ich1baN ago

You guys understand they are trying to achieve immortality whether it is through Singularity or other transhuman ways. They are attempting to "become a god" in their own right.... I know it sounds crazy and most people won't analyze it from this spiritual angle, but this is the angle they view it from.

Crayzeeoh ago

Less important side-note: Jimmycommet says, "Loves spending Euros" and then is questioned by "Cummings" "Hahahah, what?!" and Jimmycommet corrects himself, "Loves being in Europe spending Euros", which I take, (perhaps wrongly), as ,"Don't try to trace large amounts of Euros being transferred into US currency by any of us."

NerdyNoodle ago

I have said repeatedly that Caris means "love" in Welsh

"LoveJames" Ugh

goodguy1367 ago

HELP I MAY HAVE FOUND SOMETHING! So I was doing some googling after I seen a post on "Goat Hill Pizza" The goat symbolizing the devil, and I came across this in Wiki: Lévi combined the images of the Tarot of Marseilles Devil card and refigured the ram Banebdjed as a he-goat, further imagined by him as "copulator in Anep and inseminator in the district of Mendes".[citation needed].... An artist who took 2 pictures and turned them in to one and he called it a fucking HE-Goat!!! Cld this be why he refers to it as a HE-Baby??! I'm starting to think this thing is getting a whole lot more disturbing!

cosmicmind ago

You're "pretty sure" it's the same kid. And you know that 'pretty sure' how exactly?

Do you have an expert photo analyst (at this point partisan and not paid off by a Clinton foundation exec) who can do an accurate digital evaluation? Do you have dna to compare? Where are the kids and can we get a digital comparison of these real live kids along with dna?

yeah, but you're ''pretty sure''.

Oh, I'm pretty sure Podesta's are up to their middle fingers in all kinds of scum. After all, they are photographed together.

I'm just asking on behalf of children who have no voice.

Unless you can provide a few partisan 3r party investigations, as mentioned above, then umm, no.

standalone ago

Izette Folger knows who the child is and informs Alefantis that it's a SHE baby.

You don't have to know who the child is to know that it's a girl. It's obvious.


Yet Alefantis did not know.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

After looking through the Instagram again, a couple observations: The "chicken lover" remark could be attributed to the way some gay males sometimes turn everything into being about homosexuality (if you've ever hung out with some, you know what I'm talking about). If that was an innocent picture of a father with his baby, this might be the case. It also looks like #hotard was originally stated by someone else and Alefantis was repeating it. If this was an inside joke within their group at the time, such as marking alot of pictures with the hashtag, then the whole thing sort of falls apart. Not shilling, just offering some different possibilities.

Kayzza ago

Does it seem, to you guys, like this could be a ship name? James, as in Alefantis, and this little girl Caris here?

crazimal ago

carisjames is a hashtag

tags are used to identify data so it can be indexed, organized, searched and shared. Do the kids here not understand that?

No matter what crimes were committed by whom it's a safe bet that the tag #carisjames is used to help JA, parents, friends and some day, the child find these images and postings. No amount of paranoia or suspicion can convince otherwise.

To clear up another possible misconception, caris does not have an iris coloboma, at least not complete. The complete circular outline of her right pupil is visible on all my monitors. It may be possible she has an inferiorly located iris nevus, but that too is dubious. Also possible she has coloboma of other structures, iris not fully involved. More likely her eyes are just starting to turn dark as she continues normal growth and development (hopefully as normal as possible in Portlandia, at least).

It remains noteworthy, a chance association of 3+ with iris coloboma is bloody unlikely (soros, caris, madeleine). Mathematically likely there is none.

That said, the instagram of JA is pretty incriminating especially in how money is displayed. If there is an association at all, it is about 1x10^12:1 a meaningful one rather than coincidence.

Remember the money, JA's bills n pills IG, don't forget ex-/European assoc. Oliver Miller (Dr Pong) money smuggling FB photo like by JA AND OTHERS: (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152902079202682&set=a.10152824475682682.1073741825.788287681&type=3&theater))

Focus on money and metadata: that is what real investigators do.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

This is a good analysis.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

That's the year they graduated

Truthseeker77 ago

Wondering if it's possible to connect any of the children in the Instagrams to pictures of missing children.

seanhurray ago

What is carisoprodol? Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations between the nerves and the brain.

