Kwijibo ago

No, turns out I was wrong. There is a Jewish Internet Defense Force.

chickenlover ago

He didn't posted any proof, like video or audio recordings so until he's not able to show anything it stays complete bullshit. Not important if it was the JIDF, IDF or fucking Benjamin Netanjahu. It harms the investigation because it is an attack vector for MSM to discredit PG for antisemtism. End of discussion for me here.

Letsdoit ago

Totally agree with you. I feel voat is infested with elite pedo slaves doing their bidding.

See for yourself. ( Here a link to sharpen your instincts. (

After trying to stay anonymous but having to proof all the time i am not a robot. I posted my first submission non anonymous. ( and had an Anonymous phone call within 10 minutes, open line nobody saying anything.

With my second post i was able to withness how sliding works. (

Peace love courage and perseverance to all working together to heal our future.

ababcb ago

FBI anon made it clear to us all that there was a "Huge Jewish influence" so it makes sense that they would be here shilling, but if they are tracking people down they must be terrified. We are clearly on the right track.

Skanda ago

Is Peter Scully a Jew?

323823823 ago


JudaismForGentiles ago

What do they do to you once they know who you are? An account I have on a different forum was compromised after I started posting about pizzagate.

Mooncutter ago

This was the worst attempt to scare all the researchers that I have ever seen. Either you're not that smart, or you're in a psychosis.

wellington33 ago


I drop this here, just in case some dot is connected in the future. I was watching this video about who control the hip-hop industry. At the end of the video (8:30), they show clips of the house of Rick Rubin in wich we can see a hat from the Almas Shriners.

In the Almas Shriners front page we can read this:

"Presently, Almas Shriners offers it’s members the opportunity to participate in several Clubs and Units that are described elsewhere on this site. These Clubs and Units not only hold social events and participate in parades throughout each year, but they also help, aid and assist in the purpose of our fraternity, that being, the support of the Shriner’s Hospital for Children. We always remember, “No man stands so tall as when he bends down to help a child.”

I know right now there is an ocean of dots to connect, and that bring more dots does not quite help... but i dont trust those organizations that stands for the rights of the children. I honestly think all those big organizations diserves to be investigated.

Anyway, sorry for the off-topic. If this message need to be deleted, i would understand.

WewLaddy ago

unbiased_researcher ago

Why can't you go into detail?

dindonufin ago

How do you know who they are? Surely they didn't tell you, and if they did, surely you don't believe them.

TealHighCloud ago

So it went something like this?

JIDF: "we know who you are..we've got a smoking gun... follow me...." researchgirl101010: "hokay. dum dee dum dum dum.." JIDF: "You're not on Voat." researchgirl101010: "Yes I am and my name is researchgirl101010. Ahh! I've been duped!" JIDF: "btw we're the JIDF."

Same thing happened to me. Be careful guys. That's how good they were.

Sciency ago

Yup. It doesnt take much to steal someone elses research from another site, just to post it as original to gain the trust of the new site.

LtSilverFox ago

Stay safe guys !

MeatballPizza ago

  1. Who is Jewish in this investigation? Not Hillary, James, John, Tony, who?

  2. Thanks to the mods we have to axed the constant flamers who showed up posting about Jewish ceremonial penis blood sucking or whatever. They formed their own board on Voat, btw.

  3. Good tip on not to get outed chasing 'leads.'

Codewow ago

I am easily identifiable and will let you know if something happens to me by either going inactive (if I'm dead) or by announcing it.

stickittotheman ago

He speaks the truth, dont believe the shills trying to shut down this thread. There is one main theme to all involved in pedophilia

smoothassilk ago


SaintStealth ago

Don't fall into the trap of blaming Jews or be lured in that direction. It will be used to discredit the investigation as a "racist smear campaign against Jews by white supremacists" or some such crap. (And for those convinced that the agenda of the global banker elite is a Jewish conspiracy, don't believe that either. The Jewish identify has been co-opted by globalists to further their agenda, which does include a corrupted form of Zionism. Aim for the top of the pyramid and not for a race. Hopefully, I'm preaching to the choir here.)

Sciency ago

Hopefully, I'm preaching to the choir here.

If you had joined a few months ago you would be. As it stands, this sub is full to the top of the BS that killed reddit. Most redditors have this bazzare hivemind way of writing that just makes me cringe. I dont even think they realize how much they stand out.

