Letsdoit ago

Why is this sub not hot with 212 upvotes ???

Letsdoit ago

Kinkkong is a shill he just deleted my sub How can we make him pay for sabotaging our investigation?

exclusivemuffin ago

thank god we have the deletion logs, amirite?

holta73 ago

From reddit

Complaining about mods on voat censoring information


Azzipdoe ago

Agreed. I really don't think it's a coincidence everybody was so quickly herded to Voat from Reddit, why was this pos Reddit clone site the very first pick, mostly by articles claiming this is where we moved before we even moved.

Seemed like a setup from the very start and I'll continue to think it's a setup.

We need true free speech and freedom to post what we want. Up/downvote system is all we need for what the mods claim is their job. We do not need mods, especially for the tasks they've took upon themselves to be in charge of.

We need a new website to migrate to... Yet again.

Azzipdoe ago

Clintonbot (wow).... Nobody is making the claims that you throw out. But you're just following the same narrative as Reddit mods. If you even mention somebody being Jewish, apparently that means you're against every Jew in the world. Ffs right back at you, cumquat

totorox ago

i'm liking his justifications tbh

molehairz ago

you guys are getting so desperate, its pathetic what length you guys are going to protect pedophilia..

Smorecocoa ago

I believe! There are many others like me who can't contribute to the investigation, not because we don't want to, but because our lives (jobs and kids) allow us no time. We read threads daily to see if there are new leads, and I try to rack my brain daily to see if I remember reading anything that would be of help to you all. Your investigation needs all the believers you can retain because when and if this all goes down we're going to need each other. These negative posts and the deleted posts discourage others who might be trying to help. Who gets the power to determine what is relevant and what is not. Everything is relative...depends on whose viewpoint you're assessing the information. Stop being judgmental about and immature. The people posting and reading are here for one purpose...for this evil to be revealed to all and justice to be served. There has to be a way to for Mods to filter things that aren't useful for them, but may be useful for someone else's reading these discussions without deletion. Figure it out You Brilliantly Intelligent People!!!!!!!! I'm not being facetious I'm just a believer who wants to help but can't.

dindonufin ago

spam - reported accordingly

VanillaSkyHawk ago

Am I the only one who thinks shit like this is distracting from the investigation?

Azzipdoe ago

You're one of the few, yes. Kys. This isn't the distraction.. This is pointing out that our "investigation" is being kept censored and within Voat mods safe spaces, just like Reddit. What's happening here is literally the same exact thing that happened at Reddit. I

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I am looking at this stuff, and so far i can't see a malicious reason to remove it. He even labels the reason for removing it.

From a moderation point of view, it appears that he is attempting to avoid forum sliding. the nasty people will post "encouragement", tons and tons of it, while important stuff gets buried. A lot of those posts looked like they would have been more appropriate in another part of voat, maybe even in politics, but not here.

I will keep looking at the moderation logs though, and if i start seeing stuff that should not be removed, removed, i will get concerned. Though all the important stuff is getting backed up

HoocOtt ago

I'm guessing the reason you're not on the voat modlist

Want to guess why I am not a mod? here or anywhere?

Cuz at voat it is a shit job and you are here only to keep illegal posts off. You are not a curator here. Stop thinking you are.

If you keep pushing it will end badly for you. pizzagate is not the first wave of redditors to sweep in here. Everytime they push their censorship bullshit voat pushes back.

Change your thinking now. Let the users choose what they like.

ThePedoHunter ago

LegionWill - go fck yourself...better yet, go back to reddit you POS and leave the business of Pedo Hunting to others.

Le_Squish ago

I responded to OP's "proof" sometime ago.

A lot of upvoat circle jerks and shitpost got nuked and feefees got hurt. So what? I did not see any pertinent information being deleted.

9217 ago

Agree x 10000

Le_Squish ago

Did you just respond on the wrong account? You guys can't do anything properly; can't shill right, can't come up with meaningful insults, can't answer simple questions. Amalek needs to pay for better Hindus.

EyeSeeYou ago

It is pretty obvious who runs things here. https://sli.mg/v0znz0

EyeSeeYou ago

He is probably one of spez's cannibal buddies https://sli.mg/v0znz0

5PY_HUN73R ago

Spuddlebuns has made no real contributions to this investigation, which gives him no real arguments. He's nothing but a joke. http://sli.mg/bZLHkG

EyeSeeYou ago

I made contributions, until I figured out what was happening.

Lag-wagon ago

eBev ago

Oh, dear. I'm so confused.

Riva ago

How did he become a mod anyway?

Mod drama also takes away from the investigation.

kgbbz10 ago

The ones after your head are probably the ones who selected the Kong to run the goat. Why there are mods at all in an open investigation confuses me. Wtf do we need mods for? Obviously to shut down all mentions of Zionist control. As far as I can see.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


Spuddlebuns ago

OH? looks like proof of good enforcement of the rules for submission. Sorry you can't dictate how this subverse is run. That is not suppression, so much as it is "You don't own this subverse, you do not get to make the rules, but you have to follow the rules as provided..."

And remember, your chains of attachment are not holding you here. YOU are holding them. S'okay to let go. Visit /v/pizzagateunedited and float free, widdle snowflake. Nothing at all to cry censorship about over there...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

lol. yes. You're the rational person in this exchange. I

Spuddlebuns ago

Agreed wholeheartedly. But, you get what you give. Trying to come here and dictate how YOU think things should run is not good, either.

Especially when the word "censorship" is applied to the removal, but not the deletion of material that does not fit in here under the RULES FOR SUBMISSION.

Follow the rules? No removals, no crying, no problem...The instigators start it. Under the "freedom of speech" they all shout about, I toss it right back...STAY FOCUSED, DON'T MUDDY THE WATERS WITH UNRELATED POSTS. Impossible for them, and I know it...So I let them amuse me.

Nicefind ago

OK everyone, let's all calm down now and focus on the dig.

Nicefind ago

there's maybe one or to be generous two in there that were questionable deletions, imo. Overall, good job @kingkongwaswrong

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Also, You're inability to see the implications behind your opening sentence, "It's simple I don't give a shit what the mods do. " Is frightening. How you don't understand this thought process, is the reason we're here(Pizzagate) to begin with, is astounding.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ok, So your argument is that because "we can see" what these few individuals are able to deem relevant are not, that they should be able to continue to do so. Why do you think you're able to see everything they do? Because they said so? Because they said

"hey, we're going to deem what is relevant or not, but you can look at the public mod log." You know what I would do if I was mod with malicious intentions? I'd have a "public" mod log...I'd advocate for transparency, not advocate for my powers to be taken away... because then I could say, "Hey man.. we're being transparent... How could we be doing anything malicous... We're a transparent entity."

You do understand the U.S. government, pride themselves on their transparency. But Yes. I'm the fucking idiot.

