send a buddy a shot of that if I stumbled across it. Most people never see what a pig looks like as its getting processed.

templarknight ago

Yates, you are a dumbass redneck. I can tell by the verbiage of your post. "How does it feel protecting baby rapers and killers? Do you even feel? Probably not. Mark my words, nothing will stop the real investigators because there is a ton of really damning evidence already and this train has no brakes."

Let me tell you WHY I posted this to enlighten you, and put a sniffing salt of truth the hell up your nose:

Marina Abramovic uses PIGS BLOOD in her Spirit Cooking ritual. There is a reason why pigs are considered "dirty food" by many religions.

Here is a quote from the wiki link to wake you up a bit: "In Spirit Cooking Marina uses PIGS BLOOD, (which most resembles human blood), as a medium to connect the spirit world with the material world."