Anyway, I agree we need to keep politics distant from the research, but if that research leads to some jews, we need to continue research and be careful about generalizing.

SaintStealth ago



If they found you then don't they already know who you are?

cover20 ago

No, that post just lists some Hollywood execs and whaddaya know many are Jewish. We knew this already, and that a lot of Hollywood people are into this stuff, at least I sort of knew it. But are the execs into it? Are the H'wood people who are into it typically Jewish? Or, is it something the family oriented Jews (esp. Orthodox) leave to the Gentiles so the Gentiles will destroy themselves? One thing about Jews, we're not self destructive.

chickenlover ago

That's indeed where I got my user name from. Wanted something /v/pizzagate related...

cover20 ago

Who are "they", and where were you approached? What fake evidence? All these things could be said without compromising your anonymity, as far as I can tell.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


Sciency ago

Anyone who believes there some new up voting service needs to drop it. There has always been vote-sales on these sites. It was never a problem until reddit exodus 5.0, so maybe consider that its a bunch of retards that only read headlines and comments.

TheDude2 ago

Interesting. I may look into this later. Just the lulz (and at the same time disgusting) it would be interesting to see how far it goes.

apparatchik88 ago

I think we need to have an anonymity guide as the sticky thread. Damn Jews.

gopluckyourself ago

Pretty sure there are a lot of people coming over for reddit just skimming headlines and not actually reading anything. Either that or a group of shills trying to push the jews did it agenda to fuck with us. The post is obvious bait. That being said I think that protecting your identity is of paramount importance to people investigating this if our suspicions of wrongful death are true. Hell even if they're not anonymity is important just so you don't get hastled.

apparatchik88 ago

Yes, pedophilia is just another means of Jewish subversion, they love to blackmail people in positions of power with sex tapes and pedo history. Look at Jared Kushner, for instance, his dad tried to do it and went to jail!

Javik2186 ago

I don't think the JIDF are behind the cover-up of pizzagate. They only show up when people attack them for their illegal activites in Palestine, defend Prime Minister Netayau his crazy ideas of Iran and Palestine, attack anyone who believes their illegal wars is genocidal war crimes, and attack anyone when others try to link ISIS/ISIL to them.

Wikipedia, the Clinton Foundation, CTRs, the MSM, and many other higher ups within the American, British, and many other governments are the ones who are trying to stop us from releasing this gross sick crime they're covering up. Even going as far to mysteriously make people commit suicide or cause a large accident to hide the truth. I say this big, very big, like Fox Mulder trying to discover the exterresstial/government conspiracy to find his sister.

Come to think of it, we all have a Fox Mulder in us trying to find the evidence that is there but also fighting the groups who are trying to stop or kill us from releasing this information to the public.

fuckJIDF ago


RainingPiss ago

JIDF are known for this. I actually don't think this is concern troll. Rule 41? Be safe yall. Also mods pls pm me

apparatchik88 ago

I blame the Jews.

wellington33 ago

They can't stop this. We are investigatin all over the world. There's a lot of americans investigating, but not everyone is from USA. Theres people from all over Europe, Australia, Southamerica... They can't stop us guys. That is why is important to download and archive information in personal offline disks/usb.

Be patient, maybe it takes some years to put all this people in jail or even underground, but we are planting the seed that will change everything. We are seeding justice for the future. Trust in our power, dont let them divide us, and keep doing what we are doing.

The control of the vatican and his policy of pedofilian blackmail, is falling. Keep pushing anons. The name of the future rest in our shoulders. Allways to the victory.

323823823 ago


LungTien ago

I say, try me first!

Before I post all that I have found! Better hurry!!

therealwopD ago

I have been looking into Pizzagate for weeks now, without anonymity.

Would not be hard to find me.

Come after me you sick pedo fucks!

0xFFF ago

So did they threaten you? Any more details what happened how? Cause I am sure you could tell us more without giving away your identity to us. Unless you can be much more specific I think this is BS or paranoia

Skanda ago

This is an attempt by the antisemites to hijack this. Your story is laughably fake and anyone who believes it is naive. Pizzagate must be depoliticized.

Sciency ago

It would be wise to keep politics as seperate as possible, but if there comes actual evidence of high numbers of jews being involved, the internet will burn them.