And to clarify, since I don't trust your ability to interpret what I said coherently... I'm not condemning the mods... I'm condemning those advocating against the simplest solution to combat this lack of trust. The lack of trust that we've seen abused by a small group of people, in ways we never even imagined, within the last few days. The same mods that had people like you, defending their absolute power.(Talking about reddit)

brucethemoose ago


I get sick of people crying "CENSORSHIP!!!" whenever a mod deletes upvoted rule-breaking posts.

People upvoat shit ALL THE TIME. That's doesn't mean it needs to stay.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Then let them fucking spam. There's enough smart people to deduce if it is truly spam or not. The biggest problem at this point, are peoples concerns about authority. There isn't a god damn reason, to justify these mods are better than the last. That being said, I'm not attacking these mods.... I'm attacking the notion that any few people should be filtering information that THEY deem irrelevant. If one person deems something irrelevant, it doesn't mean someone else can't deem it super relevant, based on the investigation they've conducted.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Your ignorance is disheartening... To the point I can't help but wonder if it's intentional. There is no "wasting time and space". There's discerning relevant information, from not relevant information. Take any one example of the massively incriminating evidence, by itself, and it's not relevant... The only thing that makes it relevant, is the accumulation of other irrelevant evidence.

The fact of the matter is, These mods are not qualified to be the ones to determine that... SOLELY. These mods alone, are not qualified to, determine that. I know shit these mods don't know, Just like john smith 1, 2, 3, etc. I'm sure mods know things that aren't posted here as well... Something may not be relevant to kingkongwaswrong, but it might be super relevant to me, or someone else, because we've conducted investigations king kong has not.

Do we really think the only relevant information, Is what's posted and up-voted in these threads? We've seen multiple instances of threads from years ago, with zero attention or thought given to them, that are now some of the most vital aspects to what we're dealing with now. Untill we have moderators that can be verified as to who they are (Which is a tricky situation) We CAN not, allow them to deduce what is irrelevant or not.

Admittedly, I was against these public forums at first... Simply becasue we needed to archive all the information from relevant individuals that had public accounts, before they realize they're being investigated.... I'm hesitant to say it now, because I'm sure there will be things that are hidden before they can be investigated... but Chances are, most of those leads have been archived by someone...At this point, We're past the investigating individuals before they know they are being investigated. The people who are involved, know they're being investigated and are probably taking their limited steps to shelter themselves...

Now it's about investigating information that can not be hidden by setting your Instagram post to private, but investigating information that is there, has been there, and will remain there. Then putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Fuck me, I'm being a hypocrite... I don't know the entirety of what this investigation is about... That's simply where I am personally. BUt There are a lot of people who are waiting to reveal information through the proper channels, because this method has been proven faulty. A lot of people, Know a lot of things, that are not discussed here. Again, if something that doesn't seem relevant to the mods, it DOES NOT MEAN it is not relevant to other individuals. It's an insane notion, that a mod of any forum should be in charge of directing an investigation... ESPECIALLY in light of the mods abuse we've seen unfold recently. This is too big for anyone who's not involved, To know where it will lead.

Spuddlebuns ago

There is no "smashing out of existence" going on, just as there is NO censorship. Irrelevant and unrelated postings are being removed, not deleted. Ergo, no suppression of information is happening. Those SO unhappy with the removal of unrelated "noise" postings have gone to start their own subverse. You will find many other #pizzagate investigations happening on the web. This is not the only place things are being discussed.

This subverse is NOT a free for all sandbox. It has a VERY specific purpose, intent, and CLEARLY DEFINED RULES FOR SUBMISSION. If people cannot or will not abide by those rules, then such postings will be removed. That is not "heavy handed," that is simply rule enforcement. If people would not attempt to circumvent the CLEARLY posted rules, there would be NO need for mod interventions.

Distrust only comes from those who refuse to see what is, and insist on seeing only what they want to. Such as the casual usage of "censorship." Since the information removed is still accessible, it is not suppressed, and is not censored. No matter how many times people try to cry that it is.

Likewise, postings that are not SPECIFICALLY RELATED to #pizzagate are NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATED, and are REMOVED to an area NOT in this subverse, where they STILL can be accessed. That is neither heavy handed, nor censorship. No matter how plaintive your cries, truth will out. Here, truth will out free of distracting and diversionary postings of unrelated and irrelevant information NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATED to #pizzagate.

Those postings NOT removed are useful, helpful, and follow the rules of submission. Instead of crying, either jump in and help, or go to /v/pizzagateunedited and cry over there. The work here will STILL get done, just at a bit slower pace.

Crensch ago

Rules. Sidebar.

Sleuth222 ago

Is your name spez?

KosherPizza ago

I agree, but don't say there's nothing to the Jewish angle when Pizzagate and Pizzagate style scandals are centered around Jews and Judaism itself. That's all I'm saying.

Sure, pedophiles exist all over, but they aren't part of organized gangs like these Talmudic Zionist Jews are.

Le_Squish ago

None of those things contribute to the investigation or contain sources. Deletion appears to follow the subverse's guidelines.

What I do see is obvious upvoat circle jerking and voaters don't take kindly to that bullshit.

Letsdoit ago

What i see is: Posts to bring this investigation to the next level by getting more organised, are deleted. Posts that talk about taking action, beond internet investigation are deleted. People asking kingkong nicely are met with agression bij other voaters.

I feel this site is alright for getting leads and info but the next step is to meet and organise localy in small groeps to support, clarify, and take action.

Others wise we might as wel be used by the elite pedo's to boost their ego's and be laughed at, becouse of our inability to change anything.

Hope to meet people and be part of the movement that started arresting all elite pedophiles.

The best link i have to bring this about is youtube channel Rise Together. (https://youtu.be/ixOWt8N3_cs))

Hope to hear from those that feel the same and have plans to go about it.

PizzaAccount ago

Am I missing something? These all sound like valid reasons to remove posts.

grlldcheese ago

Soon, you'll smell these guys from a mile away. It's unfortunate that we have to feel this way. But we do.

You're witnessing a brigade meant to derail and divide this community. They are concerted efforts. They will probably get worse.

We're fucking assholes, here. But we're usually right. Because we've all been through this rodeo before. Welcome to the basket.

Edit: also take note of the days this stuff is happening. They are very often the days voat barely works. Because there are conveniently timed ddos attacks.

veritas_vincit ago

This seems suspiciously like an attempt at usurpation.

grlldcheese ago

How the fuck are these concern posts consistently upvoted to the top?

Obvious srs brigade is obvious.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I agree it's obvious srs brigade. Only way to fight back is do the opposite

Spuddlebuns ago

Never said I wasn't an asshole. When the occasion calls for it, I can be the biggest asshole you'll meet... And DAMN PROUD of it, too. Go cry over at /v/pizzagateunedited. Totally interesting does not equate to SPECIFICALLY RELATED, retard. Put your helmet back on. LOL Time on VOAT means as little as uv/dv to me. Facts have no age date...