Carisoprodol is used together with rest and physical therapy to treat injuries and other painful musculoskeletal conditions.

Carisoprodol may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Christophalese ago

I wonder if Caris James or some variant of that name was his name before he changed it? I don't know how to sift into that and find record of his original name, but it's an idea.


fuck me - I went to one of their "exhibits"

creeped me the fuck out, not the coffins, but the people there and the mood

thezodiac ago

Ok I'm checking here and the name of the girl is really Caris. James is Alefantis name. Carisjames looks like is "Caris with James" or something like this. Maybe it's a dead end.

Queen_Puabi ago

I remember a couple guys out front questioning Alefantis and he said something about these children being his god daughter. https://youtu.be/gKTiUaloDDA

dickface8 ago

So that kinda debunks the whole Caris thing then doesn't it?

TrotskyTrotsky ago

The girl in that photo is Fy. She is the daughter of Llewellyn hinkes Jones.


Her parents are friends with James alefantis but they are definitely her real parents because there are multiple photos of the mom pregnant, as well as different photos of her growing up.

helpthem ago

I get an "image not found" error on that photo. I found the YT videos of Fy, it shows Fy as a young baby and I can't tell the gender, but could be a boy. "Ceris" possibly a misspelling of "Caris."

thezodiac ago

Looks like the girl is Caris, he mispelled for "Ceris". Fy is the boy probably. Maybe a dead end.

thezodiac ago

I think #CarisJames is some kind of code for his pedo activities. "James" is himself, but I don't know what Caris means. The fact is: Caris James is not a person, it's an alias for himself. It's like "Pimp James" or something like that. He's a pedo pimp!


I've looked at these and I do not believe that the Caris in these photos is the same child that Alefantis tagged #carisjames, at least most of the time. In some cases, they look VERY different.

dFrog ago

A lot of us on /pol/ wondered if "caris" was meant to refer to the muscle relaxant, carisoprodol, which goes by the trade name Soma in the US. You can imagine the applications... Although, Caris is also an actual name.

Are we sure these photos aren't the same girl at different ages?


Some may be, but I'm sure all are not. A photo layout would need to be created to do this carefully, however.

That said, if she's not the mother, how does Izette Folger know this baby? This highflying painter/Washington socialite who lives in Jerusalem. What would bring her into contact with the child of a minimum wage CPP waitress?

LostandFound ago

Cmon guys James is a tongue in cheek voyeur for the peados, he is their very own celebrity. He's risqué and has a hangout for people who are like minded. The silly bathrooms, kids playing ping pong, late night all ages gigs and the paintings are all for a thrill for those who get kicks out of it. I doubt anything has ever happened in that building, when the worlds your oyster there's better, safer places to go.


To say it's a 'SHE baby' doesn't strike me at all unusual. Izette Folger is just saying 'it's actually a girl' in a more interesting way.

I think your explanation is, to be frank, overthinking it. But thanks for giving the matter some thought!

Yuke ago

The pic where he says 'Yes, baby, that's a catapult #carisjames" is central to this as well as he says in the comments "Why does daddy like BUTT?" https://dcpizzagate.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/image9-11.png?w=591&h=567 You don't refer to yourself as 'daddy' if the the child is not yours...EVER!

thezodiac ago

Looks like code, or some kind of sick inner joke. He keeps repeating that he/she loves SPENDING EUROS in EUROPE, and it seems like the other people are not getting the "code". I think he doesn't know the baby. Some european pedo friend sent him the photo, and he shared it, that's why he didn't knew the baby was a girl. Maybe his organization arranged to send the baby to europe to some sick bastards, and he's bragging about it. Also he says the money belong to the baby. Maybe the baby "earned it", maybe it's the payment for the "services" done by the baby, if you know what I mean. But the money is probably his, the baby will bring the money home for him. Any thoughts guys? Am i hot or cold here?

billcaseyABC ago

one thing occurred to me - in that pic, the baby is holding 5 x 1,000 Euro stacks.