If anyone thinks voat is going to back off a topic because it offends the most coddled religious group in the modern world... well be ready for the day that "antisemite" becomes a complement.

Skanda ago

I'm not a Jew, but the idea is ridiculous. Peter Scully is the worst pedophile monster, made video torturing and raping 3 year olds , selling them on the deep web, and he was blue eyed white, as are many other pedophiles. This is not about race or ethnicity.

Sciency ago

Agree 100%. This is about weeding out the worst monsters in big business and government, especially if they make a large group of good people look bad. Its up to the individual to decide if any given demographic is worth defending or criticizing.

Its also worth considering that very few practicing jews are actually truely "jewish" by genetic heritage. Its a creed, with some athiests and some traditionalists. Reality is that they come in every eye/hair color.

Dressage2 ago

How do you post on here

CrackerJacks ago

Click share link/discuss top right of webpage.

Skanda ago

Can never be too paranoid.

Actually yes, you can be too paranoid. Don't disconnect from reality. Always be realistic.

researchgirl101010 ago

Agreed. I am near positive that is how they are profiling. This is great info.

quantokitty ago

It makes no sense that a secret group would identify themselves.

Doesn't sound plausible.

323823823 ago

They are not secret! They are out in the open.


Skanda ago

He said "JIDF" so I assume OP is a troll from /pol/

JIDF exists but it's a nothingburger. The way /pol/ imagines it is an exaggerated, memeified version.

Kwijibo ago

The IDF is the Israeli Defense Force, AKA the army. the JADF is the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. Maybe the OP is confused?

researchgirl101010 ago

They did not identify themselves. I identified them using my own techniques. Once I realized I fucked up I played a long with it until I figured out who I was dealing with.

quantokitty ago

If you identified them, it's even worse.

They're nothing to be afraid of if you could ferret out who they were.

Konran ago

How exactly did you 'figure out' who you were dealing with?

Headstart ago

Hmmm. Wondering why JIDF would be interested in this story. I had heard about them about 3 years ago. They mostly were going after anti-Semetic attacks on campuses or attacks against Jewish people online.

I don't see the link as to why they would be interested in this. It will be interesting to see what they post to their website in the next few weeks.

ababcb ago

Most people in power are implicated in this pedophile ring and since a disproportionate amount of people in power are also Jewish I could see how they might perceive this as a threat. All of the following people are Jewish, for example:

Holywood Execs:

Peter Chernin - News Corp. President

Brad Grey - Paramount Pictures Chairman

Robert Iger - Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive

Michael Lynton - Sony Pictures Chairman

Leslie Moonves - CBS Corp. Chief Executive

Jeff Zucker - NBC Universal Chief Executive

Headstart ago

Trust me, plenty of Jews are involved. However, there are way more non Jews that are involved in it.

The entertainment industry is heavily Jewish. However, they make up a small percentage of the overall picture.

It does nothing to further Pizzagate to go on tirades against Jews. It only helps the enemy, who is not Jewish, hide.


these are just intimidation tactics. We need to stand up for ouselves

researchgirl101010 ago

Listen I have the top post here right now and have contributed a good amount. I am standing up for all of the researchers here by letting you know what happened to me and putting myself at risk to do so. I am not telling people to stop. The fact this is happening proves we are on to something and should keep going. I won't stop till my hear beat does. This case means the world to me and its worth risking my life for to save the kids.

researchgirl101010 ago

Nice try. You forgot to ask me where my tinfoil hat is. I am not paranoid. I am telling people the truth. We are up against very powerful forces. If you do not think they are coming after researchers then you are naive. This is a warning. The smart people will figure it out and get past the noise of insults.

bdmthrfkr ago

Notice his stats? If you want to spot a shill just hover your mouse over the username and if it is an old account with very low scp/ccp (like his) it is a shill. All of the time, every time.

Us older Voaters already know this.

KaliPhobos ago

what do you think, can they actually physically harm us or get us into legal troubles? or are they just hunting some information about us as well as using intimidation to stop the researchers?

researchgirl101010 ago

They are trying to figure out who is who. I do not know what they will do. But be careful and use strong security measures and do not get lured in like I did. They will try to lure you in. They are experts and well trained.