OOOhh. The shill word...You, little fucktard evidently don't even know the definition of the "insult" you try to sling around so imperiously.

I am not shilling for anyone or anything. I have no agenda to promote. However, as a proud asshole, I DO so enjoy pointing out the sheer lack of basic intelligence evolution bestowed upon a rock, when you dumbfucks post irrelevant bullshit, and then whine and cry to the heavens because it did not follow the rules and was removed...

Cry me a river, retard. But go cry over at /v/pizzagateunedited. Your mewling does not belong here, you're stinking up the joint.

KosherPizza ago

In laymen terms, what is Pizzagate? An investigation into a group of Satanic ruling elite that are kiidnapping, raping, torturing and killing children?


So who are the ruling class elites? They are Zionist Jews. Here is a list of everything they control.


These are the ruling class elites and they openly admit it.

Here is an article written by Jew David Brooks who's the top political analyst for the New York Times where he fully admits that Jews control America. This article was published in the New York Times and it was written by a Jew. These aren't my words.


Now there is obviously a ton more evidence than this, but I've shown what they control and how they themselves say they control society.

Okay, so we've established that the ruling elites are Zionist Jews.

So what is Satanism? Satanism is a wing of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. That means Judaism is what Islam and Christianity are based on. The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept. Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud. The Talmud a Jewish holy book. It's what Rabbis study. Pizzagate is nothing new, it's what known as Jewish Blood Libel and there are numerous documented cases of this taking place all throughout history.


So we've established that the ruling class elites are Zionist Jews.

We've established that Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

We've established that Jews have a history of conducting Pizzagate style rituals all throughout history.

We've established that Pizzagate style occultism is part of the Talmud.

Now let's look at some of the key players involved in these pedophile rings.

Epstein - Jew Saville - Jew Polanski - Jew

Corey Feldman and the those involved in the Hollywood scandals - Jews

I'm not an expert on Jewish pedophiles either,these are just the names that come to mind. I'm actually going to make a complete list that way you can all see how they're mostly all Jewish. Don't forget, Jews are only 2% of the population. It's not antisemitism to notice how Jews are overrepresented by something like 300%.

Jewish organized crime was just busted for operating international pedophile rings.


There was also a cult of communist Jews that abducted children in the 80s in Florida called The Finders.

As you can see they were mostly all Jews.


Zionist Talmudic Jews ( the Jewish mafia) are engaged in the religious sacrifice of children. It is part of their religion. It's all right in the Talmud and the Talmud is what Rabbis study.

Listen, these are only a handful of countless examples. I don't want to write a TLDR wall of text that most people wouldn't be able to make it through,nor did I want to overwhelm the reader with too much information, but just know that what I've shown you isn't even 1 percent of the evidence.


kgbbz10 ago

That was an excellent breakdown. And of course the Zionist shills down vote it. The goat is under Zionist control. It's plain as day.

redpill101 ago

Right on 100% correct.

These pedophile mod's say they want to protect the children, but its their overlords (AIPAC) that run the PEDO-NETWORK worldwide, if you can't discuss WHO OWNS pedo, then it will never end.

Child fucking is why they keep the GOYIM alive hell it says so in the Talmud.

KosherPizza ago

In laymen terms, what is Pizzagate? An investigation into a group of Satanic ruling elite that are kiidnapping, raping, torturing and killing children?


So who are the ruling class elites? They are Zionist Jews. Here is a list of everything they control.


These are the ruling class elites and they openly admit it.

Here is an article written by Jew David Brooks who's the top political analyst for the New York Times where he fully admits that Jews control America. This article was published in the New York Times and it was written by a Jew. These aren't my words.


Now there is obviously a ton more evidence than this, but I've shown what they control and how they themselves say they control society.

Okay, so we've established that the ruling elites are Zionist Jews.

So what is Satanism? Satanism is a wing of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. That means Judaism is what Islam and Christianity are based on. The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept. Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud. The Talmud a Jewish holy book. It's what Rabbis study. Pizzagate is nothing new, it's what known as Jewish Blood Libel and there are numerous documented cases of this taking place all throughout history.


So we've established that the ruling class elites are Zionist Jews.

We've established that Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

We've established that Jews have a history of conducting Pizzagate style rituals all throughout history.

We've established that Pizzagate style occultism is part of the Talmud.

Now let's look at some of the key players involved in these pedophile rings.

Epstein - Jew Saville - Jew Polanski - Jew

Corey Feldman and the those involved in the Hollywood scandals - Jews

I'm not an expert on Jewish pedophiles either,these are just the names that come to mind. I'm actually going to make a complete list that way you can all see how they're mostly all Jewish. Don't forget, Jews are only 2% of the population. It's not antisemitism to notice how Jews are overrepresented by something like 300%.

Jewish organized crime was just busted for operating international pedophile rings.


There was also a cult of communist Jews that abducted children in the 80s in Florida called The Finders.

As you can see they were mostly all Jews.


Zionist Talmudic Jews ( the Jewish mafia) are engaged in the religious sacrifice of children. It is part of their religion. It's all right in the Talmud and the Talmud is what Rabbis study.

Listen, these are only a handful of countless examples. I don't want to write a TLDR wall of text that most people wouldn't be able to make it through,nor did I want to overwhelm the reader with too much information, but just know that what I've shown you isn't even 1 percent of the evidence.

Spuddlebuns ago

LOL Rude? New here, ain't cha?

EllenPaosEgo ago

member for 7 days

Nice projection newfag, also we have public mod logs on Voat.

Spuddlebuns ago

YUP "OLDFUCK" One of the EllenPao oldfucks at that...7 days here don't mean 7 days on Earth, moron. Why is it you believe time grants you more validity? Don't tell me, I really don't care, which you should have gathered by now...

If you are SO good at reading public mod logs, fucktard, how is it you can't read and comprehend the simple rules of this subverse, and so feel utterly compelled to try to defend the bullshit from those who can't follow them? Oh, wait. That is why you are an oldfuck, you selectively read what you might be able to identify with...

EllenPaosEgo ago

7 days here don't mean 7 days on Earth, moron.

No one implied that, however when you say

New here, ain't cha?

with a 7 day old account it screams of a newfag trying to fit in that doesn't know that you don't even have to click anything to see how old an account is.

awakenaware ago

Kingkongiswrong is going to far.. I understand need to censor but he's not following the rules.. He's been too hack and slash.. And spuddlebuns.. Your way over reacting.. Guilty of your own complaints about others.. You need to calm down.. I feel like you are just whinning and taking out your obvious anger and frustrations on someone who is bringing up a reasonable point. Your deluding yourself.. Your excuse that its not deleted and can be easily found is pointless.. If some posts that are potentialy relevant are going then it aint ok. Chill the fuck out yourself angry man. And yes I'm just a newbie here.. But my and anyones opinions still count otherwise whats the point in being here. We have work to do so lets get on with it, and channel your anger towards the work..

