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TrotskyTrotsky ago

Carisjames is not a name. It seems to be a designation, because he uses the tag multiple children.

In this photo, the little girl is llweynhinkes daughter, Fy. We know because her parents have posted many other images of her with her name on other places like YouTube and such. But Alfantis has tagged her #carisjames even though it is a different child and that is not her name.

So it's obvious that the tag refers to a designation rather than a specific child.

TheCoonlol ago

If you look at the dates from each photo, the baby photo is from 205 weeks ago, and the second Toddler photo is from roughly 98 Weeks ago (31 January 2015) + the similar characteristics like eyes / nose etc... Guys, I think we are looking at the same person here, maybe a dead end.

Fact Check:

Original photo: 205 Weeks ago.

Newer Photo: 98 Weeks ago (roughly)

This shows the photos as being taken almost 2 years apart, make up your own minds put I'd say that's enough evidence.

Gottor ago

Hey I just made a new thread expanding on your post, and was right away called a shill by several people..

Here's the post:

"Even though I am convinced that #pizzagate has validity to it, especially when looking at the big picture (podesta & clinton foundation), and even though I think James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong are extremely creepy & suspicious, I just stumbled upon a comment one voat user made (u/thecoonlol - with respect to James Alefantis instagram pictures, and thought this should be addressed / clarified:

If we look at some of jimmycomet's instagram pictures of babies, we see that "#carisjames" is sometimes added. When looking closely at the pictures of some of these toddlers, and when considering that the timestamp of these pictures spans several years, it appears that the toddler on each of the below pictures is very likely the same baby (the physical features of the baby are also similar). . . . .

Taken together with Alefantis' explanation that he posted pictures of his Godchild for fun ( , there may be some truth to what Alefantis said with respect to the above instagram postings (as strange as they may be). This does not take away from the fact that he posted many other suspicious instagram pictures, but for the sake of clarity to our investigation I thought I should point this out.

*EDIT: Also just wanted to mention that I have been reading the old reddit sub & the new voat sub for a long time, but have only created my voat account yesterday. I am not a shill. I really believe in the #pizzagate investigation, but I also want to make sure we are critical about the evidence and dont miss details. To be clear: Even if it is the same toddler, this does not change the fact that Alefantis' posts are extremely disturbing *"

VieBleu ago

sorry you were called a shill. I have been called that too a couple of times - it is the go to attack for anyone upset and also I think actual shills call everyone else shills to derail thoughtful, reasonable posters. This type of observant commentary is much needed. There are many many more here that support this type of offering.

dindonufin ago

I agree, that's the same kid. Good eye.

Christophalese ago

Can confirm, at least as much as a second set of eyes can. Look at the recent picture - nose and under eye features match 100%, and if you look at the older photo (of when she was younger) and imagine her with hair, it matches perfectly. The gender confusion thing is definitely weird to me though!