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cosmicmind ago

These psycho's use codes for everything.
So many of these kids look alike it's creepy. Especially the photo taken on the voat Antinous avatar displaying a pic of Alefantis next to the child whose hands are taped to the table looked like Alefantis it's creepy.

It'd be great to have actual investigation and d.n.a. tests on them that's for sure.

Here's some defintions for the word Caris: Caris Life Sciences... quote: 'Caris Life Sciences® was founded because of an idea – that personalized and precise information can improve healthcare for everyone. As an innovative biotechnology company, we’re actively working to fulfill the promise of precision medicine through our unique and transformative platforms to help patients with cancer and other complex diseases.

ADAPT Biotargeting System™ is an unbiased profiling platform that identifies novel molecular targets to inform and enhance drug development and advanced diagnostics. Currently being developed for cancer and other complex diseases, the ADAPT Biotargeting System has potential applications spanning therapeutic development, drug delivery, diagnostics and disease monitoring.

Caris Molecular Intelligence®, the company’s patented and proprietary offering, provides oncologists with the most clinically actionable treatment options available to personalize cancer care today.

Headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Caris Life Sciences offers services throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia and other international markets. Haiti HIV Program

The Caris Foundation supports the happy and healthy development of children and families affected by HIV through: •HIV testing for infants born to HIV positive mothers •Tracking and follow-up care for HIV positive pregnant women and children from birth to 18 years of age •Education and community awareness ◦Kids and mother’s community clubs ◦School programs ◦Vocational training programs ◦Microfinance initiatives Kenya Empowerment Program involved in adolescent and youth mental health Providing free, impartial information for families such as: Childcare availability in your area including: nurseries, childminders, playgroups and out of school care Early learning and childcare places for three and four year olds How different types of childcare are organised and what to look for when choosing a service Organisations offering support, information and guidance at local and national levels University of British Columbia: In the CARIS lab we pursue world-class experimental research to advance the science of human-robot interaction (HRI). The Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Caris free pregnancy tests, counselling, resources, connection groups. caris health team Advertised as Pure chicken - Fresh chicken processed to perfection. Homepage says: "Caris is the greek word for Grace.

That's the first 5 search pages.

cosmicmind ago

in addition: Here's an interesting voat topic about Kurzweil/Google and the Artificial Intelligence transhumanism science which the article claims is backed by google.

I'm linking it with the above info because there's a similar thread here... google/youtube controls information that could lead to Alefantis. It's alleged in the above articles that links transhumanism. Caris links have a lot of child locating and robotic/transhumanism biology study... not to mention the child placement links to the name Caris, and one that describes internet technology.

Why in god's name would a Caris Chicken factory after the Greek name for grace, - appears to have a lot of photos taken in India, and a need to mention that it's PURE. What else could chicken be?

edited to add: This reminds me of the thread about the eyes anomaly coloboma that appears in Soros and McCann and a few others.

Also, an interesting post appeared on this forum just after LegionWills thread about Coloboma, telling us to avoid looking into the coloboma topic.

Where do these transhumanist labs get their human guinea pigs? Just wondering.

bidentime ago

Ok this might just be an artifact of this image, but look at the pic of the kid again. Does it appear that there is an eye anomaly (right eye, left side of pic) that seems similar to the colomba anomaly of McCann and Soros?


I noticed the left eye anomaly yesterday as well...2 pics of same kid had it


cosmicmind ago

one more thing.....

okay, this is just an alleged thesis, but is this why he keeps calling the kids his ''god children' even though we've heard nothing from the parents in response to his accusation that people's children are put on the internet?

Does the name Caris refer to a genetic experiment and James is his i.d. to it?

People keep commenting that the kids all have the same look.

dickface8 ago

That baby with the euros and toddler tied to table are the same. She's in a few of his posts. You can tell just from the big eyes and little bags under them.

cosmicmind ago

And you know this how?

How do you know there isn't Caris biological engineering involved?

Where is the Caris companies getting their guinea pigs?

Do you know how many siblings look identical? For example, my friends 6 year old girl looks exactly like he did when he was that age, except long hair. I saw a pic of his kid and thought it was his pic, but he didn't have long hair as a kid.

Where are the kids and why doesn't he know its sex if it's the same?

Instead he hashtags it CarisJames and has to be told what sex it is.
Get it?

dickface8 ago

Well technically if he was doing nefarious things with that baby he would probably already know the sex of it if you know what I mean, horrible I know...

cosmicmind ago

Would he be able to keep track and remember? I wonder? According to one person on this very thread writes that all children look alike.
If a person on this thread has that opinion, I don't think it's hard to see how a person who may ''allegedly'' be involved with large numbers may not be able to keep up.