PurelyCoincidental ago

Hasbara are everywhere and they hate people naming the Skypes. Luckily Haifa the home of Hasbara has been on fire this last week so things have been quieter than usual. There is not a major website globally that that JIDF/Hasbara/CTR etc don't have back end mod keys to.

My suggestion would be to back evreything up in pastebins and mega uploads. The trick will be when we find public payment gateways for pizza and they will be Tel Aviv based.

PizzaAccount ago

What is a "five yo" and how do I know if I am one?

Azzipdoe ago

Pizzaaccount, quit making yourself look like a complete dumbass. I feel embarrassed for you.

veritas_e_lux ago

People like KingKongisWrong is why we can't have nice things.

Gab.ai is winning for a reason. Basically, rampant censorship sucks.

5PY_HUN73R ago

Quasimodo1965 ago

KingKongIsWrong is someone out of South Wales

That increases my respect for South Wales.

Gumpgump ago

Respect to you and I do not know the facts but I PMed him and when he did not get back, I EXPECTED that! This guy must be run off his feet! If he is who he says he is then he HAS to be understood - he has RESEARCH to do as well as modding. Maybe he's working and has a family to feed, too? As I see it, the best thing to do is support him and run with the info on your own: there are plenty of Pizzagate threads all over to cover everyone's backs. Peace.

Galvarian ago

I have no more Upvotes because apparently people can't be trusted with more than 10 up votes? So I'll just reply and say I agree. :)

HoocOtt ago

such as the "jewish conspiracy" material


It all stays.

If you don't like it then downvoat it.

This ain't fucking reddit.

We actually believe in free speech here.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Reddit has censorous faggot mods, and Voat has one right now too. It is not all staying, check the public modlogs on the side. I completely agree, the community should be in control. Mods are supposed to only be janitors, not rulers.

KosherPizza ago

In laymen terms, what is Pizzagate? An investigation into a group of Satanic ruling elite that are kiidnapping, raping, torturing and killing children?


So who are the ruling class elites? They are Zionist Jews. Here is a list of everything they control.


These are the ruling class elites and they openly admit it.

Here is an article written by Jew David Brooks who's the top political analyst for the New York Times where he fully admits that Jews control America. This article was published in the New York Times and it was written by a Jew. These aren't my words.


Now there is obviously a ton more evidence than this, but I've shown what they control and how they themselves say they control society.

Okay, so we've established that the ruling elites are Zionist Jews.

So what is Satanism? Satanism is a wing of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. That means Judaism is what Islam and Christianity are based on. The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept. Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud. The Talmud a Jewish holy book. It's what Rabbis study. Pizzagate is nothing new, it's what known as Jewish Blood Libel and there are numerous documented cases of this taking place all throughout history.


So we've established that the ruling class elites are Zionist Jews.

We've established that Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

We've established that Jews have a history of conducting Pizzagate style rituals all throughout history.

We've established that Pizzagate style occultism is part of the Talmud.

Now let's look at some of the key players involved in these pedophile rings.

Epstein - Jew Saville - Jew Polanski - Jew

Corey Feldman and the those involved in the Hollywood scandals - Jews

I'm not an expert on Jewish pedophiles either,these are just the names that come to mind. I'm actually going to make a complete list that way you can all see how they're mostly all Jewish. Don't forget, Jews are only 2% of the population. It's not antisemitism to notice how Jews are overrepresented by something like 300%.

Jewish organized crime was just busted for operating international pedophile rings.


There was also a cult of communist Jews that abducted children in the 80s in Florida called The Finders.

As you can see they were mostly all Jews.


Zionist Talmudic Jews ( the Jewish mafia) are engaged in the religious sacrifice of children. It is part of their religion. It's all right in the Talmud and the Talmud is what Rabbis study.

Listen, these are only a handful of countless examples. I don't want to write a TLDR wall of text that most people wouldn't be able to make it through,nor did I want to overwhelm the reader with too much information, but just know that what I've shown you isn't even 1 percent of the evidence.


molehairz ago

shills are trying their hardest to break this discussion apart any way they can. you can tell they're getting desperate

just keep posting the facts

veritas_e_lux ago

Except obviously they don't believe in free speech here, hence the large number of CENSORED (aka "deleted" aka BANISHED TO "Removed Submissions") threads.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We all believe in free speech, but the sensible majority on this sub also believe we need irrelevant, crazy, and troll posts to be removed in order for this sub to be effective in its mission. Voting alone is not an effective way to deal with that problem, because we have to sift through new posts to vote on them, and sifting through shitposts leaves little time to actually read, consider, discuss, and investigate new leads in the good posts, not to mention that a lot of us can't upvote posts yet.

Galvarian ago

Notice how angry the people are who approve of censorship?

Galvarian ago

I agree with you 100% I am feeling we need to start a new site that actually allows freedom of speech and freedom of expression without being subjected to some Mod's "godlier than thou's" opinion. If the post is not illegal it should stay. Period. This is what UP and DOWN votes are for, but alas even those are regulated. This site will eventually go the way of Reddit and Twitter is it does not change.

KosherPizza ago

@atko @kevdude. @Cynabuns

The owner of this site has removed abusive mods before. I think Voat should take control of this subverse.

PizzaAccount ago

Could you provide links to some of this? You were asked for them elsewhere in this thread and I haven't seen anything provided as evidence.

Spuddlebuns ago

Discussion is not being stifled. ONLY extraneous noise that does not contribute is being REMOVED (NOT DELETED). Those irrelevant and unrelated submissions and posts ARE STILL on VOAT. You just have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the links for Removed content.

Noise is noise, and if you are only producing noise, you will be lumped in with the religious conspiracy noise, and the REDDIT threads noise, and the Censorship Whine noise, and ALL other noise NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATED to #pizzagate. Regardless how interesting or compelling the post. And no, coming here and whining about how the owner of THIS subverse does not pass YOUR "validity" test because of how long he has been on VOAT is duplicitous and naive. VOAT is a platform supposedly 'free' of manipulation and subverse deletion, unlike Reddit. There may be other venues that offer the same freedom, but VOAT was chosen by Kong. Who are YOU to judge that this makes him somehow "unqualified" to make a #pizzagate subverse here?

You say, " I want the investigation to proceed unhindered. That is all I want." Well, WHY are you hindering things by complaining on what YOU perceive to be some sort of lack of validity based upon time here at VOAT? Facts need no age of existence. Bullshit and irrelevant and unrelated posts that have little to nothing to do with #pizzagate beyond being pedo-oriented are hindering the investigation of SPECIFIC information that DIRECTLY can be connected to #pizzagate.