KaliPhobos ago

so far I only met those guys saying "thats all conspiracy, look there, cats and nudes, stop the research, abandon the thread, its all right, all just lies, ..." as well as the fake-information guys...

that kind of researchers on such a thread is new to me ^^

but idk lets welcome our new friends :)

chickenlover ago

Sounds like complete bullshit to me. Submitter is a) stupid or b) another saboteur which tries to harm the whole pizzagate investigation with blaming 'the jews' for everything. Downvote him and keep up the good work folks, thank you!

LtSilverFox ago

Oh God lol just ignore the chicken and stay safe guys

chickenlover ago

Thanks mate, can't imagine what these dudes would say if I named myself 'HillaryClinton', 'GeorgeSoros' or 'ClintonFoundation'. Let's concentrate on the important things and move on.

smoothassilk ago

upvote me so i can downvote too

dickface8 ago

Likewise *hint hint

wgvdl ago

@chickenlover - You are the very proof that shills and disinfo-trolls are here en masse. You registered 2 hrs ago. You ve got a very conclusive nickname and your profile shows an unambiguous avatar. and you got 7 upvotes in just 40 minutes.

chickenlover ago

It's true that I'm very new here, but please show me one poste I've made which spreads disinformations. I try to contribute with good posts, thats why I recieve upvotes!

wgvdl ago

No insult, chickenlover, but did you get at all what #Pizzagate is about? It's about monsters that call themselves chickenlovers abusing and torturing little boys. And you are stumbling on this board and use this term as a nick? Moreover, the avatar you chose shows a little heart withinin a big heart?

To be mild that's more than stupid. If I were paranoid I would say you are here running a sort of desentization-programming.

randolf ago

honestly i dont't like chickenlover's post. nor his nick. but OP didn't provide with ANYTHING and just points at jews. this is the kind of disinfo we don't need atm, regardless of anything it's not circumstantiated.

angular_planes ago

seriously I got 200 upvotes in my first few hours here... then kingkongshillington deleted the post

pizzagate_crusader ago

Simple question. Why did you choose chickenlover for your name?

researchgirl101010 ago

I am not blaming the jews for everything. I am simply letting people know who came after me. Some Jews are heavily involved with pedophilia and the JIDF is a very real thing you can easily look up. They may of been paid by the US govt or someone else to look into this as they are the most equipped and experienced out there.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It's well known that Mossad's M.O. in the states is to avoid op's and focus on blackmail for intelligence gathering. It is well established that Epstein was seeded with Mossad money and provided Mossad with info. Makes sense that they'd have a very effective internet force, given how effective Mossad is with a tiny fraction of the personnel the CIA has. It is well plausible that they would be trying to keep the game going, same as its plausible shills, the cia fbi etc cud be trying to get info on researchers.

cover20 ago

"The Jews"? Were they wearing yarmulkes?

TheDude2 ago

Jews are heavily involved with pedophilia

I don't want to distract from your post, and I hope you're safe. Now I realize I should like a concern troll, but I'm not. I was just wondering if there are any studies that prove this statement? It would be fun to post.

Chance903 ago

This is simply not true in all the years I tracked and put pedophiles away it was mostly white middle-class middle-aged white Christian men, Please do not spread lies. 20 years of Law Enforcement....Some people are promoting their own agendas. It detracts from the investigation.

TheDude2 ago

That's what I thought. Is there a profile for pedos?

Chance903 ago

I am sure there is one specifically, I just know from years of finding these shit stains. To this day I can actually pick them out not because they look creepy or weird, some do, but it is a vib. If you want to know more when I get home from class(abnormal psych) I will have more time to go over it with you.

TheDude2 ago

No thanks. It would probably just piss me off.

Chance903 ago

I worked the 290 program for years and no People that are arrested are mostly white middle class males that are heavily involved in church.

researchgirl101010 ago

They are already downvoting. They are watching this place like a hawk.

Sciency ago

I would believe you if you didnt feel the need to defend every little thing before anyone even questions it.

Its the original voaters downvoting you, because your post did absolutely nothing that a single cautionary sentence would not have done better.

If youre telling the truth, then keep it to yourself til you have proof. Ive got plenty of wild shit I keep to myself, only because I value my reputation around here.

Skanda ago

I downvoted you. I'm not a shill, look at my history. Stop bullshitting and spreading your paranoia.

bdmthrfkr ago

See my comment above. Shill..