Could JA have been implying that this baby cost $5000?

The "German Baby For Sale - $1200" pic also comes to mind as another winking price reference.

thezodiac ago

Yeah definitely, it's a price tag. Who would walk with that amount of cash if it's not earned by some illegal activity? Cash cannot be traced, that's why.

thezodiac ago

I didn't figure out who CarisJames is. Maybe it's the name of the pedo monster who raped the girl?

NewFormerFirst ago

Another thing about the instagram is that photo of a baby doll with a price tag.

And a comment: "Way overpriced"

Why? I don't keep track of dolls price to know if something is expensive or not.

billcaseyABC ago

if you look at that pic in the context of the OTHER pic where the baby is holding 5000 Euros, it sounds even more like a sick derisive pedo joke. If the real baby is 5000, then saying that $1200 for ugly doll baby is "too high" is kind of like saying "i wouldnt eat that disgusting looking burger if it cost 3 cents!"

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Some of those images have been pulled. Check your links.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Carisjames is not a name. It seems to be a designation, because he uses the tag multiple children.


In this photo, the little girl is llweynhinkes daughter, Fy. We know because her parents have posted many other images of her with her name on other places like YouTube and such. But Alfantis has tagged her #carisjames even though it is a different child and that is not her name.

So it's obvious that the tag refers to a designation rather than a specific child.

George_Carlin ago

Is she holding a roll of black tape?

Artoo ago

"hanging out with caris and mae and #ccwoolman." http://sli.mg/QBlU5S

In fact even better http://sli.mg/8WTIel Archived photo: http://archive.is/fEDSd

TheCoonlol ago

If you look at the dates from each photo, the baby photo is from 205 weeks ago, and the second Toddler photo is from roughly 98 Weeks ago (31 January 2015) + the similar characteristics like eyes / nose etc... Guys, I think we are looking at the same person here, maybe a dead end.

Fact Check:

Original photo: https://i.sli.mg/paHbf2.png 205 Weeks ago.

Newer Photo: https://s17.postimg.org/kvi8smsi7/Screenshot_20161109_223253.png 98 Weeks ago (roughly)

This shows the photos as being taken almost 2 years apart, make up your own minds put I'd say that's enough evidence.

Gottor ago

Hey I just made a new thread expanding on your post, and was right away called a shill by several people..

Here's the post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1468763#submissionTop

"Even though I am convinced that #pizzagate has validity to it, especially when looking at the big picture (podesta & clinton foundation), and even though I think James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong are extremely creepy & suspicious, I just stumbled upon a comment one voat user made (u/thecoonlol - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467883/7106182)))) with respect to James Alefantis instagram pictures, and thought this should be addressed / clarified:

If we look at some of jimmycomet's instagram pictures of babies, we see that "#carisjames" is sometimes added. When looking closely at the pictures of some of these toddlers, and when considering that the timestamp of these pictures spans several years, it appears that the toddler on each of the below pictures is very likely the same baby (the physical features of the baby are also similar).

https://i.sli.mg/paHbf2.pngPNG .

https://i.sli.mg/2FyXrV.pngPNG .

https://i.sli.mg/wmIXft.jpgJPG .

https://i.sli.mg/0woG5J.pngPNG .


Taken together with Alefantis' explanation that he posted pictures of his Godchild for fun (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyMvYT0vBV0&feature=youtu.be)YouTube)YouTube)) , there may be some truth to what Alefantis said with respect to the above instagram postings (as strange as they may be). This does not take away from the fact that he posted many other suspicious instagram pictures, but for the sake of clarity to our investigation I thought I should point this out.

*EDIT: Also just wanted to mention that I have been reading the old reddit sub & the new voat sub for a long time, but have only created my voat account yesterday. I am not a shill. I really believe in the #pizzagate investigation, but I also want to make sure we are critical about the evidence and dont miss details. To be clear: Even if it is the same toddler, this does not change the fact that Alefantis' posts are extremely disturbing *"

VieBleu ago

sorry you were called a shill. I have been called that too a couple of times - it is the go to attack for anyone upset and also I think actual shills call everyone else shills to derail thoughtful, reasonable posters. This type of observant commentary is much needed. There are many many more here that support this type of offering.

dindonufin ago

I agree, that's the same kid. Good eye.