And trying to use uv/dv stats as validation for the noise being submitted is so much hogwash. This subverse does not run by popularity. The smell test here is very, very simple. It is either SPECIFICALLY related to #pizzagate or it isn't. Not 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon related, SPECIFICALLY related. Even submissions that are agreed with wholeheartedly are removed if they do not pass the smell test. Personality has nothing to do with it. Popularity has nothing to do with it. Fucking Reddit has nothing to do with it. THE TOPIC and how the submission can connect to it SPECIFICALLY has everything to do with it.

As one former mod to another, you need to better disassociate yourself from the ability to perform your duties free of bias. Whether you like it or agree with it is irrelevant. Truly. Whether it fits within the Rules of Submission is ALL you should be concerned with. Once you start using your personal values to make judgement calls, you have abandoned all hope of impartiality. And to then come here and complain about "censorship," because posts were removed, but are STILL easily accessible , is unfair, misguided, and wrong.

Please DO go to /v/pizzagateunedited and observe how quickly any valid investigations will be buried by the tons of irrelevant horseshit posted by people who think they have found something SO interesting that everyone needs to stop and focus on THEIR piece of the puzzle. Even if their piece is from another puzzle and really doesn't fit in at all...Perhaps once you do, you will better comprehend why the Rules for Submission are being so strict in enforcement.

And REMEMBER, all posts removed are STILL available to be read. They just no longer exist on this subverse where they do no belong.

LostandFound ago

Post link and reason for takedown and let us evaluate based on what happened

Le_Squish ago

Please show example of mod deleting something he disagrees with. Burden of proof is on you and moderation logs are public.

Galvarian ago

You make for some great hateful screenshots. Keep up the great division. Your hate is astounding.

grlldcheese ago

Have some of mine too, you incompetent fucking twat.

Galvarian ago

What are you so upset about that you feel you have to call people names? Don't expect to earn any respect or win anyone over to your point of view by being so hateful and divisive.

Le_Squish ago

Oh noes, 5 day old account is upset that I requested for an accuser to provide proof of their accusations....oh shit, so hateful. Call me a racist be next. I'm trying to go into negative fucks given.

Galvarian ago

What are you so upset about? You try to belittle me by saying my account is only 5 days old? What does that even mean? That I was just born? You are grasping at straws. Your posts are full of cuss words and hate.

Don't expect to win anyone over to your point of view by being so divisive.

Le_Squish ago

If you want to be taken seriously, don't pull your rebuttals directly from the shill handbook.

Please explain why it is hateful to ask one that presents accusations to produce evidence of wrong doing?

shayneyn ago

Exactly - this isn't as big of a deal as it looked like on the surface

Le_Squish ago

The silence on faggot OPs part is telling.

All that long post about feels and not a single link or source to substantiate his accusations.

Azzipdoe ago

Le squish and grllscheese... Please please please kill yourselves. Pwease

Le_Squish ago

Wow, this round of shills is weak as shit. This is voat, dear. Bring your A game.

grlldcheese ago

Very telling.

Good work, goats. Good fucking work.

Pllatinum ago

What amazing discussion pieces of yours have been deleted? Present them here.

It sounds like you're just freaking out for the sake of freaking out.

I sifted through what kong deleted, and it's a bunch of stupid shit from 14 year old-sounded people or it's a bunch of anti-jew crap (which only seemed to be related to pizzagate when it migrated to voat I may add).

Settle down.

Azzipdoe ago

Just because somebody speaks something about Jews, something that's 100% true btw, doesn't mean it's antisemitic. Fucking Christ you people are garbage. We came here for complete freedom to post whatever without worrying about your safe spaces.

Can somebody point me in the direction of a different website with a pizzagate sub. Fuck Voat. Fuck Reddit.

Le_Squish ago

Go fuck yourself you whinny shit. Voat had moderation logs and everyone can see what irrelevant shit (like this) that is being posted.

No one cares you used to be a mod on Reddit. You fucks came in and started content sliding so mod started nuking that shit.

It has been requested that you guys post evidence and investigation leads not feefees and unverifiable conspiracies.

PizzaGateXII ago

The JEWS are taking over VOAT now.

ArcherMcTaco ago

there is room enough here for 2 pizzagate subs

contrarianism ago

kingkongiswrong deleted a submission of mine claiming "not clear how it's relevant". He didn't even look at it.


PizzaGateXII ago

@eagleshigh @1sorry_sob @kosherhivekicker Seriously bust out all your moves right now. Like I said, Pizzagate is perhaps one of the most politically relevant scandals in the history of American politics and we are the focal point. We are promoting truth, which is why I'm being transparent as opposed to sending PMs. Sure, we have an agenda, and that's promoting truth.

5PY_HUN73R ago

This is from my account last night. They are deleting stuff. https://i.sli.mg/xoWTzR.png

senpaithatignoresyou ago


Nothing gets deleted from voat, this is not reddit. Also we have people that watch the mods here.

Azzipdoe ago

"Nothing gets deleted from Voat, this is not reddit."

How fucking dull are you? Really... You're borderline retarded.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Come back when you have lurked more. Seriously. If you don't know about the side archiving project, then you have no room to talk.

EyeSeeYou ago

Comments get deleted and do not show up in removed comments.

LuminaryAziraphale ago

When we first came here he was the one who everyone was saying should be mod

sixgorillion ago

All the shills were saying that, yes.

Since then, moderators have whined about anti-semitism and used multiple accounts to upvote/downvote.

HarveyKlinger ago

I saw that and I get it. My issue isn't against you in the slightest, it's that Pizzagate is now being overwhelmed with posts that are complaining about how the place is run and not about Pizzagate specifically.

awakenaware ago

Its not been over run, your exagerating.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. How can you fucking say that with a straight face... Where are they supposed to complain about the same patterns we've seen unfold prior to other sub demises. Honest question... are we supposed to message the mods that are being accused of censorship, about our concerns of censorship. The amount of time it took this site to flip a complete fucking 180 from how they originally said this site would be run, Is fucking astounding. The answer to that by the way, Is 2 fucking days. 2 fucking days for this sub to do everything it said it wouldn't. YOU MIGHT BE THE GOOD GUY! BUT WE CAN"T FUCKING KNOW WHEN A FEW RANDOM FUCKS HAVE THE POWER TO DISCERN WHAT IS RELEVANT OR NOT. 2 days ago you refused to remove the fucking comet ping pong employee thread, even though it was a complete farce, and listed as the top search for voat pizza gate. Now there are people complaining about their shit being removed?

HarveyKlinger ago

You know I'm not a mod, right? I'm just a newb user that's tired of seeing the sub filled with posts unrelated to pizzagate. They have completely derailed this place. And in a few cases, that was their intent. There are subverses here that are dedicated for site related things as well as mod related issues. These issues need to be taken there so subs like this one don't turn into what it quickly turned into.

Again, to repeat myself, I AM NOT A MOD HERE OR ANYWHERE ON VOAT. I do not have the power to delete anything. I did not have the power to remove the Comet employee thread.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

No. I did not know you were not a mod... Lol. My apologies. That being said, I'm suggesting we give the people the ability to determine whether or not, something is derailing the investigation. Nothing derails the investigation, more than people being concerned about Mod censorship. If there wasn't any censoring going on.... We wouldn't be having this conversation...

Do we really think those 8 mods, are the smartest people involved with this case? That we need them to be our parents, and tell us what is what? IF something is bullshit, Then the commenters will say that... None of these mods are more capable than any of the people frequenting this sub. (OK, that's obviously hyperbole) There's enough people involved, that we can quickly deduce if something is relevant or not... We don't need these 8 individuals preventing us from making that determination. We are several layers removed from reddit now...

The eyes on this sub at this point, are the committed eyes. EIther committed to proving this theory, or derailing this theory... I like to think the majority are dedicated to the former..It's not random people, stumbling across a fucking reddit thread, and posting their theory. The most of people posting shit, have dedicated a retarded amount of time investigating this shit.

NONE Of the pizza gate theories seemed credible at first, and by themselves. In fact, That is the only reason this shit is being exposed in 2016. None of this shit is new. None of these revleations are in regards to new material. It's old material that was never anyalized, because "you'd have to be retarded to think that, and investigate based on that retarded thought" NONE, of this shit is credible by itself. It took persistence and an accumulation of other circumstances that validated the random circumstances that don't make sense by themselves. There's no arguing that these 8 people should be able to determine the direction of this investigation. Personally, I've been laughed at at least 4 times, By mods from other subs. Not once, were they proven to be justified in their scuffing of my findings. In fact, All of it was eventually substantiated as being relevant. To the point I question the motives of the mods that scuffed me. The only two options are they are the opposition, Or simply not qualified to be leading an investigation of this magnitude.

There is no derailing of this investigation, as long as their is forum in which we can discuss this investigation. The only thing that kills this investigation, Is people losing faith in the forum, that is bringing lite to the forum, to the point people stop the forum. That is what we've seen unfold in every instance, and what some are worried we're seeing now, here. If people investigate shit, and it turns out to be nothing, GOOD. Then we don't have to worry about that aspect anymore, and helps substantiate the actual allegations, since not everything, is something.

HarveyKlinger ago

NP. But as an FYI, check out my posts to KingKong when all this "deleting" stuff started.



I joined VOAT because I was under the impression that we had total freedom of speech and each and every comment was deemed worthy or not by up/down votes. I've had a few back and forths with KingKong and I don't believe he's doing anything out of malice and despite my ignorance has been pretty cool to me. He's got a difficult job to do and since I'm VERY new here, I'm just trying to figure everything out. It's not my place to dictate how things should be run. My personal feeling is each and every post should be left alone and let the VOAT'ers decide with upvotes and downvotes.


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

To be honest. It's not any one or few persons places to dictate how things are run, on post by post basis. Obviously there needs to be a subset of rules, that are enforced. What we are dealing with now, are peoples opinions on whether not a few people(whom we literally have no clue their identity) should dictate what is relevant or not. At this point, I haven't seen a single mod defend their absolute power... So i have nothing against the mods. My comments are directed to the people advocating for these mods, and their ability to maintain absolute power.

I do understand he has a difficult job. I'm offering a solution that will combat most of the problems we're facing by even having this discussion, while offering a way to make his job substantially less hard. It seems silly, That if you're as vital as we are lead to believe theses mods are, to investigating this shit, that we'd want them wasting them time moderating what is posted, versus investigating themselves, and letting a much larger group of people, with a much wider degree of specialties, deem if a piece of information is relevant or not.

Any rational person, Know that they don't know everything. They are well aware of the fact, that any of the information by itself, doesn't seem relevant. They're aware that none of this shit is new information, yet they never knew about it until recently(Or at least the extent). Rational people know that every day, they'll learn something that hadn't known the day before. The information they learned today, that they didn't know yesterday, might be the factor in whether they interpret something as relevant or not.

My main point is, There is no reason to believe that the people with absolute power, know everything, that everyone else knows, or that they're able to determine information in the most practical and correct way. This whole investigation is based on a accumulation of random, facts and scenarios, that seem irrelevant by themselves. There's a much easier way to go about this, that ensures no information is being suppressed, or given more credence than other information. There's enough smart people that aren't*** moderating, that can figure that out, with out the help of mods.

KingKongisCTR ago

And if that is the case then where do you think the problem lies....

HarveyKlinger ago

By crybabies who aren't following the subverse rules and are flooding it with posts like these. And most of those posts are coming from one or two individuals spamming. I mark as many as SPAM as I can in hopes they will be seen and removed.

Spuddlebuns ago

You point this out to stir shit, stop deluding yourself. FIRST off, nothing has been "deleted." It has been REMOVED from this subverse for being NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATED to #pizzagate. The BULLSHIT is STILL on VOAT. Look to your right, fucktard. See the sidebar? Scroll down a bit until you see:

MODERATION LOGS Removed submissions Removed comments Banned users

At the bottom of the sidebar. CLICK on the "REMOVED SUBMISSIONS," or the "REMOVED COMMENTS," and GUESS WHAT? ALL the stupid, inane, irrelevant and unrelated stupid that was removed is THERE! Wow...so much for the "censorship" whine, eh?

The bullshit is NOT deleted. If it were, you couldn't still access it, now could you? Gee...hurts to not succeed in being victim, huh? This subverse is also NOT a popularity contest. Upvotes and downvotes are as irrelevant here as posts tying every pizza joint in the world to a hidden pedophila ring because they have the word 'pizza' in their name.

Get over yourself, snowflake. There is no "qualification test" to create a subverse.

Just because THIS subverse does not indulge in stupidity, vagueness, and tangential possible connections does not mean you are without hope.

Go to /v/pizzagateunedited. There you can wallow in all the bullshit you like, and most likely whine some more about this subverse while you do so. Enjoy.

The only "longetivity of the investigation" you are providing for the sake of, is the stench of bullshit as you whine about censorship that is not happening. Go read the removed posts. Go to one of the "unedited" pizzagate discussions. Here, your whine is off topic, unrelated, and irrelevant to the investigation.

Nicefind ago

Agreed but worded too harshly? We need to stay together.

grlldcheese ago


You're gonna love this place.

KEK7777777 ago

well spoken, captain

degenerate7 ago

Fuck you get your shit reddit fallacies outta here

Spuddlebuns ago

Ooh, took you a LONG time to come up with that one, didn't it? Call a waahmbulance, fuckface. I'm here, and ain't one fucking thing YOU can do about it. Except cry. Some more.... Poor widdle snowflake.