Christophalese ago

Can confirm, at least as much as a second set of eyes can. Look at the recent picture - nose and under eye features match 100%, and if you look at the older photo (of when she was younger) and imagine her with hair, it matches perfectly. The gender confusion thing is definitely weird to me though!


I agree with this totally. What I was trying to suggest, but did not spell out, was that he tagged the photo #carisjames even though he did not know its correct gender (making it highly unlikely he actually knew its name). So as you state #carisjames seems best understood as a designation for a CATEGORY of babies.

Can you please post the images you're referring to of Fy? It would be useful to be able to have the information here as part of this thread.

redditsuckz ago

carisjames might be a code for a baby having the PAX2 gene mutation.

Answers might be here;


George Soros Madeline Mccann and the babies in the photos all carry the same eye mutation.

cosmicmind ago

See my post on this page. Tell me what you think. The word Caris could refer to genetic experiment, last name is his tag name to the kid. He doesn't know who they are but tags Caris (see my links on Caris) and his name James.

Yuke ago

Every time I see that photo I think the same thing "Those kids look like they never go outside".

Naalu ago

Ah thats the pic where someone has obviously photoshopped the girls right arm. Maybe to hide abuse marks or something? The girl does look sickly altogether.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

That's a lie. She clearly does not have any bruises or any marks in her numerous other photos

Naalu ago

Can you link me the other pics?

Altho i would say her right arm is obviously photoshopped, for whatever reason.

goodguy1367 ago

So I just searched anagram solver and carisjames comes up with a fair few words one disturbing was massacre but that doesn't mean much, there are a few Detailed ones if anyone can make anything of them?

goodguy1367 ago

Fucking oath it is because this proves he doesn't have a fucking clue who this child is, but why does he say carisjames, is this a code and anagram or what?? We need to find out what carisjames is cause he's Used it in a few posts

cosmicmind ago

see my theory on this page. I'm wondering if it's code for Caris, transhumanism genetic experiment (my post on this page has links to Caris) plus his last name tagged on the end, claiming it's his genetic experiment?

goodguy1367 ago

Funny you say transhumanism Genetics, I just googled after Another post From pictures of "Goat Hill Pizza" and found this artist: Lévi combined the images of the Tarot of Marseilles Devil card and refigured the ram Banebdjed as a he-goat, further imagined by him as "copulator in Anep and inseminator in the district of Mendes".[citation needed].... Could the HE-Baby Alefantis speaks of actually be a sickening experiment?

goodguy1367 ago

Can we somehow get this thread noticed More?? I really think this one can get us more information, someone out there will be able to dig up something

cosmicmind ago

These psycho's use codes for everything.
So many of these kids look alike it's creepy. Especially the photo taken on the voat Antinous avatar displaying a pic of Alefantis next to the child whose hands are taped to the table looked like Alefantis it's creepy.

It'd be great to have actual investigation and d.n.a. tests on them that's for sure.

Here's some defintions for the word Caris:

http://www.carislifesciences.com/about/caris-foundation/ Caris Life Sciences... quote: 'Caris Life Sciences® was founded because of an idea – that personalized and precise information can improve healthcare for everyone. As an innovative biotechnology company, we’re actively working to fulfill the promise of precision medicine through our unique and transformative platforms to help patients with cancer and other complex diseases.

ADAPT Biotargeting System™ is an unbiased profiling platform that identifies novel molecular targets to inform and enhance drug development and advanced diagnostics. Currently being developed for cancer and other complex diseases, the ADAPT Biotargeting System has potential applications spanning therapeutic development, drug delivery, diagnostics and disease monitoring.

Caris Molecular Intelligence®, the company’s patented and proprietary offering, provides oncologists with the most clinically actionable treatment options available to personalize cancer care today.

Headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Caris Life Sciences offers services throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia and other international markets. Haiti HIV Program

The Caris Foundation supports the happy and healthy development of children and families affected by HIV through: •HIV testing for infants born to HIV positive mothers •Tracking and follow-up care for HIV positive pregnant women and children from birth to 18 years of age •Education and community awareness ◦Kids and mother’s community clubs ◦School programs ◦Vocational training programs ◦Microfinance initiatives Kenya Empowerment Program

http://caris.mcf.gov.bc.ca/caris_info/background.htm involved in adolescent and youth mental health

https://www.scottishfamilies.gov.uk/Home.aspx Providing free, impartial information for families such as: Childcare availability in your area including: nurseries, childminders, playgroups and out of school care Early learning and childcare places for three and four year olds How different types of childcare are organised and what to look for when choosing a service Organisations offering support, information and guidance at local and national levels

http://caris.mech.ubc.ca/ University of British Columbia: In the CARIS lab we pursue world-class experimental research to advance the science of human-robot interaction (HRI). http://odin2.mech.ubc.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Required_Reading_for_All_Lab_Members

https://www.iab.org/activities/workshops/caris/ The Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS)

http://www.caris.org/ Caris free pregnancy tests, counselling, resources, connection groups.

http://carishealth.com/ caris health team

http://carispure.com/ Advertised as Pure chicken - Fresh chicken processed to perfection. Homepage says: "Caris is the greek word for Grace.

That's the first 5 search pages.

veritas_vincit ago

So many of these kids look alike it's creepy.

You know, that tends to be a funny thing about kids in general.

cosmicmind ago

um, no. but I'm sure that won't stop you from trying again.
I'm sure you'd say that all adults look like each other too? Perhaps you need to get your eyes tested. If by looking alike you mean a nose, eyes and mouth, then you'd be right.
I find it a little concerning that you'd have such little ?? in thinking that kids are generalized. hmmm. Maybe you're on the wrong board?

veritas_vincit ago

Dude, infants look alike. If you think otherwise, you're a mom.

cosmicmind ago

Have you really looked at children? You don't need to be a mom to notice that children look different. You just need a sense of observation. This is especially true of white children, because they have different eye coloration, hair color and nose and mouth shapes.

veritas_vincit ago

I mean, once they get to a certain age, sure. But aside from racial differences, infants are hard to distinguish. They aren't usually marked with memorable, differentiating features.


The medical uses of the word Caris may be very relevant, because of what we know now about medical experiments conducted by Synthes and The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard. The hashtag #carisjames could be a category of babies that for some reason are particularly suitable for experimentation by one of these kinds of institutes. A working theory might be that Alefantis is bringing babies over from Europe, some for sale to pedos, others for sale to medical institutes.


also they have been speculating that they (Soros, Wyss, Tavistock etc) are cloning children with special mental or electro-magnetic abilites, X-men style

just for measure: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/marina-abramovic-brain-interview-660743


I am curious, how did you link Caris to the Wyss Institute?


ok about Hansjörg Wyss - his name just recently came up - he is a clinton donor / works with podesta and into shady medical experiments that recently killed 5 patients - he got off scott free (of course)



cosmicmind ago

in addition: Here's an interesting voat topic about Kurzweil/Google and the Artificial Intelligence transhumanism science which the article claims is backed by google.



I'm linking it with the above info because there's a similar thread here... google/youtube controls information that could lead to Alefantis. It's alleged in the above articles that links transhumanism. Caris links have a lot of child locating and robotic/transhumanism biology study... not to mention the child placement links to the name Caris, and one that describes internet technology.

Why in god's name would a Caris Chicken factory after the Greek name for grace, - appears to have a lot of photos taken in India, and a need to mention that it's PURE. What else could chicken be?

edited to add: This reminds me of the thread about the eyes anomaly coloboma that appears in Soros and McCann and a few others.

Also, an interesting post appeared on this forum just after LegionWills thread about Coloboma, telling us to avoid looking into the coloboma topic.

Where do these transhumanist labs get their human guinea pigs? Just wondering.

bidentime ago

Ok this might just be an artifact of this image, but look at the pic of the kid again. Does it appear that there is an eye anomaly (right eye, left side of pic) that seems similar to the colomba anomaly of McCann and Soros?