Take it to /v/pizzagateunedited no one here gives a flying fuck how unhappy you are. Well, it provides me with LULZ, but that's about all the fuck I give it.

degenerate7 ago

So salty haha get a life

Spuddlebuns ago

LOL A little salt enhances flavors. A lot of salt preserves valuables against rot, both from the inside and out... :D

I have a life, thank you. Perhaps you should practice your visualization wishes on you learning to follow rules and not let imaginary butthurt rule your world??? Just sayin'...

PizzaAccount ago

Is there a reason for the extremely hostile tone? I agree that there is no evidence of censorship, but his post didn't seem insulting or aggressive, so I don't understand why you immediately starting calling names like that. I just feel you could have conveyed 100% of your message in a much more polite way.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Is there a reason for the extremely hostile tone?

Hmm... oh, your account is two days old. This checks out.

This isn't reddit, kiddo. We sling shit here at each other for shits and giggles. If your response to this kind of language and tone is "oh my, how offensive!" - well, you won't last long here.

PizzaAccount ago

Most of the people here are on brand new accounts.

no1113 ago

My thoughts exactly. And lemmie tell you: I can be a serious asshole and am not opposed to being a bit vitriolic in how I say things. Even with that, however, I felt that Spuddlebuns was way too harsh in their response. No need to have been that vitriolic.

ratsmack ago

Sometimes the tone needs to be stepped up a notch or two... I think his comment reflects many people thought on all of this.

PizzaAccount ago

I get that, but for people like me that didn't know it was a running thinh, it just looks like he flew off the handle for no reason.

Spuddlebuns ago

To YOU, I apologize. But in the 'grand scheme' of things, these people 1. Post stupid shit that impedes the discussion, and then 2. Compound their obfuscation by posting MORE stupid shit to bitch about their original irrelevant shit being removed from this subverse.

And if you take the time to read all the whining and demanding and lame-ass attempts to somehow validate bullshit as gold, along with all the insults being hurled about "shills," and "reddit this or reddit that," as they try to base one's worth in posting to one's time here, you will start to possibly understand why I put on my asshole hat, pick up my bullshit detector bat, and come out swingin'.

VOAT is unlike many places you find on the web. Here they cry mightily about 'freedom of speech,' and although they cannot comprehend the concept of "time and place," they sure as hell will scream from the rooftops if they post something that DOES NOT BELONG, and is subsequently MOVED from this subverse...

Now mind you, we are not saying deleted. REMOVED. The shit is ALL still accessible. But these poor snowflakes can't stand the thought that their precious contribution might not pass muster, and be removed.

I DO agree, I could convey a percentage (100%? I'll settle for 40-60) in a much more polite way. And in different circumstances, on different web platforms, I have and do. But this is VOAT, and if you (or ANYONE) will simply take the 10-15 seconds' effort to READ and HEED the PLAINLY worded RULES FOR SUBMISSIONS, as well as the purpose for this subverses, you will (or should, at least) be able to understand that this subverse is NOT for any and every pedo-oriented thing people find on the web.

Things NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO #pizzagate are removed. No ifs, no ands, no buts. Yet, we see stupid posts about everything showing up, which is to be expected, as there are real "shills" here, in number, whose entire purpose is to discredit this investigation and/or discredit this subverse in order to better portray the #pizzagate investigation as a bunch of tin-foil hat loonies (see the NYT article if you doubt the veracity of #pizzagate being dismissed as a hoax). I learned to read in 1st Grade. Giving some leeway for economic-socio differences, I would STILL expect anyone over the age of 10 to be able to read and comprehend what the words "SPECIFICALLY RELATED" mean...

But sadly, that does not seem to be the case. So, shit gets removed. And the crybabies rise up to decry a simple enforcement of simple rules. And to be truthfully honest, as much as I enjoy kicking the sensitive little snowflakes in their hoo-has (because the louder they whine, the more they show themselves to be a bunch of pussies), I truly would rather be working on the sorting, collating, and validating of the mountain of ACTUAL #pizzagate evidence, not wading through bullshit videos, theories, and "maybe this is something" posts that are not remotely connected to #pizzagate beyond the pedo-oriented nature. And SOME of the pseudo-witch hunts being posted about a ping pong club in California (the shadow of the photographer was "threatening," and a baby was placed on a table with GASP! Triangle legs!!!) is beyond laughable, were it not cluttering up the efforts to honestly gather SPECIFIC information related to what we currently know about #pizzagate. I know most people are truly not that dense. If they were, they would never be able to walk out the front door without assistance. So, I have to assume that they are either shilling to discredit/misdirect the investigation, or they refuse to accept that the simple rules of this subverse do not apply to THEM. Both are equally probable, but I personally tend to lean towards the latter explanation.

And I'm sorry, but I have little to no tolerance for those who think the rules apply to everyone but them. Especially when the rules are so clearly posted, in such simple language, that anyone should be able to follow them.

So yeah, I let them "push my buttons," and yeah, I ENJOY going off on them. I've tried MANY times in the past 24 hours to "gently" tell these fools that they are NOT on-topic, and their posts, no matter HOW "interesting" or "compelling" the content do not belong in here if they are not SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO #pizzagate. But they refuse to rationally back up and see the simple truth and honesty. So at that point, niceties be damned. If you want to behave like a dumb fuck, I'mma treat you like a dumbfuck. By and large, many of the loudest of the whiners have even shorter times here than I do, but I do not base my replies upon how long anyone has been here. It is irrelevant. Just as I am irrelevant, and you are irrelevant, and ANY and ALL of us are irrelevant. STAY FOCUSED. The people posting the bullshit about Reddit, and Shills, and unrelated links to beyond tenuous links to the investigation are just noise. And I love a good party, so I enjoy playing with the noise-makers. Meantime, the mods remove all unnecessary and unneeded noise from the subverse, and the true discussion rolls on.

You can only be polite to stupid and stubborn people up to a point. Once it shows that they are deliberately choosing to not play by the rules you, me, and the rest of us play by, they no longer deserve any politeness in my book. But that's just me...

Azzipdoe ago

Jesus Christ, spuddle... You seem a tad bit overly defensive. As I've already said, Voat is just as garbage as Reddit was for us. Just because YOU think something is irrelevant doesn't mean shit, who the fuck are YOU to make that decision. We came here for uncensored raw freedom to post whatever we want about this investigation. Any info is good info.

If you want to make yourself truly useful, compile ALL known info into an organized wiki so we don't get the same posts all the time of old info... Otherwise, I think you can tell that nobody needs/wants your help here.

I knew Voat was a setup and bad idea from the beginning.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Are you on LSD?

littoyachty ago


ArchCovenant ago

I agree, that was the first thing that struck me was the hostile tone right out the gate? Just explain yourself move on and let the chips fall.

jordankelly ago

Go fuck urself

PizzaAccount ago

Oh man, you really showed me!