I noticed the left eye anomaly yesterday as well...2 pics of same kid had it




cosmicmind ago

one more thing.....

okay, this is just an alleged thesis, but is this why he keeps calling the kids his ''god children' even though we've heard nothing from the parents in response to his accusation that people's children are put on the internet?

Does the name Caris refer to a genetic experiment and James is his i.d. to it?

People keep commenting that the kids all have the same look.

dickface8 ago

That baby with the euros and toddler tied to table are the same. She's in a few of his posts. You can tell just from the big eyes and little bags under them.

cosmicmind ago

And you know this how?

How do you know there isn't Caris biological engineering involved?

Where is the Caris companies getting their guinea pigs?

Do you know how many siblings look identical? For example, my friends 6 year old girl looks exactly like he did when he was that age, except long hair. I saw a pic of his kid and thought it was his pic, but he didn't have long hair as a kid.

Where are the kids and why doesn't he know its sex if it's the same?

Instead he hashtags it CarisJames and has to be told what sex it is.
Get it?

dickface8 ago

Well technically if he was doing nefarious things with that baby he would probably already know the sex of it if you know what I mean, horrible I know...

cosmicmind ago

Would he be able to keep track and remember? I wonder? According to one person on this very thread writes that all children look alike.
If a person on this thread has that opinion, I don't think it's hard to see how a person who may ''allegedly'' be involved with large numbers may not be able to keep up.

johara ago

Very valid point. Nice catch.

CrackerJacks ago

I've never heard anyway say "That's quite an expressive face" ....Child or adult....Alefantis's pictures are all strange and the comments....Always said that.


Izette's husband is photographer Neil Folger, who in 2012 was reported to be living 'in Jerusalem with his family.'


I have not been able to establish whether Neil and Izette have any children. Izette apparently works for "Innocents at Risk." What are the odds this is where the child came from?


any relation to the Folger dynasty? Abigail etc

Commonwombat ago

I thought Scott Cummings was her husband? According to her IMBD profile anyway. Maybe Neil is her brother?


She is often photographed together (in Washington socialite magazines) with Neil and they look to me like a couple. This may happen occasionally with siblings, but not I think very often. Can you find similar pictures of Izette with Scott Cummings?

totesgoats908234 ago

Why do the babies he posts always have these tired looking eyes? I'm not used to seeing that.

goodguy1367 ago

Yes it's not normal to see healthy kids with baggy eyes, My mates have kids and their eyes are never like the ones in his pictures. Just looking at this little girl and wondering where the fuck she is and if she's ok brings a tears to my eyes

George_Carlin ago

the dark bags under the eyes - looks like they are being drugged and or dont see a lot of daylight...

artis ago

don't forget the coloboma

LA_Trump ago

A Smoking gun perhaps. Great catch!


TY! It stuck me as more significant, perhaps, than the basement half-lie.

LA_Trump ago

The goddaughter lie is incriminating too.

dickface8 ago

This is what someone above me wrote: From above Voat link: The girl referred to as #CarisJames is actually Caris Cummings, Scott Cummings daughter. CCWoolman is Cory Woolman, Scott's wife. Together they have two daughters, Caris 5 and Mae 8. http://archive.is/9FN8n - Caris http://archive.is/vSqri - Caris drinking milk, Cory Woolman commented http://archive.is/vaDfJ - Caris http://archive.is/0Az6u - Juniper Wills http://archive.is/k0YJ3 - Caris? http://archive.is/NaP2M - Mae http://archive.is/ayA91 - Scott holding Caris http://archive.is/ZwwUn - Mae and Caris http://archive.is/hPsLM - Mae https://i.sli.mg/zF3Ofm.pngPNG - Caris https://i.sli.mg/2FyXrV.pngPNG - Caris RECENT PICS FOUND FOLLOWING LEADS https://i.sli.mg/wa9PAH - old photo on Scotty Cummings FB, Caris? http://archive.is/2uKCz - Scott, Cory, Mae and Caris http://archive.is/s31H5 - Mae

So yeah wouldn't that debunk the Caris part?