Echo_of_Savages ago

It is fucking weird how he is literally the only mod deleted submissions.

anonentity ago

I want to know where this kid is. I fear for the little idiots safety.https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ping+pong+pizza&view=detail&mid=C641CF38BB591AC8D658C641CF38BB591AC8D658&FORM=VIRE

pizzapartywithkids ago

I've removed several threads. I don't like doing it and I always er on the side of leaving a post. But having been a mod at the former subreddit, things get out of hand quickly and its best to become consistent. Sometimes the noise can be extremely disruptive to threads with actual evidence because more people are likely to contribute to those - eg. semi-lurkers who don't wish to participate in evidence finding and have little to add to the threads with evidence, but have a vested interest in the forum and are willing to discuss such topics.

So its a catch 22. We can try to limit the noise and meta discussions so that the important information reaches the front to help further the overarching goal of this forum, or we can stand back and avoid censorship entirely, but likely drown out the much smaller threads discussing evidence.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't think that's true. It was true early on, because he created this sub and was the only mod for a while. He himself was resistant to active moderation at first, but he quickly came to see the light. All the deleted submissions were deleted for a good reason. They are basically distractions that are clogging up the sub and causing us to have to sift through BS to find worthwhile posts.

Azzipdoe ago

How hard is it to read a title, discern it as relevant or not (to you), then either skip it or click it.. You telling me you're not capable of that? You need somebody to pick and choose for you? Fuck Voat. Fuck Reddit.

Millennial_Falcon ago

How hard is it to read a title, discern it as relevant or not (to you), then either skip it or click it..

Very hard, considering the quantity of shitposts.

kingkongwaswrong ago

This. I wanted to just leave you guys to it, but when the whole sub was full of 'its the jews' and 'dont be antisemitic' and 'thanks guys' I realised I needed to remove the dilution. I think it's a lot more concentrated with actual info now.

Le_Squish ago

I was actually able to find new avenues to investigate today because the shitpost are gone. Thanks.

kingkongwaswrong ago

thank god. good luck!

Galvarian ago

Love all the HATE and name-calling by the people who approve of CENSORSHIP. SMH

Spuddlebuns ago

REMOVAL of unrelated information, while still leaving a link to it is NOT Censorship. Censorship is SUPPRESSION. Please TRY to learn the meaning of the words you use. All removed submissions and comments are still available to be read. Just not here, because they do not belong here.

OR, keep on whining and crying. You only detract from the issue, which is #pizzagate, not your personal butthurt. Glad you love the stupid on display. At least someone does.

ExpandYourMind ago


DentHouper ago


Seexybeast6969 ago

Wish i had more upvoats

Crensch ago

I'm not trying to cause division here, but my posts along with many others are being deleted.

The only posts I've seen in the modlog, (and I HAVE looked) are shit-tier forum sliding or other subversion types. Follow the damn rules.

CaptnMeowMix ago

If "subversion" and "sliding" posts were objective and quantitatively defined, this would be a lot easier to do. Unfortunately they're not, so it's all to easy to fall into a slippery slope with them.

Complaining about deletions and calling it "censorship" when reddit admins do it, then turning around and suggesting it's okay when WE do it, doesn't exactly bode well for the future of this effort here, regardless of what's being filtered.

Crensch ago

If the sub was created to be a subverse for an investigation, then almost by definition, shitposts, clutter, subversion and sliting are detrimental to the entire subverse.

Yes, it's not objective or quantitatively defined, but I'll bet money that if you have an obscure post and in the first comment describe how it's linked, it won't go anywhere.

Any other strategy for a sub like this is a losing one. Period.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Any other strategy for a sub like this is a losing one. Period.

False dichotomy. Placing ambiguous ad-hoc rules to filter things isn't an investigative strategy, it's just a way of rate-limiting information, as any other moderation protocol would be. Actually having a concrete plan of action like following a set of leads is an investigative strategy, but that's orthogonal to the modding issue.

Regardless, if this assessment were true, then we wouldn't constantly see the biggest breaks and leads coming from 4chan of all places, since they're 99% "shitposts" and "clutter".

Crensch ago

False dichotomy. Placing ambiguous ad-hoc rules to filter things isn't an investigative strategy,

I didn't say it was an investigative strategy, it's an organizational one - basically reducing clutter and crap so people can see relevant info.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Fair enough. Does depend on what the mods want the sub to be though, since like I alluded to with the 4chan reference, actual investigative work seems to flourish more with chaos. Same phenomenon seems to be happening with the pizzagate chat channels as well.

If on the other hand, they're trying to prioritise making this into a kind of archive to point new people and media to, then they should make that a bit more clear.

Crensch ago

Fair enough. Does depend on what the mods want the sub to be though, since like I alluded to with the 4chan reference, actual investigative work seems to flourish more with chaos.

I'd counter with the idea that some find chaos stimulating, and others find it to be clutter and off-putting. I understand the chans, and am able to wade through the shit, but I'd prefer an orderly investigation to chaos any day.

If on the other hand, they're trying to prioritise making this into a kind of archive to point new people and media to, then they should make that a bit more clear.

Perhaps that could be the way to go. The head mod is open to such ideas, if you'd like to ping him here. Alternatively, it could be that the removal of the utter crap-tier stuff was less about making an archive and more about keeping the conversation focused on the investigation instead of unfounded, outlandish claims and other random troll/shitposts.

MeatballPizza ago

I've had a thread whacked, but agree it didn't comply with the terms below.

Better to have a bit of control over the site than the wild west. Show up at 2-4 a.m. and people toss up 12 stories about Jews sucking blood during circumcision, etc.

Galvarian ago

Actually it's the Catholics who suck the babies penis after circumcision, but that's besides the point. The freedom of investigation is nothing without the freedom to offend. The mods should only be deleting illegal posts like Child Porn and leave the up and down voting to the people.

Mods who delete posts based upon religion or personal opinion should be deleted themselves IMHO.

HarveyKlinger ago

Hmmmm... if you were a mod, then you would understand about following the subverse rules. This is NOT the place to complain about how the website/subverse is run.

Here, let me help you in case you haven't seen them before:


Submission Rules

  • Do not link to CP
  • Posts not about PIZZAGATE specifically will be removed.
  • Unfounded, outlandish connections will be removed.
  • EVERY new claim needs a valid, clear source and an explanation as to why it's relevant
  • While some hypothesis and guesses are good to have, things about races, religions, (besides possibly satanic stuff,) and other unfounded or non-useful generalizations are not relevant to this investigation.

eBev ago

I'm taking notes. I sure don't want to tick some of you guys off!! This Reddit refugee looooves goats--especially fainting goats from voats! I swear I do!!